ADA 95教程 高级特性 更多的例子程序


Example program ------> e_c33_p1.ada

                                     -- Chapter 33 - Program 1
-- This is a generic package to generate random numbers in the
--  range of 0.00000 to just less than 1.00000 with as many
--  significant digits as the type FLOAT_ITEM.  This package uses
--  the Linear Congruential Method of random number generation as
--  discussed in "The Art of Computer Programming" volume 2 by
--  Donald Knuth.  The method used follows;
--  X(n + 1) = (A * X(n) + C) mod M
--  X(n + 1) is the new random number
--  X(n)     is the previous random number or the seed
--  M        is 1.0 for the floating point system
--  A        is 7.0 for the floating point system
--  C        is 13.0 / 31.0 for the floating point system
--  X(0)     is zero by default
--  X(0)     is the number provided if forced with Force_Seed
--  X(0)     is generated as follows when Set_Seed is called;
--        1.   The real time clock is read from the system
--        2.   The hours and minutes are stripped off
--        3.   The resulting number of seconds are divided by
--              60.0 to get the fraction of a minute that has
--              elapsed since midnight

   type FLOAT_ITEM is digits <>;
package Random is

        -- This procedure uses the system clock to set the seed.
   procedure Set_Seed;

        -- This procedure sets the seed to the input value.
   procedure Force_Seed(Start_Seed : FLOAT_ITEM);

        -- This Function returns the current seed which is also
        --  the value of the previous random number returned.
   function Get_Seed return FLOAT_ITEM;

        -- This function returns a random number from 0.0 to 1.0
   function Random_Number return FLOAT_ITEM;

end Random;

with Ada.Text_IO, Calendar;
use Ada.Text_IO, Calendar;

package body Random is

X_initial : FLOAT_ITEM := 0.0;
M         : FLOAT_ITEM := 1.0;
A         : FLOAT_ITEM := 7.0;
C         : FLOAT_ITEM := 13.0 / 31.0;

procedure Set_Seed is
   Time_And_Date    : TIME;
   All_Day          : DAY_DURATION;
   Minutes          : FLOAT_ITEM;
   Int_Minutes      : INTEGER;
   Part_Of_A_Minute : FLOAT_ITEM;
   Time_And_Date := Clock;                -- Get the time and date
   All_Day := Seconds(Time_And_Date);     -- Seconds since midnight
   Minutes := FLOAT_ITEM(All_Day) / 60.0;   -- Floating type Minutes
   Int_Minutes := INTEGER(Minutes - 0.5); -- Integer type minutes
   Part_Of_A_Minute := FLOAT_ITEM(All_Day)
                               - 60.0 * FLOAT_ITEM(Int_Minutes);
   X_Initial := Part_Of_A_Minute / 60.0;
end Set_Seed;

procedure Force_Seed(Start_Seed : FLOAT_ITEM) is
Natural_Temp : NATURAL;
   Natural_Temp := NATURAL(Start_Seed - 0.5); -- Subtract 0.5 because
                                              -- the type conversion
                                              -- rounds the result.
   Temp := Start_Seed - FLOAT_ITEM(Natural_Temp);
   X_Initial := Start_Seed;
   when Constraint_Error =>
      Put_Line("Seed out of range, ignored");
end Force_Seed;

function Get_Seed return FLOAT_ITEM is
   return X_Initial;
end Get_Seed;

function Random_Number return FLOAT_ITEM is
   Temp         : FLOAT_ITEM;
   Natural_Temp : NATURAL;   -- Cannot exceed (7 + 13/31)
   Temp := A * X_Initial + C;
   Natural_Temp := NATURAL(Temp - 0.5);     -- Subtract 0.5 because
                                            -- the type conversion
                                            -- rounds the result.
   Temp := Temp - FLOAT_ITEM(Natural_Temp);
   X_Initial := Temp;
   return Temp;
end Random_Number;

end Random;



