NVIDIA的人形机器人的基础模型Project GR00T已在实体机器人上进行展示



在GTC上展示,由GR00T驱动的人型机器人可以接受多模态指令——文本、视频和演示——以及它们之前的交互,以产生机器人所需的动作。GR00T在来自不同公司的四个人型机器人上展示,包括Agility Robotics、Apptronik、Fourier Intelligence和Unitree Robotics。Agility Robotics和Unitree Robotics是NVIDIA Inception计划的成员,该计划针对尖端初创企业。

人型机器人是复杂的系统,需要异构计算来满足高频低水平控制、传感器融合和感知、任务规划和人机交互的需求。NVIDIA推出了基于NVIDIA Thor SoC的人型机器人的新Jetson Thor计算机。

Jetson Thor包括一款基于NVIDIA Blackwell架构的下一代GPU,具有一个变压器引擎,可提供800万亿次的8位浮点AI性能,以运行像GR00T这样的多模态生成式AI模型。具有集成功能安全处理器、高性能CPU集群和100GB以太网带宽,它显著简化了设计和集成工作。



Project GR00T for Humanoid Robotics Development Takes a Bow
Demonstrated at GTC, GR00T-powered humanoid robots can take multimodal instructions — text, video and demonstrations — as well as their previous interactions to produce the desired action for the robot. GR00T was shown on four humanoid robots from different companies, including Agility Robotics, Apptronik, Fourier Intelligence and Unitree Robotics. Agility Robotics and Unitree Robotics are members of the NVIDIA Inception program for cutting-edge startups.

Humanoid robots are complex systems that require heterogeneous computing to meet the needs of high-frequency low-level controls, sensor fusion and perception, task planning and human-robot interaction. NVIDIA unveiled a new Jetson Thor-based computer for humanoid robots, built on the NVIDIA Thor SoC.

Jetson Thor includes a next-generation GPU based on the NVIDIA Blackwell Architecture with a transformer engine delivering 800 teraflops of 8-bit floating point AI performance to run multimodal generative AI models like GR00T. With an integrated functional safety processor, a high-performance CPU cluster and 100GB of ethernet bandwidth, it significantly simplifies design and integration efforts.

posted on 2024-05-04 21:24  Angry_Panda  阅读(57)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
