
以下命令使用于 queens版本中


1、 执行命令neutron net-list查看网络,找到自己需要设置的网络,获取subnet_id和network_id

[root@node151 ~]# neutron net-list
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
| id                                   | name     | tenant_id                        | subnets                                             |
| b79db6a0-b74d-48b8-95e8-8260eaf81b70 | provider | 8e4dd46886834371b71984245a143f58 | b8a9d01c-f547-45c3-a0d4-da7ae1494766 |


neutron port-create --fixed-ip subnet_id=<subnet_id>,ip_address=<vip> <network_id>


替换subnet_id为neutron net-list中查看到的subnet_id
替换network_ID为neutron net-list中查看到的network_id

[root@node151 ~]# neutron port-create --fixed-ip subnet_id=b8a9d01c-f547-45c3-a0d4-da7ae1494766,ip_address= b79db6a0-b74d-48b8-95e8-8260eaf81b70
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Created a new port:
| Field                 | Value                                                                                |
| admin_state_up        | True                                                                                 |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                                      |
| binding:host_id       |                                                                                      |
| binding:profile       | {}                                                                                   |
| binding:vif_details   | {}                                                                                   |
| binding:vif_type      | unbound                                                                              |
| binding:vnic_type     | normal                                                                               |
| created_at            | 2021-08-31T06:22:58Z                                                                 |
| description           |                                                                                      |
| device_id             |                                                                                      |
| device_owner          |                                                                                      |
| extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                                      |
| fixed_ips             | {"subnet_id": "b8a9d01c-f547-45c3-a0d4-da7ae1494766", "ip_address": ""} |
| id                    | 46b7784a-6bec-4ca4-8c1f-41dc07e40955                                                 |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:db:8a:6b                                                                    |
| name                  |                                                                                      |
| network_id            | b79db6a0-b74d-48b8-95e8-8260eaf81b70                                                 |
| port_security_enabled | True                                                                                 |
| project_id            | 8e4dd46886834371b71984245a143f58                                                     |
| revision_number       | 6                                                                                    |
| security_groups       | c1e53d26-8525-4ebb-8305-e82e54b27ed5                                                 |
| status                | DOWN                                                                                 |
| tags                  |                                                                                      |
| tenant_id             | 8e4dd46886834371b71984245a143f58                                                     |
| updated_at            | 2021-08-31T06:22:59Z                                                                 |

3、执行命令neutron port-list查看端口,找到VIP的Port ID以及需要使用VIP的虚拟机的IP对应的Port id 比如两台虚拟机做HA绑定vip,那么需要查看两台虚拟机的port ID和这个vip的port ID**

[root@node151 ~]# neutron port-list|grep
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
| cd86f69a-4779-4a46-a0ea-eed76f176237 |      | 8e4dd46886834371b71984245a143f58 | fa:16:3e:e9:76:dc | {"subnet_id": "b8a9d01c-f547-45c3-a0d4-da7ae1494766", "ip_address": ""} |
[root@node151 ~]# neutron port-list|grep
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
| f3bebead-0e94-4909-8a00-ce43a2fc243a |      | 8e4dd46886834371b71984245a143f58 | fa:16:3e:56:46:33 | {"subnet_id": "b8a9d01c-f547-45c3-a0d4-da7ae1494766", "ip_address": ""} |
[root@node151 ~]# neutron port-list|grep
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
| 46b7784a-6bec-4ca4-8c1f-41dc07e40955 |      | 8e4dd46886834371b71984245a143f58 | fa:16:3e:db:8a:6b | {"subnet_id": "b8a9d01c-f547-45c3-a0d4-da7ae1494766", "ip_address": ""} |


neutron port-update --no-security-groups <Port_id>
neutron port-update --port_security_enabled=false <Port_id>


替换Port_id为之前neutron port-list中找到的Port_id

[root@node151 ~]# neutron port-update --no-security-groups cd86f69a-4779-4a46-a0ea-eed76f176237
update --port_security_enabled=false f3bebead-0e94-4909-8a00-ce43a2fc243a
neutron port-update --no-security-groups 46b7784a-6bec-4ca4-8c1f-41dc07e40955
neutron port-update --port_security_enabled=false 46b7784a-6bec-4ca4-8c1f-41dc07e40955neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Updated port: cd86f69a-4779-4a46-a0ea-eed76f176237
[root@node151 ~]# neutron port-update --port_security_enabled=false cd86f69a-4779-4a46-a0ea-eed76f176237
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Updated port: cd86f69a-4779-4a46-a0ea-eed76f176237
[root@node151 ~]# neutron port-update --no-security-groups f3bebead-0e94-4909-8a00-ce43a2fc243a
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Updated port: f3bebead-0e94-4909-8a00-ce43a2fc243a
[root@node151 ~]# neutron port-update --port_security_enabled=false f3bebead-0e94-4909-8a00-ce43a2fc243a
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Updated port: f3bebead-0e94-4909-8a00-ce43a2fc243a
[root@node151 ~]# neutron port-update --no-security-groups 46b7784a-6bec-4ca4-8c1f-41dc07e40955
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Updated port: 46b7784a-6bec-4ca4-8c1f-41dc07e40955
[root@node151 ~]# neutron port-update --port_security_enabled=false 46b7784a-6bec-4ca4-8c1f-41dc07e40955
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Updated port: 46b7784a-6bec-4ca4-8c1f-41dc07e40955


在168和156上分别临时增加ip 通过ping命令进行测试即可。

posted @ 2021-08-31 14:27  MR__Wang  阅读(1108)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报