431.chapter12.Working with HTTP Endpoints

chapter13.HTTP Endpoint

I understanding HTTP Endpoint Security
1 sever layers of HTTP Endppint Security
(1) Endpoint type--TCP/HTTP(s)
(2) Endpoint payload--the particular subset of traffic that the endpoint allows. TSQL, SOAP, SERVICE_BROKER, and DATABASE_MIRRORING
But an HTTP Endpont allows only ont type paylpad---SOAP
(3) Endpint state--STARTED|STOPPED(default state)|DISABLED
(4) Authentication method--Windows authentication or Certificates
(5) Encryption--specify the ports clause to set the communication is in clear text or SSL
(6) Login type--specify the LOGIN_TYPE to set the type of login, Winodws|Mixed
(7) Endpiont permissions--grant the CONNECT permission on the endpoint

II create a secure HTTP Endpoint
1 Create an HTTP Endpoint
(1) use CREATE ENDPONT statement to create an endpoint, including an HTTP endpont.
(2) it includes two section.
    First: sepcify the protocol.
    Second: define the payload.
(3)important paramenter:language_specific_arguments

2 Specifying Web Methods
(1) web methods simply expose stored procedures and functions as public method that a web service can call. In the WEBMETHOD portion
of the SOAP payload's language-specific argumens, you map specific stored procedures and fucntions you want to expose in the endpoint
as Web Methods

3 Specifying WSDL support, Schemas, and Namespaces
(2) Schema, an HTTP endpoint has a default SCHEMA option that can be overridden by a particular WEBMETHOD, if choosen.
if you specify NONE for the SCHEMA,an inline XSD is not retrned in the SOAP request. if you specify the STANDARD, an inline
XSD is returned along with the result set
(3) the SOAP payload enables you to specify an explicit namespace for an HTTP endpoint. the default namespace for each WEBMETHOD

4 Additional SOAP Payload Parmeters
(1) BATCHED options controls whether a connection can isue ad hoc SQL queries against the endpoint.
(2) By enabling SEESIONS support, muitiple SOAP request/response pairs are treated as a single SOAP session.
(3) DATABASE option, the connection to the HTTP endpoint changes context to the database that you specified;otherwise, the
default database defined for the login is used.

5 practise

(1)通过SMO创建HTT Endpoint

create http endpoint

(3)创建一个windows application来发送soap请求
一个下拉列表控件,一个按钮控件,core code

SOAP Request Code


6 遗憾的是微软已经说明了,后续版本的Microsoft SQL Server将删除该功能。


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