

private var target : Transform;//摄像机要跟随的目标

var distance = 25.0;//摄像机距离目标多远

var springiness = 40.0;//相机跟随目标的严格程度,值越小摄像机会变懒

private var targetLock = false;

private var savedInterpolationSetting = RigidbodyInterpolation.None;

function Awake () { // Set up our convenience references. }

function SetTarget (newTarget : Transform, snap : boolean){ if  (target) {//假如摄像机跟随的目标不为空   targetRigidbody = target.GetComponent (Rigidbody);//获取刚体组件   if  (targetRigidbody)//目标具有刚体属性    targetRigidbody.interpolation = savedInterpolationSetting;//设置刚体插值 } target = newTarget;//重新设置目标 if (target) {   targetRigidbody = target.GetComponent (Rigidbody);   if (targetRigidbody) {    savedInterpolationSetting = targetRigidbody.interpolation;    targetRigidbody.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;   } } if  (snap) {//是否关闭摄像机   transform.position = GetGoalPosition (); } }

function SetTarget (newTarget : Transform) { SetTarget (newTarget, false); }

function LateUpdate () { // Where should our camera be looking right now? var goalPosition = GetGoalPosition (); // Interpolate between the current camera position and the goal position. // See the documentation on Vector3.Lerp () for more information. transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (transform.position, goalPosition, Time.deltaTime * springiness); transform.LookAt(target.position);//摄像机注视着玩家 }

function GetGoalPosition () {

if  (!target)//如果没有目标就返回摄像机的位置   return transform.position;   var heightOffset = 6.0;//摄像机偏离目标的高度 var distanceModifier = 1.0;//摄像机与目标的水平便宜量 // 默认情况下,我们不会考虑任何目标速度的计算; var velocityLookAhead = 0.0; var maxLookAhead = Vector2 (0.0, 0.0); // 获取目标的额外属性组件,这里指的是-----脚本 // 根据相对高度和距离粗略计算摄像机位置, 不考虑目标的速度。这个vector的x为0是 因为摄像机时正对着目标的所以x为0 摄像机是在目标的侧面而不是目标的背面 var goalPosition = target.position + Vector3 (0, heightOffset, -distance * distanceModifier); //下面开始将目标的速度考虑在内 var targetVelocity = Vector3.zero;//初始化无速度 var targetRigidbody = target.GetComponent (Rigidbody); if (targetRigidbody)//获取目标的速度   targetVelocity = targetRigidbody.velocity;   // If we find a PlatformerController on the target, we can access a velocity from that! targetPlatformerController = target.GetComponent (MyPlatformerController); if (targetPlatformerController)   targetVelocity = targetPlatformerController.GetVelocity ();//从该脚本中获取目标的速度   var lookAhead = targetVelocity * velocityLookAhead; //限制lookAhead。x的值在-maxLookAhead.x和maxLookAhead.x之间 //限制value的值在min和max之间, 如果value小于min,返回min。 如果value大于max,返回max,否则返回value lookAhead.x = Mathf.Clamp (lookAhead.x, -maxLookAhead.x, maxLookAhead.x); lookAhead.y = Mathf.Clamp (lookAhead.y, -maxLookAhead.y, maxLookAhead.y); // We never want to take z velocity into account as this is 2D.  Just make sure it's zero. lookAhead.z = 0.0; goalPosition += lookAhead; var clampOffset = Vector3.zero; var cameraPositionSave = transform.position;//摄像机的旧的位置 transform.position = goalPosition;//重新设置摄像机的位置 //一下四行计算的是摄像机有没有超过整个大场景边框 /*var targetViewportPosition = camera.WorldToViewportPoint (target.position);//目标在窗口(记住是窗口)中的位置 var upperRightCameraInWorld = camera.ViewportToWorldPoint (Vector3 (1.0, 1.0, targetViewportPosition.z)); // Find out how far outside the world the camera is right now. clampOffset.x = Mathf.Min (levelBounds.xMax - upperRightCameraInWorld.x, 0.0); clampOffset.y = Mathf.Min ((levelBounds.yMax - upperRightCameraInWorld.y), 0.0);*/ return goalPosition; } function Start () {


function Update () {




private var cameraScrolling : MyCameraScrolling;

