再谈《强化学习算法之DQN算法中的经验池的实现》 experience_replay_buffer模块的实现
memory.py 新的经验池实现代码:

import numpy as np Transition_dtype = np.dtype([ ('timestep', np.int32), ('state', np.uint8, (84, 84)), ('action', np.uint8), ('reward', np.float32), ('nonterminal', np.bool_)]) blank_trans = ( 0, np.zeros((84, 84), dtype=np.uint8), 0, 0.0, False) class ArrayMemory(): def __init__(self, size): self.index = 0 self.size = size self.full = False # Used to track actual capacity # Build structured array self.data = np.array( [blank_trans] * size, dtype=Transition_dtype) def append(self, sarst_data): # Store data in underlying data structure self.data[self.index] = sarst_data self.index = (self.index + 1) % self.size # Update index # Save when capacity reached if self.index == 0: self.full = True # Returns data given a data index def get(self, data_index): return self.data[data_index % self.size] def total(self): if self.full: return self.size else: return self.index class Replay(): def __init__(self, args): self.transitions = ArrayMemory(args.memory_capacity) self.t = 0 # Internal episode timestep counter self.n = 1 # td(0) self.history_length = args.history_length self.discount = args.discount self.capacity = args.memory_capacity self.reward_n_step_scaling = np.array([self.discount ** i for i in range(self.n)]) def append(self, frame_data, action, reward, terminal): """ Adds state and action at time t, reward and terminal at time t + 1 """ # Only store last frame and discretise to save memory self.transitions.append((self.t, frame_data, action, reward, not terminal)) if terminal: self.t = 0 # Start new episodes with t = 0 else: self.t += 1 # Returns the transitions with blank states where appropriate def _get_transitions(self, idxs): transition_idxs = np.arange(-self.history_length + 1, self.n + 1) \ + np.expand_dims(idxs, axis=1) transitions = self.transitions.get(transition_idxs) transitions_firsts = transitions['timestep'] == 0 blank_mask = np.zeros_like( transitions_firsts, dtype=np.bool_) for t in range(self.history_length - 2, -1, -1): # e.g. 2 1 0 # True if future frame has timestep 0 blank_mask[:, t] = np.logical_or( blank_mask[:, t + 1], transitions_firsts[:, t + 1]) for t in range(self.history_length, self.history_length + self.n): # e.g. 4 5 6 # True if current or past frame has timestep 0 blank_mask[:, t] = np.logical_or( blank_mask[:, t - 1], transitions_firsts[:, t]) transitions[blank_mask] = blank_trans return transitions # Returns a batch of valid samples def _get_samples(self, batch_size, n_total): idxs = [] while len(idxs) < batch_size: idx = np.random.randint(0, n_total - 1) # Uniformly sample if (self.transitions.index - idx) % self.capacity >= self.n and \ (idx - self.transitions.index) % self.capacity >= self.history_length - 1: idxs.append(idx) # Retrieve all required transition data (from t - h to t + n) transitions = self._get_transitions(idxs) # Create un-discretised states and nth next states all_states = transitions['state'] states = all_states[:, :self.history_length] next_states = all_states[:, self.n:self.n + self.history_length] # Discrete actions to be used as index actions = transitions['action'][:, self.history_length - 1] # Calculate truncated n-step discounted returns rewards = transitions['reward'][:, self.history_length - 1: -1] ret = np.matmul(rewards, self.reward_n_step_scaling) # Mask for non-terminal nth next states nonterminals = transitions['nonterminal'][:, self.history_length + self.n - 1] return states, actions, ret, next_states, nonterminals def sample(self, batch_size): n_total = self.transitions.total() states, actions, returns, next_states, nonterminals = \ self._get_samples(batch_size, n_total) # (np.uint8, (84, 84)), np.int32, np.float32, (np.uint8, (84, 84)), np.uint8 # s,a,r,s_next,non_terminal return np.asarray(states, np.uint8), \ np.asarray(actions, np.int32), \ np.asarray(returns, np.float32), \ np.asarray(next_states, np.uint8), \ np.asarray(nonterminals, np.uint8)

