


 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdlib>
 3 #include<map>
 4 #include<string>
 5 using namespace std;
 8 //先看一个最简单的代码,不使用任何的实际模式
 9 //场景是这样的,有一个油漆加工的程序,要对刚刚做好的家具进行上色。家具类中包含一个上色的方法(setColor)
10 enum FUR{chair,table,bed,bookcase,sofa};
12 map<COLOUR, string>m;
14 //首先我们需要一个家具类作为基类
15 class furniture{
17 public:
18     furniture(){}
19     ~furniture(){}
20     void setColor(COLOUR C ){
21         this->colour = C;
22     }
23     void setPrice(double p){
24         this->price = p;
25     }
26     void showColour(){
27         cout << "Color: "<< m[this->colour]<< endl;
28     }
30 private:
31     double price;
32     COLOUR colour;
34 };
35 //然后写派生类
36 class Table :public furniture{
37 public:
38     Table(){ this->setPrice(10.0); }
39     ~Table(){}
40 };
41 class Bed :public furniture{
42 public:
43     Bed(){ this->setPrice(200.0); }
44     ~Bed(){}
45 };
46 class Bookcase :public furniture{
47 public:
48     Bookcase(){ this->setPrice(150.0); }
49     ~Bookcase(){}
50 };
51 class Sofa :public furniture{
52 public:
53     Sofa(){ this->setPrice(50.0); }
54     ~Sofa(){}
55 };
56 class Chair :public furniture{
57 public:
58     Chair(){ this->setPrice(50.0); }
59     ~Chair(){}
60 };
61 void init(){
62     m.insert(make_pair(RED, "RED"));
63     m.insert(make_pair(YELLOW, "YELLOW"));
64     m.insert(make_pair(BLUE, "BLUE"));
65     m.insert(make_pair(WHITE, "WHITE"));
66     m.insert(make_pair(BLACK, "BLACK"));
67     m.insert(make_pair(PURPLE, "PURPLE"));
68     m.insert(make_pair(GREEN, "GREEN"));
69 }
70 //有一个油漆加工的程序,
71 furniture*Paint(COLOUR C,FUR F){
72     furniture*f;
73     switch (F){
74     case chair:  f = new Chair(); break;
75     case table:  f = new Table(); break;
76     case bed:     f = new Bed(); break;
77     case sofa:     f = new Sofa(); break;
78     default:     f = new Bookcase(); break;
79     }
80     f->setColor(C);
81     return f;
82 }
83 int main(){
84     init();
86     FUR F = bookcase;
87     furniture*f = Paint(C, F);
88     f->showColour();
89     system("pause");
90     return 0;
91 }













 1 class simpleFactory{
 2 public:
 3     furniture*createFurniture(FUR F){
 4         furniture*f;
 5         switch (F){
 6             case chair:  f = new Chair(); break;
 7             case table:  f = new Table(); break;
 8             case bed:     f = new Bed(); break;
 9             case sofa:     f = new Sofa(); break;
10             default:     f = new Bookcase(); break;
12         }
13         return f;
14     }
15 };
17 furniture*Paint(COLOUR C, FUR F){
18     furniture*f;
19     simpleFactory s;
20     f = s.createFurniture(F);
21     f->setColor(C);
22     return f;












  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstdlib>
  3 #include<map>
  4 #include<string>
  5 using namespace std;
  8 //然后我们再看一个工厂模式的场景
  9 //工厂模式中有三个客体,产品,调用者(使用产品的人),工厂(生产产品)
 10 //首先先看产品,产品有一个共有的基类
 12 class Product{
 13 public:
 14     virtual void introduce() = 0;
 15     void showprice(){
 16         cout << " It cost: " << this->price;
 17     }
 18     void setName(string _type){
 19         this->type = _type;
 20     }
 21     void setPrice(double _price){
 22         this->price = _price;
 23     }
 24     double getPrict(){
 25         return this->price;
 26     }
 27 private:
 28     string type;
 29     double price;
 30 };
 32 //假设有四类产品,每个厂家都可以生产
 33 enum productType{ Type1 = 0, Type2, Type3, Type4 };
 34 class ProductType1 :public Product{
 35 public:
 36     ProductType1(){
 37         this->setName("Type1");
 38         this->setPrice(10.0);
 39     }
 40     void introduce(){
 41         cout << "This is ProductType1.";
 42         this->showprice();
 43         cout<<" It could..." << endl;
 44     }
 45 };
 46 class ProductType2 :public Product{
 47 public:
 48     ProductType2(){
 49         this->setName("Type2");
 50         this->setPrice(20.0);
 51     }
 52     void introduce(){
 53         cout << "This is ProductType2.";
 54         this->showprice();
 55         cout << " It could..." << endl;
 56     }
 57 };
 58 class ProductType3 :public Product{
 59 public:
 60     ProductType3(){
 61         this->setName("Type3");
 62         this->setPrice(30.0);
 63     }
 64     void introduce(){
 65         cout << "This is ProductType3.";
 66         this->showprice();
 67         cout << " It could..." << endl;
 68     }
 69 };
 70 class ProductType4 :public Product{
 71 public:
 72     ProductType4(){
 73         this->setName("Type4");
 74         this->setPrice(40.0);
 75     }
 76     void introduce(){
