在Everything 的http服务,如何在指定文件夹中检索

在Everything 的http服务中,要制定对某个文件夹进行访问,如何才可以呢?

http://localhost/?search="D:\文件夹\" 检索的内容





The Everything HTTP server is a web server that allows you to search and access your files from a web browser.


Start a HTTP server

To start a HTTP server:

  • In Everything, From the Tools menu, click Options.

  • Click the HTTP Server tab.

  • Check Enable HTTP server.

  • Click OK.


View a HTTP server

Start the HTTP server and open http://ComputerName in your web browser. Where ComputerName is the name of the computer running the HTTP server.

Set a username and password

Changing the username and password will take effect immediately.


To change the HTTP server username and password

  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options

  • Click the HTTP server tab.

  • Type in a new username and password.

  • Click OK


Disable file downloading

You can disable file downloading and allow clients to list results only.


To disable HTTP file downloading:

  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options

  • Click the HTTP server tab.

  • Uncheck Allow file download.

  • Click OK


URL query string




key=value pairs can be omitted if not required.






search text



display results from the nth result



return no more than value results



return results as a JSON object if value is nonzero



match case if value is nonzero



search whole words if value is nonzero



search whole paths if value is nonzero



perform a regex search if value is nonzero



match diacritics if value is nonzero


list the result's path in the json object if value is nonzero


list the result's size in the json object if value is nonzero


list the result's modified date in the json object if value is nonzero


where value can be one of the following:

Sort nameDescription
name Sort by Name.
path Sort by Path.
date_modified Sort by Date Modified.
size Sort by Size.


sort by ascending order if value is nonzero


Default html query strings values:

offset 0
count 32
json 0
case 0
wholeword 0
path 0
regex 0
diacritics 0
sort name
ascending 1


Default JSON object query strings values:

offset 0
count 4294967295
json 1
case 0
wholeword 0
path 0
regex 0
diacritics 0
path_column 0
size_column 0
date_modified_column 0
date_created_column 0
attributes_column 0
sort name
ascending 1


For example, search for ABC AND 123, from the starting offset of 0, displaying only the first 100 results, sorted by size descending:



Change the default HTTP files

You can customize the layout of the server, the icon, folder image, file image, everything logo, sort up image, sort down image and up one folder image.


  • Create the folder

    HTTP Server


  • If Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything is disabled, the HTTP Server folder must be created in the same location as your Everything.exe.

  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Start HTTP Server.

  • Download the following files to your HTTP Server folder:

  • Everything-HTTP.Server.Files.zip

  • Edit these files in the HTTP Server folder in your "Everything" installation folder.

  • Everything will load these files instead of the embedded HTTP server files.

  • Hold Shift and press the reload button to force your browser to refresh.


Change the default HTTP server page

To change the default HTTP server page:

  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.

  • Click the HTTP Server tab.

  • Set the Default page to your custom page.


Custom strings

To customize the builtin HTTP server strings:

  • Download the HTTP server strings template: http_server_strings.zip

  • Extract the http_server_strings.ini file to: %APPDATA%\Everything\HTTP server

  • Make any changes to your http_server_strings.ini

  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:

    /http_server_strings=C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Everything\HTTP Server\http_server_strings.ini

    where <user> is your username.

  • Restart the HTTP Server:

    • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.

    • Click the HTTP Server tab.

    • Uncheck Enable HTTP Server.

    • Click Apply.

    • Check Enable HTTP Server.

    • Click OK.



Every file and folder indexed by Everything can be searched and downloaded via the web server.


To disable file downloading:

  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.

  • Click the HTTP Server tab.

  • Uncheck allow file download.


See Disable HTTP Server to remove the HTTP server options and prevent the HTTP server from starting.


Disable HTTP Server

To disable the HTTP server:

  • Exit Everything (right click the Everything system tray icon and click Exit)

  • Open your Everything.ini in the same location as your Everything.exe

  • Change the following line:



  • Save changes and restart Everything.


Trouble shooting

How do I fix the Unable to start HTTP server: bind failed 10048 error?


There is already another service running on port 80.

Please try changing the Everything HTTP server port to another port.


To change the HTTP server port:

  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options

  • Click the HTTP server tab.

  • Change Listen on port to a new port, for example 8080.

  • Click OK


Please make sure to specify this port when connecting to the web server with your web browser, for example:



Range request

Everything supports range requests for streaming support.

posted @ 2020-10-05 22:02  重积德  阅读(1297)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报