openAI的仿真环境Gym Retro的Python API接口
如题,本文主要介绍仿真环境Gym Retro的Python API接口 。
gym-retro 的Python接口和gym基本保持一致,或者说是兼容的,在使用gym-retro的时候会调用gym的一些操作,因此我们安装gym-retro的同时也会将gym进行安装。
gym-retro 的环境入口函数(其实是类的函数)有两个,分别为:retro.make()
, retro.RetroEnv
retro.make 函数的输入参数情况:
retro.RetroEnv 函数的输入参数情况:
说明一点,个人在使用时没有发现这两个函数有什么不同,为了和gym更加匹配所以更加推荐使用 retro.make 函数,同时官网中也是推荐使用 retro.make 函数进行环境设置。
下面我们都以 retro.make 为例子进行介绍。
retro.make 中的输入参数为 enum 枚举类型,具体为类:
State ,
Actions ,
Observations 。
下面使用 游戏 Pong-Atari2600 进行API的介绍,标准默认的代码如下:
注意: 游戏的roms下载地址:
atari 2600 ROM官方链接:
import retro def main(): env = retro.make(game='Pong-Atari2600', players=2) obs = env.reset() while True: # action_space will by MultiBinary(16) now instead of MultiBinary(8) # the bottom half of the actions will be for player 1 and the top half for player 2 obs, rew, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # rew will be a list of [player_1_rew, player_2_rew] # done and info will remain the same env.render() if done: obs = env.reset() env.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
对环境函数 retro.make 设置入参 state :
入参 state的输入值为 retro.State 的枚举类:
其中,我们默认的是使用 state=retro.State.DEFAULT ,这样我们就可以使用安装游戏时游戏rom文件夹下的 metadata.json 文件中指定的 游戏开始状态,即 metadata.json 中指定的 .state 文件。而 state=retro.State.NONE 则是使用rom文件默认的原始初始状态进行游戏初始化。
说明一下,ROMs游戏的状态可以保存为某个 .state 文件,从 .state 文件中启动初始化某游戏我们可以得到完全相同的游戏初始化环境(游戏在内存中的所有数值都是完全相同的)。由于ROMs游戏原本设计并不是给计算机仿真使用的,所以很多游戏在开始阶段需要认为手动的进行选择(如关卡选择、难度选择、具体配置选择等),为了可以方便的在计算机里面仿真我们一般需要提前对ROMs游戏进行手动初始化也就是跳过这些需要手动操作的步骤,然后再将此时的游戏状态保存下来,以后使用计算机仿真的时候直接从保存的状态启动。
正因为我们往往需要手动操作游戏去跳过游戏的开始阶段所以我们一般不使用 state=retro.State.NONE 设置,而是 state=retro.State.DEFAULT ,这样就可以在 metadata.json 中指定自己手动指定的开始状态。
本文使用anaconda环境运行,因此本文中 游戏 Pong-Atari2600 的地址:(本机创建的环境名玩为 game )
可以看到 metadata.json 中内容:
其中,“Start” 为单人模式下启动游戏的状态文件,“Start.2P” 为双人模式下启动游戏的状态文件名,加上 .state 文件类型后缀则为 Start.state 文件 和 Start.2p.state 文件正好对应上面路径下的两个.state 文件。

import retro def main(): env = retro.make(game='Pong-Atari2600', players=2, state=retro.State.DEFAULT) obs = env.reset() while True: # action_space will by MultiBinary(16) now instead of MultiBinary(8) # the bottom half of the actions will be for player 1 and the top half for player 2 obs, rew, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # rew will be a list of [player_1_rew, player_2_rew] # done and info will remain the same env.render() if done: obs = env.reset() env.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()

import retro def main(): env = retro.make(game='Pong-Atari2600', players=2, state=retro.State.NONE) obs = env.reset() while True: # action_space will by MultiBinary(16) now instead of MultiBinary(8) # the bottom half of the actions will be for player 1 and the top half for player 2 obs, rew, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # rew will be a list of [player_1_rew, player_2_rew] # done and info will remain the same env.render() if done: obs = env.reset() env.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
对环境函数 retro.make 设置入参 obs_type :
其中,obs_type=retro.Observations.IMAGE 为默认设置,表示agent与环境交互返回的状态变量为图像的数值,
而 obs_type=retro.Observations.RAM 则表示返回的是游戏运行时的内存数据(用游戏当前运行时内存中数据表示此时的状态)

import retro def main(): env = retro.make(game='Pong-Atari2600', players=2, state=retro.State.DEFAULT, obs_type=retro.Observations.IMAGE) obs = env.reset() while True: # action_space will by MultiBinary(16) now instead of MultiBinary(8) # the bottom half of the actions will be for player 1 and the top half for player 2 obs, rew, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # rew will be a list of [player_1_rew, player_2_rew] # done and info will remain the same env.render() print(type(obs)) print(obs) if done: obs = env.reset() env.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()

