akamai.js version1.7 中文简单注释
/* Akamai version 1.7 grabbed from YeezySupply(Akamai 1.7 版来自 YeezySupply) */ var _cf = _cf || [], /** * @namespace * @version 1.7 * @property {string} wen - Webdriver activated * @property {string} den - Headless Chrome * @property {number} brv - Brave */ bmak = { // Old declaration ` bmak && bmak.hasOwnProperty("ver") && bmak.hasOwnProperty("sed") ? bmak : ...` /** * Akamai version, e.g: 1.7 * @type {number} */ ver: 1.7, /** * Max keyboard event limit(最大键盘事件限制) * @type {number} ke_cnt_lmt */ ke_cnt_lmt: 150, /** * Max mouse move event limit(最大鼠标移动事件限制) * @type {number} */ mme_cnt_lmt: 100, /** * Max mouse down/up event limit(最大鼠标向下事件限制) * @type {number} */ mduce_cnt_lmt: 75, /** * @type {number} */ pme_cnt_lmt: 25, /** * Max pointer event limit(最大指针事件限制) * @type {number} */ pduce_cnt_lmt: 25, /** * Touch move event limit(触摸移动事件限制) * @type {number} */ tme_cnt_lmt: 25, tduce_cnt_lmt: 25, /** * Device orientation event limit(设备方向事件限制) * @type {number} */ doe_cnt_lmt: 10, /** * Device motion event limit(设备运动事件限制) * @type {number} */ dme_cnt_lmt: 10, /** * Visibility change count limit(可见性更改计数限制) * @type {number} */ vc_cnt_lmt: 100, /** * @type {number} */ doa_throttle: 0, /** * @type {number} */ dma_throttle: 0, /** * @type {string} */ session_id: "default_session", js_post: !1, /** * @type {string} */ loc: "", /** * @type {string} */ cf_url: "https:" === document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://", /** * @type {string} */ params_url: ("https:" === document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://") + document.location.hostname + "/get_params", /** * @type {string} */ auth: "", /** * @type {string} */ api_public_key: "afSbep8yjnZUjq3aL010jO15Sawj2VZfdYK8uY90uxq", /** * @type {number} */ aj_lmt_doact: 1, /** * @type {number} */ aj_lmt_dmact: 1, /** * @type {number} */ aj_lmt_tact: 1, /** * @type {number} */ ce_js_post: 0, /** * @type {number} */ init_time: 0, /** * @type {string} */ informinfo: "", /** * @type {number} */ prevfid: -1, /** * @type {number} */ fidcnt: 0, /** * @description The data sent to the server-side. It is divided in multiple parts(发送到服务器端的数据,它分为多个部分:): * - "-1,2,-94,-100": Browser, Navigator and Windows properties(浏览器、导航器和 Windows 属性) * - "-1,2,-94,-101": Device properties(设备属性) * - "-1,2,-94,-105": Current form properties(当前表单属性) * - "-1,2,-94,-102": Current form properties 2 (same method as above)(当前表单属性2(方法同上)) * - "-1,2,-94,-108": 'Press' events * - "-1,2,-94,-110": 'Mouse' events * - "-1,2,-94,-117": 'Touch' events * - "-1,2,-94,-111": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-109": 'DeviceMotion' events * - "-1,2,-94,-114": 'Pointer' events * - "-1,2,-94,-103": 'Visibility' events * - "-1,2,-94,-112": Document URL {@link bmak.getdurl} * - "-1,2,-94,-115": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-106": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-119": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-122": Web driver properties {@link bmak.sed} * - "-1,2,-94,-123": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-124": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-126": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-127": Navigation permission {@link bmak.np} * - "-1,2,-94,-70": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-80": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-116": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-118": Accumulator of sensor data {@link bmak.ab} * - "-1,2,-94,-129": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-121": TODO: * @type {number} */ sensor_data: 0, ins: null, cns: null, /** * @type {number} */ enGetLoc: 0, /** * @type {number} */ enReadDocUrl: 1, /** * @type {number} */ disFpCalOnTimeout: 0, /** * 存储浏览器中存在的窗口函数的位字段(bc方法计算) * A bit field that store the window functions that exists in your browser * @type {number} */ xagg: -1, /** * Phantom https://phantomjs.org/ has been detected, check bmisc() * @type {number} */ pen: -1, /** * @type {string} */ brow: "", /** * @type {string} */ browver: "", /** * Browser build number 浏览器版本号 * @type {string} * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/productSub */ psub: "-", /** * User's browser's preferred language 用户浏览器的首选语言 * @type {string} * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/language */ lang: "-", /** * Always 'Gecko' * @type {string} * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/product */ prod: "-", /** * Legacy browser plugins. Not to be confused with extensions. 旧版浏览器插件。不要与扩展混淆。 * @type {number} * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/plugins */ plen: -1, /** * @type {number} */ doadma_en: 0, /** * SD Field names Possibily related to SAPS SD 字段名称可能与 SAPS 有关 * @type {string[]} * @see https://answers.sap.com/questions/4149198/sd-field-names-and-tables.html */ sdfn: [], /** * @type {number} */ d2: 0, /** * @type {number} */ d3: 0, /** * @type {number} */ thr: 0, /** * @type {string} */ cs: "0a46G5m17Vrp4o4c", /** * @type {string} */ hn: "unk", /** * 为开始时间戳创建小时标识符的粗略估计 * Creates a rough estimate of the hour identifier for start timestamp * @type {number} */ z1: 0, o9: 0, vc: "", y1: 2016, ta: 0, tst: -1, t_tst: 0, /** * @type {string} */ ckie: "_abck", /** * @type {string} */ n_ck: "0", /** * @type {number} */ ckurl: 0, /** * @type {number} */ bm: !1, /** * @type {string} */ mr: "-1", altFonts: !1, rst: !1, runFonts: !1, fsp: !1, firstLoad: !0, pstate: !1, /** * @type {number} */ mn_mc_lmt: 10, /** * @type {number} */ mn_state: 0, /** * @type {number} */ mn_mc_indx: 0, /** * @type {number} */ mn_sen: 0, /** * @type {number} */ mn_tout: 100, /** * @type {number} */ mn_stout: 1e3, /** * @type {number} */ mn_ct: 1, /** * @type {string} */ mn_cc: "", mn_cd: 1e4, mn_lc: [], mn_ld: [], mn_lcl: 0, mn_al: [], mn_il: [], mn_tcl: [], mn_r: [], mn_rt: 0, mn_wt: 0, /** * @type {string} */ mn_abck: "", /** * @type {string} */ mn_psn: "", /** * @type {string} */ mn_ts: "", mn_lg: [], loap: 1, dcs: 0, /** * @method 初始化重置变量 * @description Initialize / Reset variables. * One of the first functions to get called.(最先被调用的函数之一) * Also gets called in get_telemetry(在 get_telemetry 中也被调用) */ ir: function () { bmak.start_ts = Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date(); /** * Each "press" event listed one by one, defined in {@link bmak.cka}. * @type {string} */ bmak.kact = ""; bmak.ke_cnt = 0; bmak.ke_vel = 0; bmak.mact = ""; bmak.mme_cnt = 0; bmak.mduce_cnt = 0; bmak.me_vel = 0; bmak.pact = ""; bmak.pme_cnt = 0; bmak.pduce_cnt = 0; bmak.pe_vel = 0; bmak.tact = ""; bmak.tme_cnt = 0; bmak.tduce_cnt = 0; bmak.te_vel = 0; bmak.doact = ""; bmak.doe_cnt = 0; bmak.doe_vel = 0; bmak.dmact = ""; bmak.dme_cnt = 0; bmak.dme_vel = 0; bmak.vcact = ""; bmak.vc_cnt = 0; bmak.aj_indx = 0; bmak.aj_ss = 0; bmak.aj_type = -1; bmak.aj_indx_doact = 0; bmak.aj_indx_dmact = 0; bmak.aj_indx_tact = 0; bmak.me_cnt = 0; bmak.pe_cnt = 0; bmak.te_cnt = 0; bmak.nav_perm = ""; bmak.brv = 0; bmak.hbCalc = !1; bmak.fmh = ""; bmak.fmz = ""; bmak.ssh = ""; bmak.wv = ""; bmak.wr = ""; bmak.weh = ""; bmak.wl = 0; }, /** * 以 Unix 时间格式返回日期 Returns the Date in a Unix time format * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time * @returns {number} Unix time (timestamp), e.g: 1631080958 */ get_cf_date: function () { return Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date(); }, sd_debug: function (t) { if (!bmak.js_post) { var a = t; "string" == typeof _sd_trace ? _sd_trace += a : _sd_trace = a; } }, /** * Convert a string to a number * @param {string} t string to convert to number, e.g: "23" * @returns string converted to a number */ pi: function (t) { return parseInt(t); }, /** * Returns the User-Agent of the current browser window (返回当前浏览器窗口的用户代理) * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/User-Agent * @method uar * @memberof bmak * @returns {string} a User-Agent string stripped from every \\|" string, e.g: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Safari/605.1.15 */ uar: function () { return window.navigator.userAgent.replace(/\\|"/g, ""); }, /** * 获取一些窗口属性值(bpd方法调用) * Get some window properties values * Difference between inner/outer/classic sizes https://stackoverflow.com/a/17845094/12440368 * It is the first part of the sensor data [-1,2,-94,-100](它是传感器数据的第一部分 [-1,2,-94,-100]) * @method gd * @memberof bmak * @namespace bmak.gd * @returns {string} ${userAgent},uaend,${functionsInBrowser},${buildNumber},${language},Gecko,${legacyPlugins},${phantom},${webdriver},${headless},${timestampHour},${?},${screen.availWidth},${screen.availHeight},${screen.width},${screen.height},${window.innerWidth},${innerHeight},${outerWidth},${windows&navigator},${charsUA},${nbBetween01},${timestamp/2},${isBrave},loc:${empty} */ gd: function () { /** * Store User-Agent * @type {string} */ var t = bmak.uar(), /** * Accumulate all char codes in the user agent and store it in {a} * @type {string} */ a = "" + bmak.ab(t), /** * Current timestamp divided by 2 * @type {number} */ e = bmak.start_ts / 2, /** * Store the available width * @type {number} */ n = -1, /** * Store the available height * @type {number} */ o = -1, /** * Store the screen width * @type {number} */ m = -1, /** * Store the screen height * @type {number} */ r = -1, /** * Store the window inner height * @type {number} */ i = -1, /** * Store the window inner width * @type {number} */ c = -1, /** * Store the window outer width * @type {number} */ b = -1; try { n = window.screen ? window.screen.availWidth : -1; } catch (t) { n = -1; } try { o = window.screen ? window.screen.availHeight : -1; } catch (t) { o = -1; } try { m = window.screen ? window.screen.width : -1; } catch (t) { m = -1; } try { r = window.screen ? window.screen.height : -1; } catch (t) { r = -1; } try { i = window.innerHeight || (document.body && "clientHeight" in document.body ? document.body .clientHeight : document.documentElement && "clientHeight" in document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : -1); } catch (t) { i = -1; } try { c = window.innerWidth || (document.body && "clientWidth" in document.body ? document.body .clientWidth : document.documentElement && "clientWidth" in document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : -1); } catch (t) { c = -1; } try { b = "outerWidth" in window && void 0 !== window.outerWidth ? window.outerWidth : -1; } catch (t) { b = -1; } /** * @description Creates a rough estimate of the hour identifier for start timestamp(bmak.start_ts).(为开始时间戳 (bmak.start_ts) 创建小时标识符的粗略估计) * "dividing by 4064256 and parsing as an int gives you a number that should be constant for all valid sensor datas, (“除以 4064256 并解析为 int 为您提供一个数字,该数字对于所有有效的传感器数据应该是恒定的,) * but changes every ~hour (4064256ms is 67 minutes 44.256 seconds, * not sure why this wouldnt be exactly 60 min but close enough i guess)" * @author xssc <https://github.com/xssc> * see: https://github.com/char/bpre/issues/1#issuecomment-914575546 * @returns ${userAgent},uaend,${functionsInBrowser},${buildNumber},${language},Gecko,${legacyPlugins},${phantom},${webdriver},${headless},${timestampHour},${?