


转 pb for wm build emulator经验总结(Windows mobile模拟器)



1)  用build new window wizard
界面选os build tree为C:\WM611 ==>
Device emulator ==>
后面就比较简单了,向导结束后,运行在桌面上的Build All - SMARTFON MyDeviceEmulator Debug
2). 安装loopback adapter,
在添加硬件向导中选择Yes, I have already connected this hardware to your computer ==>
Add a new hardware device ==>
Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced) ==>
Network Adapter ==>
Microsoft, Microsoft Loopback Adapter
如果需要的话,还有安装virtual pc 2007
(YAKIN注)安装Loopback Adapter:http://www.itpub.net/thread-447240-1-1.html。在控制面板中安装
同时,Virtual PC 2007也需要安装,微软网站有,在运行的emulator的时候,也会提示,告诉你网址。我的XP SP3下载的是32BIT的版本。
3). 命令行下启动emulator
cd /d "%programfiles%\microsoft device emulator\1.0
DeviceEmulator.exe %_FLATRELEASEDIR%\eboot.nb0 /n /c /video 640x480x16
4). 用PB打开build好的emulator的diskimage.nb0
5). Use PB's "Target" menu and pick "Connectivity Options". In that dialog, pick:
Target Device - CE Device
Download - Ethernet
Transport - Ethernet
Debugger - KdStub
6). Now, click the "Settings" button beside either of the "Ethernet" entries (they bring you to the same dialog). You should see a name like "DEVICEEM11471" appear in the "Active Devices:" list. Pick it, and "OK" your way out of the whole "Connectivity Options" dialog.
7). Use PB's "Target" menu and pick "Attach to Device". PB should begin downloading nk.bin into the emulator over ethernet. You have full KITL-over-ethernet, just like you would have to an ethernet-based hardware device.
(YAKIN注)在Attach device的时候要快点,不要等bootme发完再Attach。



posted on 2010-08-04 15:21  yakin  阅读(407)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报