单例模式(Singleton Pattern)是最简单的设计模式之一,其目的是保证当前程序在生命周期内仅能创建唯一一个实例,被整个进程空间共享。
2.1 双检查锁单例模式
#include <iostream> #include <mutex> // mutex class Singleton { public: ~Singleton() { std::cout << "~Singleton" << std::endl; } Singleton(Singleton&) = delete; Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&) = delete; Singleton(Singleton&&) = delete; Singleton& operator=(Singleton&&) = delete; static Singleton* get_instance() { if (m_instance_ptr == nullptr) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_mutex); if (m_instance_ptr == nullptr) { m_instance_ptr = new Singleton; } } return m_instance_ptr; } private: Singleton() { std::cout << "Singleton" << std::endl; } static Singleton* m_instance_ptr; static std::mutex m_mutex; }; Singleton* Singleton::m_instance_ptr = nullptr; std::mutex Singleton::m_mutex; int main() { Singleton* instance = Singleton::get_instance(); Singleton* instance2 = Singleton::get_instance(); delete instance; return 0; }
此实现采用了双检查锁。只有首次调用只有判断指针为空的时候才加锁,避免每次调用 get_instance的方法都加锁,降低开销,减少了竞态产生。
2.2 双检查锁单例模式改进
#include <iostream> #include <mutex> // mutex class Singleton { public: Singleton(Singleton&) = delete; Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&) = delete; Singleton(Singleton&&) = delete; Singleton& operator=(Singleton&&) = delete; static Singleton* get_instance() { Singleton* tmp = m_instance_ptr.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if (tmp == nullptr) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_mutex); tmp = m_instance_ptr.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (tmp == nullptr) { tmp = new Singleton; m_instance_ptr.store(tmp, std::memory_order_release); } } return tmp; } private: class GC { public: ~GC() { delete m_instance_ptr; m_instance_ptr = nullptr; } }; Singleton() { std::cout << "Singleton" << std::endl; } ~Singleton() { std::cout << "~Singleton" << std::endl; } static std::atomic<Singleton*> m_instance_ptr; static std::mutex m_mutex; static GC m_gc; }; std::atomic<Singleton*> Singleton::m_instance_ptr{nullptr}; std::mutex Singleton::m_mutex; Singleton::GC Singleton::m_gc; int main() { Singleton* instance = Singleton::get_instance(); Singleton* instance2 = Singleton::get_instance();
//delete instance; 编译报错 return 0; }
2.3 局部静态变量单例模式
#include <iostream> class Singleton { public: Singleton(Singleton&) = delete; Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&) = delete; Singleton(Singleton&&) = delete; Singleton& operator=(Singleton&&) = delete; static Singleton* get_instance() { static Singleton s_instanc; return &s_instanc; } private: Singleton() { std::cout << "Singleton" << std::endl; } ~Singleton() { std::cout << "~Singleton" << std::endl; } }; int main() { Singleton* instance = Singleton::get_instance(); Singleton* instance2 = Singleton::get_instance(); return 0; }
这种方法又叫做 Meyers' SingletonMeyer's的单例, 是著名的写出《Effective C++》系列书籍的作者 Meyers 提出的。所用到的特性是在C++11标准中的Magic Static特性:
3.1 CRTP 奇异递归模板模式实现
#include <iostream> template<typename T> class Singleton { public: static T* get_instance() { static T instance; return &instance; } Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete; Singleton& operator =(const Singleton&) = delete; virtual ~Singleton() { std::cout << "destructor called!" << std::endl; } protected: Singleton() { std::cout << "constructor called!" << std::endl; } }; /********************************************/ // Example: // 1.friend class declaration is requiered! // 2.constructor should be private class DerivedSingle :public Singleton<DerivedSingle> { // !!!! attention!!! // needs to be friend in order to // access the private constructor/destructor friend class Singleton<DerivedSingle>; public: DerivedSingle(const DerivedSingle&) = delete; DerivedSingle& operator =(const DerivedSingle&) = delete; DerivedSingle(DerivedSingle&&) = delete; DerivedSingle& operator=(DerivedSingle&&) = delete; private: DerivedSingle() = default; ~DerivedSingle() = default; }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { DerivedSingle* instance1 = DerivedSingle::get_instance(); DerivedSingle* instance2 = DerivedSingle::get_instance(); return 0; }
以上实现一个单例的模板基类,使用方法如例子所示意,子类需要将自己作为模板参数T 传递给 Singleton<T>
模板; 同时需要将基类声明为友元,这样才能调用子类的私有构造函数。
- 构造函数需要是 protected,这样子类才能继承;
- 使用了奇异递归模板模式CRTP(Curiously recurring template pattern)
- get instance 方法和 2.2.3 的static local方法一个原理。
- 在这里基类的析构函数可以不需要 virtual ,因为子类在应用中只会用 Derived 类型,保证了析构时和构造时的类型一致
#include <iostream> template<typename T> class Singleton { public: static T* get_instance() { static T instance; return &instance; } Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete; virtual Singleton& operator =(const Singleton&) final { std::cout << "operator =(const Singleton&)" << std::endl; return *this; } Singleton(Singleton&&) = delete; virtual Singleton& operator=(Singleton&&) final { std::cout << "operator=(Singleton&&)" << std::endl; return *this; } virtual ~Singleton() { std::cout << "destructor called!" << std::endl; } protected: Singleton() { std::cout << "constructor called!" << std::endl; } }; class DerivedSingle :public Singleton<DerivedSingle> { friend class Singleton<DerivedSingle>; public: DerivedSingle(const DerivedSingle&) = delete; DerivedSingle& operator =(const DerivedSingle&) { std::cout << "operator =(const DerivedSingle&)" << std::endl; return *this; } DerivedSingle(DerivedSingle&&) = delete; DerivedSingle& operator=(DerivedSingle&&) { std::cout << "operator =(const DerivedSingle&&)" << std::endl; return *this; } private: DerivedSingle() = default; ~DerivedSingle() = default; }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { DerivedSingle* instance1 = DerivedSingle::get_instance(); DerivedSingle* instance2 = DerivedSingle::get_instance(); *instance1 = *instance1; *instance2 = std::move(*instance1); return 0; }
constructor called! operator =(const DerivedSingle&) operator =(const DerivedSingle&&) destructor called!