},${screen.availWidth},${screen.availHeight},${screen.width},${screen.height},${window.innerWidth},${innerHeight},${outerWidth},${windows&navigator},${charsUA},${nbBetween01},${timestamp/2},${isBrave},loc:${empty} */ bmak.z1 = bmak.pi(bmak.start_ts / (bmak.y1 * bmak.y1)); // parseInt(start timestamp / 4064256) /** * Number between 0 and 1 * @type {number} */ var d = Math.random(), /** * Number between 0 and 499 * 0 < s < 499 because: 1000 * (nb between 0-1) / 2 * @type {number} */ s = bmak.pi(1e3 * d / 2), /** * A string representing a number between 0 and 1 * @type {string} */ k = d + ""; k = k.slice(0, 11) + s, bmak.gbrv(), bmak.get_browser(), bmak.bc(), bmak.bmisc(), t + ",uaend," + bmak.xagg + "," + bmak.psub + "," + bmak.lang + "," + bmak.prod + "," + bmak.plen + "," + bmak.pen + "," + bmak.wen + "," + bmak.den + "," + bmak.z1 + "," + bmak.d3 + "," + n + "," + o + "," + m + "," + r + "," + c + "," + i + "," + b + "," + bmak.bd() + "," + a + "," + k + "," + e + "," + bmak .brv + ",loc:" + bmak.loc; return k; }, /** * Get browser identity(获取浏览器身份)(gd方法调用) * @see {@link bmak.psub} {@link bmak.lang} {@link bmak.prod} {@link bmak.plen} */ get_browser: function () { /** * Original Function: * get_browser: function() { * navigator.productSub && (bmak.psub = navigator.productSub), navigator.language && (bmak.lang = navigator.language), navigator.product && (bmak.prod = navigator.product), bmak.plen = void 0 !== navigator.plugins ? navigator.plugins.length : -1; * } */ if (navigator.productSub) { /** * Browser build number * Safari and Chrome will always return "20030107" * Firefox returns "20100101" and this doesn't exist on IE * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/productSub */ bmak.psub = navigator.productSub } if (navigator.language) { /** * User's browser's preferred language. * This can be represented * differently depending on the browser. For example, * English is stylized as en-US in Chrome but en-us in Safari * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/language */ bmak.lang = navigator.language } if (navigator.product) { /** * All browsers return "Gecko" for compatibility reasons. * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/product */ bmak.prod = navigator.product } if (navigator.plugins !== undefined) { /** * Legacy browser plugins. Not to be confused with extensions. * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/plugins */ bmak.plen = navigator.plugins.length; } else { bmak.plen = -1; } }, /** * 检查用户是否使用 Brave 浏览器。(gd方法调用) * Check if the user is using the Brave browser. * The navigator.brave property only exists on Brave browsers. * * They can potentially use this check to loosen fingerprinting requirements if Brave is detected. * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_(web_browser) */ gbrv: function () { navigator.brave && navigator.brave.isBrave().then(function (t) { bmak.brv = t ? 1 : 0; })["catch"](function (t) { bmak.brv = 0; }); }, /** * 函数制作了一个位域,用于确定各种窗口函数是否存在 * Function crafts a bit field that determines whether various window functions exist. * * 0: window.addEventListener * 1: window.XMLHttpRequest * 2: window.XDomainRequest * 3: window.emit * 4: window.DeviceOrientationEvent * 5: window.DeviceMotionEvent * 6: window.TouchEvent * 7: window.spawn * 8: window.innerWidth * 9: window.outerWidth * 10: window.chrome * 11: Function.prototype.bind * 12: window.Buffer * 13: window.PointerEvent * * Running this in my Chrome 91 returns 12147 while Safari returns 11011. * Converting these to binary allow us to see which properties do and don't exist on these browsers. * * The 4th bit from the left represents window.chrome and we can see * Chrome returns true (1) while Safari is false (0) * 12147: 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 * 11011: 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 */ bc: function () { /** * addEventListener available */ var t = window.addEventListener ? 1 : 0, /** * XMLHttpRequest available */ a = window.XMLHttpRequest ? 1 : 0, /** * XDomainRequest available * Only exists for Internet Explorer */ e = window.XDomainRequest ? 1 : 0, /** * emit available */ n = window.emit ? 1 : 0, /** * DeviceOrientationEvent available * Not supported on Safari and IE */ o = window.DeviceOrientationEvent ? 1 : 0, /** * DeviceMotionEvent available * Not supported on Safari and IE */ m = window.DeviceMotionEvent ? 1 : 0, /** * TouchEvent available * Not supported on Safari and IE */ r = window.TouchEvent ? 1 : 0, /** * spawn available * Doesnt exist in browsers. Maybe used as a check to see if its running in a Node environment. */ i = window.spawn ? 1 : 0, /** * chrome available * Check to see if running in Chrome */ c = window.chrome ? 1 : 0, /** * Function.prototype.bind available */ b = Function.prototype.bind ? 1 : 0, /** * Buffer available * Doesnt exist in browsers. Maybe used as a check to see if its running in a Node environment (global.Buffer). */ d = window.Buffer ? 1 : 0, /** * PointerEvent available */ s = window.PointerEvent ? 1 : 0; try { /** * Window Inner Width */ var k = window.innerWidth ? 1 : 0; } catch (t) { var k = 0; } try { /** * Window Outer Width */ var l = window.outerWidth ? 1 : 0; } catch (t) { var l = 0; } bmak.xagg = t + (a << 1) + (e << 2) + (n << 3) + (o << 4) + (m << 5) + (r << 6) + (i << 7) + (k << 8) + (l << 9) + (c << 10) + (b << 11) + (d << 12) + (s << 13); }, /** * 检查浏览器驱动程序自动化(gd方法调用) * Check for browser driver automation * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/24471222 */ bmisc: function () { // _phantom https://phantomjs.org/ bmak.pen = window._phantom ? 1 : 0; /* window.webdriver property is true when in: Chrome The --enable-automation or the --headless flag or the --remote-debugging-port is used. Firefox The marionette.enabled preference or --marionette flag is passed. */ bmak.wen = window.webdriver ? 1 : 0; // Headless chrome property bmak.den = window.domAutomation ? 1 : 0; }, /** * 函数检查各种 Window 和 Navigator 属性(gd方法调用) * Functions check for various Window and Navigator properties * @returns {string} Every properties separated by a comma (,) */ bd: function () { /** * The array that will serve as the return string */ var t = [], /** * Has callback function for phantomJS (https://phantomjs.org/api/webpage/handler/on-callback.html) */ a = window.callPhantom ? 1 : 0; t.push(",cpen:" + a); var e = 0; /** * "The ActiveXObject object is used to create instances of OLE Automation objects in Internet Explorer on Windows operating systems." * @see http://help.dottoro.com/ljiujjib.php#:~:text=The%20ActiveXObject%20object%20is%20used,to%20allow%20communication%20with%20them */ window.ActiveXObject && "ActiveXObject" in window && (e = 1), t.push("i1:" + e); /** * Property only exists on IE. Prob an IE check */ var n = "number" == typeof document.documentMode ? 1 : 0; t.push("dm:" + n); /** * Chrome check */ var o = window.chrome && window.chrome.webstore ? 1 : 0; t.push("cwen:" + o); /** * Returns the online status of the browser. The property returns a boolean value, with true meaning online and false meaning offline */ var m = navigator.onLine ? 1 : 0; t.push("non:" + m); /** * Opera browser check */ var r = window.opera ? 1 : 0; t.push("opc:" + r); /** * Firefox check. InstallTrigger only exists on firefox and typeof InstallTrigger will return "object" on firefox based browsers. "undefined" otherwise */ var i = "undefined" != typeof InstallTrigger ? 1 : 0; t.push("fc:" + i); /** * Early safari check * @see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15470777/what-does-this-statement-object-prototype-do */ var c = window.HTMLElement && Object.prototype.toString.call(window.HTMLElement).indexOf( "Constructor") > 0 ? 1 : 0; t.push("sc:" + c); /** * WebRTC check * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection */ var b = "function" == typeof window.RTCPeerConnection || "function" == typeof window .mozRTCPeerConnection || "function" == typeof window.webkitRTCPeerConnection ? 1 : 0; t.push("wrc:" + b); /** * Firefox check as it's only available in Firefox. * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/mozInnerScreenY */ var d = "mozInnerScreenY" in window ? window.mozInnerScreenY : 0; t.push("isc:" + d); /* Rough day identifier for start timestamp(bmak.start_ts). "d2 now divides by 23, which gives us, again roughly, a day marker, as diving the "hour marker" by 23, will result in a number that changes roughly every day (maybe this is 23 not 24 because our 7 extra minutes is now an extra 2.96608 hours in the timeframe)" - xssc see: https://github.com/char/bpre/issues/1#issuecomment-914575546 */ bmak.d2 = bmak.pi(bmak.z1 / 23); /** * Mobile check, only available in Chromium and Firefox * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/vibrate */ var s = "function" == typeof navigator.vibrate ? 1 : 0; t.push("vib:" + s); /** * Mobile check, only available in Chromium and Opera * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/getBattery */ var k = "function" == typeof navigator.getBattery ? 1 : 0; t.push("bat:" + k); /** * JS check, some browsers don't support this function * @see https://caniuse.com/?search=forEach */ var l = Array.prototype.forEach ? 0 : 1; t.push("x11:" + l); /** * JS check, some browsers don't support this function * @see https://caniuse.com/?search=FileReader */ var u = "FileReader" in window ? 1 : 0; return t.push("x12:" + u), t.join(","); }, /** * 创建一个位字段检查是否存在以下属性(bpd方法调用) * Create a bit field checking for the existence of the following properties * 0: navigator.credentials * 1: navigator.appMinorVersion * 2: navigator.bluetooth * 3: navigator.storage * 4: Math.imul * 5: navigator.getGamepads * 6: navigator.getStorageUpdates * 7: navigator.getStorageUpdates * 8: navigator.hardwareConcurrency * 9: navigator.mediaDevices * 10: navigator.mozAlarms * 11: navigator.mozConnection * 12: navigator.mozIsLocallyAvailable * 13: navigator.mozPhoneNumberService * 14: navigator.msManipulationViewsEnabled * 15: navigator.permissions * 16: navigator.registerProtocolHandler * 17: navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess * 18: navigator.requestWakeLock * 19: navigator.sendBeacon * 20: navigator.serviceWorker * 21: navigator.storeWebWideTrackingException * 22: navigator.webkitGetGamepads * 23: navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage * 24: Number.parseInt * 25: Math.hypot * Running this function on my current machine on Chrome * returns the number 30261693 while on Safari returns 26018161 * Converting these numbers to binary allows you to see which properties * exist and don't in your browser. * * (The first bit from the left specifies whether Math.hypot exists and the last bit is navigator.credentials) * 30261693: 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 * 26018161: 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 * @returns {number} bit field */ fas: function () { try { return Boolean(navigator.credentials) + (Boolean(navigator.appMinorVersion) << 1) + (Boolean( navigator.bluetooth) << 2) + (Boolean(navigator.storage) << 3) + (Boolean(Math.imul) << 4) + (Boolean(navigator.getGamepads) << 5) + (Boolean(navigator.getStorageUpdates) << 6) + (Boolean( navigator.hardwareConcurrency) << 7) + (Boolean(navigator.mediaDevices) << 8) + (Boolean( navigator.mozAlarms) << 9) + (Boolean(navigator.mozConnection) << 10) + (Boolean(navigator .mozIsLocallyAvailable) << 11) + (Boolean(navigator.mozPhoneNumberService) << 12) + ( Boolean(navigator.msManipulationViewsEnabled) << 13) + (Boolean(navigator.permissions) << 14) + (Boolean(navigator.registerProtocolHandler) << 15) + (Boolean(navigator .requestMediaKeySystemAccess) << 16) + (Boolean(navigator.requestWakeLock) << 17) + ( Boolean(navigator.sendBeacon) << 18) + (Boolean(navigator.serviceWorker) << 19) + (Boolean( navigator.storeWebWideTrackingException) << 20) + (Boolean(navigator.webkitGetGamepads) << 21) + (Boolean(navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage) << 22) + (Boolean(Number.parseInt) << 23) + (Boolean(Math.hypot) << 24); } catch (t) { return 0; } }, /** * 检查仅在使用浏览器驱动程序自动化库时存在的一系列属性(bpd方法调用) * Checks for a series of properties that only exist while using browser driver automation libraries. * * default values to avoid being detected as a bot * return "0,0,0,0,1,0,0" * @see https://themerkle.com/selenium-java-how-to-avoid-bot-detection-by-websites-when-using-chromedriver-exe/ * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/24965280 * @returns */ sed: function () { /** * Property that exists when using chromedriver * @property {string} */ var t; t = window.