1 assume cs:codesg, ds:data
2 data segment
3 ;00 is filler a
4 ;317ah is 12666 hex value
5 ;0000h is high bits. if the number is big and hex value is f317ah, then here 0000h will be 0000fh
6 ;000Ah is hex value of 10.
7 ;rest of 0008h are just filler to make the debug view eaiser
8 dw 00,317ah,0000h,000Ah,0008h,0008h,0008h,0008h
10 ;here will hold decimal text
11 db ' '
12 data ends
13 codesg segment
14 start:
15 mov ax, data ;set data address
16 mov ds, ax
17 mov bx, 16 ;set decial text text offset in bx, because declare 8 words, so here is 16
18 mov cx, 0
19 push cx ;push a zero in bottom of stack, and it will be terminator of text
20 divNext:
21 CALL DivDW ; return remainder in [0] position, and quotient is still in [2] for next divide
22 mov cx, ds:[0] ; set remainder in cx
23 add cx, 30h ; add decimal ascii
24 push cx ; save the decimal in stack
26 mov ax, ds:[2] ; using bit OR to merge Divident H to Divident Low
27 OR ax, ds:[4] ; Divident H is ds:[4], Divident L is ds:[2]
28 MOV cx, ax ; Then check whether ds:[2] is 0 or not
29 jcxz EXIT_DN ; if quotient is 0, exit divNext
31 jmp divNext ; continue get next decimal value
33 EXIT_DN: ; When run to here, the stack contain all decimal ascii
34 pop cx ; get decimal ascii from stack
35 jcxz Exit_DT ; if ascii value in stack is 0, then exit.
36 ; This zero is the terminator pushed at line 19
37 mov ds:[bx+16], cx ;move the ascii to data section declared at line 11
38 add bx,1
39 jmp EXIT_DN
41 Exit_DT:
42 Call Show_Str ; Show_Str show text from memory declared at line 11
44 mov ax, 4c00h
45 int 21h
47 ;********************************************************************
49 ;divisor 除数
50 ;divisor 除数 can 8 bits or 16 bits and can be in register or memory
51 ;dividend 被除数 , have to be AX or DX and AX,
52 ;divisor is 8 bits, then dividend is in AX. | the result is AL = quotient 商, AH = remainder 余
53 ;divisor is 16 bits, then dividend is in DX(H) and AX(L) | the result is AX = quotient 商, DX = remainder 余
55 divDW: ;chapter: 8.7 Page 157
56 pop BP
57 push bx
58 MOV BX, ds:[2] ;4240 Divident(L)
59 MOV AX ,ds:[4] ; 000f Divident(H)
60 MOV CX ,ds:[6] ; 000A Divisor
61 MOV DX, 0
62 DIV CX ; (DX(0) + AX(000f)) / CX
63 mov ds:[4], ax
64 MOV AX, BX ; move Divident (L) in AX
65 DIV CX ; (DX(0005) + AX (4240)) / CX
66 mov ds:[2], ax
67 mov ds:[0], dx
68 pop bx
69 PUSH BP ; SET IP back to stack
70 ret
72 ;***********************************************************
73 ;****** Show Text
74 show_str:
75 pop bp
76 mov ax, 0b86eh
77 mov ss, ax ;row
78 mov si, 40 ;Column
79 mov bx, 0 ;String stard postion
80 mov ah, 00000010B ;Font
81 push ss
82 push si
83 push ds
84 push bx
85 main:
86 mov cl, ds:[bx+16] ; ds:[bx] is the character
87 mov al, cl
88 mov ch, 0
89 jcxz EXIT_SS
90 mov ss:[si], ax ; this ss:[si+bx] is character position
91 inc bx
92 add si, 2
93 jmp short main
96 pop bx
97 pop ds
98 pop si
99 pop ss
100 push bp
101 ret
102 codesg ends
2 data segment
3 ;00 is filler a
4 ;317ah is 12666 hex value
5 ;0000h is high bits. if the number is big and hex value is f317ah, then here 0000h will be 0000fh
6 ;000Ah is hex value of 10.
7 ;rest of 0008h are just filler to make the debug view eaiser
8 dw 00,317ah,0000h,000Ah,0008h,0008h,0008h,0008h
10 ;here will hold decimal text
11 db ' '
12 data ends
13 codesg segment
14 start:
15 mov ax, data ;set data address
16 mov ds, ax
17 mov bx, 16 ;set decial text text offset in bx, because declare 8 words, so here is 16
18 mov cx, 0
19 push cx ;push a zero in bottom of stack, and it will be terminator of text
20 divNext:
21 CALL DivDW ; return remainder in [0] position, and quotient is still in [2] for next divide
22 mov cx, ds:[0] ; set remainder in cx
23 add cx, 30h ; add decimal ascii
24 push cx ; save the decimal in stack
26 mov ax, ds:[2] ; using bit OR to merge Divident H to Divident Low
27 OR ax, ds:[4] ; Divident H is ds:[4], Divident L is ds:[2]
28 MOV cx, ax ; Then check whether ds:[2] is 0 or not
29 jcxz EXIT_DN ; if quotient is 0, exit divNext
31 jmp divNext ; continue get next decimal value
33 EXIT_DN: ; When run to here, the stack contain all decimal ascii
34 pop cx ; get decimal ascii from stack
35 jcxz Exit_DT ; if ascii value in stack is 0, then exit.
36 ; This zero is the terminator pushed at line 19
37 mov ds:[bx+16], cx ;move the ascii to data section declared at line 11
38 add bx,1
39 jmp EXIT_DN
41 Exit_DT:
42 Call Show_Str ; Show_Str show text from memory declared at line 11
44 mov ax, 4c00h
45 int 21h
47 ;********************************************************************
49 ;divisor 除数
50 ;divisor 除数 can 8 bits or 16 bits and can be in register or memory
51 ;dividend 被除数 , have to be AX or DX and AX,
52 ;divisor is 8 bits, then dividend is in AX. | the result is AL = quotient 商, AH = remainder 余
53 ;divisor is 16 bits, then dividend is in DX(H) and AX(L) | the result is AX = quotient 商, DX = remainder 余
55 divDW: ;chapter: 8.7 Page 157
56 pop BP
57 push bx
58 MOV BX, ds:[2] ;4240 Divident(L)
59 MOV AX ,ds:[4] ; 000f Divident(H)
60 MOV CX ,ds:[6] ; 000A Divisor
61 MOV DX, 0
62 DIV CX ; (DX(0) + AX(000f)) / CX
63 mov ds:[4], ax
64 MOV AX, BX ; move Divident (L) in AX
65 DIV CX ; (DX(0005) + AX (4240)) / CX
66 mov ds:[2], ax
67 mov ds:[0], dx
68 pop bx
69 PUSH BP ; SET IP back to stack
70 ret
72 ;***********************************************************
73 ;****** Show Text
74 show_str:
75 pop bp
76 mov ax, 0b86eh
77 mov ss, ax ;row
78 mov si, 40 ;Column
79 mov bx, 0 ;String stard postion
80 mov ah, 00000010B ;Font
81 push ss
82 push si
83 push ds
84 push bx
85 main:
86 mov cl, ds:[bx+16] ; ds:[bx] is the character
87 mov al, cl
88 mov ch, 0
89 jcxz EXIT_SS
90 mov ss:[si], ax ; this ss:[si+bx] is character position
91 inc bx
92 add si, 2
93 jmp short main
96 pop bx
97 pop ds
98 pop si
99 pop ss
100 push bp
101 ret
102 codesg ends