jQuery.validator 详解二
前言:上一篇详细的介绍了jQuery.validator( 版本v1.13.0 )的验证规则,这一篇重点讲述它的源码结构,及如何来对元素进行验证,错误消息提示的内部实现
var plugFn = function( $ ) { $.extend($.fn, { // 验证from表单 validate: function( options ) { // ... // 实例化$.validator对象 var validator = new $.validator( options, this[0] ); // 当表单提交时,通过调用$.validator的原型方法form来验证表单元素 this.onsubmit(function(){ if ( validator.form() ){ return true; } return false; }); }, // 获取元素的验证规则,需要逐一验证 rules: function( command, argument ) { // ... } }); // constructor for validator // 构造函数 $.validator = function( options, form ) { this.settings = $.extend( true, {}, $.validator.defaults, options ); this.currentForm = form; this.init(); }; $.extend( $.validator, { // 定义$.validator的属性,方法 defaults: { }, setDefaults: function( settings ) { }, // ... // 供$.validator实例使用 prototype: { init: function() { // ... // 初始化代码 }, form: function() { }, checkForm: function() { }, elements: function() { }, check: function( element ) { }, showErrors: function( errors ) { }, valid: function() { return this.size() === 0; }, size: function() { return this.errorList.length; }, // ... } }); // ... };
首先将实现插件的代码包装为一个函数,因为插件是需要在jQuery上定义的,因此调用plugFn函数需要传递参数 jQuery 或 $ 变量;在插件中定义了构造函数 $.validator 及其属性,方法,以及 原型对象方法,在扩展$.fn的原型方法validate中,实例化了一个
// 为了兼容 requirejs(requirejs遵循AMD规范),将代码包装为如下:
(function( factory ) { if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { define( ["jquery"], factory ); } else { factory( jQuery ); } }( plugFn ));
// 需配置好 jquery 引用路径 require.config({ paths: { jquery: 'jquery-1.11.1' } }); // 其中的匿名函数就是 上面的 plugFn 函数 define(['jquery'], function( $ ){ // 插件实现 });
如果验证未通过,将会把元素的name,rule,message记录给 validator.errorList 数组,并且会生成一个包含错误消息的label元素,插入在表单元素的后面
检测所有表单元素是否通过验证只需判断 validator.errorList === 0;
{ errorClass: "error", // 消息错误提示容器,验证未通过的表单元素的的className validClass: "valid", // 验证通过的表单元素的的className errorElement: "label", // 消息错误提示容器的的tagName wrapper: element.tagName, // 只能是一个标签名,如:div, strong ...,将会创建一个div元素包裹 错误消息提示的label元素 errorLabelContainer: selector, // 如果表单验证不通过,所有错误消息提示的label元素都会插入到该元素中 debug: true, // 为true将会 阻止表单提交,但会验证表单控件 ignore: ':hidden', // 将会忽略选择器匹配的所有表单元素的验证 submitHandler: function(){ // 表单提交时,将会触发这个函数,如果存在该函数,将会阻止表单提交 }, invalidHandler: function(){ // 如果表单验证不通过,将会触发这个函数 } }
为表单元素添加验证规则的配置请见:jQuery.validator 验证规则详解
小提示:设置debug为true,将会阻止表单提交,但会验证表单;还有一种相反的行为,不会验证表单,直接提交,那就需要在提交按钮的 class 属性上加一个 cancel 的className 或者 加上一个HTML5的 formnovalidate 属性;
$.validator.messages = { required: "输入不能为空.", remote: "用户名已经存在.", // 自己定义 email: "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址.", url: "请输入一个有效的URL.", date: "请输入一个有效的日期.", dateISO: "请输入一个有效的日期 ( ISO ) ( 例:2014/08/28 ).", number: "请输入一个有效的数字.", digits: "请输入一个正整数.", creditcard: "请输入一个有效的信用卡号.", equalTo: "请再次输入相同的值.", maxlength: $.validator.format( "请输入不超过{0}个字符." ), minlength: $.validator.format( "请输入至少{0}个字符." ), rangelength: $.validator.format( "请输入一个字符长{0}至{1}的字符." ), range: $.validator.format( "请输入一个{0}至{1}的数." ), max: $.validator.format( "请输入一个值小于或等于{0}的数." ), min: $.validator.format( "请输入一个值大于或等于{0}的数." ) };
看看上面的代码,怎么出现了类似这种 $.validator.format( "请输入不超过{0}个字符." ) 值呢
$.validator.format = function( source, params ) { // 只传递了一个参数 if ( arguments.length === 1 ) { // 返回一个匿名函数,调用的时候肯定会带上参数的,别急 return function() { var args = $.makeArray( arguments ); // 将source插入到最前面 args.unshift( source ); // 如果匿名函数带上了参数,将会执行$.validator.format后面的部分代码了,否则永远都是执行前面的代码 return $.validator.format.apply( this, args ); }; } // 参数个数大于2, 如:$.validator.format(source, 10, 20) if ( arguments.length > 2 && params.constructor !== Array ) { params = $.makeArray( arguments ).slice( 1 ); } // 参数个数等于2, 如:$.validator.format(source, 10) if ( params.constructor !== Array ) { params = [ params ]; } // 将 {0} 或 {1} 替换成真正的实参 $.each( params, function( i, n ) { source = source.replace( new RegExp( "\\{" + i + "\\}", "g" ), function() { return n; }); }); return source; };
// $.validator.format使用实例 $.validator.messages.maxlength(4); // "请输入不超过4个字符." $.validator.messages.range(10, 100); // "请输入一个10至100的数."