$cdc_asdjflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_ || document.$cdc_asdjflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_ ? "1" : "0"; /** * Selenium webdriver * @property {string} */ var a; a = null != window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("webdriver") ? "1" : "0"; /** * Selenium webdriver * @property {string} */ var e; e = void 0 !== navigator.webdriver && navigator.webdriver ? "1" : "0"; /** * Selenium webdriver * @property {string} */ var n; n = void 0 !== window.webdriver ? "1" : "0"; var o; o = void 0 !== window.XPathResult || void 0 !== document.XPathResult ? "1" : "0"; /** * Selenium webdriver * @property {string} */ var m; m = null != window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("driver") ? "1" : "0"; /** * Selenium webdriver * @property {string} */ var r; return r = null != window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("selenium") ? "1" : "0", [t, a, e, n, o, m, r ].join(","); }, /** * 查询权限(bpd方法调用) * 查询一堆权限并映射到一个数组中,该数组说明权限是否为:[提示(1) 授予(2) 拒绝(0) 无效的权限名称(4) 其他错误(3)] 然后将数组连接在一起成为一个字符串化的数字。 * 在我的 Chrome 上,此函数将 bmak.nav_perm 设置为“11321144241322243122”,但如果 navigator.permissions 不存在,就像在 Safari 上一样,nav_perm 设置为 6。如果函数因其他原因失败,则 nav_perm 设置为 7 * 这可以用作浏览器和指纹检查,因为:safari 上不存在权限 不同的浏览器/用户会有不同的权限配置 * * Queries a bunch of permissions and maps into an array that states whether the permission was: * - prompted (1) * - granted (2) * - denied (0) * - invalid permission name (4) * - Other error (3) * * The array is then joined together to become a stringified number. * On my Chrome this function sets bmak.nav_perm to "11321144241322243122" but if navigator.permissions does not exist like on Safari nav_perm is set to 6. * If the function fails for another reason then nav_perm is set to 7 * * This can be used as a browser & fingerprinting check because: * - Permissions don't exist on safari * - Different browser's / users will have different permission configurations * @returns */ np: function () { var t = [], a = ["geolocation", "notifications", "push", "midi", "camera", "microphone", "speaker", "device-info", "background-sync", "bluetooth", "persistent-storage", "ambient-light-sensor", "accelerometer", "gyroscope", "magnetometer", "clipboard", "accessibility-events", "clipboard-read", "clipboard-write", "payment-handler" ]; try { if (!navigator.permissions) return void (bmak.nav_perm = 6); bmak.nav_perm = 8; var e = function (a, e) { return navigator.permissions.query({ name: a }).then(function (a) { switch (a.state) { case "prompt": t[e] = 1; break; case "granted": t[e] = 2; break; case "denied": t[e] = 0; break; default: t[e] = 5; } })["catch"](function (a) { t[e] = -1 !== a.message.indexOf( "is not a valid enum value of type PermissionName") ? 4 : 3; }); }, n = a.map(function (t, a) { return e(t, a); }); Promise.all(n).then(function () { bmak.nav_perm = t.join(""); }); } catch (t) { bmak.nav_perm = 7; } }, /** * 距离公式 istance formula * @see https://www.varsitytutors.com/hotmath/hotmath_help/topics/distance-formula-in-3d */ cal_dis: function (t) { var a = t[0] - t[1], e = t[2] - t[3], n = t[4] - t[5], o = Math.sqrt(a * a + e * e + n * n); return Math.floor(o); }, /** * 传一个开始时间戳反回一个数字区间 (bpd方法调用) * @param {*} t start timestamp (start_ts) * @returns */ jrs: function (t) { /** * Original function: * jrs: function(t) { * for (var a = Math.floor(1e5 * Math.random() + 1e4), e = String(t * a), n = 0, o = [], m = e.length >= 18; o.length < 6;) o.push(parseInt(e.slice(n, n + 2))), n = m ? n + 3 : n + 2; * return [a, bmak.cal_dis(o)]; * } */ /** * Generate a number between 10,000 and 110,000 */ var a = Math.floor(1e5 * Math.random() + 1e4); /** * start_ts * the random number stringified */ var e = String(t * a); var n = 0; var o = []; var m = e.length >= 18; while (o.length < 6) { o.push(parseInt(e.slice(n, n + 2))); if (m) { n += 3; } else { n += 2; } } return [a, bmak.cal_dis(o)]; }, /** * 此函数通过多次运行各种 Math 和 JSON 函数来获取性能指标的平均值 * This function gets an average of performance metrics by running various Math and JSON functions several times. * @returns */ getmr: function () { try { if ("undefined" == typeof performance || void 0 === performance.now || "undefined" == typeof JSON) return void (bmak.mr = "undef"); for (var t = "", a = 1e3, e = [Math.abs, Math.acos, Math.asin, Math.atanh, Math.cbrt, Math.exp, Math .random, Math.round, Math.sqrt, isFinite, isNaN, parseFloat, parseInt, JSON.parse ], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var o = [], m = 0, r = performance.now(), i = 0, c = 0; if (void 0 !== e[n]) { for (i = 0; i < a && m < .6; i++) { for (var b = performance.now(), d = 0; d < 4e3; d++) e[n](3.14); var s = performance.now(); o.push(Math.round(1e3 * (s - b))), m = s - r; } var k = o.sort(); c = k[Math.floor(k.length / 2)] / 5; } t = t + c + ","; } bmak.mr = t; } catch (t) { bmak.mr = "exception"; } }, /** * 累加“name”或“id”属性的每个字符的ascii值 (鼠标/键盘事件会用到) * Accumulate the ascii values of each character of "name" or "id" attribute * (uses name if it exists, id otherwise, returns -1 if none exists) * if the parameter is null it will use document.activeElement */ gf: function (t) { var a; if (a = null == t ? document.activeElement : t, null == document.activeElement) return -1; var e = a.getAttribute("name"); // If the name attribute does not exist on the element // accumulate the ascii values of each character // in the id attribute of the passed in element if (null == e) { var n = a.getAttribute("id"); return null == n ? -1 : bmak.ab(n); } // Accumulate the ascii values of each character // in the name attribute of the passed in element return bmak.ab(e); }, /** * 键盘事件用到 */ isIgn: function (t) { var a = document.activeElement; if (null == document.activeElement) return 0; var e = a.getAttribute("type"); return 1 == (null == e ? -1 : bmak.get_type(e)) && bmak.fidcnt > 12 && -2 == t ? 1 : 0; }, /** * 鼠标事件 移动/点击/按下/抬起 * Mouse events. * This function gets triggered on: * hmm: "mousemove", "onmousemove" (a = 1) * hc: "click", "onclick" (a = 2) * hmd: "mousedown", "onmousedown" (a = 3) * hmu: "mouseup", "onmouseup" (a = 4) * @param {event} t @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-event * @param {number} a */ cma: function (t, a) { try { /* If this function is being triggered by: a mousemove event and the mouse events is less than the mouse move event limit (100) OR any click/mousedown/mouseup events and the event count is less than the mouse click event limit (75) */ if (1 == a && bmak.mme_cnt < bmak.mme_cnt_lmt || 1 != a && bmak.mduce_cnt < bmak.mduce_cnt_lmt) { /** * The event triggered * @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-event */ var e = t || window.event, n = -1, o = -1; e && e.pageX && e.pageY ? (n = Math.floor(e.pageX), o = Math.floor(e.pageY)) : e && e.clientX && e.clientY && (n = Math.floor(e.clientX), o = Math.floor(e.clientY)); var m = e.toElement; null == m && (m = e.target); var r = bmak.gf(m), i = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts, c = bmak.me_cnt + "," + a + "," + i + "," + n + "," + o; if (1 != a) { c = c + "," + r; var b = void 0 !== e.which ? e.which : e.button; null != b && 1 != b && (c = c + "," + b); } void 0 !== e.isTrusted && !1 === e.isTrusted && (c += ",it0"), c += ";", bmak.me_vel = bmak .me_vel + bmak.me_cnt + a + i + n + o, bmak.mact = bmak.mact + c, bmak.ta += i; } 1 == a ? bmak.mme_cnt++ : bmak.mduce_cnt++, bmak.me_cnt++, bmak.js_post && 3 == a && (bmak.aj_type = 1, bmak.bpd(), bmak.pd(!0), bmak.ce_js_post = 1); } catch (t) { } }, /** * 该函数处理指针事件,指针事件可以由笔或触摸设备触发 * This function handles pointer events. * Pointer events can be triggered by pen/stylus or touch devices (see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Pointer_events) * The events that trigger this function: * hpd: "pointerdown", "onpointerdown" (a = 3) * hpu: "pointerup", "onpointerup" (a = 4) * @param {event} t * @param {number} a */ cpa: function (t, a) { try { var e = !1; if (1 == a && bmak.pme_cnt < bmak.pme_cnt_lmt || 1 != a && bmak.pduce_cnt < bmak.pduce_cnt_lmt) { var n = t || window.event; /* Only run this if the user is not using a mouse (is using a pen or touchscreen) */ if (n && "mouse" != n.pointerType) { e = !0; var o = -1, m = -1; n && n.pageX && n.pageY ? (o = Math.floor(n.pageX), m = Math.floor(n.pageY)) : n && n .clientX && n.clientY && (o = Math.floor(n.clientX), m = Math.floor(n.clientY)); // get time elapsed since the script first ran. var r = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts, // i = pointer event count, event type, time elapsed, x, y i = bmak.pe_cnt + "," + a + "," + r + "," + o + "," + m; void 0 !== n.isTrusted && !1 === n.isTrusted && (i += ",0"), bmak.pe_vel = bmak.pe_vel + bmak.pe_cnt + a + r + o + m, bmak.pact = bmak.pact + i + ";", bmak.ta += r, 1 == a ? bmak.pme_cnt++ : bmak.pduce_cnt++; } } 1 == a ? bmak.pme_cnt++ : bmak.pduce_cnt++, bmak.pe_cnt++, bmak.js_post && 3 == a && e && (bmak .aj_type = 2, bmak.bpd(), bmak.pd(!0), bmak.ce_js_post = 1); } catch (t) { } }, /** * 键盘事件 * Key event function Gets called on * "keydown", "onkeydown", (a = 1) * "keyup", "onkeyup", (a = 2) * "keypress", "onkeypress" (a = 3) * @param {event} t * @param {number} a */ cka: function (t, a) { try { var e = t || window.event, /** * Event key code * @type {number} * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode */ n = -1, o = 1; if (bmak.ke_cnt < bmak.ke_cnt_lmt && e) { n = e.keyCode; /** * Event char code * @type {string} Unicode char * @deprecated in most browsers * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/charCode */ var m = e.charCode, /** * Event: if shiftKey was pressed * @type {number} * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/shiftKey */ r = e.shiftKey ? 