remoting object class
class must inherits MarshalByRefObject
Host class
Must add reference System.runtime.remoting
Must add reference that remoting object class
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http
C# can use typeof(classname)
VB use Type.getType("namespace.classname, assemblyname")
normally namespace is same as asemblyname
Must add reference System.runtime.remoting
Must add reference that remoting object class
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http
C# can use (convert to correct type)
remoteObj = (classname)Activator.GetObejct(,,,)
VB can use (convert to correct type)
remoteObj = Ctype(Activator.GetObejct(,,,), "Namespace.classname")
Using configuration file inside hardcode in program
error ocurred in client application.
The error is "Requested service is not found".
The error is caused by server side configuration file "ObjUri" not "ObjUrl"
顺便记一下关于Typeof 的内容
Testing if an object is of a particular type, can be done with the TypeOf...Is operator:
If TypeOf obj Is TextBox Then...
Obtaining a System.Type object for a given type can be done with the GetType operator:
Dim t As System.Type
t = GetType(String)
Obtaining a System.Type object for a given object can be done with the GetType method:Dim t as System.Type
t = obj.GetType()
还有Assembly Binding 的内容
NET Development (General) Technical Articles
Side-By-Side and Versioning Considerations for .NET Remoting