/*! * jQuery Validation Plugin v1.13.0 * * http://jqueryvalidation.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2014 Jörn Zaefferer * Released under the MIT license */ (function( factory ) { if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { define( ["jquery"], factory ); } else { factory( jQuery ); } }(function( $ ) { $.extend($.fn, { // http://jqueryvalidation.org/validate/ validate: function( options ) { // if nothing is selected, return nothing; can't chain anyway if ( !this.length ) { if ( options && options.debug && window.console ) { console.warn( "Nothing selected, can't validate, returning nothing." ); } return; } // check if a validator for this form was already created var validator = $.data( this[ 0 ], "validator" ); if ( validator ) { return validator; } // Add novalidate tag if HTML5. this.attr( "novalidate", "novalidate" ); validator = new $.validator( options, this[ 0 ] ); $.data( this[ 0 ], "validator", validator ); if ( validator.settings.onsubmit ) { this.validateDelegate( ":submit", "click", function( event ) { if ( validator.settings.submitHandler ) { validator.submitButton = event.target; } // allow suppressing validation by adding a cancel class to the submit button if ( $( event.target ).hasClass( "cancel" ) ) { validator.cancelSubmit = true; } // allow suppressing validation by adding the html5 formnovalidate attribute to the submit button if ( $( event.target ).attr( "formnovalidate" ) !== undefined ) { validator.cancelSubmit = true; } }); // validate the form on submit this.submit( function( event ) { if ( validator.settings.debug ) { // prevent form submit to be able to see console output event.preventDefault(); } function handle() { var hidden; if ( validator.settings.submitHandler ) { if ( validator.submitButton ) { // insert a hidden input as a replacement for the missing submit button hidden = $( "<input type='hidden'/>" ) .attr( "name", validator.submitButton.name ) .val( $( validator.submitButton ).val() ) .appendTo( validator.currentForm ); } validator.settings.submitHandler.call( validator, validator.currentForm, event ); if ( validator.submitButton ) { // and clean up afterwards; thanks to no-block-scope, hidden can be referenced hidden.remove(); } return false; } return true; } // prevent submit for invalid forms or custom submit handlers if ( validator.cancelSubmit ) { validator.cancelSubmit = false; return handle(); } if ( validator.form() ) { if ( validator.pendingRequest ) { validator.formSubmitted = true; return false; } return handle(); } else { validator.focusInvalid(); return false; } }); } return validator; }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/valid/ valid: function() { var valid, validator; if ( $( this[ 0 ] ).is( "form" ) ) { valid = this.validate().form(); } else { valid = true; validator = $( this[ 0 ].form ).validate(); this.each( function() { valid = validator.element( this ) && valid; }); } return valid; }, // attributes: space separated list of attributes to retrieve and remove removeAttrs: function( attributes ) { var result = {}, $element = this; $.each( attributes.split( /\s/ ), function( index, value ) { result[ value ] = $element.attr( value ); $element.removeAttr( value ); }); return result; }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/rules/ rules: function( command, argument ) { var element = this[ 0 ], settings, staticRules, existingRules, data, param, filtered; if ( command ) { settings = $.data( element.form, "validator" ).settings; staticRules = settings.rules; existingRules = $.validator.staticRules( element ); switch ( command ) { case "add": $.extend( existingRules, $.validator.normalizeRule( argument ) ); // remove messages from rules, but allow them to be set separately delete existingRules.messages; staticRules[ element.name ] = existingRules; if ( argument.messages ) { settings.messages[ element.name ] = $.extend( settings.messages[ element.name ], argument.messages ); } break; case "remove": if ( !argument ) { delete staticRules[ element.name ]; return existingRules; } filtered = {}; $.each( argument.split( /\s/ ), function( index, method ) { filtered[ method ] = existingRules[ method ]; delete existingRules[ method ]; if ( method === "required" ) { $( element ).removeAttr( "aria-required" ); } }); return filtered; } } data = $.validator.normalizeRules( $.extend( {}, $.validator.classRules( element ), $.validator.attributeRules( element ), $.validator.dataRules( element ), $.validator.staticRules( element ) ), element ); // make sure required is at front if ( data.required ) { param = data.required; delete data.required; data = $.extend( { required: param }, data ); $( element ).attr( "aria-required", "true" ); } // make sure remote is at back if ( data.remote ) { param = data.remote; delete data.remote; data = $.extend( data, { remote: param }); } return data; } }); // Custom selectors $.extend( $.expr[ ":" ], { // http://jqueryvalidation.org/blank-selector/ blank: function( a ) { return !$.trim( "" + $( a ).val() ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/filled-selector/ filled: function( a ) { return !!$.trim( "" + $( a ).val() ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/unchecked-selector/ unchecked: function( a ) { return !