caffe lstm
理解 LSTM 网络
Understanding LSTM Networks
在语言模型的例子中,因为他就看到了一个 代词,可能需要输出与一个 动词 相关的信息。例如,可能输出是否代词是单数还是负数,这样如果是动词的话,我们也知道动词需要进行的词形变化。
caffe lstm的实现方式过于复杂,lstm层继承于RecurrentLayer,然后在该层自建一个net。就是说一个lstm层内部就是一个网络!
layer {
name: "lstm1x_r2"
type: "LSTM"
bottom: "permuted_data"
bottom: "indicator"
top: "lstm1x"
recurrent_param {
num_output: 100
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
输入[80,1,512,8] 经过inner
这里从bottom permuted_data数据流shape是[80,1,512,8], indicator数据流的shape是[80,1],这里indicator80个数据是第一个为0,其余为1.
输入的[80,1,512,8] 在lstm内部叫x,type是input。 对这股数据流进行全连接,inner,得到W_xc_x,其shape是[80,1,400],然后经过slice层被切割成80份,W_xc_x_1[1,1,400] W_xc_x_2[1,1,400] ... W_xc_x_80[1,1,400].
注意这里是一个全连接层,会有2组参数,w和b。w的shape是[400,4096],b的shape是[400]. (512×8=4096)
这里的全连接层和公式结合起来就是wx,设定的lstm的recurrent_param num_output: 100,然后这个的全连接层参数直接是num_output×4=400,就是输出是400.
c(t) h(t)
然后讲解c0, h0, 这两个初始状态都被置位0,shape都是[1,1,100]。
其中根据公式,h也是需要经过全连接层的,h[1,1,100]经过inner变成[1,1,400]. 所以这里也会产生一组参数w[400,100]. 这里在caffe中偏置是没有的,所以caffe的可以学习参数就是这3组,这里一组还是上面全连接层参数是2组。
W_xc_x_t [1,1,400]
h(t-1)' [1,1,400]
然后输入3个参数到LSTMUnit层,该层就是负责逻辑运算的,输入的3个参数分别是c(t-1)shape是[1,1,100], gate_input_t[1,1,400], cont[1,1].
LSTMUnit层输出c(t) [1,1,100], h(t) [1,1,100]
template <typename Dtype>
void LSTMUnitLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
const int num = bottom[0]->shape(1);//1
const int x_dim = hidden_dim_ * 4;
const Dtype* C_prev = bottom[0]->cpu_data();
const Dtype* X = bottom[1]->cpu_data();
const Dtype* cont = bottom[2]->cpu_data();
Dtype* C = top[0]->mutable_cpu_data();
Dtype* H = top[1]->mutable_cpu_data();
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) { //1
for (int d = 0; d < hidden_dim_; ++d) {//100
const Dtype i = sigmoid(X[d]);
const Dtype f = (*cont == 0) ? 0 :
(*cont * sigmoid(X[1 * hidden_dim_ + d]));
const Dtype o = sigmoid(X[2 * hidden_dim_ + d]);
const Dtype g = tanh(X[3 * hidden_dim_ + d]);
const Dtype c_prev = C_prev[d];
const Dtype c = f * c_prev + i * g;
C[d] = c;
const Dtype tanh_c = tanh(c);
H[d] = o * tanh_c;
C_prev += hidden_dim_;
X += x_dim;
C += hidden_dim_;
H += hidden_dim_;
从代码中可以看到X[d] X[1 * hidden_dim_ + d] X[2 * hidden_dim_ + d] X[3 * hidden_dim_ + d],大循环是hidden_dim_,100, 每次拿出i,f,o,g的值进行运算。
这里经过了一个单元运算,总共需要time step次运算,每次都会把3个输入参数先得,输入的3个参数分别是c(t-1)shape是[1,1,100], gate_input_t[1,1,400], cont[1,1].再送到LSTMUnitLayer单元运算。
c(t-1)是上一次的运算输出, gate_input_t里面包含了当前的x和上一次输出的h。
最后结果就是直接把h的输出都统一保存,变成[80,1,100]. 每次得到的h是[1,1,100]
template <typename Dtype>
void LSTMLayer<Dtype>::FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const {
const int num_output = this->layer_param_.recurrent_param().num_output();
CHECK_GT(num_output, 0) << "num_output must be positive";
const FillerParameter& weight_filler =
const FillerParameter& bias_filler =
// Add generic LayerParameter's (without bottoms/tops) of layer types we'll
// use to save redundant code.
