

Plug-Ins and Libraries

You can download and install plug-ins or libraries to add extra functionality to Audacity. Plug-ins can give you extra effects, or more audio generation and analysis capability. Adding libraries can allow you to import or export additional audio formats.

Plug-In Installation

To install new plug-ins, place them in the Plug-Ins folder inside the Audacity installation folder. On Windows computers, this is usually under "Program Files". On Mac OS X, it is usually under "Applications". Restart Audacity, then the Plug-ins will appear underneath the divider in the "Effect", "Generate" or "Analyze" menus.


Audacity has built-in support for LADSPA plug-ins. These plug-ins are mostly built for Linux, but some are available for other operating systems too. Audacity includes some sample LADSPA effects. Windows users can install an additional set of over 90 LADSPA plug-ins. There is a similar set of LADSPA plug-ins for Mac. More information and many LADSPA plug-ins for Linux can be found on the LADSPA web site.

Nyquist Plug-Ins

Audacity has built-in support for Nyquist effects on all operating systems. You can download additional Nyquist plug-ins, or create your own using the Nyquist programming language. Nyquist code can be tested using "Nyquist Prompt" under the Effect menu, or code for Nyquist plug-ins that generate audio can be quickly tested with Nyquist Generate Prompt.

VST Plug-Ins

Audacity can load VST effects (but not VST instruments) on Windows and Mac. Audacity 1.2 only has limited support for VST effects. This support can be added by downloading the optional VST Enabler. Audacity 1.3.8 onwards supports a much wider range of VST effects with full GUI interface (where provided by the plug-in). The VST Enabler is not required.

VST effects can be found on many plug-in sites such as:

The VST Plug-ins page on our Wiki contains further help for VST plug-ins, and lists a large number of VST plug-ins that have been reported to work well in Audacity.


At present, the only library you can add to the 1.2 version of Audacity is the LAME MP3 encoding library. This allows Audacity to export audio in the popular MP3 format. To install the LAME library, please read our LAME FAQ.

In addition to supporting LAME, the Beta 1.3 version of Audacity has experimental support for the FFmpeg import/export library. This allows Audacity to import and export many additional audio formats such as AC3, AMR(NB), M4A and WMA, and to import audio from video files. To install the FFmpeg library, please read our FFmpeg FAQ. The next 2.0 Stable version of Audacity is expected to support the FFmpeg library.

ps by yang3wei:

.vst文件,.so 文件,.ny 文件都是 Audacity 所支持的插件文件格式,

悉数放到 Applications 里面的Audacity Plug-ins 文件夹里面即可!

Audacity 原生支持 .so, .ny,但若要使用 .vst 文件则需将 VST Enabler.ny 预先置入到 Plug-ins 文件夹~

不得不说,Audacity 与诸多开源库的耦合性弄得实在是太好了

开始我便想为什么要这么麻烦呢,Audacity 的兼容性这么强的话,


但事后想想自己在 Audacity 官网的提示下去使用诸多插件,确实是能够增进对其的认识

激发了使用者的好奇心,也让使用者了解到 Audacity 开发组的开发功底

总而言之,作为一款音频编辑软件所应有的功能,Audacity 可以算是相当齐全了, 


但在我看来,Audacity 倒是无愧于强悍二字了~

posted on 2012-02-11 10:30  yang3wei  阅读(927)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报