1 : 0, /** * Event: if ctrlKey was pressed * @type {number} * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/ctrlKey */ i = e.ctrlKey ? 1 : 0, /** * Event: if metaKey was pressed * @type {number} * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/metaKey */ c = e.metaKey ? 1 : 0, /** * Event: if altKey was pressed * @type {number} * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/altKey */ b = e.altKey ? 1 : 0, /** * Combinaison of pressed keys * - d = 15: every keys pressed * - d = 14: shiftKey + ctrlKey + metaKey * - d = 13: shiftKey + ctrlKey + altKey * - d = 12: shiftKey + ctrlKey * ... do your maths * @type {number} */ d = 8 * r + 4 * i + 2 * c + b, /** * Difference between the start of the script timestamp * and the current timestamp * @type {number} */ s = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts, /** * ASCII values of each "id" "name" attributes */ k = bmak.gf(null), l = 0; m && n && (n = 0 != m && 0 != n && m != n ? -1 : 0 != n ? n : m), 0 == i && 0 == c && 0 == b && n >= 32 && (n = 3 == a && n >= 32 && n <= 126 ? -2 : n >= 33 && n <= 47 ? -3 : n >= 112 && n <= 123 ? -4 : -2), k != bmak.prevfid ? (bmak.fidcnt = 0, bmak.prevfid = k) : bmak .fidcnt = bmak.fidcnt + 1; if (0 == bmak.isIgn(n)) { /** * * ${Count number of press events},${eventType},${timestamp},${eventKeyCode},0,${Combinaison of pressed size},${ASCII combinaison} */ var u = bmak.ke_cnt + "," + a + "," + s + "," + n + "," + l + "," + d + "," + k; void 0 !== e.isTrusted && !1 === e.isTrusted && (u += ",0"), u += ";", bmak.kact = bmak .kact + u, bmak.ke_vel = bmak.ke_vel + bmak.ke_cnt + a + s + n + d + k, bmak.ta += s; } else o = 0; } o && e && bmak.ke_cnt++, !bmak.js_post || 1 != a || 13 != n && 9 != n || (bmak.aj_type = 3, bmak .bpd(), bmak.pd(!0), bmak.ce_js_post = 1); } catch (t) { console.log(t) } }, /** * 触摸事件 * Touch events function * Get called on: * "touchmove" (a = 1) * "touchstart" (a = 2) * "touchend" (a = 3) * "touchcancel" (a = 4) */ cta: function (t, a) { try { if (1 == a && bmak.tme_cnt < bmak.tme_cnt_lmt || 1 != a && bmak.tduce_cnt < bmak.tduce_cnt_lmt) { var e = t || window.event, n = -1, o = -1; e && e.pageX && e.pageY ? (n = Math.floor(e.pageX), o = Math.floor(e.pageY)) : e && e.clientX && e.clientY && (n = Math.floor(e.clientX), o = Math.floor(e.clientY)); var m = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts, r = bmak.te_cnt + "," + a + "," + m + "," + n + "," + o; void 0 !== e.isTrusted && !1 === e.isTrusted && (r += ",0"), bmak.tact = bmak.tact + r + ";", bmak.ta += m, bmak.te_vel = bmak.te_vel + bmak.te_cnt + a + m + n + o, bmak.doa_throttle = 0, bmak.dma_throttle = 0; } 1 == a ? bmak.tme_cnt++ : bmak.tduce_cnt++, bmak.te_cnt++, bmak.js_post && 2 == a && bmak .aj_indx_tact < bmak.aj_lmt_tact && (bmak.aj_type = 5, bmak.bpd(), bmak.pd(!0), bmak .ce_js_post = 1, bmak.aj_indx_tact++); } catch (t) { } }, /** * 将字符串作为参数迭代字符串并返回小于 128 的字符代码的累加器,非扩展 ASCII 码 * Takes in a string as a parameter Iterates over the string and returns an accumulator of the character codes less than 128(non-extended ASCII codes) * * Example: * - bmak.ab("a") // 97 * - bmak.ab("b") // 98 * - bmak.ab("c") // 99 * - bmak.ab("abc") // 294 (97 + 98 + 99) * * @see https://www.rapidtables.com/code/text/ascii-table.html * @param {*} t * @returns */ ab: function (t) { if (null == t) return -1; try { for (var a = 0, e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { var n = t.charCodeAt(e); n < 128 && (a += n); } return a; } catch (t) { return -2; } }, /** * 数字转字符 fromCharCode alias * @param {number[]} t the char code * @returns a string from the char code */ ff: function (t) { return String.fromCharCode(t); }, /** * Akamai 以毫秒为单位返回当前时间戳的另一种混淆方式。它调用 bmak.get_cf_date 返回 Date.now() * Another one of Akamai's obfuscated ways of return current timestamp in milliseconds. * It calls bmak.get_cf_date which returns Date.now() * @returns {number} */ x2: function () { // bmak.ff = String.fromCharCode var t = bmak.ff, // "bmak" a = t(98) + t(109) + t(97) + t(107), // "get_cf_date" e = t(103) + t(101) + t(116) + t(95) + t(99) + t(102) + t(95) + t(100) + t(97) + t(116) + t(101), n = window[a][e], // window.bmak.get_cf_date o = 0; return "function" == typeof n && (o = n()), o; }, cc: function (t) { var a = t % 4; 2 == a && (a = 3); var e = 42 + a, n = function (t, a) { return 0; }; if (42 == e) var n = function (t, a) { return t * a; }; else if (43 == e) var n = function (t, a) { return t + a; }; else var n = function (t, a) { return t - a; }; return n; }, /** * startTracking方法调用 */ to: function () { var t = bmak.x2() % 1e7; bmak.d3 = t; // e = parseInt("7") -> 7 for (var a = t, e = bmak.pi(bmak.ff(51)), n = 0; n < 5; n++) { // parseInt(Date.now() % 1e7 / Math.pow(10, n)) % 10 var o = bmak.pi(t / Math.pow(10, n)) % 10; m = o + 1; op = bmak.cc(o); a = op(a, m); } bmak.o9 = a * e; }, /** * 字体检测(bpd方法调用) * 基于文本渲染的指纹识别,通过渲染各种字体并记录设备像素比,我们能够在用户身上建立指纹。 * Text rendering based fingerprinting.By rendering various fonts and taking note of device pixel ratio we're able to build a fingerprint on the user. * On my M1 Macbook Air on Safari the fmh hash returns "4d624c99ce55b315c4f2eddf110ab32c60f386cf5ccf175f66d4b8ecaf332b09" * while my Windows machine returns "b89fb7541ffbbc3a0c9e37f0c9e6b56019c29c7a0c8644f8f587d8af18fc2426" */ fm: function () { var t = ["Monospace", "Wingdings 2", "ITC Bodoni 72 Bold", "Menlo", "Gill Sans MT", "Lucida Sans", "Bodoni 72", "Serif", "Shree Devanagari 714", "Microsoft Tai Le", "Nimbus Roman No 9 L", "Candara", "Press Start 2P", "Waseem" ], a = document.createElement("span"); a.innerHTML = "mmmmmmmmlli", a.style.fontSize = "192px"; var e = "", n = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; // If the body element exists (it should) if (n) { // Iterate through all the fonts above and change the span // element to the font while appending the name:offsetWidth,offsetHeight for (var o in t) a.style.fontFamily = t[o], n.appendChild(a), e += t[o] + ":" + a.offsetWidth + "," + a.offsetHeight + ";", n.removeChild(a); // Once done iterating through all of the fonts to try // SHA256 hash the final string and set bmak.fmh bmak.fmh = bmak.ats(bmak.mn_s(e)); } else bmak.fmh = ""; // Device pixel ratio can be used to fingerprint the user. // window.devicePixelRatio returning 1 indicates 96 DPI // whereas 2 indicates HiDPI/Retina. bmak.fmz = "devicePixelRatio" in window && void 0 !== window.devicePixelRatio ? window .devicePixelRatio : -1; }, /** * 显卡检测(bpd方法调用) * 通过捕获 GPU 和供应商 + 散列支持的 Web 扩展集合进行基于 WebGL 的检测 * WebGL based detections through the capturing of GPU and vendor + the collection of hashed supported web extensions. */ wgl: function () { try { var t = document.createElement("canvas"); var a = t.getContext("webgl"); bmak.wv = "n"; bmak.wr = "n"; bmak.weh = "n"; bmak.wl = 0; if (a) { bmak.wv = "b"; bmak.wr = "b"; bmak.weh = "b"; if (a.getSupportedExtensions()) { // SHA256 hash of all the supported webgl extensions. // This can be used to distinguish hardware based rendering // from software based rendering (headless browsers.) bmak.weh = bmak.ats(bmak.mn_s(JSON.stringify(a.getSupportedExtensions().sort()))); bmak.wl = a.getSupportedExtensions().length; if (a.getSupportedExtensions().indexOf("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info") >= 0) { // Fetch the vendor (In my case: "Apple Inc.") bmak.wv = a.getParameter(a.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info") .UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL); // Fetch the GPU (In my case: "Apple GPU") // In the case of Headless Chrome this may return // "Google SwiftShader" (Google's software renderer) // and thus you would potentially be flagged. bmak.wr = a.getParameter(a.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info") .UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL); } } } } catch (t) { bmak.wv = "e"; bmak.wr = "e"; bmak.weh = "e"; bmak.wl = 0; } }, /** * 应该是音频指纹(bpd方法调用) * Can be used to fingerprint and determine what device/browser a user is using. * The voices provided in the Web Speech API is different depending on the browser. * My Chrome 92 reports 67 voices while Safari reports 48. * The voices are also completely different with none of the voiceURIs matching. * Each voice is turned into a string with the following format: * "voiceURI_lang" and the final string is SHA256 hashed and stored in bmak.ssh. * If no voices exist "0" is stored in bmak.ssh. * If speech synthesis is not available "n" is stored in bmak.ssh. */ csh: function () { if (window.speechSynthesis) { var t = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); if (t.length > 0) { for (var a = "", e = 0; e < t.length; e++) a += t[e].voiceURI + "_" + t[e].lang; bmak.ssh = bmak.ats(bmak.mn_s(a)); } else bmak.ssh = "0"; } else bmak.ssh = "n"; }, /** * 创建一个位字段检查是否存在任何浏览器自动化驱动程序 (bpd方法调用) * Create a bit field checking for the existence of any browser automation drivers * * 0: window.__nightmare * 1: window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Array * 2: window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Promise * 3: window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Symbol * 4: window.OSMJIF * 5: window._Selenium_IDE_Recorder * 6: window.__$webdriverAsyncExecutor * 7: window.__driver_evaluate * 8: window.__driver_unwrapped * 9: window.__fxdriver_evaluate * 10: window.__fxdriver_unwrapped * 11: window.__lastWatirAlert * 12: window.__lastWatirConfirm * 13: window.__lastWatirPrompt * 14: window.__phantomas * 15: window.__selenium_evaluate * 16: window.__selenium_unwrapped * 17: window.__webdriverFuncgeb * 18: window.__webdriver__chr * 19: window.__webdriver_evaluate * 20: window.__webdriver_script_fn * 21: window.__webdriver_script_func * 22: window.__webdriver_script_function * 23: window.__webdriver_unwrapped * 24: window.awesomium * 25: window.callSelenium * 26: window.calledPhantom * 27: window.calledSelenium * 28: window.domAutomationController * 29: window.watinExpressionError * 30: window.watinExpressionResult * 31: window.spynner_additional_js_loaded * 32: document.$chrome_asyncScriptInfo * 33: window.fmget_targets * 34: window.geb * * Running this function on my current machine on Chrome returns the number 0. * Converting these numbers to binary allows you to see which properties exist and don't in your browser. * (The first bit from the left specifies whether window.geb exists and the last bit is window.__nightmare) */ hbs: function () { try { return Boolean(window.__nightmare) + (Boolean(window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Array) << 1) + ( Boolean(window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Promise) << 2) + (Boolean(window .cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Symbol) << 3) + (Boolean(window.OSMJIF) << 4) + (Boolean(window ._Selenium_IDE_Recorder) << 5) + (Boolean(window.__$webdriverAsyncExecutor) << 6) + ( Boolean(window.__driver_evaluate) << 7) + (Boolean(window.__driver_unwrapped) << 8) + ( Boolean(window.__fxdriver_evaluate) << 9) + (Boolean(window.__fxdriver_unwrapped) << 10) + ( Boolean(window.__lastWatirAlert) << 11) + (Boolean(window.__lastWatirConfirm) << 12) + ( Boolean(window.