LayerParameter hidden_param;
hidden_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->set_num_output(num_output * 4);
LayerParameter biased_hidden_param(hidden_param);
LayerParameter sum_param;
LayerParameter scale_param;
LayerParameter slice_param;
LayerParameter split_param;
vector<BlobShape> input_shapes;
RecurrentInputShapes(&input_shapes);//1 1 100 1 1 100
CHECK_EQ(2, input_shapes.size());
LayerParameter* input_layer_param = net_param->add_layer();
InputParameter* input_param = input_layer_param->mutable_input_param();
LayerParameter* cont_slice_param = net_param->add_layer();
// Add layer to transform all timesteps of x to the hidden state dimension.
// W_xc_x = W_xc * x + b_c
LayerParameter* x_transform_param = net_param->add_layer();
if (this->static_input_) {
// Add layer to transform x_static to the gate dimension.
// W_xc_x_static = W_xc_static * x_static
LayerParameter* x_static_transform_param = net_param->add_layer();
LayerParameter* reshape_param = net_param->add_layer();
BlobShape* new_shape =
new_shape->add_dim(1); // One timestep.
// Should infer this->N as the dimension so we can reshape on batch size.
LayerParameter* x_slice_param = net_param->add_layer();
LayerParameter output_concat_layer;
// int TTT = this->T_; //80
for (int t = 1; t <= this->T_; ++t) {
string tm1s = format_int(t - 1);
string ts = format_int(t);
cont_slice_param->add_top("cont_" + ts);
x_slice_param->add_top("W_xc_x_" + ts);
// Add layers to flush the hidden state when beginning a new
// sequence, as indicated by cont_t.
// h_conted_{t-1} := cont_t * h_{t-1}
// Normally, cont_t is binary (i.e., 0 or 1), so:
// h_conted_{t-1} := h_{t-1} if cont_t == 1
// 0 otherwise
LayerParameter* cont_h_param = net_param->add_layer();
cont_h_param->set_name("h_conted_" + tm1s);
cont_h_param->add_bottom("h_" + tm1s);
cont_h_param->add_bottom("cont_" + ts);
cont_h_param->add_top("h_conted_" + tm1s);
// Add layer to compute
// W_hc_h_{t-1} := W_hc * h_conted_{t-1}
LayerParameter* w_param = net_param->add_layer();
w_param->set_name("transform_" + ts);
w_param->add_bottom("h_conted_" + tm1s);
w_param->add_top("W_hc_h_" + tm1s);
// Add the outputs of the linear transformations to compute the gate input.
// gate_input_t := W_hc * h_conted_{t-1} + W_xc * x_t + b_c
// = W_hc_h_{t-1} + W_xc_x_t + b_c
LayerParameter* input_sum_layer = net_param->add_layer();
input_sum_layer->set_name("gate_input_" + ts);
input_sum_layer->add_bottom("W_hc_h_" + tm1s);
input_sum_layer->add_bottom("W_xc_x_" + ts);
if (this->static_input_) {
input_sum_layer->add_top("gate_input_" + ts);
// Add LSTMUnit layer to compute the cell & hidden vectors c_t and h_t.
