[method]how to learn a language
While reading a tutorial or a book, it is often helpful to type - not copy and paste (even if you can!) - the code into the compiler and run it. Typing it yourself will help you toget used to the typical typing errors that cause problems and it will force you to pay attention to the details of programming syntax. Typing your program will also familiarize you with the general structure of programs and with the use of common commands. After running an example program - and aftermaking certain that you understand how it works - you should experiment with it: play with the program and test your own ideas. By seeing which modifications cause problems and which sections of the code are most important to the function of the program, you should learn quite a bit about programming
i get it form cprogramming.com.it's helpful to me.hope you too.
i get it form cprogramming.com.it's helpful to me.hope you too.