



Redis 里的单行命令都是原子的 是为了同时有多个用户对同一个数据修改


  • set key value

    • 子主题 1

      • SET server:name "fido"
      • GET server:name => "fido"
      • EXISTS server:name => 1
      • EXISTS server:blabla => 0
      • SET connections 10
      • INCR connections => 11
      • INCR connections => 12
      • DEL connections
      • INCR connections => 1
      • It is also possible to increment the number contained inside a key by a specific amount:
      • INCRBY connections 100 => 101
      • And there are similar commands in order to decrement the value of the key.
      • DECR connections => 100
      • DECRBY connections 10 => 90
  • get key

  • exists key

  • DEL key

  • EXPIRE key 100

    • 100秒后删除

    • TTL key

      • 显示还有几秒删除
      • 只要set key 一次 之前的计时失效 TTL key 返回-1
      • 返回-2说明计时过了 这东西被删了
    • PERSIST key

      • 让这个计时结束

        • 永久保存
  • INCR key

    • INCRBY key 100
  • DECR key

    • DECRBY key 100
  • 不能简单的get key \ value=value+1 \set key value


  • 对头尾操作较快 且 有序号的

  • lpush friend "yanhao"

    • rpush friend "yanhao"

    • lpush friend 1 2 3 4

    • 执行顺序是

      • lpush friend 1
      • lpush friend 2
      • lpush friend 3
      • lpush friend 4
    • 所以结果是 4 3 2 1

  • lrange friend 0 -1

    • 切片

    • example

      • LRANGE friends 0 -1 => 1) "Sam", 2) "Alice", 3) "Bob"

      • LRANGE friends 0 1 => 1) "Sam", 2) "Alice"

      • LRANGE friends 1 2 => 1) "Alice", 2) "Bob"

      • lrange friend 0 10

          1. "Sam", 2) "Alice", 3) "Bob"
      • lrange friend -3 -1

          1. "Sam", 2) "Alice", 3) "Bob"
  • lset friend 0 "yanhao"

    • 把friend这个list里面的第0个元素改成"yanhao"
  • lpop friend

    • rpop friend
    • 子主题 2
  • llen


  • sadd setname "yanhao"

    • return 0

      • 没加成功,因为本来就有这个key了
    • return 1

      • 加成功了
  • sismember setname "yanhao"

  • smembers friend

  • sincr

  • sdecr

  • srem friend "yanhao"

    • return 0
    • return 1
  • srandmeber friend 2

    • 随机返回数据成员
  • spop

    • 随机删
  • sunion set1 set2

sorted set

  • 在set的同时加上一个用来排序的东西

  • ZADD fruit 1 apple

  • ZADD fruit 2 banano

  • Zrange fruit 0 1

    • 切片


  • hset user:37 name "yanhao"

  • hgetall user:37

  • hmset user:37 name "yanhao" age 17

    • 同时设置多个
  • hget user:37 name

  • hincrby user:37 name 2

    • name会加2
  • hdel

分支主题 2

分支主题 3

XMind: ZEN - Trial Version

posted @ 2020-03-13 20:05  Yan_Hao  阅读(310)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报