#include <iostream> template<typename T> class Singleton { public: static T* get_instance() { static T instance; return &instance; } Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete; virtual T& operator =(const T&) final { std::cout << "operator =(const Singleton&)" << std::endl; return *this; } Singleton(Singleton&&) = delete; virtual T& operator=(T&&) final { std::cout << "operator=(Singleton&&)" << std::endl; return *this; } virtual ~Singleton() { std::cout << "destructor called!" << std::endl; } protected: Singleton() { std::cout << "constructor called!" << std::endl; } }; class DerivedSingle :public Singleton<DerivedSingle> { friend class Singleton<DerivedSingle>; public: DerivedSingle(const DerivedSingle&) = delete; DerivedSingle(DerivedSingle&&) = delete; private: DerivedSingle() = default; ~DerivedSingle() = default; }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { DerivedSingle* instance1 = DerivedSingle::get_instance(); DerivedSingle* instance2 = DerivedSingle::get_instance(); return 0; }
错误 C2282 “DerivedSingle::operator =”不能重写“Singleton<DerivedSingle>::operator =” 错误 C3248 “Singleton<DerivedSingle>::operator =”: 声明为“final”的函数无法被“DerivedSingle::operator =”重写
即,通过在父类中禁止子类声明重载等号操作符函数和重载移动等号操作符函数的行为,将引起编译错误,导致子类不可用。此结论可作为 https://www.cnblogs.com/yajiu/articles/15435277.html 的补充
#include <iostream> #define DELETEDEFAULTFUNCTION(DerivedSingle) friend class Singleton<DerivedSingle>;\ DerivedSingle(const DerivedSingle&) = delete;\ DerivedSingle& operator =(const DerivedSingle&) = delete;\ DerivedSingle(DerivedSingle&&) = delete;\ DerivedSingle& operator=(DerivedSingle&&) = delete;\ template<typename T> class Singleton { public: static T* get_instance() { static T instance; return &instance; } Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete; Singleton& operator =(const Singleton&) = delete; virtual ~Singleton() { std::cout << "destructor called!" << std::endl; } protected: Singleton() { std::cout << "constructor called!" << std::endl; } }; class DerivedSingle :public Singleton<DerivedSingle> { DELETEDEFAULTFUNCTION(DerivedSingle) private: DerivedSingle() = default; ~DerivedSingle() = default; }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { DerivedSingle* instance1 = DerivedSingle::get_instance(); DerivedSingle* instance2 = DerivedSingle::get_instance(); return 0; }
3.2 不需要在子类声明友元的实现方法
在 stackoverflow上, 有大神给出了不需要在子类中声明友元的方法,在这里一并放出;精髓在于使用一个代理类 token,子类构造函数需要传递token类才能构造,但是把 token保护其起来, 然后子类的构造函数就可以是公有的了,这个子类只有 Derived(token)
#include <iostream> template<typename T> class Singleton { public: static T* get_instance() noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible<T>::value) { static T instance{ token() }; return &instance; } virtual ~Singleton() = default; Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete; Singleton& operator =(const Singleton&) = delete; protected: struct token {}; // helper class Singleton() noexcept = default; }; /********************************************/ // Example: // constructor should be public because protected `token` control the access class DerivedSingle :public Singleton<DerivedSingle> { public: DerivedSingle(token) { std::cout << "destructor called!" << std::endl; } ~DerivedSingle() { std::cout << "constructor called!" << std::endl; } DerivedSingle(const DerivedSingle&) = delete; DerivedSingle& operator =(const DerivedSingle&) = delete; DerivedSingle(DerivedSingle&&) = delete; DerivedSingle& operator=(DerivedSingle&&) = delete; }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { DerivedSingle* instance1 = DerivedSingle::get_instance(); DerivedSingle* instance2 = DerivedSingle::get_instance(); return 0; }
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