1. 什么是Monitor Tables
Adaptive Server includes a set of system tables that contains monitoring and diagnostic information. The information in these tables provides you with a statistical snapshot of the state of Adaptive Server, which allows you to analyze the server for performance improvements. You can query these system tables in much the same way you currently query any other tables in Adaptive Server. For example, to display statistical information about I/O on Sybase devices:

Monitor Tables主要存储一些监控信息(当前运行的SQL,I/O统计信息,当前进程情况)比如monDeviceIO表(select * from monDeviceIO),存储了DISK IO有关的信息。 Monitor表默认是不安装的,需要运行installmontables 脚本来安装。 installmontables 脚本可以在sybase_HOME/scripts目录下找到, C:\dbserver\sybase15\ASE-15_0\scripts.

(1) 所有系统表都是只读的,因为他们都在内存中

2. Sybase中有哪些Monitor talbes
>>>select * from master..monTables ORDER BY TableName

3. 修改monitoring相关配置
基于性能上的考虑,有些Monitor功能默认没有启用,需要另外执行命令启用, 用“sp_configure Monitoring”可以找出所有Monitor相关的参数
(1) 用sp_configure Monitoring修改
>>>SELECT * FROM monSysSQLText
Error (12052) Collection of monitoring data for table 'monSysSQLText'
requires that the  'enable monitoring',  'SQL batch capture',  'sql text pipe max messages',  'sql text pipe active'  configuration option(s) be enabled.

>>>sp_configure 'enable monitoring',1
>>>sp_configure 'sql text pipe active',1
>>>sp_configure 'sql text pipe max messages',1

(2) 直接修改SYBASE_HOME目录下的 <SERVER_NAME.cfg>文件
    enable monitoring = DEFAULT
    sql text pipe active = DEFAULT
    sql text pipe max messages = DEFAULT
    plan text pipe active = DEFAULT
    plan text pipe max messages = DEFAULT
    statement pipe active = DEFAULT
    statement pipe max messages = DEFAULT
    errorlog pipe active = DEFAULT
    errorlog pipe max messages = DEFAULT
    deadlock pipe active = DEFAULT
    deadlock pipe max messages = DEFAULT
    wait event timing = DEFAULT
    process wait events = DEFAULT
    object lockwait timing = DEFAULT
    SQL batch capture = DEFAULT
    statement statistics active = DEFAULT
    per object statistics active = DEFAULT
    max SQL text monitored = DEFAULT
    performance monitoring option = DEFAULT
    enable stmt cache monitoring = DEFAULT