


SrsSource代表 living stream source
class SrsSource : public ISrsReloadHandler
    static std::map<std::string, SrsSource*> pool;
    *  create source when fetch from cache failed.
    * @param r the client request.
    * @param h the event handler for source.
    * @param pps the matched source, if success never be NULL.
    static int fetch_or_create(SrsRequest* r, ISrsSourceHandler* h, SrsSource** pps);
    * get the exists source, NULL when not exists.
    * update the request and return the exists source.
    static SrsSource* fetch(SrsRequest* r);
     * dispose and cycle all sources.
    static void dispose_all();
    static int cycle_all();
    static int do_cycle_all();
    * when system exit, destroy the sources,
    * for gmc to analysis mem leaks.
    static void destroy();
    // source id,
    // for publish, it's the publish client id.
    // for edge, it's the edge ingest id.
    // when source id changed, for example, the edge reconnect,
    // invoke the on_source_id_changed() to let all clients know.
    int _source_id;
    // previous source id.
    int _pre_source_id;
    // deep copy of client request.
    SrsRequest* _req;
    // to delivery stream to clients.
    std::vector<SrsConsumer*> consumers;
    // the time jitter algorithm for vhost.
    SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm jitter_algorithm;
    // whether use interlaced/mixed algorithm to correct timestamp.
    bool mix_correct;
    SrsMixQueue* mix_queue;
    // whether stream is monotonically increase.
    bool is_monotonically_increase;
    int64_t last_packet_time;
    // hls handler.
    SrsHls* hls;
    // dvr handler.
    SrsDvr* dvr;
    // transcoding handler.
    SrsEncoder* encoder;
    SrsHds *hds;
    // edge control service
    SrsPlayEdge* play_edge;
    SrsPublishEdge* publish_edge;
    // gop cache for client fast startup.
    SrsGopCache* gop_cache;
    // to forward stream to other servers
    std::vector<SrsForwarder*> forwarders;
    // for aggregate message
    SrsStream* aggregate_stream;
    // the event handler.
    ISrsSourceHandler* handler;
    * can publish, true when is not streaming
    bool _can_publish;
    * atc whether atc(use absolute time and donot adjust time),
    * directly use msg time and donot adjust if atc is true,
    * otherwise, adjust msg time to start from 0 to make flash happy.
    // TODO: FIXME: to support reload atc.
    bool atc;
    // last die time, when all consumers quit and no publisher,
    // we will remove the source when source die.
    int64_t die_at;
    SrsSharedPtrMessage* cache_metadata;
    // the cached video sequence header.
    SrsSharedPtrMessage* cache_sh_video;
    // the cached audio sequence header.
    SrsSharedPtrMessage* cache_sh_audio;
    virtual ~SrsSource();
    virtual void dispose();
    virtual int cycle();
    // remove source when expired.
    virtual bool expired();
// initialize, get and setter.
    * initialize the hls with handlers.
    virtual int initialize(SrsRequest* r, ISrsSourceHandler* h);
// interface ISrsReloadHandler
    virtual int on_reload_vhost_atc(std::string vhost);
    virtual int on_reload_vhost_gop_cache(std::string vhost);
    virtual int on_reload_vhost_queue_length(std::string vhost);
    virtual int on_reload_vhost_time_jitter(std::string vhost);
    virtual int on_reload_vhost_mix_correct(std::string vhost);
    virtual int on_reload_vhost_forward(std::string vhost);
    virtual int on_reload_vhost_hls(std::string vhost);
    virtual int on_reload_vhost_hds(std::string vhost);
    virtual int on_reload_vhost_dvr(std::string vhost);
    virtual int on_reload_vhost_transcode(std::string vhost);
// for the tools callback
    // for the SrsForwarder to callback to request the sequence headers.
    virtual int on_forwarder_start(SrsForwarder* forwarder);
    // for the SrsHls to callback to request the sequence headers.
    virtual int on_hls_start();
    // for the SrsDvr to callback to request the sequence headers.
    virtual int on_dvr_request_sh();
    // source id changed.
    virtual int on_source_id_changed(int id);
    // get current source id.
    virtual int source_id();
    virtual int pre_source_id();
// logic data methods
    virtual bool can_publish(bool is_edge);
    virtual int on_meta_data(SrsCommonMessage* msg, SrsOnMetaDataPacket* metadata);
    virtual int on_audio(SrsCommonMessage* audio);
    virtual int on_audio_imp(SrsSharedPtrMessage* audio);
    virtual int on_video(SrsCommonMessage* video);
    virtual int on_video_imp(SrsSharedPtrMessage* video);
    virtual int on_aggregate(SrsCommonMessage* msg);
    * publish stream event notify.
    * @param _req the request from client, the source will deep copy it,
    *         for when reload the request of client maybe invalid.
    virtual int on_publish();
    virtual void on_unpublish();
// consumer methods
    * create consumer and dumps packets in cache.
    * @param consumer, output the create consumer.
    * @param ds, whether dumps the sequence header.
    * @param dm, whether dumps the metadata.
    * @param dg, whether dumps the gop cache.
    virtual int create_consumer(
        SrsConnection* conn, SrsConsumer*& consumer,
        bool ds = true, bool dm = true, bool dg = true
    virtual void on_consumer_destroy(SrsConsumer* consumer);
    virtual void set_cache(bool enabled);
    virtual SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm jitter();
// internal
    // for edge, when publish edge stream, check the state
    virtual int on_edge_start_publish();
    // for edge, proxy the publish
    virtual int on_edge_proxy_publish(SrsCommonMessage* msg);
    // for edge, proxy stop publish
    virtual void on_edge_proxy_unpublish();
    virtual int create_forwarders();
    virtual void destroy_forwarders();