# encoding:UTF-8 """Code from https://github.com/tambetm/simple_dqn/blob/master/src/replay_memory.py""" import random import numpy as np class ReplayBuffer(object): def __init__(self, config): self.s = 0 self.cnn_format = config.cnn_format # buffer中数据的格式,'NCHW'或'NHWC' self.buffer_size = config.replay_buffer_size # 缓存池的最大容量 self.history_length = config.history_length # 一个状态,state的历史数据长度 self.dims = (config.screen_height, config.screen_width) # 一帧图像的高、宽 self.batch_size = config.batch_size # mini_batch_size 大小 self.count = 0 # 当前缓存池中现有存储数据的大小 self.current = 0 # 指针指向的索引号,下一帧新数据存储的位置 """ expericence replay buffer 定义经验池 pre_state->a,r,s,terminal """ self.actions = np.empty(self.buffer_size, dtype=np.uint8) self.rewards = np.empty(self.buffer_size, dtype=np.int8) # 这里我们设定reward为:0,+1,-1,三个种类 self.screens = np.empty((self.buffer_size, config.screen_height, config.screen_width), \ dtype=np.float32) # 设定屏幕截图汇总,states self.terminals = np.empty(self.buffer_size, dtype=np.bool) # terminal对应同索引号的screen # pre-allocate prestates and poststates for minibatch # 选择动作前的状态 s,a,s+1,中的状态s,当前状态 self.prestates = np.empty((self.batch_size, self.history_length) + self.dims, \ dtype=np.float32) # 选择动作前的状态 s,a,s+1,中的状态s+1,下一状态 self.poststates = np.empty((self.batch_size, self.history_length) + self.dims, \ dtype=np.float32) # 判断设置是否正确 assert self.history_length >= 1 # history_length,状态state由几个图像组成,大小至少为1 def add(self, action, reward, screen, terminal): """ 向experience buffer中加入新的a,r,s,terminal操作 """ assert screen.shape == self.dims # 判断传入的screen变量维度是否符合设定 # screen is post-state, after action and reward # screen 是动作后的图像,前一状态执行动作action后获得reward,screen # current指示当前的加入位置 self.actions[self.current] = action self.rewards[self.current] = reward self.screens[self.current, ...] = screen self.terminals[self.current] = terminal # experience buffer没有满时,current等于count,current自加一后赋值给count # buffer满时,count等于buffer容量,固定不变,count=buffer_size, current自加一,进行指针平移 self.count = max(self.count, self.current + 1) # 加入新值后,指针位置自动加一 self.current = (self.current + 1) % self.buffer_size # buffer_size经验池大小 def getState(self, index): return self.screens[(index - (self.history_length - 1)):(index + 1), ...] def sample(self): # memory must include poststate, prestate and history assert self.count > self.history_length # history_length至少为1,由于要考虑前后两个状态所以count至少为2 # sample random indexes indexes = [] while len(indexes) < self.batch_size: # find random index while True: # sample one index (ignore states wraping over index = random.randint(self.history_length, self.count - 1) # if wraps over current pointer, then get new one if index - self.history_length < self.current <= index: continue # if wraps over episode end, then get new one # poststate (last screen) can be terminal state! if self.terminals[(index - self.history_length):index].any(): self.s += 1 continue # otherwise use this index break # having index first is fastest in C-order matrices self.prestates[len(indexes), ...] = self.getState(index - 1) self.poststates[len(indexes), ...] = self.getState(index) indexes.append(index) actions = self.actions[indexes] rewards = self.rewards[indexes] terminals = self.terminals[indexes] # return s,a,s,a+1,terminal if self.cnn_format == 'NHWC': return np.transpose(self.prestates, (0, 2, 3, 1)), actions, \ rewards, np.transpose(self.poststates, (0, 2, 3, 1)), terminals else: # format is 'NCHW', faster than 'NHWC' return self.prestates, actions, rewards, self.poststates, terminals

# encoding:UTF-8 import numpy as np import time class Config(object): def __init__(self): self.cnn_format = "NCHW" self.replay_buffer_size = 5*10000#100*10000 self.history_length= 4 self.screen_height = 84#100 self.screen_width = 84#100 self.batch_size = 32 self.memory_capacity = 5*10000#100*10000 self.discount = 0.1 config = Config() def last_year(): from mem import ReplayBuffer as ReplayBuffer_1 rf = ReplayBuffer_1(config) state = np.random.random([config.screen_height, config.screen_width]) action = np.uint8(0) reward = np.int8(1) for i in