$( a ).prop( "checked" ); } }); // constructor for validator $.validator = function( options, form ) { this.settings = $.extend( true, {}, $.validator.defaults, options ); this.currentForm = form; this.init(); }; // http://jqueryvalidation.org/jQuery.validator.format/ $.validator.format = function( source, params ) { if ( arguments.length === 1 ) { return function() { var args = $.makeArray( arguments ); args.unshift( source ); return $.validator.format.apply( this, args ); }; } if ( arguments.length > 2 && params.constructor !== Array ) { params = $.makeArray( arguments ).slice( 1 ); } if ( params.constructor !== Array ) { params = [ params ]; } $.each( params, function( i, n ) { source = source.replace( new RegExp( "\\{" + i + "\\}", "g" ), function() { return n; }); }); return source; }; $.extend( $.validator, { defaults: { messages: {}, groups: {}, rules: {}, errorClass: "error", validClass: "valid", errorElement: "label", focusInvalid: true, errorContainer: $( [] ), errorLabelContainer: $( [] ), onsubmit: true, ignore: ":hidden", ignoreTitle: false, onfocusin: function( element ) { this.lastActive = element; // hide error label and remove error class on focus if enabled if ( this.settings.focusCleanup && !this.blockFocusCleanup ) { if ( this.settings.unhighlight ) { this.settings.unhighlight.call( this, element, this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass ); } this.hideThese( this.errorsFor( element ) ); } }, onfocusout: function( element ) { if ( !this.checkable( element ) && ( element.name in this.submitted || !this.optional( element ) ) ) { this.element( element ); } }, onkeyup: function( element, event ) { if ( event.which === 9 && this.elementValue( element ) === "" ) { return; } else if ( element.name in this.submitted || element === this.lastElement ) { this.element( element ); } }, onclick: function( element ) { // click on selects, radiobuttons and checkboxes if ( element.name in this.submitted ) { this.element( element ); // or option elements, check parent select in that case } else if ( element.parentNode.name in this.submitted ) { this.element( element.parentNode ); } }, highlight: function( element, errorClass, validClass ) { if ( element.type === "radio" ) { this.findByName( element.name ).addClass( errorClass ).removeClass( validClass ); } else { $( element ).addClass( errorClass ).removeClass( validClass ); } }, unhighlight: function( element, errorClass, validClass ) { if ( element.type === "radio" ) { this.findByName( element.name ).removeClass( errorClass ).addClass( validClass ); } else { $( element ).removeClass( errorClass ).addClass( validClass ); } } }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/jQuery.validator.setDefaults/ setDefaults: function( settings ) { $.extend( $.validator.defaults, settings ); }, messages: { required: "This field is required.", remote: "Please fix this field.", email: "Please enter a valid email address.", url: "Please enter a valid URL.", date: "Please enter a valid date.", dateISO: "Please enter a valid date ( ISO ).", number: "Please enter a valid number.", digits: "Please enter only digits.", creditcard: "Please enter a valid credit card number.", equalTo: "Please enter the same value again.", maxlength: $.validator.format( "Please enter no more than {0} characters." ), minlength: $.validator.format( "Please enter at least {0} characters." ), rangelength: $.validator.format( "Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long." ), range: $.validator.format( "Please enter a value between {0} and {1}." ), max: $.validator.format( "Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}." ), min: $.validator.format( "Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}." ) }, autoCreateRanges: false, prototype: { init: function() { this.labelContainer = $( this.settings.errorLabelContainer ); this.errorContext = this.labelContainer.length && this.labelContainer || $( this.currentForm ); this.containers = $( this.settings.errorContainer ).add( this.settings.errorLabelContainer ); this.submitted = {}; this.valueCache = {}; this.pendingRequest = 0; this.pending = {}; this.invalid = {}; this.reset(); var groups = ( this.groups = {} ), rules; $.each( this.settings.groups, function( key, value ) { if ( typeof value === "string" ) { value = value.split( /\s/ ); } $.each( value, function( index, name ) { groups[ name ] = key; }); }); rules = this.settings.rules; $.each( rules, function( key, value ) { rules[ key ] = $.validator.normalizeRule( value ); }); function delegate( event ) { var validator = $.data( this[ 0 ].form, "validator" ), eventType = "on" + event.type.replace( /^validate/, "" ), settings = validator.settings; if ( settings[ eventType ] && !this.is( settings.ignore ) ) { settings[ eventType ].call( validator, this[ 0 ], event ); } } $( this.currentForm ) .validateDelegate( ":text, [type='password'], [type='file'], select, textarea, " + "[type='number'], [type='search'] ,[type='tel'], [type='url'], " + "[type='email'], [type='datetime'], [type='date'], [type='month'], " + "[type='week'], [type='time'], [type='datetime-local'], " + "[type='range'], [type='color'], [type='radio'], [type='checkbox']", "focusin focusout keyup", delegate) // Support: Chrome, oldIE // "select" is provided as event.target when clicking a option .validateDelegate("select, option, [type='radio'], [type='checkbox']", "click", delegate); if ( this.settings.invalidHandler ) { $( this.currentForm ).bind( "invalid-form.validate", this.settings.invalidHandler ); } // Add aria-required to any Static/Data/Class required fields before first validation // Screen readers require this attribute to be present before the initial submission