二下文理 2 B

College English Test
Part I  Listening Comprehension
Session A 
Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.
M: When does the next train leave? 
W: You've just missed one by 5 minutes. Trains leave every 50 minutes, so you'll wait a while.  
Q: How long does the man have to wait for the next train?
A) 45 minutes.  B) 15 minutes.   C) 5 minutes.  D) 10 minutes. 
M: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can get a snack (小吃,快餐) near here please?  
W: Certainly. At Joe's Snack Bar. That's the nearest. It's down the street on the left 
next to a cinema(电影院).  
Q: What do we know from the dialogue?
A) The woman tells the man where to have a snack.
B) The man wants to know how to get to Joe's house.
C) The woman tells the man how to get to a cinema(电影).
D) The man lost his way in the street.
M: I was sorry to hear about your accident(事故).
W: Well, it could have been worse. If it had happened a little further along the road, my car would have landed in the river instead of that grassy field.
Q: What happened to the woman’s car?
A) It ran into another car.
B) It fell into a river.
C) It was badly damaged.
D) It left the road and landed in a field.
W: Too bad you have to go home just when the movie was starting!
M: Yeah, sorry I missed it. How did the movie end?
W: I don’t know. It will be continued tonight.
Q: What does the woman mean?
A) The end surprised everyone.
B) She fell asleep during the movie.
C) The complete movie was  not shown.
D) She wants to see the film again tonight.
M: I nearly missed it this morning. I got on the bus just in time.
W: You are lucky. The driver always leaves on time, since(因为) it takes so long to cross the city.
Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?
A) At the bus stop.
B) On the train.
C) On the bus.
D) In the boat.
W: I have been wondering what sort(种类) of clothes we are going to need for our visit. What’s the weather like in your country in May?
M: It’s not very pleasant, I’m very sorry to say. Generally, there are more rainy days in May than in any other months, but at least(至少) it isn’t cold there then.
Q: What does the man say about May in his country?
A) It is very pleasant.
B) It is cold.
C) It is hot.
D) It is rainy.
M: Is that it for today?
W: That’s it.
Q: What does the woman mean?
A) It has been a good day.
B) That's the place we are going to.
C) We've finished our day's work.
D) The store is closed for the day.
M: Did you hear the weather forecast?
W: Yes, they said it will be slightly(轻微地) above freezing(冰冻的) tomorrow.
Q: What kind of weather are they having?
A) Cold.
B) Warm.
C) Hot.
D) Mild(
(性情)温和的 天气暖和的 ).
Now you'll hear two long conversations.
Conversation One
M: Could you help me, please?
W: Certainly, Sir.
M: I'm looking for something as a birthday gift for my girlfriend.
W: Do you have anything special in mind(考虑)?
M: I can't seem to think of anything.
W: OK. What about
 a nice scarf(
围巾) ? We have some handsome scarves(围巾 复数) that just arrived.
M: Oh, no. I just gave her one for Christmas. She's never worn it. She doesn't like scarves. She would not speak to me again if I gave her another one.
W: I see. Perhaps, then, a nice necklace(
项链), a pair of bracelets(项链), or a set of pins will do?
M: I don't know. I've never seen her wearing that kind of thing. She might not care for that either. Can you think of anything else?
W: I believe I have just the thing: a nice matched set of women's cosmetics(
化妆品): lotion, cologne, and lipsticks.
M: That does sound good. Just wrap it up and put this card in with it , please?
W: Sure, sir. It'll just take a few minutes.
M: All right, I'll wait.