当Ada 83升级到Ada 95时,一个随机数生成器被定义为标准库的一部分,使其成为每个Ada 95编译系统的必需组件。e_c33_p1中的随机数生成器。ada没有从教程中删除,因为它是注释良好的ada实用程序包的一个很好的例子。没有人试图证明它能产生真正的随机数,所以也没有人敢说它是随机的。研究它,然后使用编译器提供的随机数生成器来进行任何生产工作,对您是有好处的, 




Example program ------> e_c33_p2.ada

                                   -- Chapter 33 - Program 2
with Ada.Text_IO, Random;
use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure TestRan is

   package My_Random is new Random(FLOAT);
   use My_Random;

   package Int_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO(INTEGER);
   use Int_IO;
   package Flt_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO(FLOAT);
   use Flt_IO;

   SIZE : constant := 100;
   type MY_ARRAY is array(1..SIZE) of INTEGER;
   Events   : MY_ARRAY;
   Int_Rand : INTEGER;

   Put("The starting value of the seed is ");
   Put(Get_Seed, 3, 6, 0);
   for Index in 1..12 loop
      Put("The random number is ");
      Put(Random_Number, 3, 6, 0);
   end loop;

   for Index in 1..SIZE loop
      Events(Index) := 0;
   end loop;

   for Index in 1..10000 loop
      Int_Rand := INTEGER(0.5 + (FLOAT(SIZE) * Random_Number));
      Events(Int_Rand) := Events(Int_Rand) + 1;
   end loop;

   for Index in 1..Size loop
      Put(Events(Index), 4);
   end loop;
end TestRan;

-- Result of execution

-- The starting value of the seed is   0.195333
-- The random number is   0.786685
-- The random number is   0.926148
-- The random number is   0.902392
-- The random number is   0.736096
-- The random number is   0.572030
-- The random number is   0.423565
-- The random number is   0.384310
-- The random number is   0.109521
-- The random number is   0.186004
-- The random number is   0.721385
-- The random number is   0.469050
-- The random number is   0.702704

--  109  97 102  96 107  98  85  87 104 111 113 115 108  99 112 ...
--   97  93 107  91 101  85  91 103  95 101 102  98  95 118 110 ...
--   87 106 103 102  93 129 112  94 102  89  95 104  98  94  98 ...
--   93 106  96 104 119  95  82  97 112  82 104 103  97 107 112 ...
--   93  96 101  98 109  95  94  99  80  74  99  85  76 117 124 ...

-- (Note; only fifteen are listed in each row to stay within
--        70 columns.)


检查名为 e_c33_p2.ada,它只是为了测试包random中的随机数生成器而编写的。它在第7行中使用FLOAT类型实例化泛型包的一个副本,然后声明一些对象和一个数组类型。在程序的可执行部分中,使用第21行中的Set_Seed过程初始化随机数生成器,并读取并打印12个随机数,以确定它们是否覆盖了包头random中定义的0.0到1.0的范围。





Example program ------> e_c33_p3.ada

                                       -- Chapter 33 - Program 3
-- This is a dynamic string package which can be used as an aid
-- in writing string intensive programs.  Ada only has a static
-- string capability, so this package was written as an example of
-- how the Ada programming language can be expanded.

-- A dynamic string is defined as an array of characters of maximum
-- length of 255.  The dynamic length of the dynamic string is
-- stored in the Max_Length field of the record. So the string
-- must be defined with a lower limit of 1 and an upper limit of
-- whatever the desired maximum length of the string is to be. The
-- subtype STRING_SIZE limits the string length when it is defined.