// Who is the player controlling private var selected = 0;

// List of objects to control public var targets : Transform;

function Awake () {

// Get the reference to our CameraScrolling script attached to this camera; cameraScrolling = GetComponent(MyCameraScrolling); // Set the scrolling camera's target to be our character at the start. cameraScrolling.SetTarget (targets, true); }



//是否需要对输入做出反应 //sendmessage第二个参数的用法请看下面 //SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver //如果没有找到相应函数,会报错(默认是这个状态) //SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver //即使没有找到相应函数,也不会报错,自动忽略 var canControl = true;

var spawnPoint : Transform;//玩家重生点

class MyPlatformerControllerMovement { // The speed when walking var walkSpeed = 3.0; // when pressing "Fire1" button (control) we start running var runSpeed = 10.0;

var inAirControlAcceleration = 1.0;

// The gravity for the character var gravity = 60.0; var maxFallSpeed = 20.0;

// How fast does the character change speeds?  Higher is faster. var speedSmoothing = 5.0;

// This controls how fast the graphics of the character "turn around" when the player turns around using the controls. var rotationSmoothing = 10.0;

// The current move direction in x-y.  This will always been (1,0,0) or (-1,0,0) // The next line, @System.NonSerialized , tells Unity to not serialize the variable or show it in the inspector view.  Very handy for organization! @System.NonSerialized var direction = Vector3.zero;

// The current vertical speed @System.NonSerialized var verticalSpeed = 0.0;

// The current movement speed.  This gets smoothed by speedSmoothing. @System.NonSerialized var speed = 0.0;

// Is the user pressing the left or right movement keys? @System.NonSerialized var isMoving = false;

// The last collision flags returned from controller.Move @System.NonSerialized var collisionFlags : CollisionFlags; //这是unity3d的碰撞信息,具体可以参考http://game.ceeger.com/Script/Enumerations/CollisionFlags/CollisionFlags.None.html

// We will keep track of an approximation of the character's current velocity, so that we return it from GetVelocity () for our camera to use for prediction. @System.NonSerialized var velocity : Vector3; // This keeps track of our current velocity while we're not grounded? @System.NonSerialized var inAirVelocity = Vector3.zero;//在空中的时候的速度

// This will keep track of how long we have we been in the air (not grounded) @System.NonSerialized var hangTime = 0.0;//在空中停留的时间 }

var movement : MyPlatformerControllerMovement;

// We will contain all the jumping related variables in one helper class for clarity. class MyPlatformerControllerJumping { // Can the character jump? var enabled = true;

// How high do we jump when pressing jump and letting go immediately var height = 1.0; // We add extraHeight units (meters) on top when holding the button down longer while jumping var extraHeight = 4.1; // This prevents inordinarily too quick jumping // The next line, @System.NonSerialized , tells Unity to not serialize the variable or show it in the inspector view.  Very handy for organization! @System.NonSerialized var repeatTime = 0.05;

@System.NonSerialized var timeout = 0.15;

// Are we jumping? (Initiated with jump button and not grounded yet) @System.NonSerialized var jumping = false; @System.NonSerialized var reachedApex = false;// 达到最高点?   // Last time the jump button was clicked down @System.NonSerialized var lastButtonTime = -10.0; // Last time we performed a jump @System.NonSerialized var lastTime = -1.0;

// the height we jumped from (Used to determine for how long to apply extra jump power after jumping.) @System.NonSerialized var lastStartHeight = 0.0; }

var jump : MyPlatformerControllerJumping;

private var controller : CharacterController;

