
A monkeyrunner class that contains static utility methods.


                void            alert                (string message,                 string title,                 string okTitle)           
                Displays an alert dialog to the process running the current                program.           
integer choice                (string message,                 iterable choices,                 string title)           
Displays a dialog with a list of choices to the process running the current program.
                void            help                (string format)           
                Displays the monkeyrunner API reference in a style similar to that of Python's                pydoc tool, using the specified format.           
string input                (string message,                 string initialValue,                 string title,                 string okTitle,                 string cancelTitle)           
                Displays a dialog that accepts input.           
                void            sleep                (float seconds)           
                Pauses the current program for the specified number of seconds.           
MonkeyDevice waitForConnection                (float timeout,                string deviceId)           
                Tries to make a connection between the monkeyrunner backend and the                specified device or emulator.   



* @author 张兴业
* 邮箱
* qq:363302850

posted @ 2011-10-24 10:34  张兴业  阅读(163)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报