range(5000*10000): #总步数 terminal =np.random.choice([True, False], size=1, p=[0.1, 0.9])[0] rf.add(action, reward, state, terminal) if rf.count >= 5*10000: # 开始抽样的步数 rf.sample() if i%10000 == 0: print(i) if i == 5*10000: a = time.time() if i ==55*10000: b = time.time() break print(b-a) print(rf.s) def this_year(): from memory import Replay rf = Replay(config) state = np.random.random([config.screen_height, config.screen_width]) action = np.uint8(0) reward = np.int8(1) for i in range(5000 * 10000): # 总步数 terminal = np.random.choice([True, False], size=1, p=[0.1, 0.9])[0] rf.append(state, action, reward, terminal) if rf.transitions.total() >= 5 * 10000: # 开始抽样的步数 rf.sample(32) if i % 10000 == 0: print(i) if i == 5 * 10000: a = time.time() if i == 55 * 10000: b = time.time() break print(b - a) last_year() this_year()
运行硬件CPU:intel 10700k
# encoding:UTF-8 """Code from https://github.com/tambetm/simple_dqn/blob/master/src/replay_memory.py""" import random import numpy as np class ReplayBuffer(object): def __init__(self, args): self.capacity = args.buffer_capacity # 缓存池的总容量 self.dims = (args.screen_height, args.screen_width) # 一帧图像的高、宽 self.history_length = args.history_length # 一个状态,state的历史数据长度 self.n = args.multi_steps # multi steps 步数 self.discount = args.discount # reward的折扣率 # 判断设置是否正确 assert self.history_length >= 1 # history_length,状态state由几帧图像组成,大小至少为1 assert self.n >= 1 self.index = 0 # 指针指向的索引号,下一帧数据插入的位置 self.total = 0 # buffer中已填充的个数 self.reward_n_step_scaling = np.array([self.discount ** i for i in range(self.n)]) """ replay buffer 定义经验池 s,a,r,s_next,terminal """ self.states = np.empty((self.capacity,) + self.dims, dtype=np.uint8) self.actions = np.empty(self.capacity, dtype=np.uint8) self.rewards = np.empty(self.capacity, dtype=np.float32) self.non_terminals = np.empty(self.capacity, dtype=np.uint8) def append(self, state, action, reward, terminal): assert state.shape == self.dims # 判断传入的游戏画面维度是否符合设定 self.states[self.index, ...] = state self.actions[self.index] = action self.rewards[self.index] = reward self.non_terminals[self.index] = not terminal self.total = max(self.total, self.index + 1) # 当前buffer中现有存储数据的大小 # 加入新值后,指针位置自动加一 self.index = (self.index + 1) % self.capacity def _get_samples(self, index_array): all_states = self.states[index_array, ...] all_actions = self.actions[index_array] all_rewards = self.rewards[index_array] all_non_terminals = self.non_terminals[index_array] ### s, s_next states = all_states[:, :self.history_length, ...] next_states = all_states[:, self.n:self.n + self.history_length, ...] ### a actions = all_actions[:, self.history_length - 1] actions = np.asarray(actions, dtype=np.int32) ### r _rewards = all_rewards[:, self.history_length - 1: -1] rewards = np.matmul(_rewards, self.reward_n_step_scaling) ### non_terminals non_terminals = all_non_terminals[:, self.history_length + self.n - 1] return states, actions, rewards, next_states, non_terminals def sample(self, batch_size): assert self.total > self.history_length + self.n # 最小容量大于一次抽样的数据大小 # sample random indexes idxes = [] if self.total == self.capacity: ### full while len(idxes) < batch_size: idx = random.randint(0, self.capacity - 1) if (self.index - idx) % self.capacity > self.n and \ (idx - self.index) % self.capacity >= self.history_length - 1: ab = np.arange(idx - self.history_length + 1, idx + self.n + 1) % self.capacity cd = ab[:-1] if np.any(self.non_terminals[cd] == 0): continue else: idxes.append(ab) else: ### not full while len(idxes) < batch_size: idx = random.randint(self.history_length - 1, self.index - 1 - self.n) ab = np.arange(idx - self.history_length + 1, idx + self.n + 1) cd = ab[:-1] if np.any(self.non_terminals[cd] == 0): continue else: idxes.append(ab) idxes = np.asarray(idxes) return self._get_samples(idxes)
可以看到性能得到保持,但是修改版对边界条件有了更好的判断,该修订版作为DQN的experience buffer的最新推荐实践版本。
posted on 2022-02-01 16:35 Angry_Panda 阅读(267) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
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