c++ 模板仿函数初探

一直以来对于C++的使用基本上都是C with class,对于各种尖括号的模板都是敬而远之,最近忽然觉得该好好看看模板了。于是就有了这篇blog。




int find_int(const int List[],const int nLen,const int Target)
    if (!nList || nLen <= 0)
        return -1;
    int nIndex = -1;
    for (int i=0;i<nLen;i++)
        if Target == List[i])
            nIndex = i;
    return nIndex;
int find_float(const float List[],const int nLen,const float Target);
int find_mystruct(const mystruct List[],const int nLen,const mystruct Target);


typedef bool (PFN_EQUALS)(const void* pVal_1,const void* pVal_2);
int find(const void* List,const int nTypeSize,const int nLen,const void* Target,const PFN_EQUALS equals)
    if (!nList || nLen <= 0)
        return -1;
    int nIndex = -1;
    for (int i=0;i<nLen;i++)
        if (equals(Target,(char*)List+i*nTypeSize))
            nIndex = i;
    return nIndex;

//do not check pointer : for performance
bool equals_int(const void* pVal_1,const void* pVal_2)
    return *(int*)pVal_1 == *(int*)pVal_2;
bool equals_float(const void* pVal_1,const void* pVal_2);
bool equals_mystruct(const void* pVal_1,const void* pVal_2);


typedef bool (PFN_EQUALS)(const void* pVal_1,const void* pVal_2,const size_t nTypeSize);
int find(const void* List,const int nTypeSize,const int nLen,const void* Target,const PFN_EQUALS equals)
    if (!nList || nLen <= 0)
        return -1;
    int nIndex = -1;
    for (int i=0;i<nLen;i++)
        if (equals(Target,(char*)List+i*nTypeSize,nTypeSize))
            nIndex = i;
    return nIndex;

//do not check pointer : for performance
bool equals(const void* pVal_1,const void* pVal_2,const size_t nTypeSize)
    return 0==memcmp(pVal_1,pVal_2,nSize);

方法三同样有一个弊病,那就是无法防止用户这样调用:find(int_list,sizeof(char),nLen,target,equals); 这或许是无意的错误,但这应该在编译就该发现,而不是运行期甚至测试之后才发现。





#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

//Equal_Functor functor prototype
template<typename T>
struct Equal_Functor
    bool operator()(const T& v1,const T&v2)
        return v1 == v2;

template<typename T>
int find(const T nList[],const int nLen,const T nTarget,Equal_Functor<T> equals)
    if (!nList || nLen <= 0)
        return -1;
    int nIndex = -1;
    for (int i=0;i<nLen;i++)
        if (equals(nTarget,nList[i]))
            nIndex = i;
    return nIndex;

struct MyStruct
    int nVal1;
    float fVal2;
    double fVal3;

    MyStruct(int _nVal1,float _fVal2,double _fVal3) 
    : nVal1(_nVal1)
    , fVal2(_fVal2)
    , fVal3(_fVal3)

//equals functor adapt with MyStruct
struct Equal_Functor<MyStruct>
    bool operator()(const MyStruct& v1,const MyStruct&v2)
        return (v1.nVal1 == v2.nVal1) && (v1.fVal2==v2.fVal2) && (v1.fVal3==v2.fVal3);

void test()
    cout<<"test start !"<<endl;
    int nTestCase = 0;

    const int myList1[] = {4,5,2,3,8,10,43,15,24};
    const int nLen1 = sizeof(myList1)/sizeof(int);
    assert(-1 == find<int>(NULL,4,10,Equal_Functor<int>()));
    cout<<"test case "<<nTestCase++<<" OK ..."<<endl;
    assert(-1 == find<int>(myList1,0,10,Equal_Functor<int>()));
    cout<<"test case "<<nTestCase++<<" OK ..."<<endl;
    assert(-1 == find<int>(myList1,4,10,Equal_Functor<int>()));
    cout<<"test case "<<nTestCase++<<" OK ..."<<endl;
    assert(5 == find<int>(myList1,nLen1,10,Equal_Functor<int>()));
    cout<<"test case "<<nTestCase++<<" OK ..."<<endl;

    const MyStruct myList3[] = {MyStruct(4,5.0f,2.0f),MyStruct(3,8.0f,10.0f),MyStruct(43,15.0f,24.0f)};
    const int nLen3 = sizeof(myList3)/sizeof(MyStruct);
    assert(-1 == find<MyStruct>(NULL,4,MyStruct(3,8.0f,10.0f),Equal_Functor<MyStruct>()));
    cout<<"test case "<<nTestCase++<<" OK ..."<<endl;
    assert(-1 == find<MyStruct>(myList3,0,MyStruct(3,8.0f,10.0f),Equal_Functor<MyStruct>()));
    cout<<"test case "<<nTestCase++<<" OK ..."<<endl;
    assert(-1 == find<MyStruct>(myList3,1,MyStruct(3,8.0f,10.0f),Equal_Functor<MyStruct>()));
    cout<<"test case "<<nTestCase++<<" OK ..."<<endl;
    assert(1 == find<MyStruct>(myList3,nLen3,MyStruct(3,8.0f,10.0f),Equal_Functor<MyStruct>()));
    cout<<"test case "<<nTestCase++<<" OK ..."<<endl;

    cout<<"test done !"<<endl;

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    return 0;




另一种解决方案,将函数类型作为模板参数传进去,但此时无法保证EQFUNC的参数与T类型一致 !

template<typename T,typename EQFUNC>
int find(const T nList[],const int nLen,const T nTarget,EQFUNC equals)
    if (!nList || nLen <= 0)
        return -1;
    int nIndex = -1;
    for (int i=0;i<nLen;i++)
        if (equals(nTarget,nList[i]))
            nIndex = i;
    return nIndex;

template<typename T>
bool equals_function(const T& v1,const T&v2)
    return v1==v2;

void test()
    cout<<"test start !"<<endl;
    int nTestCase = 0;

    const int myList1[] = {4,5,2,3,8,10,43,15,24};
    const int nLen1 = sizeof(myList1)/sizeof(int);
    assert(-1 == find<int>(NULL,4,10,equals_function<int>));
    cout<<"test case "<<nTestCase++<<" OK ..."<<endl;
posted @ 2014-04-03 13:12  *神气*  阅读(1369)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报