http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG-TECHS/ARIA2.html $( this.currentForm ).find( "[required], [data-rule-required], .required" ).attr( "aria-required", "true" ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/Validator.form/ form: function() { this.checkForm(); $.extend( this.submitted, this.errorMap ); this.invalid = $.extend({}, this.errorMap ); if ( !this.valid() ) { $( this.currentForm ).triggerHandler( "invalid-form", [ this ]); } this.showErrors(); return this.valid(); }, checkForm: function() { this.prepareForm(); for ( var i = 0, elements = ( this.currentElements = this.elements() ); elements[ i ]; i++ ) { this.check( elements[ i ] ); } return this.valid(); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/Validator.element/ element: function( element ) { var cleanElement = this.clean( element ), checkElement = this.validationTargetFor( cleanElement ), result = true; this.lastElement = checkElement; if ( checkElement === undefined ) { delete this.invalid[ cleanElement.name ]; } else { this.prepareElement( checkElement ); this.currentElements = $( checkElement ); result = this.check( checkElement ) !== false; if ( result ) { delete this.invalid[ checkElement.name ]; } else { this.invalid[ checkElement.name ] = true; } } // Add aria-invalid status for screen readers $( element ).attr( "aria-invalid", !result ); if ( !this.numberOfInvalids() ) { // Hide error containers on last error this.toHide = this.toHide.add( this.containers ); } this.showErrors(); return result; }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/Validator.showErrors/ showErrors: function( errors ) { if ( errors ) { // add items to error list and map $.extend( this.errorMap, errors ); this.errorList = []; for ( var name in errors ) { this.errorList.push({ message: errors[ name ], element: this.findByName( name )[ 0 ] }); } // remove items from success list this.successList = $.grep( this.successList, function( element ) { return !( element.name in errors ); }); } if ( this.settings.showErrors ) { this.settings.showErrors.call( this, this.errorMap, this.errorList ); } else { this.defaultShowErrors(); } }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/Validator.resetForm/ resetForm: function() { if ( $.fn.resetForm ) { $( this.currentForm ).resetForm(); } this.submitted = {}; this.lastElement = null; this.prepareForm(); this.hideErrors(); this.elements() .removeClass( this.settings.errorClass ) .removeData( "previousValue" ) .removeAttr( "aria-invalid" ); }, numberOfInvalids: function() { return this.objectLength( this.invalid ); }, objectLength: function( obj ) { /* jshint unused: false */ var count = 0, i; for ( i in obj ) { count++; } return count; }, hideErrors: function() { this.hideThese( this.toHide ); }, hideThese: function( errors ) { errors.not( this.containers ).text( "" ); this.addWrapper( errors ).hide(); }, valid: function() { return this.size() === 0; }, size: function() { return this.errorList.length; }, focusInvalid: function() { if ( this.settings.focusInvalid ) { try { $( this.findLastActive() || this.errorList.length && this.errorList[ 0 ].element || []) .filter( ":visible" ) .focus() // manually trigger focusin event; without it, focusin handler isn't called, findLastActive won't have anything to find .trigger( "focusin" ); } catch ( e ) { // ignore IE throwing errors when focusing hidden elements } } }, findLastActive: function() { var lastActive = this.lastActive; return lastActive && $.grep( this.errorList, function( n ) { return n.element.name === lastActive.name; }).length === 1 && lastActive; }, elements: function() { var validator = this, rulesCache = {}; // select all valid inputs inside the form (no submit or reset buttons) return $( this.currentForm ) .find( "input, select, textarea" ) .not( ":submit, :reset, :image, [disabled]" ) .not( this.settings.ignore ) .filter( function() { if ( !this.name && validator.settings.debug && window.console ) { console.error( "%o has no name assigned", this ); } // select only the first element for each name, and only those with rules specified if ( this.name in rulesCache || !validator.objectLength( $( this ).rules() ) ) { return false; } rulesCache[ this.name ] = true; return true; }); }, clean: function( selector ) { return $( selector )[ 0 ]; }, errors: function() { var errorClass = this.settings.errorClass.split( " " ).join( "." ); return $( this.settings.errorElement + "." + errorClass, this.errorContext ); }, reset: function() { this.successList = []; this.errorList = []; this.errorMap = {}; this.toShow = $( [] ); this.toHide = $( [] ); this.currentElements = $( [] ); }, prepareForm: function() { this.reset(); this.toHide = this.errors().add( this.containers ); }, prepareElement: function( element ) { this.reset(); this.toHide = this.errorsFor( element ); }, elementValue: function( element ) { var val, $element = $( element ), type = element.type; if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" ) { return $( "input[name='" + element.name + "']:checked" ).val(); } else if ( type === "number" && typeof element.validity !