
1.  基本查询语句

    语法:  select {*| <字段列表> }   FROM <表1>,<表2>... where <表达式>  [GROUP BY] [HAVING] [ORDER BY] [LIMIT]

2.  单表查询

    1.  查询所有字段

        select * from 表名;

    2.  查询指定字段

        1.  查询单个字段

            select 字段名 from 表名;

        2.  查询多个字段

            select 字段名1,字段名2 from 表名;

    3.  查询指定记录

        select 字段名1,字段名2 from 表名 where 查询条件;

    4.  带IN关键字的查询

        select name from students where id in (1,2);  查询id等于1,id等于2的用户名称

        select name from students where id not in (1,2);  查询id不等于1,也不等于2的用户名称

    5.  带between and的范围查询

        select name from students where id between 1 and 2;  查看id在1和2之间的用户名称,包含1和2

        select name from students where id not between 1 and 2;  查询id不在1和2之间的用户名称

    6.  带LIKE的字符匹配查询

        select * from students where name like 'ya%';

        select * from students where name like '%a%';

        select * from students where name like '%g';        

        select * from students where name like '_g';                              

    7.  查询空值

        IS NULL

        select * from students where classID is null;

        IS NOT NULL

        select * from students where classID is not null;

    8.  带AND的多条件查询

        select * from students where id=2 and classID=2;

    9.  带OR的多条件查询

        select * from students where id=2 or classID=2;

    10.  查询结果不重复

        select distinct 字段名 from 表名;

    11.  对查询结果排序

        1.  单列排序

            select * from students order by name ;  默认是升序            

        2.  多列排序

            select * from students order by classID,name desc;


        3.  指定排列顺序

            DESC  降序

            ASC  升序

    12.  分组查询

        1.  语法

            group by 字段  having 条件表达式

            group by常与MAX(),MIN(),COUNT(),SUM()结合使用

        2.  创建分组

            select classID,count(*) from students group by classID;  统计每个班级的人数

            select classID,group_concat(name) from students group by classID;  统计每个班级的人姓名

        3.  使用HAVING过滤分组

            select classID,group_concat(name) from students group by classID having count(name)>1;  统计班级人数大于1的班级

        4.  GROUP BY子句中使用WITH ROLLUP

            使用WITH ROLLUP之后,在所有查询出的分组记录之后增加一条记录,该记录计算查询出的所有记录的总和。            

mysql> select classID,count(name) from students group by classID with rollup;
| classID | count(name) |
| 1 | 3 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 1 |
| 4 | 1 |
| NULL | 6 |

        5.  多字段分组

            select * from students group by classID,name;  先按第一个字段分组,然后在第一个字段值相同的记录中,再根据第2个字段的值进行分组            

    13.  使用LIMIT限制查询结果的数量

        语法:  LIMIT  [位置偏移量,]   行数  第一个位置偏移量参数指示从哪一行开始显示,如果不指定,将会从表中的第一条记录开始;第二个参数行数指示返回的记录条数。

        select * from students limit 4;  返回前4行记录

        select * from students limit 4,3;  从第5行开始,往后数3行

3.  使用聚合函数查询




    1.  COUNT()  

        COUNT(*)  计算表中总的行数,不管某列有数值或者为空值

        COUNT(字段名)  计算指定列下总的行数,计算式忽略空值的行

        select count(*) from students;  返回10条记录

        select count(classID) from students;  返回9条记录,其中一条为null

        select classID,count(*) from students group by classID;

    2.  SUM()函数  

        select sum(classID) from students;        

        select classID,sum(classID) from students group by classID;

    3.  AVG()函数

        select avg(classID) from students ;

        select classID,avg(classID) from students group by classID;

    4.  MAX()函数

        select max(classID) from students;

        select max(classID) from students group by classID;

    5.  MIN()函数

        select min(classID) from students group by classID;

4.  连接查询

    1.  内连接查询

        select * from students inner join class on;

| id | name | classID | id | name | position |
| 1 | yangjianbo | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 2 | yichangkun | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 3 | luoying | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 4 | zhangyan | 2 | 2 | dev | Beijing |
| 5 | wujie | 3 | 3 | test | Beijing |
| 7 | houzhen | 2 | 2 | dev | Beijing |
| 8 | wangzhiyong | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 9 | wangshiqiang | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |


        select * from class inner join students on and'yangjianbo';

| id | name | position | id | name | classID |
| 1 | yunwei | Beijing | 1 | yangjianbo | 1 |