-- Put      Outputs a dynamic string to the monitor
-- ConCat   Concatenates two dynamic strings and puts the result
--           into a third dynamic string
-- Copy     Copies a dynamic string to another dynamic string
-- Copy     Copies a static string to a dynamic string
-- Delete   Deletes a group of characters from a dynamic string
-- Insert   Inserts a group of characters into a dynamic string
-- Length   Returns the dynamic length of a dynamic string
-- Size_Of  Returns the static length of a dynamic string
-- Pos      Returns the first location of a dynamic string within
--           another dynamic string

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

package DynStrng is

   subtype STRING_SIZE is INTEGER range 0..255;
   type STRING_ARRAY is array(STRING_SIZE range <>) of CHARACTER;

   type DYNAMIC_STRING(Maximum_Length : STRING_SIZE) is
         Dynamic_Length  : INTEGER range 0..255;
         String_Data     : STRING_ARRAY(1..Maximum_Length);
      end record;

-- Put : Display a dynamic string on the monitor.
procedure Put(Input_String : in     DYNAMIC_STRING);

-- ConCat : Concatenation - The First_String is copied into the
--             Result_String, then the Second_String is copied
--             into the Result_String following the First_String.
--             If all characters fit, Result is set to TRUE.
--             If Result_String will not hold all characters,
--             only as many as will fit are copied and Result
--             is set to FALSE.
--             Result = TRUE, complete copy done.
--             Result = FALSE, some or all not copied
procedure ConCat(First_String  : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 Second_String : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 Result_String : in out DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 Result        :    out BOOLEAN);

-- Copy : The String contained in Input_String is copied into
--             the string Output_String.  This procedure is
--             overloaded to include copying from either dynamic
--             strings or static strings.
--             Result = TRUE, complete copy done
--             Result = FALSE, some or all not copied
procedure Copy(Input_String  : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
               Output_String : in out DYNAMIC_STRING;
               Result        :    out BOOLEAN);
procedure Copy(Input_String  : in     STRING;
               Output_String :    out DYNAMIC_STRING;
               Result        :    out BOOLEAN);

-- Delete : Beginning at First_Position, as many characters as are
--             indicated by Number_Of_Characters are deleted from
--             String_To_Modify.  If there are not that many, only
--             as many as are left are deleted.
--             Result = TRUE, deletion was complete
--             Result = FALSE, only a partial deletion was done
procedure Delete(String_To_Modify     : in out DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 First_Position       : in     STRING_SIZE;
                 Number_Of_Characters : in     STRING_SIZE;
                 Result               :    out BOOLEAN);

-- Insert : The string String_To_Insert is inserted into the string
--             String_To_Modify begining at location Place_To_Insert
--             if there is enough room.
--             Result = TRUE, insert completed in full
--             Result = FALSE, not enough room for full insert
procedure Insert(String_To_Modify : in out DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 String_To_Insert : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 Place_To_Insert  : in     STRING_SIZE;
                 Result           :    out BOOLEAN);

-- Length : Returns the dynamic length of the string defined by
--             String_To_Measure.
function Length(String_To_Measure : in DYNAMIC_STRING)
                 return STRING_SIZE;

-- Size_Of : Returns the static length of the string, the actual
--             upper limit of the string definition.
function Size_Of(String_To_Measure : in DYNAMIC_STRING)
                 return STRING_SIZE;

-- Pos : Position of substring - The string String_To_Search is
--             searched for the string Required_String beginning
--             at Place_To_Start.
--             Result = TRUE, a search was possible
--             Result = FALSE, no search could be made
--             Location_Found = 0, no string found
--             Location_Found = N, start of matching string
procedure Pos(String_To_Search : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
              Required_String  : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
              Place_To_Start   : in     STRING_SIZE;
              Location_Found   :    out STRING_SIZE;
              Result           :    out BOOLEAN);

end DynStrng;

package body DynStrng is

               -- The display procedure overloads the existing
               -- Put procedures to output a dynamic string. Note
               -- that the existing Put is used in this new Put.
procedure Put(Input_String : in     DYNAMIC_STRING) is
   for Index in 1..Input_String.Dynamic_Length loop
   end loop;
end Put;