// Moving platform support. private var activePlatform : Transform; private var activeLocalPlatformPoint : Vector3; private var activeGlobalPlatformPoint : Vector3; private var lastPlatformVelocity : Vector3;

private var areEmittersOn = false;//粒子是否开启 可能是跑步的时候的粒子效果

function Awake () { movement.direction = transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward); controller = GetComponent (CharacterController); Spawn (); }

function Spawn () { // reset the character's speed movement.verticalSpeed = 0.0; movement.speed = 0.0; // reset the character's position to the spawnPoint transform.position = spawnPoint.position;//玩家位置被送到重生点 }

function OnDeath () { Spawn (); }

function UpdateSmoothedMovementDirection () {

//通过坐标轴名称返回一个不使用平滑滤波器的虚拟值。往左为-1往右边卫+1没有输入的时候为0 var h = Input.GetAxisRaw ("Horizontal"); Debug.Log(h); if (!canControl)   h = 0.0; movement.isMoving = Mathf.Abs (h) > 0.1;   if (movement.isMoving)   movement.direction = Vector3 (h, 0, 0); // Grounded controls if (controller.isGrounded) {//判断玩家是否在地面上   // Smooth the speed based on the current target direction   var curSmooth = movement.speedSmoothing * Time.deltaTime;//玩家的加速度     // Choose target speed   var targetSpeed = Mathf.Min (Mathf.Abs(h), 1.0);   // Pick speed modifier   if (Input.GetButton ("Fire2") && canControl)    targetSpeed *= movement.runSpeed;   else    targetSpeed *= movement.walkSpeed;     movement.speed = Mathf.Lerp (movement.speed, targetSpeed, curSmooth);     movement.hangTime = 0.0;//一旦落到地上空中滞留时间就设置为0; } else {   // In air controls   movement.hangTime += Time.deltaTime;   if (movement.isMoving)    movement.inAirVelocity += Vector3 (Mathf.Sign(h), 0, 0) * Time.deltaTime * movement.inAirControlAcceleration;//空中移动速度 } }

function FixedUpdate () { // Make sure we are absolutely always in the 2D plane. transform.position.z = 0;//时刻保持z不变


function ApplyJumping () { // Prevent jumping too fast after each other if (jump.lastTime + jump.repeatTime > Time.time)   return;

if (controller.isGrounded) {   // Jump   // - Only when pressing the button down   // - With a timeout so you can press the button slightly before landing    if (jump.enabled && Time.time < jump.lastButtonTime + jump.timeout) {    movement.verticalSpeed = CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (jump.height);    movement.inAirVelocity = lastPlatformVelocity;   

   SendMessage ("DidJump", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);   } } }

function ApplyGravity () { // Apply gravity var jumpButton = Input.GetButton ("Jump"); if (!canControl)   jumpButton = false; // When we reach the apex of the jump we send out a message if (jump.jumping && !jump.reachedApex && movement.verticalSpeed <= 0.0) {//达到最高点   jump.reachedApex = true;   SendMessage ("DidJumpReachApex", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);//不接受输入 } // * When jumping up we don't apply gravity for some time when the user is holding the jump button //   This gives more control over jump height by pressing the button longer var extraPowerJump =  jump.jumping && movement.verticalSpeed > 0.0 && jumpButton && transform.position.y < jump.lastStartHeight + jump.extraHeight && !IsTouchingCeiling (); if (extraPowerJump == true)//额外的跳跃不需要重力,因为不符可重力学   return; else if (controller.isGrounded)   movement.verticalSpeed = -movement.gravity * Time.deltaTime;//当在地面的时候才垂直速度固定 else   movement.verticalSpeed -= movement.gravity * Time.deltaTime;//在空中的时候根据重力加速度 进行速度递减   // Make sure we don't fall any faster than maxFallSpeed.  This gives our character a terminal velocity. //玩家往上的时候速度为正故  movement.verticalSpeed肯定大于-movement.maxFallSpeed,当玩家掉下的时候速度为负数,故可以和-movement.maxFallSpeed比较大小 movement.verticalSpeed = Mathf.Max (movement.verticalSpeed, -movement.maxFallSpeed); }

function CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (targetJumpHeight : float) {//根据v = sqrt(2Gh)来计算出速度 // From the jump height and gravity we deduce the upwards speed // for the character to reach at the apex. return Mathf.Sqrt (2 * targetJumpHeight * movement.gravity); }

function DidJump () { jump.jumping = true; jump.reachedApex = false; jump.lastTime = Time.time; jump.lastStartHeight = transform.position.y; jump.lastButtonTime = -10; }

function UpdateEffects () { wereEmittersOn = areEmittersOn; areEmittersOn = jump.jumping && movement.verticalSpeed > 0.0; // By comparing the previous value of areEmittersOn to the new one, we will only update the particle emitters when needed if (wereEmittersOn != areEmittersOn) {   for (var emitter in GetComponentsInChildren (ParticleEmitter)) {    emitter.emit = areEmittersOn;   }   } }

function Update () { if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump") && canControl) {//按下跳跃键并且可以控制    jump.lastButtonTime = Time.time;//记录当前按键的时间 } UpdateSmoothedMovementDirection(); ApplyGravity ();

ApplyJumping (); if (activePlatform != null) {   var newGlobalPlatformPoint = activePlatform.TransformPoint(activeLocalPlatformPoint);//自身坐标转化为世界坐标   var moveDistance = (newGlobalPlatformPoint - activeGlobalPlatformPoint);   transform.position = transform.position + moveDistance;   lastPlatformVelocity = (newGlobalPlatformPoint - activeGlobalPlatformPoint) / Time.deltaTime; } else {   lastPlatformVelocity = Vector3.zero; } activePlatform = null; // Save lastPosition for velocity calculation. lastPosition = transform.position; var currentMovementOffset = movement.direction * movement.speed + Vector3 (0, movement.verticalSpeed, 0) + movement.inAirVelocity; // We always want the movement to be framerate independent.  Multiplying by Time.deltaTime does this. currentMovementOffset *= Time.deltaTime;     // Move our character! movement.collisionFlags = controller.Move (currentMovementOffset); // Calculate the velocity based on the current and previous position.  // This means our velocity will only be the amount the character actually moved as a result of collisions. movement.velocity = (transform.position - lastPosition) / Time.deltaTime; if (activePlatform != null) {   activeGlobalPlatformPoint = transform.position;   activeLocalPlatformPoint = activePlatform.InverseTransformPoint (transform.position); } // Set rotation to the move direction if (movement.direction.sqrMagnitude > 0.01)   transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation (movement.direction), Time.deltaTime * movement.rotationSmoothing); // We are in jump mode but just became grounded if (controller.isGrounded) {   movement.inAirVelocity = Vector3.zero;   if (jump.jumping) {    jump.jumping = false;    SendMessage ("DidLand", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

   var jumpMoveDirection = movement.direction * movement.speed + movement.inAirVelocity;    if (jumpMoveDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0.01)     movement.direction = jumpMoveDirection.normalized;   } }

// Update special effects like rocket pack particle effects UpdateEffects (); }

function GetSpeed () { return movement.speed; }

function GetVelocity () { return movement.velocity; }

function IsMoving () { return movement.isMoving; }

function IsJumping () { return jump.jumping; }

function IsTouchingCeiling () {//头碰到了顶部 return (movement.collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.CollidedAbove) != 0; }

function GetDirection () { return movement.direction; }

function GetHangTime() { return movement.hangTime; }

function Reset () { gameObject.tag = "Player"; }

function SetControllable (controllable : boolean) { canControl = controllable; }

// Require a character controller to be attached to the same game object @script RequireComponent (CharacterController) //AddComponentMenu属性允许你在"Component"菜单中放置一个无论在哪的脚本,而不是仅仅在"Component->Scripts"菜单中。 //@script AddComponentMenu ("2D Platformer/Platformer Controller")

posted @ 2012-12-03 09:16  HermanSeed  阅读(699)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报