Downloading phoneME Feature Software Source Code (MR4)The phoneME Feature software project provides two ways for you to access the source code: * Download the required phoneME Feature software zip archive files. These zip archive files include: o The phoneME Feature download source file, p... 阅读全文
Getting Started with phoneME Feature Software (MR4)This guide contains the following sections: * Downloading phoneME Feature Software Source Code * Before You Begin * Setting Up Your Build Environment * Building the JavaCall Porting Layer * Building a PCSL Reference Port * Building a CL... 阅读全文
NetBeans建立CLDC/MIDP应用程序一、NetBeans建立CLDC/MIDP应用程序NetBeans IDE使用同样的Java编译器来建立CLDC应用程序,其背后使用了-bootpathoption选项来重定位编译器使用不同的基础类。建立选项——尤其是optimization(优化)和obfuscation(混淆),在JavaME设备中扮演了重要角色。原因如下:1)商业应用,保护知识产权。2)优化和混淆能使得应用程序更小,应用传输到目标平台所耗时间更少,占用目标硬件的内存更小。因为混淆对类名、方法名和成员变量等使用更简短的名字进行了重命名;并删除了未使用的类、方法和成员变量。Net 阅读全文