__lastWatirPrompt) << 13) + (Boolean(window.__phantomas) << 14) + (Boolean( window.__selenium_evaluate) << 15) + (Boolean(window.__selenium_unwrapped) << 16) + ( Boolean(window.__webdriverFuncgeb) << 17) + (Boolean(window.__webdriver__chr) << 18) + ( Boolean(window.__webdriver_evaluate) << 19) + (Boolean(window.__webdriver_script_fn) << 20) + (Boolean(window.__webdriver_script_func) << 21) + (Boolean(window .__webdriver_script_function) << 22) + (Boolean(window.__webdriver_unwrapped) << 23) + ( Boolean(window.awesomium) << 24) + (Boolean(window.callSelenium) << 25) + (Boolean(window .calledPhantom) << 26) + (Boolean(window.calledSelenium) << 27) + (Boolean(window .domAutomationController) << 28) + (Boolean(window.watinExpressionError) << 29) + (Boolean( window.watinExpressionResult) << 30) + (Boolean(window.spynner_additional_js_loaded) << 31) + (Boolean(document.$chrome_asyncScriptInfo) << 32) + (Boolean(window.fmget_targets) << 33) + (Boolean(window.geb) << 34); } catch (t) { return 0; } }, /** * 检查 navigator.webdriver 是否为真。 (bpd方法调用) * Checks if navigator.webdriver is true. * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/webdriver * This property is true when in: * Chrome * The --enable-automation or the --headless flag or the --remote-debugging-port is used. * Firefox * The marionette.enabled preference or --marionette flag is passed. * @returns */ gwd: function () { try { return navigator.webdriver ? navigator.webdriver : -1; } catch (t) { return 0; } }, /** * 获取 HTML 输入元素的类型 * Get type of HTML input element * return 0 for: "text", "search", "url", "email", "tel", "number" * return 1 for: "password" * return 2 for: anything else * @returns {number} */ get_type: function (t) { return t = t.toLowerCase(), "text" == t || "search" == t || "url" == t || "email" == t || "tel" == t || "number" == t ? 0 : "password" == t ? 1 : 2; }, /** * Return -1 if null otherwise return parameter * @param {any} t * @returns {number|any} */ chknull: function (t) { return null == t ? -1 : t; }, /** * 获取表单信息 (bpd方法调用) */ getforminfo: function () { for (var t = "", a = "", e = document.getElementsByTagName("input"), n = -1, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var m = e[o], r = bmak.ab(m.getAttribute("name")), i = bmak.ab(m.getAttribute("id")), c = m.getAttribute("required"), b = null == c ? 0 : 1, d = m.getAttribute("type"), s = null == d ? -1 : bmak.get_type(d), k = m.getAttribute("autocomplete"); null == k ? n = -1 : (k = k.toLowerCase(), n = "off" == k ? 0 : "on" == k ? 1 : 2); var l = m.defaultValue, u = m.value, _ = 0, f = 0; l && 0 != l.length && (f = 1), !u || 0 == u.length || f && u == l || (_ = 1), 2 != s && (t = t + s + "," + n + "," + _ + "," + b + "," + i + "," + r + "," + f + ";"), a = a + _ + ";"; } return null == bmak.ins && (bmak.ins = a), bmak.cns = a, t; }, /** * 将参数解析为浮点数,仅返回精度为 2 个小数位的浮点数 * Parse the parameter as a float and only return the float with a precision of 2 decimal spaces. * * Return -1 if it can't be properly parsed * as a float. * @returns {number} */ getFloatVal: function (t) { try { if (-1 != bmak.chknull(t) && !isNaN(t)) { var a = parseFloat(t); if (!isNaN(a)) return a.toFixed(2); } } catch (t) { } return -1; }, /** * startdoadma方法调用 */ cdoa: function (t) { try { if (bmak.doe_cnt < bmak.doe_cnt_lmt && bmak.doa_throttle < 2 && t) { var a = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts, e = bmak.getFloatVal(t.alpha), n = bmak.getFloatVal(t.beta), o = bmak.getFloatVal(t.gamma), m = bmak.doe_cnt + "," + a + "," + e + "," + n + "," + o; void 0 !== t.isTrusted && !1 === t.isTrusted && (m += ",0"), bmak.doact = bmak.doact + m + ";", bmak.ta += a, bmak.doe_vel = bmak.doe_vel + bmak.doe_cnt + a, bmak.doe_cnt++; } bmak.js_post && bmak.doe_cnt > 1 && bmak.aj_indx_doact < bmak.aj_lmt_doact && (bmak.aj_type = 6, bmak.bpd(), bmak.pd(!0), bmak.ce_js_post = 1, bmak.aj_indx_doact++), bmak.doa_throttle++; } catch (t) { } }, /** * 设备运动事件 (startdoadma方法调用) Device Motion Event * @param {event} t * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/API/DeviceMotionEvent/rotationRate */ cdma: function (t) { try { if (bmak.dme_cnt < bmak.dme_cnt_lmt && bmak.dma_throttle < 2 && t) { var a = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts, e = -1, n = -1, o = -1; t.acceleration && (e = bmak.getFloatVal(t.acceleration.x), n = bmak.getFloatVal(t.acceleration .y), o = bmak.getFloatVal(t.acceleration.z)); var m = -1, r = -1, i = -1; t.accelerationIncludingGravity && (m = bmak.getFloatVal(t.accelerationIncludingGravity.x), r = bmak.getFloatVal(t.accelerationIncludingGravity.y), i = bmak.getFloatVal(t .accelerationIncludingGravity.z)); var c = -1, b = -1, d = 1; t.rotationRate && (c = bmak.getFloatVal(t.rotationRate.alpha), b = bmak.getFloatVal(t .rotationRate.beta), d = bmak.getFloatVal(t.rotationRate.gamma)); var s = bmak.dme_cnt + "," + a + "," + e + "," + n + "," + o + "," + m + "," + r + "," + i + "," + c + "," + b + "," + d; void 0 !== t.isTrusted && !1 === t.isTrusted && (s += ",0"), bmak.dmact = bmak.dmact + s + ";", bmak.ta += a, bmak.dme_vel = bmak.dme_vel + bmak.dme_cnt + a, bmak.dme_cnt++; } bmak.js_post && bmak.dme_cnt > 1 && bmak.aj_indx_dmact < bmak.aj_lmt_dmact && (bmak.aj_type = 7, bmak.bpd(), bmak.pd(!0), bmak.ce_js_post = 1, bmak.aj_indx_dmact++), bmak.dma_throttle++; } catch (t) { } }, /** * 为设备方向和设备运动添加事件侦听器 * Adds event listeners for device orientation & device motion */ startdoadma: function () { 0 == bmak.doadma_en && window.addEventListener && (window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", bmak .cdoa, !0), window.addEventListener("devicemotion", bmak.cdma, !0), bmak.doadma_en = 1), bmak .doa_throttle = 0, bmak.dma_throttle = 0; }, /** * 停留时间 */ updatet: function () { return bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts; }, /** * "touchmove" event */ htm: function (t) { bmak.cta(t, 1); }, /** * "touchstart" event */ hts: function (t) { bmak.cta(t, 2); }, /** * "touchend" event */ hte: function (t) { bmak.cta(t, 3); }, /** * "touchcancel" event */ htc: function (t) { bmak.cta(t, 4); }, /** * "mousemove" event */ hmm: function (t) { bmak.cma(t, 1); }, /** * "click" event */ hc: function (t) { bmak.cma(t, 2); }, /** * "mousedown" event */ hmd: function (t) { bmak.cma(t, 3); }, /** * "mouseup" event */ hmu: function (t) { bmak.cma(t, 4); }, /** * "pointerdown" event */ hpd: function (t) { bmak.cpa(t, 3); }, /** * "pointerup" event */ hpu: function (t) { bmak.cpa(t, 4); }, /** * "keydown" event */ hkd: function (t) { bmak.cka(t, 1); }, /** * "keyup" event */ hku: function (t) { bmak.cka(t, 2); }, /** * "keypress" event */ hkp: function (t) { bmak.cka(t, 3); }, form_submit: function () { try { if (bmak.bpd(), 0 == bmak.sdfn.length) { if (document.getElementById("bm-telemetry") && (document.getElementById("bm-telemetry").value = bmak.sensor_data), void 0 !== document.getElementsByName("bm-telemetry")) for (var t = document.getElementsByName("bm-telemetry"), a = 0; a < t.length; a++) t[a] .value = bmak.sensor_data; } else for (var a = 0; a < bmak.sdfn.length; a++) document.getElementById(bmak.sdfn[a]) && (document .getElementById(bmak.sdfn[a]).value = bmak.sensor_data); } catch (t) { bmak.sd_debug(",s7:" + t + "," + bmak.sensor_data); } }, get_telemetry: function () { return bmak.bpd(), bmak.ir(), bmak.sensor_data; }, /** * 获取文档 URL 并删除转义引号(如果存在)。 Get the document URL and remove escape / quotation mark if exists. * @returns {string} document URL or empty string if bmak.enReadDocUrl is false */ getdurl: function () { return bmak.enReadDocUrl ? document.URL.replace(/\\|"/g, "") : ""; }, /** * 返回一个随机的 5 个字符的数字和字母序列 Returns a random 5 character sequence of numbers and letters * @returns {string} a random 5 character sequence of numbers and letters */ x1: function () { return Math.floor(16777216 * (1 + Math.random())).toString(36); }, gck: function () { var t = bmak.x1() + bmak.x1() + bmak.x1() + bmak.x1(); return bmak.set_cookie(bmak.ckie, t + "_" + bmak.ab(t)), t; }, set_cookie: function (t, a) { void 0 !== document.cookie && (document.cookie = t + "=" + a + "; path=/; expires=Fri, 01 Feb 2025 08:00:00 GMT;"); }, get_cookie: function () { var t = "0"; try { var t = bmak.cookie_chk_read(bmak.ckie); t || (bmak.n_ck = 1, t = bmak.bm ? "2" : "1"); } catch (t) { } return t; }, /** * 用于返回存储在 bmak.ckie (_abck cookie) 中的 cookie 名称的值 * Used to return the value of the cookie name stored in bmak.ckie (_abck cookie) * Traverses all cookies and if the cookie name matches the parameter and if the cookie value contains a ~ then return the cookie value. * Return false otherwise * @returns {string|boolean} */ cookie_chk_read: function (t) { if (document.cookie) var a = t + "="; var e = document.cookie.split("; "); for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var o = e[n]; if (0 === o.indexOf(a)) { var m = o.substring(a.length, o.length); if (-1 != m.indexOf("~") || -1 != decodeURIComponent(m).indexOf("~")) return m; } } return !1; }, /** * 此函数是制作传出 cookie 的 sensor_data 的地方 * This functions is where the sensor_data for the outgoing cookie gets crafted. */ bpd: function () { bmak.sd_debug("<bpd>"); var t = 0; try { t = bmak.get_cf_date(); // Current time in milliseconds (Date.now) var a = bmak .updatet(), // Difference between now and the start timestamp of the script in milliseconds e = "3"; bmak.ckie && (e = bmak.get_cookie()); var n = bmak.gd(), // This property does not exist on Safari or IE (will return do_dis) o = window.DeviceOrientationEvent ? "do_en" : "do_dis", // This property does not exist on Safari or IE (will return dm_dis) m = window.DeviceMotionEvent ? "dm_en" : "dm_dis", // This property does not exist on Safari or IE (will return t_dis) r = window.TouchEvent ? "t_en" : "t_dis", i = o + "," + m + "," + r, c = bmak.getforminfo(), b = bmak.getdurl(), d = bmak.aj_type + "," + bmak.aj_indx; !bmak.fpcf.fpValCalculated && (0 == bmak.js_post || bmak.aj_indx > 0) && bmak.fpcf.fpVal(); var s = bmak.ke_vel + bmak.me_vel + bmak.doe_vel + bmak.dme_vel + bmak.te_vel + bmak.pe_vel, k = bmak.ff, // bmak.ff = String.fromCharCode l = k(80) + k(105) + k(90) + k(116) + k(69), // PiZtE u = bmak.jrs(bmak.start_ts), _ = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts, /* Week identifier for start timestamp(bmak.start_ts). "this is the "week identifier", the number changes roughly once every week (maybe 6 because now the extra room in the timeframe is hour 17.79648 hours)" - xssc see: https://github.com/char/bpre/issues/1#issuecomment-914575546 */ f = bmak.pi(bmak.d2 / 6), p = bmak.fas(), v = bmak.hbs(), h = bmak.gwd(), g = [bmak.ke_vel + 1, bmak.me_vel + 32, bmak.te_vel + 32, bmak.doe_vel, bmak.dme_vel, bmak .pe_vel, s, a, bmak.init_time, bmak.start_ts, bmak.fpcf.td, bmak.d2, bmak.ke_cnt, bmak .me_cnt, f, bmak.pe_cnt, bmak.te_cnt, _, bmak.ta, bmak.n_ck, e, bmak.ab(e), bmak.fpcf.rVal, bmak.fpcf.rCFP, p, l, u[0], u[1], v, h ], w = g.join(","), y = "" + bmak.ab(bmak.fpcf.fpValstr); bmak.firstLoad ? bmak.np() : bmak.csh(), !bmak.hbCalc && (0 == bmak.js_post || bmak.aj_indx > 0) && (bmak.fm(), bmak.wgl(), bmak.hbCalc = !0); var E = ""; bmak.hbCalc && (E = bmak.fmh + "," + bmak.fmz + "," + bmak.ssh + "," + bmak.wv + "," + bmak.wr + "," + bmak.weh + "," + bmak.wl); var S = bmak.sed(), C = bmak.mn_get_current_challenges(), B = "", x = "", M = ""; if (void 0 !