procedure ConCat(First_String  : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 Second_String : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 Result_String : in out DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 Result        :    out BOOLEAN) is
Intermediate_Result : BOOLEAN;
Character_Count     : STRING_SIZE;
Room_Left           : STRING_SIZE;
                       -- Copy the first into the result string
   if Intermediate_Result then
      Character_Count := Second_String.Dynamic_Length;
      Room_Left := Result_String.String_Data'LAST
                                - Result_String.Dynamic_Length;
      Result := TRUE;
      if Character_Count > Room_Left then
         Character_Count := Room_Left;
         Result := FALSE;
      end if;
      for Index in 1..Character_Count loop
                 (Index + Result_String.Dynamic_Length) :=
      end loop;
      Result_String.Dynamic_Length :=
                    Result_String.Dynamic_Length + Character_Count;
      Result := FALSE;
   end if;
end ConCat;

               -- This procedure overloads the name Copy to
               -- copy from one dynamic string to another.
procedure Copy(Input_String  : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
               Output_String : in out DYNAMIC_STRING;
               Result        :    out BOOLEAN) is
Character_Count : STRING_SIZE;
                       -- First pick the smallest string size
   Character_Count := Input_String.Dynamic_Length;
   if Character_Count > Output_String.String_Data'LAST then
      Character_Count := Output_String.String_Data'LAST;
      Result := FALSE; -- The entire string didn't fit
      Result := TRUE;  -- The entire string fit
   end if;

   for Index in 1..Character_Count loop
      Output_String.String_Data(Index) :=
   end loop;
   Output_String.Dynamic_Length := Character_Count;
end Copy;

               -- This routine overloads the copy procedure name
               -- to copy a static string into a dynamic string.
procedure Copy(Input_String  : in     STRING;
               Output_String :    out DYNAMIC_STRING;
               Result        :    out BOOLEAN) is
Character_Count : STRING_SIZE;
                       -- First pick the smallest string size
   Character_Count := Input_String'LAST;
   if Character_Count > Output_String.String_Data'LAST then
      Character_Count := Output_String.String_Data'LAST;
      Result := FALSE; -- The entire string didn't fit
      Result := TRUE;  -- The entire string fit
   end if;

   for Index in 1..Character_Count loop
      Output_String.String_Data(Index) :=
   end loop;
   Output_String.Dynamic_Length := Character_Count;
end Copy;

procedure Delete(String_To_Modify     : in out DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 First_Position       : in     STRING_SIZE;
                 Number_Of_Characters : in     STRING_SIZE;
                 Result               :    out BOOLEAN) is
Number_To_Delete       : STRING_SIZE;
Number_To_Move         : STRING_SIZE;
Last_Dynamic_Character : STRING_SIZE :=
                         -- can we delete any at all?
   if First_Position > Last_Dynamic_Character then
      Result := FALSE;
   end if;
                         -- Decide how many to delete
   if (First_Position + Number_Of_Characters)
                                   > Last_Dynamic_Character then
      Number_To_Delete := Last_Dynamic_Character
                                             - First_Position + 1;
      Result := FALSE;
      Number_To_Delete := Number_Of_Characters;
      Result := TRUE;
   end if;

                  -- find out how many to move back
   if (Last_Dynamic_Character - (First_Position + Number_To_Delete))
                                                           >= 0 then
      Number_To_Move := 1 + Last_Dynamic_Character
                           - (First_Position + Number_To_Delete);
      Number_To_Move := 0;
   end if;

