
1.  java5线程并发库新知识介绍


package com.itcast.family;

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class ThreadPoolTest {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {

		//ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
		//ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
		ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
		for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
//			匿名内部类中不能必须使用最终变量;
			final int task = i;
			threadPool.execute(new Runnable() {
				public void run() {
					for (int j = 1; j <= 10; j++) {
						try {
						} catch (InterruptedException e) {
						System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" is looping of "+j+" for task of "+task);
		System.out.println("all of 10 takes have committed!!");
		 * 分析下面结果发现循环了10次即这个任务都调用的线程池中的这三个线程,每个任务又重复执行10次
		all of 10 takes have committed!!
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 1 for task of 1
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 1 for task of 3
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 1 for task of 2
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 2 for task of 3
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 2 for task of 1
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 2 for task of 2
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 3 for task of 3
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 3 for task of 1
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 3 for task of 2
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 4 for task of 3
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 4 for task of 1
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 4 for task of 2
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 5 for task of 1
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 5 for task of 3
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 5 for task of 2
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 6 for task of 1
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 6 for task of 3
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 6 for task of 2
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 7 for task of 3
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 7 for task of 1
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 7 for task of 2
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 8 for task of 1
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 8 for task of 3
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 8 for task of 2
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 9 for task of 1
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 9 for task of 3
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 9 for task of 2
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 10 for task of 1
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 10 for task of 3
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 10 for task of 2
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 1 for task of 5
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 1 for task of 4
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 1 for task of 6
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 2 for task of 5
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 2 for task of 4
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 2 for task of 6
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 3 for task of 4
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 3 for task of 5
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 3 for task of 6
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 4 for task of 4
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 4 for task of 5
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 4 for task of 6
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 5 for task of 4
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 5 for task of 5
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 5 for task of 6
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 6 for task of 4
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 6 for task of 5
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 6 for task of 6
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 7 for task of 4
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 7 for task of 5
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 7 for task of 6
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 8 for task of 5
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 8 for task of 4
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 8 for task of 6
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 9 for task of 4
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 9 for task of 5
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 9 for task of 6
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 10 for task of 5
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 10 for task of 4
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 10 for task of 6
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 1 for task of 8
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 1 for task of 7
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 1 for task of 9
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 2 for task of 7
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 2 for task of 8
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 2 for task of 9
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 3 for task of 8
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 3 for task of 7
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 3 for task of 9
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 4 for task of 8
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 4 for task of 7
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 4 for task of 9
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 5 for task of 8
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 5 for task of 7
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 5 for task of 9
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 6 for task of 8
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 6 for task of 7
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 6 for task of 9
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 7 for task of 8
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 7 for task of 7
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 7 for task of 9
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 8 for task of 7
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 8 for task of 8
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 8 for task of 9
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 9 for task of 7
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 9 for task of 8
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 9 for task of 9
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 10 for task of 8
		pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 10 for task of 7
		pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 10 for task of 9
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 1 for task of 10
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 2 for task of 10
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 3 for task of 10
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 4 for task of 10
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 5 for task of 10
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 6 for task of 10
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 7 for task of 10
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 8 for task of 10
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 9 for task of 10
		pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 10 for task of 10*/

//		threadPool.shutdownNow();
		 * 运行结果:
		 * 主要看下面的结果,暂且忽略错误提示;上面的是十个线程,这个却是三个,
		 * 这是因为结束当前线程,当前就三个线程。所以直接结束了不管后面没有线程的
		 * 其他七个任务。
		 * all of 10 takes have committed!!
java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted
	at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
	at com.itcast.family.ThreadPoolTest$1.run(ThreadPoolTest.java:25)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 1 for task of 1java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted

	at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
	at com.itcast.family.ThreadPoolTest$1.run(ThreadPoolTest.java:25)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 1 for task of 2
java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted
	at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
	at com.itcast.family.ThreadPoolTest$1.run(ThreadPoolTest.java:25)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 1 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 2 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 2 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 2 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 3 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 3 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 3 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 4 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 4 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 4 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 5 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 5 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 5 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 6 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 6 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 6 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 7 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 7 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 7 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 8 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 8 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 8 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 9 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 9 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 9 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 10 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 10 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 10 for task of 3

