
  • post_max_size which is directly related to the POST size---针对采用post上传的,大文件,此项为关键

  • upload_max_filesize which may be unrelated, not sure--针对上传大文件此项为关键

  • max_input_time, if the POSt takes too long

  • max-input-nesting-level if your data is an array with a lot of sublevels

  • max_execution_time, but quite sure it's not that

  • memory_limit, as you may reach a size exceding the subprocess allowed memory

  • max_input_vars, if your data array has many elements---针对传输字符比较多的情况下,这个切记设置,不然就会被截断

posted @ 2017-01-16 14:55  产卵的鱼  阅读(308)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报