// Inputs: c_{t-1}, gate_input_t = (i_t, f_t, o_t, g_t), cont_t
// Outputs: c_t, h_t
// [ i_t' ]
// [ f_t' ] := gate_input_t
// [ o_t' ]
// [ g_t' ]
// i_t := \sigmoid[i_t']
// f_t := \sigmoid[f_t']
// o_t := \sigmoid[o_t']
// g_t := \tanh[g_t']
// c_t := cont_t * (f_t .* c_{t-1}) + (i_t .* g_t)
// h_t := o_t .* \tanh[c_t]
LayerParameter* lstm_unit_param = net_param->add_layer();
lstm_unit_param->add_bottom("c_" + tm1s);
lstm_unit_param->add_bottom("gate_input_" + ts);
lstm_unit_param->add_bottom("cont_" + ts);
lstm_unit_param->add_top("c_" + ts);
lstm_unit_param->add_top("h_" + ts);
lstm_unit_param->set_name("unit_" + ts);
output_concat_layer.add_bottom("h_" + ts);
} // for (int t = 1; t <= this->T_; ++t)
LayerParameter* c_T_copy_param = net_param->add_layer();
c_T_copy_param->add_bottom("c_" + format_int(this->T_));
这里我给出它用代码搭建网络生成的prototxt, timestep=80.放到netscope里面,直接像蜘蛛网一样的网络。太复杂。
# Enter your network definition here.
# Use Shift+Enter to update the visualization.
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_"
type: "Input"
top: "x"
top: "cont"
input_param {
shape {
dim: 80
dim: 1
dim: 512
dim: 8
shape {
dim: 80
dim: 1
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_"
type: "Input"
top: "c_0"
top: "h_0"
input_param {
shape {
dim: 1
dim: 1
dim: 100
shape {
dim: 1
dim: 1
dim: 100
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_cont_slice"
type: "Slice"
bottom: "cont"
top: "cont_1"
top: "cont_2"
top: "cont_3"
top: "cont_4"
top: "cont_5"
top: "cont_6"
top: "cont_7"
top: "cont_8"
top: "cont_9"
top: "cont_10"
top: "cont_11"
top: "cont_12"
top: "cont_13"
top: "cont_14"
top: "cont_15"
top: "cont_16"
top: "cont_17"
top: "cont_18"
top: "cont_19"
top: "cont_20"
top: "cont_21"
top: "cont_22"
top: "cont_23"
top: "cont_24"
top: "cont_25"
top: "cont_26"
top: "cont_27"
top: "cont_28"
top: "cont_29"
top: "cont_30"
top: "cont_31"
top: "cont_32"
top: "cont_33"
top: "cont_34"
top: "cont_35"
top: "cont_36"
top: "cont_37"
top: "cont_38"
top: "cont_39"
top: "cont_40"
top: "cont_41"
top: "cont_42"
top: "cont_43"
top: "cont_44"
top: "cont_45"
top: "cont_46"
top: "cont_47"
top: "cont_48"
top: "cont_49"
top: "cont_50"
top: "cont_51"
top: "cont_52"
top: "cont_53"
top: "cont_54"
top: "cont_55"
top: "cont_56"
top: "cont_57"
top: "cont_58"
top: "cont_59"
top: "cont_60"
top: "cont_61"
top: "cont_62"
top: "cont_63"
top: "cont_64"
top: "cont_65"
top: "cont_66"
top: "cont_67"
top: "cont_68"
top: "cont_69"
top: "cont_70"
top: "cont_71"
top: "cont_72"
top: "cont_73"
top: "cont_74"
top: "cont_75"
top: "cont_76"
top: "cont_77"
top: "cont_78"
top: "cont_79"
top: "cont_80"
slice_param {
axis: 0
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_x_transform"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "x"
top: "W_xc_x"
param {
name: "W_xc"
param {
name: "b_c"
propagate_down: true
inner_product_param {
num_output: 400
bias_term: true
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
axis: 2
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_W_xc_x_slice"
type: "Slice"
bottom: "W_xc_x"
top: "W_xc_x_1"
top: "W_xc_x_2"
top: "W_xc_x_3"
top: "W_xc_x_4"
top: "W_xc_x_5"
top: "W_xc_x_6"
top: "W_xc_x_7"
top: "W_xc_x_8"
top: "W_xc_x_9"
top: "W_xc_x_10"
top: "W_xc_x_11"
top: "W_xc_x_12"
top: "W_xc_x_13"
top: "W_xc_x_14"
top: "W_xc_x_15"
top: "W_xc_x_16"
top: "W_xc_x_17"
top: "W_xc_x_18"
top: "W_xc_x_19"
top: "W_xc_x_20"
top: "W_xc_x_21"
top: "W_xc_x_22"
top: "W_xc_x_23"
top: "W_xc_x_24"
top: "W_xc_x_25"
top: "W_xc_x_26"
top: "W_xc_x_27"
top: "W_xc_x_28"
top: "W_xc_x_29"
top: "W_xc_x_30"
top: "W_xc_x_31"
top: "W_xc_x_32"
top: "W_xc_x_33"
top: "W_xc_x_34"
