typedef struct { /* time synchronization index in buffer */ int ni,nip,imu; /* current/precious number and sync index of imu measurement data */ int nr,nrp,rover; /* current/precious number and sync index of observation data */ int ns,nsp,pvt; /* current/precious number and sync index of pvt solution data */ int nb,nbp,base; /* current/precious number and sync index of base observation data */ int nm,nmp,img; /* current/precious number and sync index of image raw data */ int np,npp,pose; /* current/precious number and sync index of pose measurement */ int of[6]; /* overflow flag (rover,base,imu,pvt,image,pose) */ unsigned int tali[6];/* time alignment for data (rover-base,pvt-imu,rover-base-imu,imu-image,pose-imu) */ unsigned int ws; /* search window size */ double dt[6]; /* time difference between input streams */ gtime_t time[6]; /* current time of rover,base,imu,pvt,image and pose measurement */ } syn_t;
/* update time synchronization index */ switch (index) { case 0: svr->syn.nr=fobs; break; case 1: svr->syn.nb=fobs; break; case 3: svr->syn.ns=fobs; break; case 4: svr->syn.ni=fobs; break; case 5: svr->syn.nm=fobs; break; case 6: svr->syn.np=fobs; break; }
switch (index) { case 0: fobs=svr->syn.nr; svr->syn.nrp=svr->syn.nr; break; case 1: fobs=svr->syn.nb; svr->syn.nbp=svr->syn.nb; break; case 3: fobs=svr->syn.ns; svr->syn.nsp=svr->syn.ns; break; case 4: fobs=svr->syn.ni; svr->syn.nip=svr->syn.ni; break; case 5: fobs=svr->syn.nm; svr->syn.nmp=svr->syn.nm; break; case 6: fobs=svr->syn.np; svr->syn.npp=svr->syn.np; break; }
tali:0 表示没对准;1 表示时间已对准
注:从代码中可以看出两个宏定义 (DTTOL、DTTOLM)分别用来判断imu与rover、rover与base间数据时间是否对准
因为程序设置的为固定值,所以当数据频率有变化时需要对其进行调整(程序默认的为:imu 200HZ,rover和base 1HZ)
/* time alignment for observation and imu data-------------------------------*/ static int imuobsalign(rtksvr_t *svr) { int i,j,k,n; double sow1,sow2,sow3; obs_t *p1=NULL,*p2=NULL; syn_t *psyn=&svr->syn; /* observation and imu data time alignment */ n=psyn->of[2]?MAXIMUBUF:psyn->ni; p1=svr->obs[0]; p2=svr->obs[1]; for (i=0;i<n&&svr->syn.tali[2]!=2;i++) { /* start time alignment */ sow1=time2gpst(svr->imu[i].time,NULL); /* match rover observation */ for (j=0;j<(psyn->of[0]?MAXOBSBUF:psyn->nr);j++) { sow2=time2gpst(p1[j].data[0].time,NULL); if (p1[j].n) { if (fabs(sow1-sow2)>DTTOL) continue; } psyn->imu =i; psyn->rover =j; psyn->tali[2]=1; break; } /* match base observation */ if (psyn->tali[2]==1) { for (k=0;k<(psyn->of[1]?MAXOBSBUF:psyn->nb);k++) { sow3=time2gpst(p2[k].data[0].time,NULL); if (p2[k].n) { if (fabs(sow2-sow3)>DTTOLM) continue; } else continue; psyn->base =k; psyn->tali[2]=2; break; } } if (psyn->tali[2]==2) { tracet(3,"imu and rover/base align ok\n"); return 1; } else psyn->tali[2]=0; /* fail */ } return 0; }
/* update current time of measurement */ if (fobs) { if (index==0) svr->syn.time[0]=svr->obs[0][(fobs-1)%MAXOBSBUF].data[0].time; if (index==1) svr->syn.time[1]=svr->obs[1][(fobs-1)%MAXOBSBUF].data[0].time; if (index==3) svr->syn.time[3]=svr->pvt[(fobs-1)%MAXSOLBUF].time; if (index==4) svr->syn.time[2]=svr->imu[(fobs-1)%MAXIMUBUF].time; if (index==5) svr->syn.time[4]=svr->img[(fobs-1)%MAXIMGBUF].time; if (index==6) svr->syn.time[5]=svr->pose[(fobs-1)%MAXPOSEBUF].time; }