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Q9. Why does the man come to the store?
Q10. What does the saleswoman suggest first?
Q11. What has the man finally got?
Q12. What else does the man ask the saleswoman to do for him?
A) To do some window-shopping.         
B) To do some shopping with his girlfriend
C) To buy a birthday present for his girlfriend.           
D) To look for some gifts for his friends.
A) Buying a pair of gloves.                                               
B) Buying a scarf.
C) Choosing a necklace.                                              
D) Choosing something nice and expensive.
A) Some cosmetics.                                      
B) Some jewelry(珠宝).
C) Some candy.                                             
D) Some stylish clothes.
A) To use a credit(信用) card for payment.                                  
B) To choose a suitable(适当的) greeting card for him.
C) To put in a greeting card with the gift.                   
D) To get the present wrapped up.
Conversation Two
M: Janet, as a teacher, can you give us some ideas on how the English school system works?
W: Well, first of all, most children start school at the age of five and they can't leave school until the age of sixteen. They will go to primary school from the age of five until eleven. And previously(以前), they used to take an eleven plus examination which would then determine(决定) whether they would go to a grammar school or alternatively a secondary school. But now we have a new system where children aren't divided off at the age of eleven, instead, they could take the exams at the age of sixteen.
M: Do you think that's an improvement(改善) on the system?
W: Well, theoretically(理论地), it's supposed to be much better because it stops separating(分离) children at the age of eleven and give them a better chance.
M: Do you think that the present school system is an efficient way of educating children?
W: Well, if you accept that, you know, there have to be schools, it seems to work fairly(公平) efficiently(有效地). Of course one of our great problems in England is that we have very large classes and, it would be very nice if we could reduce(减少) to twenty students in a class, and so that each child could get more individual attention.
M: Janet, do you really think that your students gain(增加) a lot from their education?
W: I think they do, but in education, I think, emphasis(重点) should be put on broadening(扩展) their horizon(眼界) of mind, instead of acquiring(捕获) basic knowledge and skills. 
Questions 13-15 are based on conversation you have just heard.
Q13. What is the topic of this conversation?
Q14. What does the woman speaker think is one of the major problems in English schools?
Q15. According to the conversation, which of the following is TRUE?
A.The English examination system.
B.The improvement(
改善) in English education.
C.The English school system.
D.The curriculum of English schools. 
A.The classrooms are too small.
B.The size of the class is too big.
C.There are not enough teachers.
D.The facilities are too old.
A.Children used to take an exam at the age of eleven to decide if they could go on to a grammar school or a secondary school.
B.The present school system can perfectly satisfy the particular needs of each child.
C.Much has been done to improve the students' ability to read and write.
D.English schools have placed sufficient emphasis on broadening the students' horizons.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.
Passage One
  Men sometimes say: "We are better and cleverer(更聪明的) than women. Women never invent(发明) things. We do." It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things: the alphabet(字母表), machines, rockets(火箭), and guns, too. But scientists and archeologists(考古学家 ) now agree that women invented one very important thing. It has changed history. They invented agriculture(农业). Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals sometimes animals killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous. Women had to go out every day, too. They collected roots, fruit and grasses. Then, one day, more than 10, 000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. She dropped them near her home in the Middle East(中东). They grew and the first wheat(小麦) was born. The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after the children - and the animals. Women like baby animals. Archeologists think it was women that kept the first domestic(驯养的) animals: dogs, cows, sheep and goats. That idea grew, too. Then their husband did not have to go hunting for meat. They stayed at home. They built villages(村庄) and cities. Civilization(文明) began. Men began civilization - after women invented agriculture.
Questions 16-18 are based on passage you have just heard.
Q16. Which of the following statements best summarizes the passage?
Q17. What was the women's invention?
Q18. What did the men and women do before the invention of agriculture?
A. Men are cleverer than women.
B. Life was difficult and dangerous in ancient times.
C. It was the women's invention that changed history.
D. Women's work was at home.

A. The invention of machines.
B. The invention of the alphabet.
C. The invention of rockets.
D. The invention of agriculture.

