












 1 import java.net.*;
 2 import java.io.*;
 3 import java.util.*;
 4 public class Client_Main {
 5     public static void main(String[] args) {
 6         Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
 7         Socket mysocket = null;
 8         DataInputStream in = null;
 9         DataOutputStream out = null;
10         try {
11             mysocket = new Socket();
12             System.out.print("please input the ip of Server:");
13             String ip = input.nextLine();
14             System.out.print("please input the port of Server");
15             int port = input.nextInt();
16             if (mysocket.isConnected()) {
17             } else {
18                 InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(ip);
19                 InetSocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(address, port);
20                 mysocket.connect(socketAddress);
21                 in = new DataInputStream(mysocket.getInputStream());
22                 out = new DataOutputStream(mysocket.getOutputStream());
23                 System.out.print("please input your number:");
24                 String s = input.nextLine();                
25                 File file = new File(s + ".txt");
26                 if(s!=null) {
27                 out.writeUTF(s);
28                 }
29                 System.out.println("please input your question");
30                 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
31                     Date nowTime = new Date();
32                     String question = input.nextLine();
33                     out.writeUTF(question);
34                     System.out.println(in.readUTF());
35                     Writer outfile = new FileWriter(file);
36                     BufferedWriter bufferwrite = new BufferedWriter(outfile);
37                     bufferwrite.write(in.readUTF() +":"+ nowTime);
38                     bufferwrite.newLine();
39                 }
40             }
41         } catch (Exception e) {
42             System.out.print("");
43         }
44     }
45 }


 1 import java.net.*;
 2 import java.io.*;
 3 import java.util.*;
 4 public class Server_Main {
 5     public static void main(String[] args) {
 6         try {
 7             //创建服务器端socket,并绑定指定的端口
 8             ServerSocket serverSocket=new ServerSocket(8888);
 9             Socket socket = null;
10             int count = 0;
11             System.out.println("服务器正在启动,请客户端申请连接");
12             while(true){
13             socket=serverSocket.accept();
14             serverThread serverThread = new serverThread(socket);
15             serverThread.start();
16             count++;
17             System.out.println("客户端数量: "+count);
18             InetAddress address = socket.getInetAddress();
19             bianliang a = new bianliang();
20             a.ip = address.getHostAddress();
21             System.out.println("当前客户端的IP: "+address.getHostAddress());
22             }
23             } catch (IOException e) {
24             e.printStackTrace();
25             }
26             }
27 }
28 class  bianliang {
29     String ip ;
30 }
31 class serverThread extends Thread {
32     InetAddress ip = null;
33     Socket socket;
34     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
35     ServerSocket serverForClient = null;
36     DataOutputStream out = null;
37     DataInputStream in = null;
38     serverThread(Socket t) {
39         socket = t;
40         try {
41             out = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
42             in = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
43         } catch (IOException e) {
44             System.out.println("aa");
45         }
46     }
47     public void run() {
49             try {
50                 String xuehao = in.readUTF();
51                 System.out.print(xuehao);
52                 File aa = new File(xuehao+".txt");
53             } catch (IOException e1) {
54                 e1.printStackTrace();
55             }
56         String xuehao = null;
57         bianliang ss = new bianliang();
58             String name = xuehao + "_" + ss.ip + ".txt";
59         for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++) {
60             Date nowTime = new Date();
61             try {
62                 @SuppressWarnings("unused")
63                 String question = in.readUTF();
64                 File fwrite = new File(name);
65                 try {
66                     Writer out = new FileWriter(fwrite);
67                     BufferedWriter bufferwrite = new BufferedWriter(out);
68                     bufferwrite.write(in.readUTF()+":"+nowTime);
69                     String answer = input.nextLine();
70                     bufferwrite.write(answer);
71                     bufferwrite.close();
72                 }
73                 catch(Exception e) {                
74                 }
75             } catch (IOException e) {
76                 e.printStackTrace();
77             }
78         }
79     }
80 }




学习内容 代码行数 博客字数
输入输出流  150行 ---
多线程机制 100行 ---
Java网络编程 200行 ---
阶段性测试四 125行 500字
posted on 2018-12-15 17:20  相遇唯有梦相随  阅读(205)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报