 77         cout << "This is ProductType4.";
 78         this->showprice();
 79         cout << " It could..." << endl;
 80     }
 81 };
 83 //然后是工厂,每个工厂必须有一个实例化对象的接口
 84 class simpleFactory{
 86 public:
 87     virtual Product*createProduct(productType p) = 0;
 89 };
 90 // 现假设有不同的工厂A,B,每个工厂加工出的产品不一样,在这个基础上,又可以派生出更多的子类
 91 class ProductType1A :public ProductType1{
 92 public:
 93     void introduce(){
 94         cout << "This is ProductType1.";
 95         this->showprice();
 96         cout << " The Product coms from factory A.";
 97         cout << " It could..." << endl;
 99     }
100 };
101 class ProductType1B :public ProductType1{
102 public:
103     void introduce(){
104         cout << "This is ProductType1.";
105         this->showprice();
106         cout << " The Product coms from factory B.";
107         cout << " It could..." << endl;
108     }
109 };
110 class ProductType2A :public ProductType2{
111 public:
112     void introduce(){
113         cout << "This is ProductType2.";
114         this->showprice();
115         cout << " The Product coms from factory A.";
116         cout << " It could..." << endl;
117     }
118 };
119 class ProductType2B :public ProductType2{
120 public:
121     void introduce(){
122         cout << "This is ProductType2.";
123         this->showprice();
124         cout << " The Product coms from factory B.";
125         cout << " It could..." << endl;
126     }
127 };
129 class ProductType3A :public ProductType3{
130 public:
131     void introduce(){
132         cout << "This is ProductType3.";
133         this->showprice();
134         cout << " The Product coms from factory A.";
135         cout << " It could..." << endl;
136     }
137 };
138 class ProductType3B :public ProductType3{
139 public:
140     void introduce(){
141         cout << "This is ProductType3.";
142         this->showprice();
143         cout << " The Product coms from factory B.";
144         cout << " It could..." << endl;
145     }
146 };
147 class ProductType4A :public ProductType4{
148 public:
149     void introduce(){
150         cout << "This is ProductType4.";
151         this->showprice();
152         cout << " The Product coms from factory A.";
153         cout << " It could..." << endl;
154     }
155 };
156 class ProductType4B :public ProductType4{
157 public:
158     void introduce(){
159         cout << "This is ProductType4.";
160         this->showprice();
161         cout << " The Product coms from factory B.";
162         cout << " It could..." << endl;
163     }
164 };
166 class AFactory :public simpleFactory{
168 public:
169     Product*createProduct(productType p){
170         Product*P;
171         switch (p){
172         case Type1: P = new ProductType1A(); break;
173         case Type2: P = new ProductType2A(); break;
174         case Type3: P = new ProductType3A(); break;
175         default:P = new ProductType4A(); break;
176         }
177         return P;
178     }
179 };
180 class BFactory :public simpleFactory{
182 public:
183     Product*createProduct(productType p){
184         Product*P;
185         switch (p){
186         case Type1: P = new ProductType1B(); break;
187         case Type2: P = new ProductType2B(); break;
188         case Type3: P = new ProductType3B(); break;
189         default:P = new ProductType4B(); break;
190         }
191         return P;
192     }
193 };
195 //最后是调用者
196 void getIntroduce(){
197     Product*P;
198     AFactory A;
199     BFactory B;
200     cout << "This is the Product Introduction Summary " << endl;
201     P = A.createProduct(Type1);
202     P->introduce();
203     delete P;
204     P = A.createProduct(Type2);
205     P->introduce();
206     delete P;
207     P = A.createProduct(Type3);
208     P->introduce();
209     delete P;
210     P = A.createProduct(Type4);
211     P->introduce();
212     delete P;
213     P = B.createProduct(Type1);
214     P->introduce();
215     delete P;
216     P = B.createProduct(Type2);
217     P->introduce();
218     delete P;
219     P = B.createProduct(Type3);
220     P->introduce();
221     delete P;
222     P = B.createProduct(Type4);
223     P->introduce();
224     delete P;
225     return;
226 }
228 int main(){
230     getIntroduce();
231     system("pause");
232     return 0;
233 }







  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstdlib>
  3 #include<map>
  4 #include<string>
  5 using namespace std;
  8 enum productType{ TYPE1, TYPE2, TYPE3, TYPE4 };
  9 //对于抽象工厂模式,我们需要再设置一个信息类(价格,区域),通过信息来区分产品
 10 class factoryInformation{
 11 public:
 12     void setPrice(double price){
 13         this->basePrice = price;
 14     }
 15     void setRegion(string region){
 16         this->region = region;
 17     }
 18     double getPrice(){
 19         return this->basePrice;
 20     }
 21     string getRegion(){
 22         return this->region;
 23     }
 24     void showPriceandRegion(){
 25         cout << "Price:" << this->getPrice()<<endl;
 26         cout << "Region:" << this->getRegion() << endl;
 27     }
 28     virtual void informationShow() = 0;
 29 private:
 30     double basePrice;
 31     string region;
 33 };
 34 //关于A,B两个工厂的产品信息,在子类当中实现
 35 //两个工厂出产的产品在某些方面的应用不一样,例如在显示介绍的时候有区别
 36 class Afactoryinformation :public factoryInformation{
 37 public:
 38     void informationShow(){
 40         cout << "This is the information from factory A " << endl;
 41         cout << "A factory is a factory from ..." << endl;
 42         this->showPriceandRegion();
 43     }
 45 };
 46 class Bfactoryinformation : public factoryInformation{
 47 public:
 48     void informationShow(){
 49         cout << "Information about factory B  " << endl;
 50         cout << "Let's take a look about factory B..." << endl;
 51         this->showPriceandRegion();
 52     }
 53 };
 54 //产品的实现和information紧密相关
 55 class Product{
 56 public:
 57     Product(factoryInformation*_I) :I(_I){}
 58     virtual void introduce() = 0;
 59     factoryInformation*I;
 60 };
 61 class ProductType1 :public Product{
 62 public:
 63     ProductType1(factoryInformation*_I):Product(_I){}
 64     void introduce(){
 65         cout << "This is product 1" << endl;
 66         I->informationShow();
 67     }
 68 };
 69 class ProductType2 :public Product{
 70 public:
 71     ProductType2(factoryInformation*_I):Product(_I){}
 72     void introduce(){
 73         cout << "This is product 2" << endl;
 74         I->informationShow();
 75     }
 77 };
 78 class ProductType3 :public Product{
 79 public:
 80     ProductType3(factoryInformation*_I):Product(_I){}
 81     void introduce(){
 82         cout << "This is product 3" << endl;
 83         I->informationShow();
 84     }
 86 };
 87 class ProductType4 :public Product{
 88 public:
 89     ProductType4(factoryInformation*_I) :Product(_I){}
 90     void introduce(){
 91         cout << "This is product 4" << endl;
 92         I->informationShow();
 93     }
 94 };
 95 //最后是工厂类
 96 class simpleFactory{
 97 public:
 98     virtual Product*createProduct(productType p, double price, string region) = 0;
 99 };
100 class AFactory :public simpleFactory{
102 public:
103     Product*createProduct(productType p, double price, string region){
104         Product*P;
105         Afactoryinformation*A = new Afactoryinformation();
106         A->setPrice(price);
107         A->setRegion(region);
108         switch (p){
109         case TYPE1: P = new ProductType1(A); break;
110         case TYPE2: P = new ProductType2(A); break;
111         case TYPE3: P = new ProductType3(A); break;
112         default:P = new ProductType4(A); break;
113         }
114         return P;
115     }
116 };
117 class BFactory :public simpleFactory{
119 public:
120     Product*createProduct(productType p,double price,string region){
121         Product*P;
122         Bfactoryinformation*B = new Bfactoryinformation();
123         B->setPrice(price);
124         B->setRegion(region);
125         switch (p){
126         case TYPE1: P = new ProductType1(B); break;
127         case TYPE2: P = new ProductType2(B); break;
128         case TYPE3: P = new ProductType3(B); break;
129         default:P = new ProductType4(B); break;
130         }
131         return P;
132     }
133 };
134 void getIntroduce(){
136     Product*P;
137     AFactory A;
138     BFactory B;
139     P = A.createProduct(TYPE1,10.0,"USA");
140     P->introduce();
141     delete P;
142     P = A.createProduct(TYPE2,20.0,"CN");
143     P->introduce();
144     delete P;
145     P = A.createProduct(TYPE3, 30.0, "RU");
146     P->introduce();
147     delete P;
148     P = A.createProduct(TYPE4, 15.0, "JP");
149     P->introduce();
150     delete P;
151     P = B.createProduct(TYPE1, 10.0, "USA");
152     P->introduce();
153     delete P;
154     P = B.createProduct(TYPE2, 56.0, "UK");
155     P->introduce();
156     delete P;
157     P = B.createProduct(TYPE3, 38.0, "PH");
158     P->introduce();
159     delete P;
160     P = B.createProduct(TYPE4, 9.0, "AUS");
161     P->introduce();
162     delete P;
163     return;
165 }
166 int main(){
167     getIntroduce();
168     system("pause");
169     return 0;
170 }