== "undefined" ) { return element.validity.badInput ? false : $element.val(); } val = $element.val(); if ( typeof val === "string" ) { return val.replace(/\r/g, "" ); } return val; }, check: function( element ) { element = this.validationTargetFor( this.clean( element ) ); var rules = $( element ).rules(), rulesCount = $.map( rules, function( n, i ) { return i; }).length, dependencyMismatch = false, val = this.elementValue( element ), result, method, rule; for ( method in rules ) { rule = { method: method, parameters: rules[ method ] }; try { result = $.validator.methods[ method ].call( this, val, element, rule.parameters ); // if a method indicates that the field is optional and therefore valid, // don't mark it as valid when there are no other rules if ( result === "dependency-mismatch" && rulesCount === 1 ) { dependencyMismatch = true; continue; } dependencyMismatch = false; if ( result === "pending" ) { this.toHide = this.toHide.not( this.errorsFor( element ) ); return; } if ( !result ) { this.formatAndAdd( element, rule ); return false; } } catch ( e ) { if ( this.settings.debug && window.console ) { console.log( "Exception occurred when checking element " + element.id + ", check the '" + rule.method + "' method.", e ); } throw e; } } if ( dependencyMismatch ) { return; } if ( this.objectLength( rules ) ) { this.successList.push( element ); } return true; }, // return the custom message for the given element and validation method // specified in the element's HTML5 data attribute // return the generic message if present and no method specific message is present customDataMessage: function( element, method ) { return $( element ).data( "msg" + method.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + method.substring( 1 ).toLowerCase() ) || $( element ).data( "msg" ); }, // return the custom message for the given element name and validation method customMessage: function( name, method ) { var m = this.settings.messages[ name ]; return m && ( m.constructor === String ? m : m[ method ]); }, // return the first defined argument, allowing empty strings findDefined: function() { for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if ( arguments[ i ] !== undefined ) { return arguments[ i ]; } } return undefined; }, defaultMessage: function( element, method ) { return this.findDefined( this.customMessage( element.name, method ), this.customDataMessage( element, method ), // title is never undefined, so handle empty string as undefined !this.settings.ignoreTitle && element.title || undefined, $.validator.messages[ method ], "<strong>Warning: No message defined for " + element.name + "</strong>" ); }, formatAndAdd: function( element, rule ) { var message = this.defaultMessage( element, rule.method ), theregex = /\$?\{(\d+)\}/g; if ( typeof message === "function" ) { message = message.call( this, rule.parameters, element ); } else if ( theregex.test( message ) ) { message = $.validator.format( message.replace( theregex, "{$1}" ), rule.parameters ); } this.errorList.push({ message: message, element: element, method: rule.method }); this.errorMap[ element.name ] = message; this.submitted[ element.name ] = message; }, addWrapper: function( toToggle ) { if ( this.settings.wrapper ) { toToggle = toToggle.add( toToggle.parent( this.settings.wrapper ) ); } return toToggle; }, defaultShowErrors: function() { var i, elements, error; for ( i = 0; this.errorList[ i ]; i++ ) { error = this.errorList[ i ]; if ( this.settings.highlight ) { this.settings.highlight.call( this, error.element, this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass ); } this.showLabel( error.element, error.message ); } if ( this.errorList.length ) { this.toShow = this.toShow.add( this.containers ); } if ( this.settings.success ) { for ( i = 0; this.successList[ i ]; i++ ) { this.showLabel( this.successList[ i ] ); } } if ( this.settings.unhighlight ) { for ( i = 0, elements = this.validElements(); elements[ i ]; i++ ) { this.settings.unhighlight.call( this, elements[ i ], this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass ); } } this.toHide = this.toHide.not( this.toShow ); this.hideErrors(); this.addWrapper( this.toShow ).show(); }, validElements: function() { return this.currentElements.not( this.invalidElements() ); }, invalidElements: function() { return $( this.errorList ).map(function() { return this.element; }); }, showLabel: function( element, message ) { var place, group, errorID, error = this.errorsFor( element ), elementID = this.idOrName( element ), describedBy = $( element ).attr( "aria-describedby" ); if ( error.length ) { // refresh error/success class error.removeClass( this.settings.validClass ).addClass( this.settings.errorClass ); // replace message on existing label error.html( message ); } else { // create error element error = $( "<" + this.settings.errorElement + ">" ) .attr( "id", elementID + "-error" ) .addClass( this.settings.errorClass ) .html( message || "" ); // Maintain reference to the element to be placed into the DOM place = error; if ( this.settings.wrapper ) { // make sure the element is visible, even in IE // actually showing the wrapped element is handled elsewhere place = error.hide().show().wrap( "<" + this.settings.wrapper + "/>" ).parent(); } if ( this.labelContainer.length ) { this.labelContainer.append( place ); } else if ( this.settings.errorPlacement ) { this.settings.errorPlacement( place, $( element ) ); } else { place.insertAfter( element ); } // Link error back to the element if ( error.is( "label" ) ) { // If the error is a label, then associate using 'for' error.attr( "for", elementID ); } else if ( error.parents( "label[for='" + elementID + "']" ).length === 0 ) { // If the element is not a child of an associated label, then it's necessary // to explicitly apply aria-describedby errorID = error.attr( "id" ); // Respect existing non-error