using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.IO; public class BuildAssetBundlesFromDirectory { [@MenuItem("Asset/Build AssetBundles From Directory of Files")] //生成菜单 static void ExportAssetBundles () { // Get the selected directory //获取选择的目录 string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeObject); Debug.Log("Selected Folder: " + path); if (path.Length != 0) { path = path.Replace("Assets/", ""); string [] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath+"/"+path); foreach(string fileName in fileEntries) { string filePath = fileName.Replace("\\","/"); int index = filePath.LastIndexOf("/"); filePath = filePath.Substring(index+1); Debug.Log("filePath:"+filePath); string localPath = "Assets/" + path+"/"; if (index > 0) localPath += filePath; Object t = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(localPath); if (t != null) { Debug.Log(t.name); string bundlePath = "Assets/" + path + "/" + t.name + ".unity3d"; Debug.Log("Building bundle at: " + bundlePath); // Build the resource file from the active selection. //从激活的选择编译资源文件 BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle (t, null, bundlePath, BuildAssetBundleOptions.CompleteAssets); } } } } }
说明:string filePath = fileName.Replace("\\","/"); 把“\”转化成“/”。把以上代码的脚本放到一个文件夹里面(须放在Assets\Editor目录下面),选中该文件夹,再点击菜单栏上的按钮"Asset/Build AssetBundles From Directory of Files",就成功转成unity3d格式了。
function Start () { var www = new WWW ("file:///"+Application.dataPath+"/resourse/Cube.unity3d");//Windows yield www; Instantiate(www.assetBundle.mainAsset); }
function Start () { var www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload("",5); //webPlayer yield www; if (www.error != null) { Debug.Log (www.error); return; } Instantiate(www.assetBundle.mainAsset); }
@MenuItem ("Build/BuildScene") static function MyBuild(){ var levels : String[] = ["Assets/main.unity"]; //main为场景名称 BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle( levels, "test.unity3d", BuildTarget.WebPlayer);//BuildTarget.Andrdoid “test.unity3d”为生成的文件名称 } //或者 @MenuItem ("Build/BuildScene") static function MyBuild(){ BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(["Assets/main.unity"],"test.unity3d",BuildTarget.WebPlayer, BuildOptions.BuildAdditionalStreamedScenes); }
function Start () { // Download compressed scene. If version 5 of the file named "test.unity3d" was previously downloaded and cached. // Then Unity will completely skip the download and load the decompressed scene directly from disk. //下载压缩的场景。如果名为test.unity3d的文件版本为5,预先下载并缓存。 //然后Unity将完全跳过下载并直接从磁盘加载解压的场景。 var download = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload ("file:///"+Application.dataPath + "/test.unity3d", 5); // var download = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload ("http://myWebSite.com/test.unity3d", 5); print(Application.dataPath + "/test.unity3d"); yield download; // Handle error if (download.error != null) { Debug.LogError(download.error); return; } // In order to make the scene available from LoadLevel, we have to load the asset bundle. // The AssetBundle class also lets you force unload all assets and file storage once it is no longer needed. //为了使场景LoadLevel可用,必须加载资源包 //AssetBundle类,还可以强制卸载所有的资源和文件存储,一旦不再需要。 var bundle = download.assetBundle; // Load the level we have just downloaded //加载刚才下载的场景 Application.LoadLevel ("main"); }