import retro def main(): env = retro.make(game='Pong-Atari2600', players=2, state=retro.State.DEFAULT, obs_type=retro.Observations.RAM) obs = env.reset() while True: # action_space will by MultiBinary(16) now instead of MultiBinary(8) # the bottom half of the actions will be for player 1 and the top half for player 2 obs, rew, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # rew will be a list of [player_1_rew, player_2_rew] # done and info will remain the same env.render() print(type(obs)) print(obs) if done: obs = env.reset() env.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
对环境函数 retro.make 设置入参 use_restricted_actions :
根据 函数 retro.
其中,use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.ALL 代表动作为 MultiBinary 类型,并且不对动作进行过滤,也就是说动作空间为使用所有动作(有些无效动作也会包括在里面)。
而 use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.DISCRETE 和 use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.FILTERED 和 use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.MULTI_DISCRETE
其中,use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.DISCRETE 动作空间的类型为 DISCRETE 类型,
use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.FILTERED 动作空间的类型为 MultiBinary 类型 。
use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.MULTI_DISCRETE 动作空间的类型为 MultiDiscete 类型 。
注意: 在游戏 Pong-Atari2600 中 use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.MULTI_DISCRETE 传递给环境的step函数后会报错。

import retro def main(): env = retro.make(game='Pong-Atari2600', players=2, state=retro.State.DEFAULT, obs_type=retro.Observations.IMAGE, use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.MULTI_DISCRETE) obs = env.reset() while True: # action_space will by MultiBinary(16) now instead of MultiBinary(8) # the bottom half of the actions will be for player 1 and the top half for player 2 print(env.action_space.sample()) obs, rew, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # rew will be a list of [player_1_rew, player_2_rew] # done and info will remain the same env.render() if done: obs = env.reset() env.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
[1 2 0 0 0 2] Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/81283/PycharmProjects/game/", line 25, in <module> main() File "C:/Users/81283/PycharmProjects/game/", line 14, in main obs, rew, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) File "C:\Users\81283\anaconda3\envs\game\lib\site-packages\retro\", line 179, in step for p, ap in enumerate(self.action_to_array(a)): File "C:\Users\81283\anaconda3\envs\game\lib\site-packages\retro\", line 161, in action_to_array buttons = self.button_combos[i] IndexError: list index out of range Process finished with exit code 1
这说明 游戏 Pong-Atari2600 环境的step函数不支持 MultiDiscete 类型的动作空间。

import retro def main(): env = retro.make(game='Pong-Atari2600', players=2, state=retro.State.DEFAULT, obs_type=retro.Observations.IMAGE, use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.ALL) obs = env.reset() while True: # action_space will by MultiBinary(16) now instead of MultiBinary(8) # the bottom half of the actions will be for player 1 and the top half for player 2 print(env.action_space.sample()) obs, rew, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # rew will be a list of [player_1_rew, player_2_rew] # done and info will remain the same env.render() if done: obs = env.reset() env.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
不对动作进行进行过滤,有些无效的动作也会被选择,所以导致游戏会出现很多无法预料的结果,这个例子中就会出现游戏始终无法正式开始(游戏开始一般需要执行fire button),或者游戏没有运行几步就 reset 重新初始化了。

import retro def main(): env = retro.make(game='Pong-Atari2600', players=2, state=retro.State.DEFAULT, obs_type=retro.Observations.IMAGE, use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.DISCRETE) obs = env.reset() while True: # action_space will by MultiBinary(16) now instead of MultiBinary(8) # the bottom half of the actions will be for player 1 and the top half for player 2 print(env.action_space.sample()) obs, rew, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # rew will be a list of [player_1_rew, player_2_rew] # done and info will remain the same env.render() if done: obs = env.reset() env.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()

