Flash流媒体服务器 Red5
Red5是一个采用Java开发开源的Flash流媒体服务器。它支持:把音频(MP3)和视频(FLV)转换成播放流; 录制客户端播放流(只支持FLV);共享对象;现场直播流发布;远程调用。Red5使用RSTP作为流媒体传输协议,在其自带的一些示例中演示了在线录制,flash流媒体播放,在线聊天,视频会议等一些基本功能。
Red5 is an Open Source Flash Server written in Java that supports:
Streaming Audio/Video (FLV and MP3)
Recording Client Streams (FLV only)
Shared Objects
Live Stream Publishing
Remoting (AMF)
The project is currently at 0.7.0. To find about our timescales and planned features checkout the RED5 – Project Roadmap and read our FAQ (swf). If you want to know more about RED5 join our growing community by signing up to the mailing list (link below).
Red5 uses the LGPL License (OSI Approved)
- 开发语言: Java
- 操作系统: 跨平台
- 软件主页: http://www.osflash.org/red5
- 文档地址:
- 下载地址: http://osflash.org/red5/red5downloads
- 收录时间: 2008年09月19日
posted on 2010-02-20 15:25 xyopensource 阅读(250) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
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