aria-describedby if ( !describedBy ) { describedBy = errorID; } else if ( !describedBy.match( new RegExp( "\b" + errorID + "\b" ) ) ) { // Add to end of list if not already present describedBy += " " + errorID; } $( element ).attr( "aria-describedby", describedBy ); // If this element is grouped, then assign to all elements in the same group group = this.groups[ element.name ]; if ( group ) { $.each( this.groups, function( name, testgroup ) { if ( testgroup === group ) { $( "[name='" + name + "']", this.currentForm ) .attr( "aria-describedby", error.attr( "id" ) ); } }); } } } if ( !message && this.settings.success ) { error.text( "" ); if ( typeof this.settings.success === "string" ) { error.addClass( this.settings.success ); } else { this.settings.success( error, element ); } } this.toShow = this.toShow.add( error ); }, errorsFor: function( element ) { var name = this.idOrName( element ), describer = $( element ).attr( "aria-describedby" ), selector = "label[for='" + name + "'], label[for='" + name + "'] *"; // aria-describedby should directly reference the error element if ( describer ) { selector = selector + ", #" + describer.replace( /\s+/g, ", #" ); } return this .errors() .filter( selector ); }, idOrName: function( element ) { return this.groups[ element.name ] || ( this.checkable( element ) ? element.name : element.id || element.name ); }, validationTargetFor: function( element ) { // if radio/checkbox, validate first element in group instead if ( this.checkable( element ) ) { element = this.findByName( element.name ).not( this.settings.ignore )[ 0 ]; } return element; }, checkable: function( element ) { return ( /radio|checkbox/i ).test( element.type ); }, findByName: function( name ) { return $( this.currentForm ).find( "[name='" + name + "']" ); }, getLength: function( value, element ) { switch ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() ) { case "select": return $( "option:selected", element ).length; case "input": if ( this.checkable( element ) ) { return this.findByName( element.name ).filter( ":checked" ).length; } } return value.length; }, depend: function( param, element ) { return this.dependTypes[typeof param] ? this.dependTypes[typeof param]( param, element ) : true; }, dependTypes: { "boolean": function( param ) { return param; }, "string": function( param, element ) { return !!$( param, element.form ).length; }, "function": function( param, element ) { return param( element ); } }, optional: function( element ) { var val = this.elementValue( element ); return !$.validator.methods.required.call( this, val, element ) && "dependency-mismatch"; }, startRequest: function( element ) { if ( !this.pending[ element.name ] ) { this.pendingRequest++; this.pending[ element.name ] = true; } }, stopRequest: function( element, valid ) { this.pendingRequest--; // sometimes synchronization fails, make sure pendingRequest is never < 0 if ( this.pendingRequest < 0 ) { this.pendingRequest = 0; } delete this.pending[ element.name ]; if ( valid && this.pendingRequest === 0 && this.formSubmitted && this.form() ) { $( this.currentForm ).submit(); this.formSubmitted = false; } else if (!valid && this.pendingRequest === 0 && this.formSubmitted ) { $( this.currentForm ).triggerHandler( "invalid-form", [ this ]); this.formSubmitted = false; } }, previousValue: function( element ) { return $.data( element, "previousValue" ) || $.data( element, "previousValue", { old: null, valid: true, message: this.defaultMessage( element, "remote" ) }); } }, classRuleSettings: { required: { required: true }, email: { email: true }, url: { url: true }, date: { date: true }, dateISO: { dateISO: true }, number: { number: true }, digits: { digits: true }, creditcard: { creditcard: true } }, addClassRules: function( className, rules ) { if ( className.constructor === String ) { this.classRuleSettings[ className ] = rules; } else { $.extend( this.classRuleSettings, className ); } }, classRules: function( element ) { var rules = {}, classes = $( element ).attr( "class" ); if ( classes ) { $.each( classes.split( " " ), function() { if ( this in $.validator.classRuleSettings ) { $.extend( rules, $.validator.classRuleSettings[ this ]); } }); } return rules; }, attributeRules: function( element ) { var rules = {}, $element = $( element ), type = element.getAttribute( "type" ), method, value; for ( method in $.validator.methods ) { // support for <input required> in both html5 and older browsers if ( method === "required" ) { value = element.getAttribute( method ); // Some browsers return an empty string for the required attribute // and non-HTML5 browsers might have required="" markup if ( value === "" ) { value = true; } // force non-HTML5 browsers to return bool value = !!value; } else { value = $element.attr( method ); } // convert the value to a number for number inputs, and for text for backwards compability // allows type="date" and others to be compared as strings if ( /min|max/.test( method ) && ( type === null || /number|range|text/.test( type ) ) ) { value = Number( value ); } if ( value || value === 0 ) { rules[ method ] = value; } else if ( type === method && type !== "range" ) { // exception: the jquery validate 'range' method // does not test for the html5 'range' type rules[ method ] = true; } } // maxlength may be returned as -1, 2147483647 ( IE ) and 524288 ( safari ) for text inputs if ( rules.maxlength && /-1|2147483647|524288/.test( rules.maxlength ) ) { delete rules.maxlength; } return rules; }, dataRules: function( element ) { var method, value, rules = {}, $element = $( element ); for ( method in $.validator.methods ) { value = $element.data( "rule" + method.