top: "W_xc_x_35"
top: "W_xc_x_36"
top: "W_xc_x_37"
top: "W_xc_x_38"
top: "W_xc_x_39"
top: "W_xc_x_40"
top: "W_xc_x_41"
top: "W_xc_x_42"
top: "W_xc_x_43"
top: "W_xc_x_44"
top: "W_xc_x_45"
top: "W_xc_x_46"
top: "W_xc_x_47"
top: "W_xc_x_48"
top: "W_xc_x_49"
top: "W_xc_x_50"
top: "W_xc_x_51"
top: "W_xc_x_52"
top: "W_xc_x_53"
top: "W_xc_x_54"
top: "W_xc_x_55"
top: "W_xc_x_56"
top: "W_xc_x_57"
top: "W_xc_x_58"
top: "W_xc_x_59"
top: "W_xc_x_60"
top: "W_xc_x_61"
top: "W_xc_x_62"
top: "W_xc_x_63"
top: "W_xc_x_64"
top: "W_xc_x_65"
top: "W_xc_x_66"
top: "W_xc_x_67"
top: "W_xc_x_68"
top: "W_xc_x_69"
top: "W_xc_x_70"
top: "W_xc_x_71"
top: "W_xc_x_72"
top: "W_xc_x_73"
top: "W_xc_x_74"
top: "W_xc_x_75"
top: "W_xc_x_76"
top: "W_xc_x_77"
top: "W_xc_x_78"
top: "W_xc_x_79"
top: "W_xc_x_80"
slice_param {
axis: 0
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_h_conted_0"
type: "Scale"
bottom: "h_0"
bottom: "cont_1"
top: "h_conted_0"
scale_param {
axis: 0
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_transform_1"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "h_conted_0"
top: "W_hc_h_0"
param {
name: "W_hc"
inner_product_param {
num_output: 400
bias_term: false
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
axis: 2
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_gate_input_1"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "W_hc_h_0"
bottom: "W_xc_x_1"
top: "gate_input_1"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_unit_1"
type: "LSTMUnit"
bottom: "c_0"
bottom: "gate_input_1"
bottom: "cont_1"
top: "c_1"
top: "h_1"
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_h_conted_1"
type: "Scale"
bottom: "h_1"
bottom: "cont_2"
top: "h_conted_1"
scale_param {
axis: 0
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_transform_2"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "h_conted_1"
top: "W_hc_h_1"
param {
name: "W_hc"
inner_product_param {
num_output: 400
bias_term: false
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
axis: 2
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_gate_input_2"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "W_hc_h_1"
bottom: "W_xc_x_2"
top: "gate_input_2"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_unit_2"
type: "LSTMUnit"
bottom: "c_1"
bottom: "gate_input_2"
bottom: "cont_2"
top: "c_2"
top: "h_2"
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_h_conted_2"
type: "Scale"
bottom: "h_2"
bottom: "cont_3"
top: "h_conted_2"
scale_param {
axis: 0
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_transform_3"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "h_conted_2"
top: "W_hc_h_2"
param {
name: "W_hc"
inner_product_param {
num_output: 400
bias_term: false
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
axis: 2
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_gate_input_3"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "W_hc_h_2"
bottom: "W_xc_x_3"
top: "gate_input_3"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_unit_3"
type: "LSTMUnit"
bottom: "c_2"
bottom: "gate_input_3"
bottom: "cont_3"
top: "c_3"
top: "h_3"
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_h_conted_3"
type: "Scale"
bottom: "h_3"
bottom: "cont_4"
top: "h_conted_3"
scale_param {
axis: 0
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_transform_4"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "h_conted_3"
top: "W_hc_h_3"
param {
name: "W_hc"
inner_product_param {
num_output: 400
bias_term: false
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
axis: 2
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_gate_input_4"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "W_hc_h_3"