    2.  外连接查询                                      

        1.  LEFT JOIN  返回包括左表中的所有记录和右表中连接字段相等的记录

            select * from students left join class on;


| id | name | classID | id | name | position |
| 1 | yangjianbo | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 2 | yichangkun | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 3 | luoying | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 4 | zhangyan | 2 | 2 | dev | Beijing |
| 5 | wujie | 3 | 3 | test | Beijing |
| 6 | lexiang | 4 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 7 | houzhen | 2 | 2 | dev | Beijing |
| 8 | wangzhiyong | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 9 | wangshiqiang | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 10 | maojiangzhong | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |

        2.  RIGHT JOIN  返回包括右表中的所有记录和右表中连接字段相等的记录  

select * from students right join class on;

| id | name | classID | id | name | position |
| 1 | yangjianbo | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 2 | yichangkun | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 3 | luoying | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 4 | zhangyan | 2 | 2 | dev | Beijing |
| 5 | wujie | 3 | 3 | test | Beijing |
| 7 | houzhen | 2 | 2 | dev | Beijing |
| 8 | wangzhiyong | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| 9 | wangshiqiang | 1 | 1 | yunwei | Beijing |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | 100 | test | ShangHai |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | 125 | test | ShangHai |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | 127 | test | ShangHai |

5.  子查询

    1.  带any和some子查询


        select num1 from tb1 where num1 > any(select num2 from tb2);  只要num1大于tb2的num2,任何一个值就列出

        select num1 from tb1 where num1 > some(select num2 from tb2); 

    2.  带ALL的子查询

        select num1 from tb1 where num1 > all(select num2 from tb2);  num1必须大于tb2的所有num2

    3.  带EXISTS的子查询


mysql> select num1 from tb1 where exists (select * from tb2 where num2=3);  num2=3有这个值,所以外层语句可以查询
| num1 |
| 1 |
| 11 |
| 18 |
| 27 |


mysql> select num1 from tb1 where exists (select * from tb2 where num2=1);  num2=1没有这个值,所以外层语句不进行查询        

Empty set (0.00 sec)


    4.  带IN的子查询

        select id,name from students where id in (select id from class where name="yunwei");

        select id,name from students where id not in (select id from class where name="yunwei");        

6.  合并查询    

    语法:  select column,...  from table1    UNION [ALL]  select column,...  from table2                                                  

    UNION  使用关键字ALL不删除重复行也不对结果进行自动排序



7.  为表和字段取别名

    1.  为表取别名

        select * from students as a where'yangjianbo';

    2.  为字段取别名

        select name as username from students as a where'lexiang';

    3.  表字段别名只在执行查询的时候使用,并不在返回结果中显示,而列别名定义之后,将返回给客户端显示,显示的结果字段为字段列的别名。

8.  使用正则表达式查询

    1.  使用REGEXP关键字指定正则表达式的字符匹配模式


    2.  查询以特定字符开头的记录

        select * from students where name regexp '^y';             

    3.  查询以特定字符结尾的记录

        select * from students where name regexp 'o$';

    4.  用符号'.'来替代字符串中的任意一个字符

        select * from students where name regexp 'y.c';

    5.  使用"*"和"+"来匹配多个字符



mysql> select * from students where name regexp 'wa*';
| id | name | classID |
| 5 | wujie | 3 |
| 8 | wangzhiyong | 1 |
| 9 | wangshiqiang | 1 |


mysql> select * from students where name regexp 'wa+';
| id | name | classID |
| 8 | wangzhiyong | 1 |
| 9 | wangshiqiang | 1 |

    6.  匹配指定字符串

        select * from students where name regexp 'yi';

        select * from students where name regexp 'yi|wa';

    7.  匹配指定字符中的任意一个

        使用方括号[]指定一个字符集合,只匹配其中任何一个字符  [a-z]    [0-9]

        select * from students where name regexp '[oc]';  匹配o或者c

    8.  匹配指定字符以外的字符

        select * from students where name regexp '[^a-w]';        

    8.  使用{n,}或者{n,m}来指定字符串连续出现的次数



        select * from students where name regexp 'y{1,3}';            


posted @ 2021-12-28 11:18  奋斗史  阅读(238)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报