最近封控居家办公,笔电的主板突然罢工,无奈只能把老本子翻出来。老本子上之前已经安装了32位的Office 2010,因为需要用到一个连接access数据库的小工具,需要安装64位的AccessDatabaseEngine。在安装ODBC驱动程序AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe时,程序提示已经安装了32位的Office而无法继续安装。经查询,现将解决方法总结如下:
操作系统:Windows 7 64位操作系统
应用程序:Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 32位
1. 使用winrar、7zip等软件将AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe解压缩,得到AceRedist.msi和files14.cat2个文件
2. 下载Orca MSI编辑修改工具。安装后,使用Orca打开AceRedist.msi,找到LaunchCondition里面的BLOCKINSTALLATION,删掉并保存。
3. 运行AceRedist.msi进行驱动程序的安装,解决!
三、微软关于Office 2010版本选择的解答
64-bit Office 2010 product upgrades will be available. However we strongly recommend most users install 32-bit version of Office 2010 on both 32 and 64-bit Operating Systems because currently many common add-ins for Office will not function in the 64-bit edition. The 64-bit installation of Microsoft Office 2010 products will be available for users who commonly use verylarge documents or data set and need Excel 2010 programs to access greater than 2GB of memory. There may be technical issues with the 64-bit version and in order to install a 64-bit version of Office 2010 product users must have a 64-bit supported operating system on their PC.
Orca4.5.6001.22192 MSI编辑修改工具:https://www.pcsoft.com.cn/soft/121533.html