bottom: "W_xc_x_4"
top: "gate_input_4"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_unit_4"
type: "LSTMUnit"
bottom: "c_3"
bottom: "gate_input_4"
bottom: "cont_4"
top: "c_4"
top: "h_4"
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_h_conted_4"
type: "Scale"
bottom: "h_4"
bottom: "cont_5"
top: "h_conted_4"
scale_param {
axis: 0
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_transform_5"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "h_conted_4"
top: "W_hc_h_4"
param {
name: "W_hc"
inner_product_param {
num_output: 400
bias_term: false
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
axis: 2
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_gate_input_5"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "W_hc_h_4"
bottom: "W_xc_x_5"
top: "gate_input_5"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_unit_5"
type: "LSTMUnit"
bottom: "c_4"
bottom: "gate_input_5"
bottom: "cont_5"
top: "c_5"
top: "h_5"
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_h_conted_5"
type: "Scale"
bottom: "h_5"
bottom: "cont_6"
top: "h_conted_5"
scale_param {
axis: 0
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_transform_6"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "h_conted_5"
top: "W_hc_h_5"
param {
name: "W_hc"
inner_product_param {
num_output: 400
bias_term: false
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
axis: 2
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_gate_input_6"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "W_hc_h_5"
bottom: "W_xc_x_6"
top: "gate_input_6"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_unit_6"
type: "LSTMUnit"
bottom: "c_5"
bottom: "gate_input_6"
bottom: "cont_6"
top: "c_6"
top: "h_6"
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_h_conted_6"
type: "Scale"
bottom: "h_6"
bottom: "cont_7"
top: "h_conted_6"
scale_param {
axis: 0
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_transform_7"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "h_conted_6"
top: "W_hc_h_6"
param {
name: "W_hc"
inner_product_param {
num_output: 400
bias_term: false
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
axis: 2
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_gate_input_7"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "W_hc_h_6"
bottom: "W_xc_x_7"
top: "gate_input_7"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_unit_7"
type: "LSTMUnit"
bottom: "c_6"
bottom: "gate_input_7"
bottom: "cont_7"
top: "c_7"
top: "h_7"
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_h_conted_7"
type: "Scale"
bottom: "h_7"
bottom: "cont_8"
top: "h_conted_7"
scale_param {
axis: 0
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_transform_8"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "h_conted_7"
top: "W_hc_h_7"
param {
name: "W_hc"
inner_product_param {
num_output: 400
bias_term: false
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
axis: 2
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_gate_input_8"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "W_hc_h_7"
bottom: "W_xc_x_8"
top: "gate_input_8"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_unit_8"
type: "LSTMUnit"
bottom: "c_7"
bottom: "gate_input_8"
bottom: "cont_8"
top: "c_8"
top: "h_8"
layer {
name: "lstm2x_r2_h_conted_8"
type: "Scale"
bottom: "h_8"
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num_output: 400
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operation: SUM
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num_output: 400
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