                  -- now delete the characters by moving them back
   for Index in First_Position..
                          (First_Position + Number_To_Move - 1) loop
      String_To_Modify.String_Data(Index) :=
              String_To_Modify.String_Data(Index + Number_To_Delete);
   end loop;
   String_To_Modify.Dynamic_Length :=
                 String_To_Modify.Dynamic_Length - Number_To_Delete;
end Delete;

procedure Insert(String_To_Modify : in out DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 String_To_Insert : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
                 Place_To_Insert  : in     STRING_SIZE;
                 Result           :    out BOOLEAN) is
Number_To_Add  : STRING_SIZE;
Number_To_Move : STRING_SIZE;
Room_Left      : STRING_SIZE;
                        -- Can we add any at all?
   if (Place_To_Insert > String_To_Modify.String_Data'LAST) or
     (Place_To_Insert > String_To_Modify.Dynamic_Length + 1) then
      Result := FALSE;
   end if;
   Result := TRUE;

                        -- How many can we add?
   Number_To_Add := String_To_Modify.String_Data'LAST
                                               - Place_To_Insert + 1;
   if Number_To_Add > String_To_Insert.Dynamic_Length then
      Number_To_Add := String_To_Insert.Dynamic_Length;
   end if;

                        -- Find how many to move forward
   Number_To_Move := String_To_Modify.Dynamic_Length
                                             - Place_To_Insert + 1;
   Room_Left := String_To_Modify.String_Data'LAST
                                             - Place_To_Insert + 1;
   if Room_Left < Number_To_Move then
      Number_To_Move := Room_Left;
   end if;

                        -- Move them forward
   for Index in reverse Place_To_Insert..Place_To_Insert
                                         + Number_To_Move - 1 loop
      String_To_Modify.String_Data(Index + Number_To_Add) :=
   end loop;
   for Index in 1..Number_To_Add loop
      String_To_Modify.String_Data(Index + Place_To_Insert - 1) :=
   end loop;

                        -- Increase the length of the string
   String_To_Modify.Dynamic_Length :=
                   String_To_Modify.Dynamic_Length + Number_To_Add;
   if String_To_Modify.Dynamic_Length >
                               String_To_Modify.String_Data'LAST then
      String_To_Modify.Dynamic_Length := String_To_Modify.String_Data'LAST;
   end if;

end Insert;

               -- This returns the dynamic length of a string
function Length(String_To_Measure : in DYNAMIC_STRING)
                 return STRING_SIZE is
   return String_To_Measure.Dynamic_Length;
end Length;

               -- This returns the static length of a string
function Size_Of(String_To_Measure : in DYNAMIC_STRING)
                 return STRING_SIZE is
   return String_To_Measure.String_Data'LAST;
end Size_Of;

procedure Pos(String_To_Search : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
              Required_String  : in     DYNAMIC_STRING;
              Place_To_Start   : in     STRING_SIZE;
              Location_Found   :    out STRING_SIZE;
              Result           :    out BOOLEAN) is
End_Search             : STRING_SIZE;
Characters_All_Compare : BOOLEAN;
   Location_Found := 0;
                          -- can we search the string at all?
   if (Place_To_Start < String_To_Search.Dynamic_Length) and
           (Place_To_Start < String_To_Search.String_Data'LAST) then
      Result := TRUE;
      Result := FALSE;
   end if;

                          -- search the loop for the string now
   End_Search := String_To_Search.Dynamic_Length -
                                  Required_String.Dynamic_Length + 1;

   for Index in Place_To_Start..End_Search loop      -- search loop
      Characters_All_Compare := TRUE;
      for Count in 1..Required_String.Dynamic_Length loop
         if Required_String.String_Data(Count) /=
                 String_To_Search.String_Data(Count + Index - 1) then
            Characters_All_Compare := FALSE;
            exit;         -- exit loop, a character did not match
         end if;
      end loop;
      if Characters_All_Compare then
         Location_Found := Index;
         return;             -- string match found, return location
      end if;
   end loop;  -- end search loop

end Pos;

end DynStrng;






Example program ------> e_c33_p4.ada

                                      -- Chapter 33 - Program 4
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with DynStrng;    use DynStrng;

procedure TestStrn is

   package Int_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO(INTEGER);
   use Int_IO;

   Stuff    : DYNAMIC_STRING(35);
   Result   : BOOLEAN;


