box2d b2DestructionListener注意事项

b2DesctructionListener只会对隐式销毁的 fixture 和 b2Joint 做响应


如果你在销毁一个 body 的时后,body上面的 fixture 和 joint 你未曾事先销毁掉,

那么,这些 fixture 和 joint 就会在 b2DesctructionListener 的回调方法里面得以体现;

如果一个body包含了多个 fixture,你仅仅只是销毁了 body 里面的某一个  fixture,

那么这个  fixture 是由你自主来进行销毁的,不会在 b2DesctructionListener 的回调方法里面得以体现。

一言以蔽之,只有 box2d 帮你销毁的 fixture 和 joint,才会在 回调中得以体现,

而你自己调用  DestroyFixture() 和  DestroyJoint() 方法来销毁的,则不会。


b2RopeJoint 并非继承自 b2Joint ,会否在隐式销毁的过程中在回调中有所表现?


发一份 b2DesctructionListener 用例代码:


//  MyDestructionListener.h
//  GameSceneEx
//  Created by Bruce Yang on 12-4-22.
//  Copyright (c) 2012年 EricGameStudio. All rights reserved.

#ifndef GameSceneEx_MyDestructionListener_h
#define GameSceneEx_MyDestructionListener_h

#include "Box2D.h"

class MyDestructionListener : public b2DestructionListener {
	/// Called when any joint is about to be destroyed due
	/// to the destruction of one of its attached bodies.
	virtual void SayGoodbye(b2Joint* joint);
	/// Called when any fixture is about to be destroyed due
	/// to the destruction of its parent body.
	virtual void SayGoodbye(b2Fixture* fixture);

//  MyDestructionListener.cpp
//  GameSceneEx
//  Created by Bruce Yang on 12-4-22.
//  Copyright (c) 2012年 EricGameStudio. All rights reserved.

#include "MyDestructionListener.h"

MyDestructionListener::MyDestructionListener() {

MyDestructionListener::~MyDestructionListener() {

void MyDestructionListener::SayGoodbye(b2Joint* joint) {
    NSLog(@"joint be destroyed!");

void MyDestructionListener::SayGoodbye(b2Fixture* fixture) {
    NSLog(@"fixture be destroyed!");

posted on 2012-04-22 20:04  yang3wei  阅读(267)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报