/* update time difference between input stream--------------------------------*/ static void updatetimediff(rtksvr_t *svr) { syn_t *syn=&svr->syn; trace(3,"updatetimediff:\n"); if (svr->rtk.opt.mode<=PMODE_FIXED) { /* for gnss position mode */ if (syn->nr&&syn->nb) { syn->dt[0]=time2gpst(syn->time[0],NULL)-time2gpst(syn->time[1],NULL); } } /* ins loosely coupled position mode */ if (svr->rtk.opt.mode==PMODE_INS_LGNSS) { if (svr->rtk.opt.insopt.lcopt==IGCOM_USESOL&&syn->ni&&syn->ns) { syn->dt[0]=time2gpst(syn->time[2],NULL)-time2gpst(syn->time[3],NULL); } if (svr->rtk.opt.insopt.lcopt==IGCOM_USEOBS&&syn->ni) { if (syn->nr) { syn->dt[0]=time2gpst(syn->time[2],NULL)-time2gpst(syn->time[0],NULL); } if (syn->nb) { syn->dt[1]=time2gpst(syn->time[2],NULL)-time2gpst(syn->time[1],NULL); } } if (svr->rtk.opt.insopt.pose_aid||svr->rtk.opt.insopt.align_dualants) { if (syn->np&&syn->ni) { syn->dt[2]=time2gpst(syn->time[5],NULL)- time2gpst(syn->time[2],NULL); } } } /* ins tightly coupled position mode */ if (svr->rtk.opt.mode==PMODE_INS_TGNSS) { if (syn->ni&&syn->nr) { syn->dt[0]=time2gpst(syn->time[2],NULL)- time2gpst(syn->time[0],NULL); } if (syn->ni&&syn->nb) { syn->dt[1]=time2gpst(syn->time[2],NULL)- time2gpst(syn->time[1],NULL); } if (svr->rtk.opt.insopt.pose_aid||svr->rtk.opt.insopt.align_dualants) { if (syn->np&&syn->ni) { syn->dt[2]=time2gpst(syn->time[5],NULL)- time2gpst(syn->time[2],NULL); } } } /* camera measurement data aid */ if (syn->nm&&syn->ni) { syn->dt[2]=time2gpst(syn->time[2],NULL)- time2gpst(syn->time[4],NULL); } /* visual odometry and ins loosely coupled */ if (svr->rtk.opt.mode==PMODE_INS_LVO) { syn->dt[0]=time2gpst(syn->time[2],NULL)- time2gpst(syn->time[4],NULL); } }
suspend():通过 dt 控制各传感器数据流时间差在 MAXTIMEDIFF 以内,如果超出 MAXTIMEDIFF 就返回flase 读取数据
imu与rover数据流间的时间差为:syn->dt[0] = syn->time[2] - syn->time[0](imu数据流时间减去rover数据流时间)
当 syn->dt[0] > dT 时,一定不满足 syn->dt[0] < -dT,所以会读取 rover 数据流中的数据;
当 syn->dt[0] < -dT 时,一定不满足 syn->dt[0] > dT,所以会读取 imu 数据流中的数据;
当 -dT < syn->dt[0] < dT 时,既不满足一定不满足syn->dt[0] > dT,又不满足 syn->dt[0] < -dT,所以会读取 rover 和imu 数据流中的数据。
/* update input stream supend flag--------------------------------------------*/ static int suspend(rtksvr_t *svr,int index) { syn_t *syn=&svr->syn; int lc=svr->rtk.opt.insopt.lcopt; double d,dT=MAXTIMEDIFF; d=svr->rtk.opt.soltype?-1.0:1.0; if (svr->rtk.opt.mode<=PMODE_FIXED) { /* gnss position mode */ switch (index) { case 0: if (d*syn->dt[0]> dT) return 1; break; case 1: if (d*syn->dt[0]<-dT) return 1; break; } } /* ins loosely coupled position mode */ if (svr->rtk.opt.mode==PMODE_INS_LGNSS) { if (lc==IGCOM_USESOL) { /* for solution data */ switch (index) { case 3: if (d*syn->dt[0]<-dT) return 1; break; case 4: if (d*syn->dt[0]> dT) return 1; break; } } if (lc==IGCOM_USEOBS) { /* for observation data */ switch (index) { case 4: if (d*syn->dt[0]> dT) return 1; if (d*syn->dt[1]> dT) return 1; break; case 0: if (d*syn->dt[0]<-dT) return 1; break; case 1: if (d*syn->dt[1]<-dT) return 1; break; } } if (svr->rtk.opt.insopt.pose_aid||svr->rtk.opt.insopt.align_dualants) { switch (index) { case 4: if (d*syn->dt[2]<-dT) return 1; break; case 6: if (d*syn->dt[2]> dT) return 1; break; } } } /* ins tightly coupled position mode */ if (svr->rtk.opt.mode==PMODE_INS_TGNSS) { switch (index) { case 4: if (d*syn->dt[0]> dT) return 1; if (d*syn->dt[1]> dT) return 1; break; case 0: if (d*syn->dt[0]<-dT) return 1; break; case 1: if (d*syn->dt[1]<-dT) return 1; break; } if (svr->rtk.opt.insopt.pose_aid||svr->rtk.opt.insopt.align_dualants) { switch (index) { case 4: if (d*syn->dt[2]<-dT) return 1; break; case 6: if (d*syn->dt[2]> dT) return 1; break; } } } /* visual odometry and ins loosely coupled */ if (svr->rtk.opt.mode==PMODE_INS_LVO) { switch (index) { case 4: if (d*syn->dt[0]> dT) return 1; break; case 5: if (d*syn->dt[0]<-dT) return 1; break; } } return 0; }