   Copy("ABCDEFGHIJKL$", Stuff, Result);
   Put(Size_Of(Stuff), 4);
   Put(Length(Stuff), 4);

   Copy("ABCD$", Stuff, Result);
   Put(Size_Of(Stuff), 4);
   Put(Length(Stuff), 4);

   Copy("", Stuff, Result);
   Put(Size_Of(Stuff), 4);
   Put(Length(Stuff), 4);

end TestStrn;



示例程序—— e_c16_p4.ada


    Name    : DYNAMIC_STRING(15); 
    Stuff   : DYNAMIC_STRING(35);


    Name.Dynamic_Length := 3;
    Stuff.Dynamic_Length := 7;




Example program ------> e_c33_p5.ada

                                       -- Chapter 33 - Program 5
-- This program will calculate the number of days old you are.
-- It is a rather dumb program, but illustrates some interesting
-- programming techniques.  It checks all input to see that they
-- are in the correct range before continuing.  Since the number
-- of days can easily exceed the limits of type INTEGER, and we
-- cannot count on LONG_INTEGER being available, a fixed point
-- variable is used for the total number of days since Jan 1, 1880.
-- This program also passes a record to a procedure, where it is
-- modified and returned.

-- This is a repeat of the program named AGE.ADA from chapter 16
-- of this tutorial.  This program uses the CALENDAR package for
-- the current date so the user does not have to enter today's
-- date.  It also uses some of the subtypes from the CALENDAR
-- package, but not the YEAR_NUMBER, because it does not follow
-- our desired range.

with Ada.Text_IO, Calendar;
use Ada.Text_IO, Calendar;

procedure Age2 is

   LOW_YEAR    : constant := 1880;
   MAX         : constant := 365.0 * (2100 - LOW_YEAR);

   type AGES is delta 1.0 range -MAX..MAX;

   Days_Since_1880 : AGES;
   Present_Age     : AGES;

   Today           : TIME;          -- Present date and time
   This_Month      : MONTH_NUMBER;
   This_Day        : DAY_NUMBER;
   This_Year       : INTEGER range LOW_YEAR..2100;
   Seconds         : DAY_DURATION;

   type DATE is
         Month : MONTH_NUMBER;
         Day   : DAY_NUMBER;
         Year  : INTEGER range LOW_YEAR..2100;
         Days  : AGES;
      end record;

   Birth_Day   : DATE;

   package Int_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO(INTEGER);
   use Int_IO;
   package Fix_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO(AGES);
   use Fix_IO;

   procedure Get_Date(Date_To_Get : in out DATE) is
      Temp : INTEGER;
      Put(" month --> ");
         if Temp in 1..12 then
            Date_To_Get.Month := Temp;
            exit;                       -- month OK
            Put_Line(" Month must be in the range of 1 to 12");
            Put("                    ");
            Put(" month --> ");
         end if;
      end loop;

      Put("                    ");
      Put(" day ----> ");
         if Temp in 1..31 then
            Date_To_Get.Day := Temp;
            exit;                       -- day OK
            Put_Line(" Day must be in the range of 1 to 31");
            Put("                    ");
            Put(" day ----> ");
         end if;
      end loop;

      Put("                    ");
      Put(" year ---> ");
         if Temp in LOW_YEAR..2100 then
            Date_To_Get.Year := Temp;
            exit;                       -- year OK
            Put_Line(" Year must be in the range of 1880 to 2100");
            Put("                    ");
            Put(" year ---> ");
         end if;
      end loop;
      Date_To_Get.Days := 365 * AGES(Date_To_Get.Year - LOW_YEAR)
                  + AGES(31 * Date_To_Get.Month + Date_To_Get.Day);

   end Get_Date;

            -- Get todays date
   Today := Clock;
   Split(Today, This_Year, This_Month, This_Day, Seconds);
   Days_Since_1880 := 365 * AGES(This_Year - LOW_YEAR)
                           + AGES(31 * This_Month + This_Day);