== C[1]) { var j = C[1]; void 0 !== bmak.mn_r[j] && (B = bmak.mn_r[j]); } if (void 0 !== C[2]) { var A = C[2]; void 0 !== bmak.mn_r[A] && (x = bmak.mn_r[A]); } if (void 0 !== C[3]) { var L = C[3]; void 0 !== bmak.mn_r[L] && (M = bmak.mn_r[L]); } bmak.sensor_data = bmak.ver + "-1,2,-94,-100," + n + "-1,2,-94,-101," + i + "-1,2,-94,-105," + bmak .informinfo + "-1,2,-94,-102," + c + "-1,2,-94,-108," + bmak.kact + "-1,2,-94,-110," + bmak .mact + "-1,2,-94,-117," + bmak.tact + "-1,2,-94,-111," + bmak.doact + "-1,2,-94,-109," + bmak .dmact + "-1,2,-94,-114," + bmak.pact + "-1,2,-94,-103," + bmak.vcact + "-1,2,-94,-112," + b + "-1,2,-94,-115," + w + "-1,2,-94,-106," + d, bmak.sensor_data = bmak.sensor_data + "-1,2,-94,-119," + bmak.mr + "-1,2,-94,-122," + S + "-1,2,-94,-123," + B + "-1,2,-94,-124," + x + "-1,2,-94,-126," + M + "-1,2,-94,-127," + bmak.nav_perm; var P = 24 ^ bmak.ab(bmak.sensor_data); bmak.sensor_data = bmak.sensor_data + "-1,2,-94,-70," + bmak.fpcf.fpValstr + "-1,2,-94,-80," + y + "-1,2,-94,-116," + bmak.o9 + "-1,2,-94,-118," + P + "-1,2,-94,-129," + E + "-1,2,-94,-121,", bmak.sd_debug(",s1:" + bmak.sensor_data.slice(0, 10)); } catch (t) { var T = ""; try { t.stack && "string" == typeof t.stack ? T = t.stack.replace(/\"/g, "\\'") : "string" == typeof t && (T = t.replace(/\"/g, "\\'")), T = T.slice(0, 1e3), bmak.sd_debug(",s2:" + T), bmak.sensor_data = bmak.ver + "-1,2,-94,-100," + bmak.uar() + "-1,2,-94,-120," + T; } catch (t) { t.stack && "string" == typeof t.stack ? T = t.stack.replace(/\"/g, "\\'") : "string" == typeof t && (T = t.replace(/\"/g, "\\'")), T = T.slice(0, 1e3), bmak.sd_debug(",s3:" + T), bmak.sensor_data = bmak.ver + bmak.sensor_data + ",s3:" + T; } } try { var F = bmak.od(bmak.cs, bmak.api_public_key).slice(0, 16), D = Math.floor(bmak.get_cf_date() / 36e5), R = bmak.get_cf_date(), N = F + bmak.od(D, F) + bmak.sensor_data; bmak.sensor_data = N + ";" + (bmak.get_cf_date() - t) + ";" + bmak.tst + ";" + (bmak.get_cf_date() - R); } catch (t) { } bmak.sd_debug("</bpd>"); }, /** * bpd方法调用 * @param {string} t * @param {string} a * @returns {string} */ od: function (t, a) { try { t = String(t), a = String(a); var e = [], n = a.length; if (n > 0) { // Iterate over all characters in // bmak.cs for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) { var m = t.charCodeAt(o), // get current character code from bmak.cs r = t.charAt(o), // get the actual current character i = a.charCodeAt(o % n); // get char code from api_public_key wrap index m = bmak.rir(m, 47, 57, i), m != t.charCodeAt(o) && (r = String.fromCharCode(m)), e.push(r); } if (e.length > 0) return e.join(""); } } catch (t) { } return t; }, /* Original Function: rir: function(t, a, e, n) { return t > a && t <= e && (t += n % (e - a)) > e && (t = t - e + a), t; } */ rir: function (t, a, e, n) { return t > a && t <= e && (t += n % (e - a)) > e && (t = t - e + a), t; }, /** * 在可见性变化时触发。 Triggered on visibility change. * @param {event} t * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/visibilitychange_event */ lvc: function (t) { try { // If visibility change count is less than the limit (100) if (bmak.vc_cnt < bmak.vc_cnt_lmt) { // Get the elapsed time since script started var a = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts, e = t + "," + a + ";"; // t = 1 if document.hidden == false t = 0 otherwise // append t and elapsed time to vcact bmak.vcact = bmak.vcact + e; } // increase the count bmak.vc_cnt++; } catch (t) { } }, /** * Gets triggered on "visibilitychange", "mozvisibilitychange", "msvisibilitychange", and "webkitvisibilitychange" */ hvc: function () { try { var t = 1; document[bmak.hn] && (t = 0), bmak.lvc(t); } catch (t) { } }, hb: function (t) { bmak.lvc(2); }, hf: function (t) { bmak.lvc(3); }, rve: function () { void 0 !== document.hidden ? (bmak.hn = "hidden", bmak.vc = "visibilitychange") : void 0 !== document .mozHidden ? (bmak.hn = "mozHidden", bmak.vc = "mozvisibilitychange") : void 0 !== document .msHidden ? (bmak.hn = "msHidden", bmak.vc = "msvisibilitychange") : void 0 !== document .webkitHidden && (bmak.hn = "webkitHidden", bmak.vc = "webkitvisibilitychange"), document .addEventListener ? "unk" != bmak.hn && document.addEventListener(bmak.vc, bmak.hvc, !0) : document .attachEvent && "unk" != bmak.hn && document.attachEvent(bmak.vc, bmak.hvc), window.onblur = bmak .hb, window.onfocus = bmak.hf; }, /** * 开始跟踪设备方向和设备运动,然后为其他事件跟踪设置事件侦听器,按键跟踪,鼠标跟踪等 * Start tracking device orientation and device motion and then setup event listeners for other event tracking (e.g: key tracking, mouse tracking) * 此函数最初调用 startdoadma 函数,然后每隔 3 秒调用一次 * This function calls the startdoadma function initially and then on a 3 second interval. */ startTracking: function () { bmak.startdoadma(); try { bmak.to(); } catch (t) { bmak.o9 = -654321; } setInterval(function () { bmak.startdoadma(); }, 3e3); if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("touchmove", bmak.htm, !0); document.addEventListener("touchstart", bmak.hts, !0); document.addEventListener("touchend", bmak.hte, !0); document.addEventListener("mousemove", bmak.hmm, !0); document.addEventListener("click", bmak.hc, !0); document.addEventListener("mousedown", bmak.hmd, !0); document.addEventListener("mouseup", bmak.hmu, !0); document.addEventListener("pointerdown", bmak.hpd, !0); document.addEventListener("pointerup", bmak.hpu, !0); document.addEventListener("keydown", bmak.hkd, !0); document.addEventListener("keyup", bmak.hku, !0); document.addEventListener("keypress", bmak.hkp, !0); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent("touchmove", bmak.htm); document.attachEvent("touchstart", bmak.hts); document.attachEvent("touchend", bmak.hte); document.attachEvent("touchcancel", bmak.htc); document.attachEvent("onmousemove", bmak.hmm); document.attachEvent("onclick", bmak.hc); document.attachEvent("onmousedown", bmak.hmd); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", bmak.hmu); document.attachEvent("onpointerdown", bmak.hpd); document.attachEvent("onpointerup", bmak.hpu); document.attachEvent("onkeydown", bmak.hkd); document.attachEvent("onkeyup", bmak.hku); document.attachEvent("onkeypress", bmak.hkp); } bmak.rve(); bmak.informinfo = bmak.getforminfo(); if (bmak.js_post) { bmak.aj_type = 0; bmak.bpd(); bmak.pd(!0); } bmak.firstLoad = !1; }, /** * 检查字符是否是扩展 ASCII 代码范围的一部分。如果不返回 0,则返回字符代码 * Checks if a character is a part of the extended ASCII code range. If it isn't return 0 otherwise return the character code. * * @see: https://www.ascii-code.com/ * @param {string} t string to check * @param {number} a index of character you want to check * @returns {number} */ gb: function (t, a) { var e = t.charCodeAt(a); return e = e > 255 ? 0 : e; }, /** * Base64 编码一个字符串。 * Base64 encode a string. * If the btoa function doesn't exist then it uses its own. * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/btoa * @returns */ encode: function (t) { if ("undefined" != typeof btoa) return btoa(t); for (var a, e, n, o, m, r, i, c = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", b = "", d = 3 * Math.floor(t.length / 3), s = 0; s < d; s += 3) a = bmak.gb(t, s), e = bmak.gb( t, s + 1), n = bmak.gb(t, s + 2), o = a >> 2, m = ((3 & a) << 4) + (e >> 4), r = ((15 & e) << 2) + (n >> 6), i = 63 & n, b = b + c.charAt(o) + c.charAt(m) + c.charAt(r) + c.charAt(i); return t.length % 3 == 1 && (a = bmak.gb(t, s), o = a >> 2, m = (3 & a) << 4, b = b + c.charAt(o) + c .charAt(m) + "=="), t.length % 3 == 2 && (a = bmak.gb(t, s), e = bmak.gb(t, s + 1), o = a >> 2, m = ((3 & a) << 4) + (e >> 4), r = (15 & e) << 2, b = b + c.charAt(o) + c.charAt(m) + c.charAt( r) + "="), b; }, /** * IE 9 或更低的检查。 IE 9 or less check. * @returns {boolean} */ ie9OrLower: function () { try { if ("string" == typeof navigator.appVersion && -1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")) { if (parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]) <= 9) return !0; } } catch (t) { } return !1; }, /** * Returns nothing. * @param {*} t */ parse_gp: function (t) { }, /** * Not called in script. */ call_gp: function () { var t; void 0 !== window.XMLHttpRequest ? t = new XMLHttpRequest() : void 0 !== window.XDomainRequest ? (t = new XDomainRequest(), t.onload = function () { this.readyState = 4, this.onreadystatechange instanceof Function && this .onreadystatechange(); }) : t = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"), t.open("GET", bmak.params_url, !0), t .onreadystatechange = function () { t.readyState > 3 && bmak.parse_gp && bmak.parse_gp(t); }, t.send(); }, /** * Not called in script. * @param {*} t * @param {*} a */ apicall: function (t, a) { var e; e = window.XDomainRequest ? new XDomainRequest() : window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"), e.open("POST", t, a); var n = bmak.encode(bmak.api_public_key + ":"); bmak.auth = ",\"auth\" : \"" + n + "\"", e.setRequestHeader && (e.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"), e.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + n), bmak.auth = ""); var o = "{\"session_id\" : \"" + bmak.session_id + "\",\"sensor_data\" : \"" + bmak.sensor_data + "\"" + bmak.auth + "}"; e.send(o); }, /** * 将传感器数据发送到 API 的主要函数。 * Main function for sending Sensor Data to API. * @param {*} t * @param {*} a * @param {*} e */ apicall_bm: function (t, a, e) { var n; void 0 !== window.XMLHttpRequest ? n = new XMLHttpRequest() : void 0 !== window.XDomainRequest ? (n = new XDomainRequest(), n.onload = function () { this.readyState = 4, this.onreadystatechange instanceof Function && this .onreadystatechange(); }) : n = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"), n.open("POST", t, a), void 0 !== n .withCredentials && (n.withCredentials = !0); var o = "{\"sensor_data\":\"" + bmak.sensor_data + "\"}"; n.onreadystatechange = function () { n.readyState > 3 && e && e(n); }, n.send(o), bmak.dcs = 0; }, pd: function (t) { bmak.check_stop_protocol() ? (bmak.apicall_bm(bmak.cf_url, t, bmak.patp), bmak.aj_indx = bmak.aj_indx + 1) : bmak.loap && bmak.dcs && bmak.apicall_bm(bmak.cf_url, t, bmak.patp); }, check_stop_protocol: function () { var t = bmak.get_stop_signals(), a = t[0]; !bmak.rst && a > -1 && (bmak.ir(), bmak.rst = !0); var e = t[1]; return -1 == e || bmak.aj_ss < e; }, get_stop_signals: function () { var t = [-1, -1], a = bmak.cookie_chk_read(bmak.ckie); if (!1 !== a) try { var e = decodeURIComponent(a).split("~"); if (e.length >= 4) { var n = bmak.pi(e[1]), o = bmak.pi(e[3]); n = isNaN(n) ? -1 : n, o = isNaN(o) ? -1 : o, t = [o, n]; } } catch (t) { } return t; }, patp: function (t) { bmak.aj_ss++, bmak.rst = !1; }, get_mn_params_from_abck: function () { var t = [ [] ]; try { var a = bmak.cookie_chk_read(bmak.ckie); if (!1 !