RobotFramework if else
1.在Run Keyword If语句中
如果有多个判断语句,可以用小写 and 或者是 or 连接,具体用 and 还是 or 根据自己程序的情况而定
则需要使用大写 AND 配合 Run Keywords 使用
2、不久又遇到一个问题,我if 条件后面需要接多个执行语句,还记得当时自己猜测乱写:run keyword if +条件 log 1 log 2(结果肯定报错啦),后面没办法想出了一个解决办法是,把多个执行语句封装成一个关键字:run keyword if +条件 +封装的关键字。总感觉肯定还有其他解决办法,就是查不出来,也没问到。终于在一个群里问到解决方法:Run Keyword If 1==1 Run Keywords log 1 AND log 2 。可以看到用到了关键字Run Keywords和AND来处理。
5. eg
Run keyword if ${2} == ${2}
... Run Keywords Log to console hello world
... AND Keyword1 Pramas1 Params2
... AND Keyword2 Pramas1 Params2
... AND Keyword3 Pramas1 Params2
... AND Keyword3 Pramas1 Params2
Run KeyWord If
${status} | ${value}= | Run Keyword And Ignore Error | My Keyword |
Run Keyword If | ‘${status}’==’PASS’ | Some Action | arg |
Run Keyword Unless | ‘${status}’==’PASS’ | Another Action | My Keyword |
${status} | Set Variable | 1 | |
Run Keyword If | ${status} <= 3 | log | “right” |
… | ELSE | log | “error” |

Run Keyword If | ‘${color}’ == ‘Red’ or ‘${size}’ == ‘Small’ or ‘Design’ == ‘Simple’ | log | “right” |
2.多重条件判断( …ELSE IF … ELSE)
${status} | Set Variable | 1 | ||
Run Keyword If | ${status} < = 3 | log | “right” | |
… | Else If | ${status} > 4 | log | “error” |
… | Else | log | “end” |
${status} | Set Variable | 1 | ||
${result} | Run Keyword If | ${status} <= 3 | Set Variable | “right” |
… | Else | Set Variable | “error” |
${status} | Set Variable | 1 | |
${result} | Set Variable If | ${status} <= 3 | “right” |
Run Keyword Unless | ‘${color}’ == ‘Red’ or ‘${size}’ == ‘Small’ or ‘Design’ == ‘Simple’ | log | “right” |
5. 结合Python语句使用
${data} | Create Dictionary | 1 | use |
${roleId} | Set Variable | 1 | |
Run Keyword If | “${roleId}” in “${data}” | log | “right” |
… | ELSE | log | “error” |
Run KeyWord and Return Status
${status} | Run Keyword And Return Status | checkbox should be selected | id=checked_box | |
${pageCheckedBox} | Run Keyword If | ‘${status}’ == ‘True’ | Set Variable | True |
… | Else | Set Variable | False |