import retro def main(): env = retro.make(game='Pong-Atari2600', players=2, state=retro.State.DEFAULT, obs_type=retro.Observations.IMAGE, use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.FILTERED ) obs = env.reset() while True: # action_space will by MultiBinary(16) now instead of MultiBinary(8) # the bottom half of the actions will be for player 1 and the top half for player 2 print(env.action_space.sample()) obs, rew, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # rew will be a list of [player_1_rew, player_2_rew] # done and info will remain the same env.render() if done: obs = env.reset() env.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
设置 use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.DISCRETE 和 use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.FILTERED 的动作空间类型分别为 DISCRETE 类型 和 MultiBinary 类型 。虽然这两个设置的动作空间不同,但是都是动作空间对应的动作都是过滤后的动作,因此在执行过程中这两种设置取得的效果大致相同。
对动作空间进行定制化,给出例子,对126个数值的 Discrete(126) 动作空间限制为7个数值的 Discrete(7)动作空间,也就是说Discrete类型的126个动作中我们只取其中最重要的7个动作,将这7个动作定制为新的动作空间。
""" Define discrete action spaces for Gym Retro environments with a limited set of button combos """ import gym import numpy as np import retro class Discretizer(gym.ActionWrapper): """ Wrap a gym environment and make it use discrete actions. Args: combos: ordered list of lists of valid button combinations """ def __init__(self, env, combos): super().__init__(env) assert isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.MultiBinary) buttons = env.unwrapped.buttons self._decode_discrete_action = [] for combo in combos: arr = np.array([False] * env.action_space.n) for button in combo: arr[buttons.index(button)] = True self._decode_discrete_action.append(arr) self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(len(self._decode_discrete_action)) def action(self, act): return self._decode_discrete_action[act].copy() class SonicDiscretizer(Discretizer): """ Use Sonic-specific discrete actions based on """ def __init__(self, env): super().__init__(env=env, combos=[['LEFT'], ['RIGHT'], ['LEFT', 'DOWN'], ['RIGHT', 'DOWN'], ['DOWN'], ['DOWN', 'B'], ['B']]) def main(): env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis', use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.MULTI_DISCRETE) print('retro.Actions.MULTI_DISCRETE action_space', env.action_space) env.close() env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis', use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.ALL) print('retro.Actions.ALL action_space', env.action_space) env.close() env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis', use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.FILTERED) print('retro.Actions.FILTERED action_space', env.action_space) env.close() env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis', use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.DISCRETE) print('retro.Actions.DISCRETE action_space', env.action_space) env.close() env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis') print(env.unwrapped.buttons) env = SonicDiscretizer(env) print('SonicDiscretizer action_space', env.action_space) env.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
已知过滤后的DISCRETE 动作空间为 Discrete(126) , 我们希望将 DISCRETE 动作空间限制为 DISCRETE(7) 。
上面例子的实现是将 MultiBinary(12) 对应的Button,即 ['B', 'A', 'MODE', 'START', 'UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'C', 'Y', 'X', 'Z']
选取为 [['LEFT'], ['RIGHT'], ['LEFT', 'DOWN'], ['RIGHT', 'DOWN'], ['DOWN'], ['DOWN', 'B'], ['B']] ,即 MultiBinary(7) 。
Discrete(7) 的动作分别为 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,对应的 MultiBinary(7) 的button意义分别为:
[['LEFT'], ['RIGHT'], ['LEFT', 'DOWN'], ['RIGHT', 'DOWN'], ['DOWN'], ['DOWN', 'B'], ['B']]
而上面例子的MultiBinary(7) 其实是在MultiBinary(12)的基础上包装的,其真实的MultiBinary(12) 编码为:
[[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]]

""" Define discrete action spaces for Gym Retro environments with a limited set of button combos """ import gym import numpy as np import retro class Discretizer(gym.ActionWrapper): """ Wrap a gym environment and make it use discrete actions. Args: combos: ordered list of lists of valid button combinations """ def __init__(self, env, combos): super().__init__(env) assert isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.MultiBinary) buttons = env.unwrapped.buttons self._decode_discrete_action = [] for combo in combos: arr = np.array([False] * env.action_space.n) for button in combo: arr[buttons.index(button)] = True self._decode_discrete_action.append(arr) print("inside encode:") print(np.array(self._decode_discrete_action, dtype=np.int32)) self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(len(self._decode_discrete_action)) def action(self, act): return self._decode_discrete_action[act].copy() class SonicDiscretizer(Discretizer): """ Use Sonic-specific discrete actions based on """ def __init__(self, env): super().__init__(env=env, combos=[['LEFT'], ['RIGHT'], ['LEFT', 'DOWN'], ['RIGHT', 'DOWN'], ['DOWN'], ['DOWN', 'B'], ['B']]) def main(): env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis', use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.MULTI_DISCRETE) print('retro.Actions.MULTI_DISCRETE action_space', env.action_space) env.close() env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis', use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.ALL) print('retro.Actions.ALL action_space', env.action_space) env.close() env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis', use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.FILTERED) print('retro.Actions.FILTERED action_space', env.action_space) env.close() env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis', use_restricted_actions=retro.Actions.DISCRETE) print('retro.Actions.DISCRETE action_space', env.action_space) env.close() env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis') print(env.unwrapped.buttons) env = SonicDiscretizer(env) print('SonicDiscretizer action_space', env.action_space) env.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
说明: MultiBinary 动作空间每次选择的动作可能是几个动作的组合,比如在 MultiBinary(5) 的动作空间中随机选取动作可能为:
[0,1,0,1,0] 或者 [1,0,1,1,0],其中 1 代表选取对应的动作,0则代表不选取对应的动作。
posted on 2021-09-11 07:20 Angry_Panda 阅读(1131) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
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