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + method.substring( 1 ).toLowerCase() ); if ( value !== undefined ) { rules[ method ] = value; } } return rules; }, staticRules: function( element ) { var rules = {}, validator = $.data( element.form, "validator" ); if ( validator.settings.rules ) { rules = $.validator.normalizeRule( validator.settings.rules[ element.name ] ) || {}; } return rules; }, normalizeRules: function( rules, element ) { // handle dependency check $.each( rules, function( prop, val ) { // ignore rule when param is explicitly false, eg. required:false if ( val === false ) { delete rules[ prop ]; return; } if ( val.param || val.depends ) { var keepRule = true; switch ( typeof val.depends ) { case "string": keepRule = !!$( val.depends, element.form ).length; break; case "function": keepRule = val.depends.call( element, element ); break; } if ( keepRule ) { rules[ prop ] = val.param !== undefined ? val.param : true; } else { delete rules[ prop ]; } } }); // evaluate parameters $.each( rules, function( rule, parameter ) { rules[ rule ] = $.isFunction( parameter ) ? parameter( element ) : parameter; }); // clean number parameters $.each([ "minlength", "maxlength" ], function() { if ( rules[ this ] ) { rules[ this ] = Number( rules[ this ] ); } }); $.each([ "rangelength", "range" ], function() { var parts; if ( rules[ this ] ) { if ( $.isArray( rules[ this ] ) ) { rules[ this ] = [ Number( rules[ this ][ 0 ]), Number( rules[ this ][ 1 ] ) ]; } else if ( typeof rules[ this ] === "string" ) { parts = rules[ this ].replace(/[\[\]]/g, "" ).split( /[\s,]+/ ); rules[ this ] = [ Number( parts[ 0 ]), Number( parts[ 1 ] ) ]; } } }); if ( $.validator.autoCreateRanges ) { // auto-create ranges if ( rules.min && rules.max ) { rules.range = [ rules.min, rules.max ]; delete rules.min; delete rules.max; } if ( rules.minlength && rules.maxlength ) { rules.rangelength = [ rules.minlength, rules.maxlength ]; delete rules.minlength; delete rules.maxlength; } } return rules; }, // Converts a simple string to a {string: true} rule, e.g., "required" to {required:true} normalizeRule: function( data ) { if ( typeof data === "string" ) { var transformed = {}; $.each( data.split( /\s/ ), function() { transformed[ this ] = true; }); data = transformed; } return data; }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/jQuery.validator.addMethod/ addMethod: function( name, method, message ) { $.validator.methods[ name ] = method; $.validator.messages[ name ] = message !== undefined ? message : $.validator.messages[ name ]; if ( method.length < 3 ) { $.validator.addClassRules( name, $.validator.normalizeRule( name ) ); } }, methods: { // http://jqueryvalidation.org/required-method/ required: function( value, element, param ) { // check if dependency is met if ( !this.depend( param, element ) ) { return "dependency-mismatch"; } if ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) { // could be an array for select-multiple or a string, both are fine this way var val = $( element ).val(); return val && val.length > 0; } if ( this.checkable( element ) ) { return this.getLength( value, element ) > 0; } return $.trim( value ).length > 0; }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/email-method/ email: function( value, element ) { // From http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/states-of-the-type-attribute.html#e-mail-state-%28type=email%29 // Retrieved 2014-01-14 // If you have a problem with this implementation, report a bug against the above spec // Or use custom methods to implement your own email validation return this.optional( element ) || /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/.test( value ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/url-method/ url: function( value, element ) { // contributed by Scott Gonzalez: http://projects.scottsplayground.com/iri/ return this.optional( element ) || /^(https?|s?ftp):\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i.test( value ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/date-method/ date: function( value, element ) { return this.optional( element ) || !/Invalid|NaN/.test( new Date( value ).toString() ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/dateISO-method/ dateISO: function( value, element ) { return this.optional( element ) || /^\d{4}[\/\-](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\/\-](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/.test( value ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/number-method/ number: function( value, element ) { return this.optional( element ) || /^-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+)?(?:\.\d+)?$/.test( value ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/digits-method/ digits: function( value, element ) { return this.optional( element ) || /^\d+$/.test( value ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/creditcard-method/ // based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn/ creditcard: function( value, element ) { if ( this.optional( element ) ) { return "dependency-mismatch"; } // accept only spaces, digits and dashes if ( /[^0-9 \-]+/.test( value ) ) { return false; } var nCheck = 0, nDigit = 0, bEven = false, n, cDigit; value = value.replace( /\D/g, "" ); // Basing min and max length on // http://developer.ean.com/general_info/Valid_Credit_Card_Types if ( value.length < 13 || value.length > 19 ) { return false; } for ( n = value.