
public record Person(string name);

public record struct Person(string name);

public record struct Person(string name)
     public List<string> Nums { get; init; } = default!;
//调用使用, 使用with赋值
Person p1
= new("aaa") { Nums = new List<string>() { "1", "2" } }; Person p2 = p1 with { name = "bbbb" };


// lambda表达式
var choose = object (bool b) => b ? 1 : "two";
var result = choose(false); // result: two
// 常量模式
static string GetLabel(int source) => source switch
      1 => "one",
      2 or 3 =>"two",
      >= 4 and <=6 =>"more",
      _=>"other", //相当于 default:
GetLabel(1);  // one


public static (int a, string b) GetTest(string str)
     if (str is not (null or ""))
         return (0, "");
     return (123, "name");


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