   Put("Enter your birthday;");

   Present_Age := Days_since_1880 - Birth_Day.Days;
   if Present_Age < 0.0 then
      Put("You will be born in ");
      Present_Age := abs(Present_Age);
      Put_Line(" days.");
    elsif Present_Age = 0.0 then
      Put_Line("Happy birthday, you were just born today.");
      Put("You are now ");
      Put_Line(" days old.");
   end if;

end Age2;





Example program ------> e_c33_p6.ada

                                    -- Chapter 33 - Program 6

package One_Man is

   Fork_Usage : array(1..5) of AVAILABILITY;

   Philosopher_Activity : array(1..5) of ACTIVITY;

   task type EATING_OR_THINKING is
      entry Start(Left_Fork, Right_Fork : INTEGER);

end One_Man;

with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Calendar, Random;
use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO;

package body One_Man is

   package My_Random is new Random(FLOAT);
   use My_Random;

   procedure Get_Fork(Identifier    : INTEGER;
                      Left_Or_Right : INTEGER) is
      Fork_Usage(Identifier) := IN_USE;
   end Get_Fork;

   procedure Return_Fork(Identifier : INTEGER) is
      Fork_Usage(Identifier) := AVAILABLE;
   end Return_Fork;

   task body EATING_OR_THINKING is
      Left, Right : INTEGER;
      Ident : INTEGER renames Left;
      accept Start(Left_Fork, Right_Fork : INTEGER) do
         Left := Left_Fork;
         Right := Right_Fork;
         Philosopher_Activity(Ident) := THINKING;
      end Start;
         Put(Ident, 2);
         Put_Line(" is thinking.");
         delay Calendar.DAY_DURATION(Random_Number);
            delay 0.10;
            exit when Fork_Usage(Left) = AVAILABLE;
         end loop;
         Get_Fork(Ident, Left);
         Philosopher_Activity(Ident) := HAS_LEFT_FORK;
         Put(Ident, 2);
         Put_Line(" has his left fork");
         delay Calendar.DAY_DURATION(Random_Number);
            delay 0.10;
            exit when Fork_Usage(Right) = AVAILABLE;
         end loop;
         Philosopher_Activity(Ident) := HAS_BOTH_FORKS;
         Put(Ident, 2);
         Put_Line(" has his right fork and is eating");
         delay Calendar.DAY_DURATION(Random_Number);
         Philosopher_Activity(Ident) := THINKING;
      end loop;


   Set_Seed;           -- Initialize the random number generator

   for Index in 1.. 5 loop
      Fork_Usage(Index) := AVAILABLE;
      Philosopher_Activity(Index) := THINKING;
   end loop;

end One_Man;

with Ada.Text_IO, One_Man;
use Ada.Text_IO, One_Man;

procedure Philos is

                             -- Declare all 5 tasks
   Philosopher_1 : One_Man.EATING_OR_THINKING;
   Philosopher_2 : One_Man.EATING_OR_THINKING;
   Philosopher_3 : One_Man.EATING_OR_THINKING;
   Philosopher_4 : One_Man.EATING_OR_THINKING;
   Philosopher_5 : One_Man.EATING_OR_THINKING;


                             -- Assign forks to Philosophers & start
   Philosopher_1.Start(Left_Fork => 1, Right_Fork => 2);
   Philosopher_2.Start(Left_Fork => 2, Right_Fork => 3);
   Philosopher_3.Start(Left_Fork => 3, Right_Fork => 4);
   Philosopher_4.Start(Left_Fork => 4, Right_Fork => 5);
   Philosopher_5.Start(Left_Fork => 5, Right_Fork => 1);

   loop                      -- Watch for deadlock to occur
      delay 0.01;
      if Philosopher_Activity(1) = HAS_LEFT_FORK and
         Philosopher_Activity(2) = HAS_LEFT_FORK and
         Philosopher_Activity(3) = HAS_LEFT_FORK and
         Philosopher_Activity(4) = HAS_LEFT_FORK and
         Philosopher_Activity(5) = HAS_LEFT_FORK then exit;
      end if;
   end loop;