		 * 需要几个线程就new出几个线程;这里是个是个任务就new出了十个线程
		 * 而不是像第一种那样是个任务三个线程
		 * all of 10 takes have committed!!
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 1 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-4 is looping of 1 for task of 4
pool-1-thread-6 is looping of 1 for task of 6
pool-1-thread-8 is looping of 1 for task of 8
pool-1-thread-10 is looping of 1 for task of 10
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 1 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 1 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-5 is looping of 1 for task of 5
pool-1-thread-7 is looping of 1 for task of 7
pool-1-thread-9 is looping of 1 for task of 9
pool-1-thread-6 is looping of 2 for task of 6
pool-1-thread-4 is looping of 2 for task of 4
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 2 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 2 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-8 is looping of 2 for task of 8
pool-1-thread-10 is looping of 2 for task of 10
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 2 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-5 is looping of 2 for task of 5
pool-1-thread-7 is looping of 2 for task of 7
pool-1-thread-9 is looping of 2 for task of 9
pool-1-thread-6 is looping of 3 for task of 6
pool-1-thread-4 is looping of 3 for task of 4
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 3 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 3 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-8 is looping of 3 for task of 8
pool-1-thread-5 is looping of 3 for task of 5
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 3 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-10 is looping of 3 for task of 10
pool-1-thread-9 is looping of 3 for task of 9
pool-1-thread-7 is looping of 3 for task of 7
pool-1-thread-6 is looping of 4 for task of 6
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 4 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-4 is looping of 4 for task of 4
pool-1-thread-8 is looping of 4 for task of 8
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 4 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 4 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-5 is looping of 4 for task of 5
pool-1-thread-10 is looping of 4 for task of 10
pool-1-thread-7 is looping of 4 for task of 7
pool-1-thread-9 is looping of 4 for task of 9
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 5 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-6 is looping of 5 for task of 6
pool-1-thread-4 is looping of 5 for task of 4
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 5 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-5 is looping of 5 for task of 5
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 5 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-8 is looping of 5 for task of 8
pool-1-thread-10 is looping of 5 for task of 10
pool-1-thread-7 is looping of 5 for task of 7
pool-1-thread-9 is looping of 5 for task of 9
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 6 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-6 is looping of 6 for task of 6
pool-1-thread-4 is looping of 6 for task of 4
pool-1-thread-5 is looping of 6 for task of 5
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 6 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 6 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-10 is looping of 6 for task of 10
pool-1-thread-8 is looping of 6 for task of 8
pool-1-thread-7 is looping of 6 for task of 7
pool-1-thread-9 is looping of 6 for task of 9
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 7 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-4 is looping of 7 for task of 4
pool-1-thread-6 is looping of 7 for task of 6
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 7 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 7 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-5 is looping of 7 for task of 5
pool-1-thread-8 is looping of 7 for task of 8
pool-1-thread-10 is looping of 7 for task of 10
pool-1-thread-7 is looping of 7 for task of 7
pool-1-thread-9 is looping of 7 for task of 9
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 8 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-6 is looping of 8 for task of 6
pool-1-thread-4 is looping of 8 for task of 4
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 8 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-5 is looping of 8 for task of 5
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 8 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-8 is looping of 8 for task of 8
pool-1-thread-10 is looping of 8 for task of 10
pool-1-thread-7 is looping of 8 for task of 7
pool-1-thread-9 is looping of 8 for task of 9
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 9 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-6 is looping of 9 for task of 6
pool-1-thread-4 is looping of 9 for task of 4
pool-1-thread-5 is looping of 9 for task of 5
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 9 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 9 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-8 is looping of 9 for task of 8
pool-1-thread-10 is looping of 9 for task of 10
pool-1-thread-7 is looping of 9 for task of 7
pool-1-thread-9 is looping of 9 for task of 9
pool-1-thread-1 is looping of 10 for task of 1
pool-1-thread-3 is looping of 10 for task of 3
pool-1-thread-5 is looping of 10 for task of 5
pool-1-thread-2 is looping of 10 for task of 2
pool-1-thread-4 is looping of 10 for task of 4
pool-1-thread-6 is looping of 10 for task of 6
pool-1-thread-8 is looping of 10 for task of 8
pool-1-thread-7 is looping of 10 for task of 7
pool-1-thread-9 is looping of 10 for task of 9
pool-1-thread-10 is looping of 10 for task of 10

		Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(3).schedule(new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
		Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(3).scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
		4,  //隔多少秒炸一下
		2,  //隔多少秒再炸


posted @ 2013-02-07 14:09  yangkai_keven  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报