A. They spent all their time looking for food.
B. Men had to go out hunting but women didn't.
C. Women stayed at home and looked after the animals.
D. They kept animals and killed them for food 
Passage Two
  In ancient(在古代) societies sick people had to rely(依靠) on medicine men(巫医) and witch(巫婆) doctors. (Some people still rely on them.) It was believed that a person was sick because he had been attacked(攻击) by evil spirits(幽灵,恶鬼(evil spirit的复数形式)). The witch doctor's job was to drive off those spirits. His technique(技巧) involved a combination(结合) of three methods. The first method was religious(修道士,宗教的). He chanted magic words and good luck charms. He thought these words and charms(符咒) had the power over the evil spirits. Secondly, he fed(喂养) the patient some mixtures(混合物). These mixtures were often filthy(肮脏的) and disgusting(令人厌恶的), to make the evil spirits so uncomfortable(不舒服的) that they would gladly run away(跑掉). The third method was to give the patient medicines prepared from certain(某些) plants and herbs. From our point of view, this was the only method that had any value. Modern scientific study has shown that some of these remedies(救济方法) had real usefulness in curing sickness or relieving pain. 
Questions 19-22 are based on passage you have just heard.
Q19. What did ancient people think caused a person to get sick?
Q20. For what purpose(目的) did witch doctor feed disgusting mixtures to the patient?
Q21. What made up primitive medicines?
Q22. Which method have value?
A). Ill luck.
B). Evil spirits.
C). Filthy food.
D). Viruses.

A). To make him uncomfortable.
B). To cause evil spirits discomfort(
C). To defeat(击败) evil spirits.
D). To relieve(减轻) him of pain.

A). Plants and herbs.
B). Magic pills.
C). Luck charms.
D). All of the above.

A). Religious rituals.(
B). Magic words and luck charms.
C). Primitive remedies.(
D). Distasteful mixtures.

Passage Three
  Man has a big brain. He can think and speak. Scientists used to think that men are different from animals because they can think and learn. They now know that animals can learn —dogs, rats(), birds and worms() can learn. So scientists are beginning to understand that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals can't speak. They make noises when they are afraid, or angry, or unhappy. Apes (类人猿 ), our nearest cousins, they can understand some things more quickly than human beings, and one or two have learned a few words. But they are still different from us. They can not join words and make sentences(句子). They cannot think like us because they have no language. They can never think about the past or the future. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been able to develop civilization because he has language. Every child can speak his own language very well when he is four or five--- but no animal learns to speak. How did children learn? Scientists do not really know.What happens when we speak?Scientists do not know. They only know that man can speak because he has a big brain.
Questions 23-25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Q23. Why can man speak?
Q24. What’s main difference between men and animals?
Q25. Which of the following statements is true?
A). Because he has a big brain.
B). Because he learns to speak.
C). Because he develops civilization.
D). Because he knows many words.

A). Man can learn.
B). Man can understand things.
C). Man can make all kinds of noises.
D). Man has language.

A). Animals can think as men do.
B). Animals can join words and make senences.
C). Animals can make noises when they are afraid and angry.
D). Animals can think about the past and the future.
Section C
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.
  To a great degree, mental(精神的) health is related to how well you manage(管理) your emotions(. 情绪). This includes both feeling good about yourself as well as feeling good about interactions(交互) with your family, friends, colleagues(同事), and co-workers(工友们). The ability to experience (经验)and express emotions(情感宣泄) is uniquely human(人类独有的). Our emotional make-up is that part of us that contributes to(有助于) the elation of great joy or the depths(深处) of profound sorrow(极度的悲哀). Emotional adjustment(调整) also contributes to maintaining(维护) an evenness(平坦) through the ups and downs (盛衰 有喜有悲 起伏)of life without the demands(需求) of experiencing continual extreme(极端) highs and/or lows. Emotions also warn(警告) us of danger and give us a way to express and receive love and affection(喜爱), as well as anger and sorrow. Most of us know that when we get physically sick it is usually best to visit a medical doctor. This person can prescribe(开处方) treatment that usually alleviates(减轻) the problem. Therefore, physical illness has a fairly direct relationship between symptom and cure(症状和治疗). The world of emotions is far more complex. For example, many of us have been taught not to show our emotions. Others have somehow(莫明其妙地) learned that we should not have emotions about certain events. Males in particular(. 特别的) have frequently(频繁地) received messages from parents and/or society that "real men" should strictly(严格地) control their emotions. The assumption(设想) is that the world is better dealt with on the basis of logic(逻辑) rather than feelings.

This is the end of the Listening Comprehension.


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