   Put_Line("Deadlock detected, program operation aborted.");

   abort Philosopher_1, Philosopher_2, Philosopher_3,
         Philosopher_4, Philosopher_5;

end Philos;










这是一个有趣的问题,但更有趣的一点是,这个从第93行开始的程序使用Ada.Text_IO and One_Man, and One_Man in turn uses Ada.Text_IOAda.Calendar, and Random这个程序使用了Ada中相当多的可用资源,并使用了几个包来完成它的预期任务。因为我们使用的是为早期项目开发的Random,所以我们实际上是在说明Ada软件的可重用性。



Example program ------> e_c33_p7.ada

                                       -- Chapter 33 - Program 7
   type ITEM is private;
package GenStack is

procedure Push(In_Item : in ITEM);       -- In_Item is added to the
                                         -- stack if there is room.

procedure Pop(Out_Item : out ITEM);      -- Out_Item is removed from
                                         -- stack and returned if a
                                         -- character is on stack.
                                         -- else a blank is returned

function Is_Empty return BOOLEAN;        -- TRUE if stack is empty

function Is_Full return BOOLEAN;         -- TRUE if stack is full

function Current_Stack_Size return INTEGER;

procedure Clear_Stack;                   -- Reset the stack to empty

end GenStack;

package body GenStack is

Maximum_Size : constant := 25;
type ITEM_ARRAY is array(1..Maximum_Size) of ITEM;
Stack_List : ITEM_ARRAY;              -- The stack itself, purposely
                                      -- defined very small.
Top_Of_Stack : INTEGER := 0;          -- This will always point to
                                      -- the top entry on the stack.

procedure Push(In_Item : in ITEM) is
   if not Is_Full then
      Top_Of_Stack := Top_Of_Stack + 1;
      Stack_List(Top_Of_Stack) := In_Item;
   end if;
end Push;

procedure Pop(Out_Item : out ITEM) is
   if Is_Empty then
      null;                       -- Nothing to return
      Out_Item := Stack_List(Top_Of_Stack);
      Top_Of_Stack := Top_Of_Stack - 1;
   end if;
end Pop;

function Is_Empty return BOOLEAN is
   return Top_Of_Stack = 0;
end Is_Empty;

function Is_Full return BOOLEAN is
   return Top_Of_Stack = Maximum_Size;
end Is_Full;

function Current_Stack_Size return INTEGER is
   return Top_Of_Stack;
end Current_Stack_Size;

procedure Clear_Stack is
   Top_Of_Stack := 0;
end Clear_Stack;

end GenStack;


Example program ------> e_c33_p8.ada

                                       -- Chapter 33 - Program 8
with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with GenStack;

procedure TryStak is

   package Char_Stack is new GenStack(CHARACTER);
   use Char_Stack;

   Example : constant STRING := "This is the first test.";
   Another : constant STRING :=
                  "This is another test and this should not fit.";

   procedure Fill_The_Stack(Input_Line : STRING) is
      for Index in 1..Input_Line'LAST loop
         if Is_Full then
            Put_Line("The stack is full, no more added.");
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Fill_The_Stack;

   procedure Empty_The_Stack is
   Char : CHARACTER;
         if Is_Empty then
            Put_Line("The stack is empty.");
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Empty_The_Stack;




end TryStak;

-- Result of execution

-- This is the first test.
-- .tset tsrif eht si sihT
-- The stack is empty.
-- This is another test and this should not fit.
-- The stack is full, no more added.
--  dna tset rehtona si sihT
-- The stack is empty.





翻译(百度):博客园  一个默默的 *** 的人


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