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { cDigit = value.charAt( n ); nDigit = parseInt( cDigit, 10 ); if ( bEven ) { if ( ( nDigit *= 2 ) > 9 ) { nDigit -= 9; } } nCheck += nDigit; bEven = !bEven; } return ( nCheck % 10 ) === 0; }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/minlength-method/ minlength: function( value, element, param ) { var length = $.isArray( value ) ? value.length : this.getLength( $.trim( value ), element ); return this.optional( element ) || length >= param; }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/maxlength-method/ maxlength: function( value, element, param ) { var length = $.isArray( value ) ? value.length : this.getLength( $.trim( value ), element ); return this.optional( element ) || length <= param; }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/rangelength-method/ rangelength: function( value, element, param ) { var length = $.isArray( value ) ? value.length : this.getLength( $.trim( value ), element ); return this.optional( element ) || ( length >= param[ 0 ] && length <= param[ 1 ] ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/min-method/ min: function( value, element, param ) { return this.optional( element ) || value >= param; }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/max-method/ max: function( value, element, param ) { return this.optional( element ) || value <= param; }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/range-method/ range: function( value, element, param ) { return this.optional( element ) || ( value >= param[ 0 ] && value <= param[ 1 ] ); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/equalTo-method/ equalTo: function( value, element, param ) { // bind to the blur event of the target in order to revalidate whenever the target field is updated // TODO find a way to bind the event just once, avoiding the unbind-rebind overhead var target = $( param ); if ( this.settings.onfocusout ) { target.unbind( ".validate-equalTo" ).bind( "blur.validate-equalTo", function() { $( element ).valid(); }); } return value === target.val(); }, // http://jqueryvalidation.org/remote-method/ remote: function( value, element, param ) { if ( this.optional( element ) ) { return "dependency-mismatch"; } var previous = this.previousValue( element ), validator, data; if (!this.settings.messages[ element.name ] ) { this.settings.messages[ element.name ] = {}; } previous.originalMessage = this.settings.messages[ element.name ].remote; this.settings.messages[ element.name ].remote = previous.message; param = typeof param === "string" && { url: param } || param; if ( previous.old === value ) { return previous.valid; } previous.old = value; validator = this; this.startRequest( element ); data = {}; data[ element.name ] = value; $.ajax( $.extend( true, { url: param, mode: "abort", port: "validate" + element.name, dataType: "json", data: data, context: validator.currentForm, success: function( response ) { var valid = response === true || response === "true", errors, message, submitted; validator.settings.messages[ element.name ].remote = previous.originalMessage; if ( valid ) { submitted = validator.formSubmitted; validator.prepareElement( element ); validator.formSubmitted = submitted; validator.successList.push( element ); delete validator.invalid[ element.name ]; validator.showErrors(); } else { errors = {}; message = response || validator.defaultMessage( element, "remote" ); errors[ element.name ] = previous.message = $.isFunction( message ) ? message( value ) : message; validator.invalid[ element.name ] = true; validator.showErrors( errors ); } previous.valid = valid; validator.stopRequest( element, valid ); } }, param ) ); return "pending"; } } }); $.format = function deprecated() { throw "$.format has been deprecated. Please use $.validator.format instead."; }; // ajax mode: abort // usage: $.ajax({ mode: "abort"[, port: "uniqueport"]}); // if mode:"abort" is used, the previous request on that port (port can be undefined) is aborted via XMLHttpRequest.abort() var pendingRequests = {}, ajax; // Use a prefilter if available (1.5+) if ( $.ajaxPrefilter ) { $.ajaxPrefilter(function( settings, _, xhr ) { var port = settings.port; if ( settings.mode === "abort" ) { if ( pendingRequests[port] ) { pendingRequests[port].abort(); } pendingRequests[port] = xhr; } }); } else { // Proxy ajax ajax = $.ajax; $.ajax = function( settings ) { var mode = ( "mode" in settings ? settings : $.ajaxSettings ).mode, port = ( "port" in settings ? settings : $.ajaxSettings ).port; if ( mode === "abort" ) { if ( pendingRequests[port] ) { pendingRequests[port].abort(); } pendingRequests[port] = ajax.apply(this, arguments); return pendingRequests[port]; } return ajax.apply(this, arguments); }; } // provides delegate(type: String, delegate: Selector, handler: Callback) plugin for easier event delegation // handler is only called when $(event.target).is(delegate), in the scope of the jquery-object for event.target $.extend($.fn, { validateDelegate: function( delegate, type, handler ) { return this.bind(type, function( event ) { var target = $(event.target); if ( target.is(delegate) ) { return handler.apply(target, arguments); } }); } }); }));
注:对jQuery.validator详解到此为止,有不对的地方,欢迎大家拍砖指正,如果你觉得本文对你有用,请竖起你的大拇指,转载请注明出处:博客园 华子yjh ,谢谢!
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