== a) { var e = decodeURIComponent(a).split("~"); if (e.length >= 5) { var n = e[0], o = e[4], m = o.split("||"); if (m.length > 0) for (var r = 0; r < m.length; r++) { var i = m[r], c = i.split("-"); if (c.length >= 5) { var b = bmak.pi(c[0]), d = c[1], s = bmak.pi(c[2]), k = bmak.pi(c[3]), l = bmak.pi(c[4]), u = 1; c.length >= 6 && (u = bmak.pi(c[5])); var _ = [b, n, d, s, k, l, u]; 2 == u ? t.splice(0, 0, _) : t.push(_); } } } } } catch (t) { } return t; }, mn_get_current_challenges: function () { var t = bmak.get_mn_params_from_abck(), a = []; if (null != t) for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { var n = t[e]; if (n.length > 0) { var o = n[1] + n[2], m = n[6]; a[m] = o; } } return a; }, mn_update_challenge_details: function (t) { bmak.mn_sen = t[0], bmak.mn_abck = t[1], bmak.mn_psn = t[2], bmak.mn_cd = t[3], bmak.mn_tout = t[4], bmak.mn_stout = t[5], bmak.mn_ct = t[6], bmak.mn_ts = bmak.start_ts, bmak.mn_cc = bmak.mn_abck + bmak.start_ts + bmak.mn_psn; }, mn_get_new_challenge_params: function (t) { var a = null, e = null, n = null; if (null != t) for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) { var m = t[o]; if (m.length > 0) { for (var r = m[0], i = bmak.mn_abck + bmak.start_ts + m[2], c = (m[3], m[6]), b = 0; b < bmak.mn_lcl && 1 == r && bmak.mn_lc[b] != i; b++) ; b == bmak.mn_lcl && (a = o, 2 == c && (e = o), 3 == c && (n = o)); } } return null != n && bmak.pstate ? t[n] : null == e || bmak.pstate ? null == a || bmak.pstate ? null : t[ a] : t[e]; }, mn_poll: function () { if (0 == bmak.mn_state) { var t = bmak.get_mn_params_from_abck(), a = bmak.mn_get_new_challenge_params(t); null != a && (bmak.mn_update_challenge_details(a), bmak.mn_sen && (bmak.mn_state = 1, bmak .mn_mc_indx = 0, bmak.mn_al = [], bmak.mn_il = [], bmak.mn_tcl = [], bmak.mn_lg = [], bmak.mn_rts = bmak.get_cf_date(), bmak.mn_rt = bmak.mn_rts - bmak.start_ts, bmak.mn_wt = 0, setTimeout(bmak.mn_w, bmak.mn_tout))); } }, rotate_right: function (t, a) { return t >>> a | t << 32 - a; }, encode_utf8: function (t) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(t)); }, /** * Mini SHA 256 function. * Takes in the string to hash * Returns the hashed output as a byte array * @param {*} t * @returns */ mn_s: function (t) { var a = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298 ], e = 1779033703, n = 3144134277, o = 1013904242, m = 2773480762, r = 1359893119, i = 2600822924, c = 528734635, b = 1541459225, d = bmak.encode_utf8(t), s = 8 * d.length; d += String.fromCharCode(128); for (var k = d.length / 4 + 2, l = Math.ceil(k / 16), u = new Array(l), _ = 0; _ < l; _++) { u[_] = new Array(16); for (var f = 0; f < 16; f++) u[_][f] = d.charCodeAt(64 * _ + 4 * f) << 24 | d.charCodeAt(64 * _ + 4 * f + 1) << 16 | d.charCodeAt(64 * _ + 4 * f + 2) << 8 | d.charCodeAt(64 * _ + 4 * f + 3) << 0; } var p = s / Math.pow(2, 32); u[l - 1][14] = Math.floor(p), u[l - 1][15] = s; for (var v = 0; v < l; v++) { for (var h, g = new Array(64), w = e, y = n, E = o, S = m, C = r, h = i, B = c, x = b, _ = 0; _ < 64; _++) { var M, j, A, L, P, T; _ < 16 ? g[_] = u[v][_] : (M = bmak.rotate_right(g[_ - 15], 7) ^ bmak.rotate_right(g[_ - 15], 18) ^ g[_ - 15] >>> 3, j = bmak.rotate_right(g[_ - 2], 17) ^ bmak.rotate_right(g[_ - 2], 19) ^ g[_ - 2] >>> 10, g[_] = g[_ - 16] + M + g[_ - 7] + j), j = bmak.rotate_right( C, 6) ^ bmak.rotate_right(C, 11) ^ bmak.rotate_right(C, 25), A = C & h ^ ~C & B, L = x + j + A + a[_] + g[_], M = bmak.rotate_right(w, 2) ^ bmak.rotate_right(w, 13) ^ bmak .rotate_right(w, 22), P = w & y ^ w & E ^ y & E, T = M + P, x = B, B = h, h = C, C = S + L >>> 0, S = E, E = y, y = w, w = L + T >>> 0; } e += w, n += y, o += E, m += S, r += C, i += h, c += B, b += x; } return [e >> 24 & 255, e >> 16 & 255, e >> 8 & 255, 255 & e, n >> 24 & 255, n >> 16 & 255, n >> 8 & 255, 255 & n, o >> 24 & 255, o >> 16 & 255, o >> 8 & 255, 255 & o, m >> 24 & 255, m >> 16 & 255, m >> 8 & 255, 255 & m, r >> 24 & 255, r >> 16 & 255, r >> 8 & 255, 255 & r, i >> 24 & 255, i >> 16 & 255, i >> 8 & 255, 255 & i, c >> 24 & 255, c >> 16 & 255, c >> 8 & 255, 255 & c, b >> 24 & 255, b >> 16 & 255, b >> 8 & 255, 255 & b ]; }, /** * Initializes Akamai Proof of Work challenges */ mn_init: function () { var t = 200; bmak.pstate && (t = 100), setInterval(bmak.mn_poll, t); }, bdm: function (t, a) { for (var e = 0, n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) { e = (e << 8 | t[n]) >>> 0, e %= a; } return e; }, mn_w: function () { try { for (var t = 0, a = 0, e = 0, n = "", o = bmak.get_cf_date(), m = bmak.mn_cd + bmak.mn_mc_indx; 0 == t;) { n = Math.random().toString(16); var r = bmak.mn_cc + m.toString() + n, i = bmak.mn_s(r); if (0 == bmak.bdm(i, m)) t = 1, e = bmak.get_cf_date() - o, bmak.mn_al.push(n), bmak.mn_tcl .push(e), bmak.mn_il.push(a), 0 == bmak.mn_mc_indx && (bmak.mn_lg.push(bmak.mn_abck), bmak .mn_lg.push(bmak.mn_ts), bmak.mn_lg.push(bmak.mn_psn), bmak.mn_lg.push(bmak.mn_cc), bmak .mn_lg.push(bmak.mn_cd.toString()), bmak.mn_lg.push(m.toString()), bmak.mn_lg.push(n), bmak.mn_lg.push(r), bmak.mn_lg.push(i), bmak.mn_lg.push(bmak.mn_rt)); else if ((a += 1) % 1e3 == 0 && (e = bmak.get_cf_date() - o) > bmak.mn_stout) return bmak .mn_wt += e, void setTimeout(bmak.mn_w, bmak.mn_stout); } bmak.mn_mc_indx += 1, bmak.mn_mc_indx < bmak.mn_mc_lmt ? setTimeout(bmak.mn_w, e) : (bmak .mn_mc_indx = 0, bmak.mn_lc[bmak.mn_lcl] = bmak.mn_cc, bmak.mn_ld[bmak.mn_lcl] = bmak.mn_cd, bmak.mn_lcl = bmak.mn_lcl + 1, bmak.mn_state = 0, bmak.mn_lg.push(bmak.mn_wt), bmak.mn_lg .push(bmak.get_cf_date()), bmak.mn_r[bmak.mn_abck + bmak.mn_psn] = bmak.mn_pr(), bmak .js_post && (bmak.aj_type = 8, 2 == bmak.mn_ct && (bmak.dcs = 1), bmak.bpd(), bmak.pd(!0))); } catch (t) { bmak.sd_debug(",mn_w:" + t); } }, mn_pr: function () { return bmak.mn_al.join(",") + ";" + bmak.mn_tcl.join(",") + ";" + bmak.mn_il.join(",") + ";" + bmak .mn_lg.join(",") + ";"; }, /** * 此函数接收一个数字数组并将其转换为十六进制字符串。 * 此函数的所有实例都以 bmak.mn_s (SHA256) 的结果作为参数调用 * This function takes in an array of numbers and converts it to a hex string. * All instances of this function are called with the result of bmak.mn_s (SHA256) as the parameter * * Example: * const hashed_abc = bmak.mn_s("abc"); // [186,120,22,191,143,1,207,234,65,65,64,222,93,174,34,35,176,3,97,163,150,23,122,156,180,16,255,97,242,0,21,173] * const hashed_abc_hex = bmak.ats(hashed_abc); // ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad * * Original Function: * ats: function(t) { * for (var a = "", e = 0; e < t.length; e++) a += 2 == t[e].toString(16).length ? t[e].toString(16) : "0" + t[e].toString(16); * * return a; * } * @param {*} t * @returns */ ats: function (t) { var a = ""; for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { if (t[e].toString(16).length == 2) { a += t[e].toString(16); } else { a += "0" + t[e].toString(16); } } return a; }, calc_fp: function () { bmak.fpcf.fpVal(), bmak.js_post && (bmak.aj_type = 9, bmak.bpd(), bmak.pd(!0)); }, listFunctions: { _setJsPost: function (t) { bmak.js_post = t, bmak.js_post && (bmak.enReadDocUrl = 1); }, _setSessionId: function (t) { bmak.session_id = t; }, _setJavaScriptKey: function (t) { bmak.api_public_key = t; }, _setEnAddHidden: function (t) { bmak.enAddHidden = t; }, _setInitTime: function (t) { bmak.init_time = t; }, _setApiUrl: function (t) { bmak.cf_url = t; }, _setEnGetLoc: function (t) { bmak.enGetLoc = t; }, _setEnReadDocUrl: function (t) { bmak.enReadDocUrl = t; }, _setDisFpCalOnTimeout: function (t) { bmak.disFpCalOnTimeout = t; }, _setCookie: function (t) { bmak.ckie = t; }, _setCS: function (t) { bmak.cs = (String(t) + bmak.cs).slice(0, 16); }, _setFsp: function (t) { bmak.fsp = t, bmak.fsp && (bmak.cf_url = bmak.cf_url.replace(/^http:\/\//i, "https://")); }, _setBm: function (t) { bmak.bm = t, bmak.bm ? (bmak.cf_url = (bmak.fsp ? "https:" : document.location.protocol) + "//" + document.location.hostname + "/_bm/_data", bmak.js_post = !0) : bmak.params_url = (bmak .fsp ? "https:" : document.location.protocol) + "//" + document.location.hostname + "/get_params"; }, _setAu: function (t) { "string" == typeof t && (0 === t.lastIndexOf("/", 0) ? bmak.cf_url = (bmak.fsp ? "https:" : document .location.protocol) + "//" + document.location.hostname + t : bmak.cf_url = t); }, _setSDFieldNames: function () { try { var t; for (t = 0; t < arguments.length; t += 1) bmak.sdfn.push(arguments[t]); } catch (t) { bmak.sd_debug(",setSDFN:" + t); } }, _setUseAltFonts: function (t) { bmak.altFonts = t; }, _setPowState: function (t) { bmak.pstate = t; }, _setPow: function (t) { bmak.pstate = t; }, _setLOAP: function (t) { bmak.loap = t; } }, applyFunc: function () { var t, a, e; for (t = 0; t < arguments.length; t += 1) e = arguments[t]; a = e.shift(), bmak.listFunctions[a] && bmak.listFunctions[a].apply(bmak.listFunctions, e); }, getStateField: function (t) { for (var a = "", e = "aeiouy13579", n = 0, o = t.toLowerCase(); n < o.length;) e.indexOf(o[n]) >= 0 || e .indexOf(o[n + 1]) >= 0 ? a += 1 : a += 0, n += 2; return a; } }; (function (t) { var a = {}; t.fpcf = a, a.sf4 = function () { var t = bmak.uar(); return !(!~t.indexOf("Version/4.0") || !(~t.indexOf("iPad;") || ~t.indexOf("iPhone") || ~t.indexOf( "Mac OS X 10_5"))); }, a.fpValstr = "-1", a.fpValCalculated = !1, a.rVal = "-1", a.rCFP = "-1", a.cache = {}, a.td = -999999, a .clearCache = function () { a.cache = {}; }, a.fpVal = function () { a.fpValCalculated = !0; try { var t = 0; t = Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date(); var e = a.data(); a.fpValstr = e.replace(/\"/g, "\\\\\""); var n = 0; n = Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date(), a.td = n - t; } catch (t) { } }, a.timezoneOffsetKey = function () { return new Date().getTimezoneOffset(); }, a.data = function () { var t = screen.colorDepth ? screen.colorDepth : -1, e = screen.pixelDepth ? screen.pixelDepth : -1, n = navigator.cookieEnabled ? navigator.cookieEnabled : -1, o = navigator.javaEnabled ? navigator.javaEnabled() : -1, m = navigator.doNotTrack ? navigator.doNotTrack : -1, r = "default"; r = bmak.runFonts ? bmak.altFonts ? a.fonts_optm() : a.fonts() : "dis"; return [a.canvas("<@nv45. F1n63r,Pr1n71n6!"), a.canvas("m,Ev!xV67BaU> eh2m<f3AG3@"), r, a.pluginInfo(), a.sessionStorageKey(), a.localStorageKey(), a.indexedDbKey(), a.timezoneOffsetKey(), a .webrtcKey(), t, e, n, o, m ].join(";"); }, a.PLUGINS = ["WebEx64 General Plugin Container", "YouTube Plug-in", "Java Applet Plug-in", "Shockwave Flash", "iPhotoPhotocast", "SharePoint Browser Plug-in", "Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer", "Chrome PDF Viewer", "Native Client", "Unity Player", "WebKit-integrierte PDF", "QuickTime Plug-in", "RealPlayer Version Plugin", "RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)", "Mozilla Default Plug-in", "Adobe Acrobat", "AdobeAAMDetect", "Google Earth Plug-in", "Java Plug-in 2 for NPAPI Browsers", "Widevine Content Decryption Module", "Microsoft Office Live Plug-in", "Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library", "Google Talk Plugin Video Renderer", "Edge PDF Viewer", "Shockwave for Director", "Default Browser Helper", "Silverlight Plug-In" ], a.pluginInfo = function () { if (void 0 === navigator.plugins) return null; for (var t = a.PLUGINS.length, e = "", n = 0; n < t; n++) { var o = a.PLUGINS[n]; void 0 !