这个类被调用的第一个函数是static member function 

b SrsSource::fetch_or_create
#0  SrsSource::fetch_or_create (r=0x8f4ff0, h=0x8d5458, pps=0x7ffff7f84a00) at src/app/srs_app_source.cpp:746
#1  0x000000000047f158 in SrsRtmpConn::stream_service_cycle (this=0x8f4ec0) at src/app/srs_app_rtmp_conn.cpp:499
#2  0x000000000047e9d8 in SrsRtmpConn::service_cycle (this=0x8f4ec0) at src/app/srs_app_rtmp_conn.cpp:416
#3  0x000000000047d936 in SrsRtmpConn::do_cycle (this=0x8f4ec0) at src/app/srs_app_rtmp_conn.cpp:211
#4  0x000000000047bc6d in SrsConnection::cycle (this=0x8f4f48) at src/app/srs_app_conn.cpp:89
#5  0x00000000004ad6a3 in SrsOneCycleThread::cycle (this=0x8f4f90) at src/app/srs_app_thread.cpp:372
#6  0x00000000004ace3b in internal::SrsThread::thread_cycle (this=0x8f4fb0) at src/app/srs_app_thread.cpp:207
#7  0x00000000004ad049 in internal::SrsThread::thread_fun (arg=0x8f4fb0) at src/app/srs_app_thread.cpp:245
#8  0x0000000000535371 in _st_thread_main () at sched.c:327
#9  0x0000000000535ae1 in st_thread_create (start=0x7ffff7fdbc20, arg=0x1f7fdbb60, joinable=0, stk_size=5480568) at sched.c:591
int SrsSource::fetch_or_create(SrsRequest* r, ISrsSourceHandler* h, SrsSource** pps)
    int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
    SrsSource* source = NULL;
// 根据请求中的app和stream参数在SrsSource pool中寻找已经存在的SrsSource if ((source = fetch(r)) != NULL) { //
*pps = source; return ret; } //在SrsSource 不存在,运行在此处,publish一个没被play的app/stream pair,或play一个没被publish的流 string stream_url = r->get_stream_url(); string vhost = r->vhost; // should always not exists for create a source. srs_assert (pool.find(stream_url) == pool.end()); source = new SrsSource(); if ((ret = source->initialize(r, h)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_freep(source); return ret; } pool[stream_url] = source; srs_info("create new source for url=%s, vhost=%s", stream_url.c_str(), vhost.c_str()); *pps = source; return ret; } SrsSource* SrsSource::fetch(SrsRequest* r) { SrsSource* source = NULL; // stream_url /hls/stream string stream_url = r->get_stream_url(); if (pool.find(stream_url) == pool.end()) { return NULL; } source = pool[stream_url]; // we always update the request of resource, // for origin auth is on, the token in request maybe invalid, // and we only need to update the token of request, it's simple. source->_req->update_auth(r); return source; }


int SrsSource::initialize(SrsRequest* r, ISrsSourceHandler* h)
// h参数为SrsRtmpConn类的成员变量server,类型为SrsServer
class SrsServer : virtual public ISrsReloadHandler
, virtual public ISrsSourceHandler
, virtual public IConnectionManager
int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    handler = h;
    _req = r->copy();//创建此流的SrsRequest,可能是play或publish
// 通常情况下,服务器分发rtmp stream到client时,时间戳从0开始
// 当 atc打开时,服务器用绝对时间分发rtmp stream 到 client atc
= _srs_config->get_atc(_req->vhost); #ifdef SRS_AUTO_HLS if ((ret = hls->initialize(this)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } #endif #ifdef SRS_AUTO_DVR if ((ret = dvr->initialize(this, _req)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } #endif // play edge 里面有一个 ingester,从origin 拉流 if ((ret = play_edge->initialize(this, _req)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; }
// publish edge里面有一个 forwarder,转发流到 origin
if ((ret = publish_edge->initialize(this, _req)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } double queue_size = _srs_config->get_queue_length(_req->vhost); publish_edge->set_queue_size(queue_size); jitter_algorithm = (SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm)_srs_config->get_time_jitter(_req->vhost); mix_correct = _srs_config->get_mix_correct(_req->vhost); return ret; }
int SrsPublishEdge::initialize(SrsSource* source, SrsRequest* req)
    int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// forwarder
    if ((ret = forwarder->initialize(source, this, req)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    return ret;

int SrsPlayEdge::initialize(SrsSource* source, SrsRequest* req)
    int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
 // ingester 类型为 SrsEdgeIngester 
    if ((ret = ingester->initialize(source, this, req)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    return ret;