Eror message below:
Could not find a matching subscription for the message.
The Messaging engine failed to process a message submitted by adapter:FILE Source URL:C:\Practices\AutoProcess\input\*.xml. Details:Could not find a matching subscription for the message. . This error occurs if the subscribed orchestration schedule or send port has not been started, or if some of the message properties necessary for subscription evaluation have not been promoted. Please refer to Health and Activity Tracking tool for more detailed information on this failure
Check from internet it is because I use passthrough for my receive port pipeline. However passthrough is unable to assign the type of receive file. So far only XML pipeline can do that. So the orchestration does not know the type of message. Biztalk server use message type to link to the handler orchestration.
To workaround with this issue, have to configure a filter in SEND port (becareful it is not receive port).
The filter expression is something like "BTS.ReceivePortName"
== AutoProcessFTPReceivePort
reference for details
You cannot use a pass-through pipeline to receive a file in an orchestration in BizTalk Server
A Simple BizTalk Hands-On Example
Adding a Filter to a Send Port for Passthrough Using BizTalk Explorer