== navigator.plugins[o] && (e = e + "," + n); } return e; }, /** * Canvas Fingerprinting * @see https://browserleaks.com/canvas#how-does-it-work * @param {*} t * @returns */ a.canvas = function (t) { try { if (void 0 !== a.cache.canvas) return a.cache.canvas; var e = -1; if (!a.sf4()) { var n = document.createElement("canvas"); if (n.width = 280, n.height = 60, n.style.display = "none", "function" == typeof n.getContext) { var o = n.getContext("2d"); o.fillStyle = "rgb(102, 204, 0)", o.fillRect(100, 5, 80, 50), o.fillStyle = "#f60", o.font = "16pt Arial", o.fillText(t, 10, 40), o.strokeStyle = "rgb(120, 186, 176)", o.arc(80, 10, 20, 0, Math.PI, !1), o.stroke(); var m = n.toDataURL(); e = 0; for (var r = 0; r < m.length; r++) { e = (e << 5) - e + m.charCodeAt(r), e &= e; } e = e.toString(); var i = document.createElement("canvas"); i.width = 16, i.height = 16; var c = i.getContext("2d"); c.font = "6pt Arial", a.rVal = Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random()).toString(), c.fillText(a .rVal, 1, 12); for (var b = i.toDataURL(), d = 0, s = 0; s < b.length; s++) { d = (d << 5) - d + b.charCodeAt(s), d &= d; } a.rCFP = d.toString(); } } return e; } catch (t) { return "exception"; } }, a.fonts_optm = function () { var t = 200, e = bmak.get_cf_date(), n = []; if (!a.sf4() && document.body) { var o = ["sans-serif", "monospace"], m = [0, 0], r = [0, 0], i = document.createElement("div"); i.style.cssText = "position: relative; left: -9999px; visibility: hidden; display: block !important"; var c; for (c = 0; c < o.length; c++) { var b = document.createElement("span"); b.innerHTML = "abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvxyz1234567890;+-.", b.style.fontSize = "90px", b.style .fontFamily = o[c], i.appendChild(b); } for (document.body.appendChild(i), c = 0; c < i.childNodes.length; c++) b = i.childNodes[c], m[c] = b.offsetWidth, r[c] = b.offsetHeight; if (document.body.removeChild(i), bmak.get_cf_date() - e > t) return ""; var d = ["Geneva", "Lobster", "New York", "Century", "Apple Gothic", "Minion Pro", "Apple LiGothic", "Century Gothic", "Monaco", "Lato", "Fantasque Sans Mono", "Adobe Braille", "Cambria", "Futura", "Bell MT", "Courier", "Courier New", "Calibri", "Avenir Next", "Birch Std", "Palatino", "Ubuntu Regular", "Oswald", "Batang", "Ubuntu Medium", "Cantarell", "Droid Serif", "Roboto", "Helvetica Neue", "Corsiva Hebrew", "Adobe Hebrew", "TI-Nspire", "Comic Neue", "Noto", "AlNile", "Palatino-Bold", "ArialHebrew-Light", "Avenir", "Papyrus", "Open Sans", "Times", "Quicksand", "Source Sans Pro", "Damascus", "Microsoft Sans Serif" ], s = document.createElement("div"); s.style.cssText = "position: relative; left: -9999px; visibility: hidden; display: block !important"; for (var k = [], l = 0; l < d.length; l++) { var u = document.createElement("div"); for (c = 0; c < o.length; c++) { var b = document.createElement("span"); b.innerHTML = "abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvxyz1234567890;+-.", b.style.fontSize = "90px", b.style .fontFamily = d[l] + "," + o[c], u.appendChild(b); } s.appendChild(u); } if (bmak.get_cf_date() - e > t) return ""; document.body.appendChild(s); for (var l = 0; l < s.childNodes.length; l++) { var _ = !1, u = s.childNodes[l]; for (c = 0; c < u.childNodes.length; c++) { var b = u.childNodes[c]; if (b.offsetWidth !== m[c] || b.offsetHeight !== r[c]) { _ = !0; break; } } if (_ && k.push(l), bmak.get_cf_date() - e > t) break; } document.body.removeChild(s), n = k.sort(); } return n.join(","); }, /** * Font fingerprinting. * * Render serif, sans-serif, and monospace font * in a span and collect the offsetWidth and * offsetHeights. * * Once we gather this information, we can render * a list of various fonts with serif, sans-serif, * and monospace as fallbacks. * * If we compare the offsetWidth and offsetHeights * of these new elements to the ones we collected * initially we can determine if the user has the * font installed on their system. * * Example from my M1 13 inch Macbook Air: * * serif: * offsetWidth: 1653 * offsetHeight: 105 * * sans-serif: * offsetWidth: 1779 * offsetHeight: 104 * * monospace: * offsetWidth: 2160 * offsetHeight: 104 * * If we test a font we already have, lets say Geneva, we would define the CSS as: * font-family: "Geneva", serif; or * font-family: "Geneva", sans-serif; or * font-family: "Geneva", monospace; * * Geneva: * offsetWidth: 2005 * offsetHeight: 113 * * These numbers don't align with any of the fallback values so that means the font exists * on our machine.. * * However, let's try a font we don't have: * * Lobster: * offsetWidth: 1653 * offsetHeight: 105 * * These values match the serif font values which means it fell back because the font doesn't exist. * * If this happens, push the index of the font into an array, sort it, join it by commas and * that's what this function returns. * * @see https://digitalworks.union.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3374&context=theses * @returns */ a.fonts = function () { var t = []; if (!a.sf4() && document.body) { var e = ["serif", "sans-serif", "monospace"]; var n = [0, 0, 0]; var o = [0, 0, 0]; var m = document.createElement("span"); m.innerHTML = "abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvxyz1234567890;+-."; m.style.fontSize = "90px"; var r; for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { m.style.fontFamily = e[r]; document.body.appendChild(m); n[r] = m.offsetWidth; o[r] = m.offsetHeight; document.body.removeChild(m); } var i = ["Geneva", "Lobster", "New York", "Century", "Apple Gothic", "Minion Pro", "Apple LiGothic", "Century Gothic", "Monaco", "Lato", "Fantasque Sans Mono", "Adobe Braille", "Cambria", "Futura", "Bell MT", "Courier", "Courier New", "Calibri", "Avenir Next", "Birch Std", "Palatino", "Ubuntu Regular", "Oswald", "Batang", "Ubuntu Medium", "Cantarell", "Droid Serif", "Roboto", "Helvetica Neue", "Corsiva Hebrew", "Adobe Hebrew", "TI-Nspire", "Comic Neue", "Noto", "AlNile", "Palatino-Bold", "ArialHebrew-Light", "Avenir", "Papyrus", "Open Sans", "Times", "Quicksand", "Source Sans Pro", "Damascus", "Microsoft Sans Serif" ]; var c = []; for (var b = 0; b < i.length; b++) { var d = !1; for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) m.style.fontFamily = i[b] + "," + e[r]; document.body.appendChild(m); if (m.offsetWidth === n[r] && m.offsetHeight === o[r] || (d = !0), document.body.removeChild(m), d) { c.push(b); break; } } t = c.sort(); } return t.join(","); }, /** * Check for WebRTC. * Doesn't exist in IE. Added in Safari 11 */ a.webrtcKey = function () { return "function" == typeof window.RTCPeerConnection || "function" == typeof window .mozRTCPeerConnection || "function" == typeof window.webkitRTCPeerConnection; }, a.indexedDbKey = function () { return !!a.hasIndexedDB(); }, a.sessionStorageKey = function () { return !!a.hasSessionStorage(); }, a.localStorageKey = function () { return !!a.hasLocalStorage(); }, a.hasSessionStorage = function () { try { return !!window.sessionStorage; } catch (t) { return !1; } }, a.hasLocalStorage = function () { try { return !!window.localStorage; } catch (t) { return !1; } }, a.hasIndexedDB = function () { return !!window.indexedDB; }; }(bmak))
var sendData = function () { bmak.aj_type = 1, bmak.bpd(), bmak.pd(!0), bmak.ce_js_post = 1 } //首次加载启动 if (bmak.firstLoad) { // 感觉没什么用 if (bmak.sd_debug("<init/>"), _cf.length > 0) { for (var bm_counter = 0; bm_counter < _cf.length; bm_counter++) bmak.applyFunc(_cf[bm_counter]); bmak.sd_debug("<setSDFN>" + bmak.sdfn.join() + "</setSDFN>"), _cf = { push: bmak.applyFunc }; } else { var bm_script; if (document.currentScript && (bm_script = document.currentScript), !bm_script) { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); scripts.length && (bm_script = scripts[scripts.length - 1]); } if (bm_script.src) { var bm_url = bm_script.src, url_split = bm_url.split("/"), obfus_state_field; if (url_split.length >= 4 && (obfus_state_field = bm_url.split("/").slice(-4)[0]), obfus_state_field && obfus_state_field.length % 2 == 0) { var state_field_str = bmak.getStateField(obfus_state_field); state_field_str.length >= 3 && (bmak.listFunctions._setFsp("1" == state_field_str[0]), bmak .listFunctions._setBm("1" == state_field_str[1]), bmak.listFunctions._setPowState("1" == state_field_str[2]), bmak.listFunctions._setAu(bm_url)); } } } try { // 设置接口地址 bmak.cf_url = 'http://xxxxx.com' // 重写覆盖原来的发送方法 bmak.apicall_bm = function (url, a, e) { let fingerprint = bmak.sensor_data.match('-1,2,-94,-129,(.*?)-1,2,-94,') let data = { fingerprint: fingerprint ? fingerprint[1] : '',//指纹 dwell_time : bmak.updatet(),// 停留时间 automation : bmak.hbs(),//自动化 evnets: { press : bmak.kact, mouse : bmak.mact, touch : bmak.tact, deviceorientation : bmak.doact, deviceMotion : bmak.dmact, pointer : bmak.pact, },//事件 akamai_data : bmak.sensor_data// akamai固定格式数据 } $.post(url, bmak.encode(data), function(res) { console.log(res); }) } bmak.ir();// 初始化和重置一些 akamai 变量 bmak.t_tst = bmak.get_cf_date();//获取当前时间(以毫秒为单位)(Date.now)并将其存储到 t_tst 作为开始时间戳 bmak.startTracking();// 启动事件监听 // bmak.listFunctions._setJsPost(true) //这个要开启,事件会自动触发提交数据 // bmak.tst = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.t_tst;// 时间间隔 // bmak.disFpCalOnTimeout || setTimeout(bmak.calc_fp, 500);//停留0.5秒自动提交,需要开启is_post // bmak.disFpCalOnTimeout || setTimeout(sendData, 3000);//停留三秒自动提交 //运行性能指标函数 3 次。第一次运行:加载后 400ms 第二次运行:加载后 5400ms(~5s) 第三次运行:加载后 10400ms(~10s) // for (var bm_counter = 0; bm_counter < 3; bm_counter++) setTimeout(bmak.getmr, 400 + 5e3 * bm_counter); // Initializes Akamai Proof of Work challenges // bmak.mn_init(); } catch (t) { } } /** * @description The data sent to the server-side. It is divided in multiple parts(发送到服务器端的数据,它分为多个部分:): * - "-1,2,-94,-100": Browser, Navigator and Windows properties(浏览器、导航器和 Windows 属性) * - "-1,2,-94,-101": Device properties(设备属性) * - "-1,2,-94,-105": Current form properties(当前表单属性) * - "-1,2,-94,-102": Current form properties 2 (same method as above)(当前表单属性2(方法同上)) * - "-1,2,-94,-108": 'Press' events * - "-1,2,-94,-110": 'Mouse' events * - "-1,2,-94,-117": 'Touch' events * - "-1,2,-94,-111": deviceorientation events * - "-1,2,-94,-109": 'DeviceMotion' events * - "-1,2,-94,-114": 'Pointer' events * - "-1,2,-94,-103": 'Visibility' events * - "-1,2,-94,-112": Document URL {@link bmak.getdurl} * - "-1,2,-94,-115": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-106": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-119": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-122": Web driver properties {@link bmak.sed} * - "-1,2,-94,-123": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-124": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-126": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-127": Navigation permission {@link bmak.np} * - "-1,2,-94,-70": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-80": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-116": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-118": Accumulator of sensor data {@link bmak.ab} * - "-1,2,-94,-129": TODO: * - "-1,2,-94,-121": TODO: * @type {number} */
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