Cannot get PropertyInfo SetValue to Work for a Structure

This is because a structure is a value type and both SetValue and GetValue
expect Objects causing the arguments to boxed. As a result, the GetValue and
SetValue are working the boxed object rather than on the actual structure.

    object boxedObj = messageReceiveDTO;
       PropertyInfo[] propertys = messageReceiveDTO.GetType().GetProperties();
       foreach (PropertyInfo p in propertys)
         if (p.GetValue(messageReceiveDTO, null) == null || p.GetValue(messageReceiveDTO, null).ToString() == "0")
          p.SetValue(boxedObj, DecryptData(p.GetValue(messageReceiveDTO, null).ToString()), null);
       messageReceiveDTO = (MessageReceiveDTO)boxedObj;


public string DecryptData(string decryptData)//用于解密数据


posted @ 2012-09-06 15:32  爱的华尔兹  阅读(191)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报