
  1. 基础知识

HTTP CODE = 429 “请求过多”

A. 限流的类型

  • 服务端

  • 客户端


  • IP

  • 用户

  • ...


  • 准确限制过量的请求。

  • 低延时。限流器不能拖慢HTTP响应时间。

  • 尽量占用较少的内存。

  • 这是一个分布式限流器,可以在多个服务器或者进程之间共享。

  • 需要处理异常。当用户的请求被拦截时,给用户展示明确的异常信息。

  • 高容错性。如果限流器出现任何问题(比如某个缓存服务器宕机),不能影响整个系统。

  1. 限流算法

A. 漏桶算法(Leaking Bucket)



B. 代币桶算法(Token Bucket)



// 这个类及其相关的类是近一年才被加入到Sentinal中的,在主流程中未看到直接的调用

class TokenBucket {

    private final long maxTokens;

    private final long intervalMillis;

    private volatile long nextUpdate;

    private AtomicLong tokens;

    public TokenBucket(long maxTokens, long intervalMillis) {
        if (maxTokens <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxTokens should > 0, but given: " + maxTokens);
        if (intervalMillis < 1000) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("intervalMillis should be at least 1000, but given: " + intervalMillis);
        this.maxTokens = maxTokens;
        this.intervalMillis = intervalMillis;
        this.nextUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 * 1000 + intervalMillis;
        this.tokens = new AtomicLong(maxTokens);

    public boolean accept(long now) {
        long currTokens;
        // 到期自动全量注入token
        if (now > nextUpdate) {
            currTokens = tokens.get();
            if (tokens.compareAndSet(currTokens, maxTokens)) {
                nextUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 * 1000 + intervalMillis;

        // 尝试获取token
        do {
            currTokens = tokens.get();
        } while (currTokens > 0 && !tokens.compareAndSet(currTokens, currTokens - 1));

        return currTokens > 0;




C. 固定窗口计数器算法(Fixed Window Counter)


D. 滑动窗口(LeapArray - Sentinal)


// com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slots.statistic.base.LeapArray -> 提供了窗口相关的核心api

public abstract class LeapArray<T> {

    protected int windowLengthInMs;
    protected int sampleCount;
    protected int intervalInMs;
    private double intervalInSecond;

    protected final AtomicReferenceArray<WindowWrap<T>> array;

     * The conditional (predicate) update lock is used only when current bucket is deprecated.
    private final ReentrantLock updateLock = new ReentrantLock();

     * The total bucket count is: {@code sampleCount = intervalInMs / windowLengthInMs}.
     * @param sampleCount  bucket count of the sliding window
     * @param intervalInMs the total time interval of this {@link LeapArray} in milliseconds
    public LeapArray(int sampleCount, int intervalInMs) {
        AssertUtil.isTrue(sampleCount > 0, "bucket count is invalid: " + sampleCount);
        AssertUtil.isTrue(intervalInMs > 0, "total time interval of the sliding window should be positive");
        AssertUtil.isTrue(intervalInMs % sampleCount == 0, "time span needs to be evenly divided");

        this.windowLengthInMs = intervalInMs / sampleCount;
        this.intervalInMs = intervalInMs;
        this.intervalInSecond = intervalInMs / 1000.0;
        this.sampleCount = sampleCount;

        this.array = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(sampleCount);

     * Get the bucket at current timestamp.
     * @return the bucket at current timestamp
    public WindowWrap<T> currentWindow() {
        return currentWindow(TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis());

     * Create a new statistic value for bucket.
     * @param timeMillis current time in milliseconds
     * @return the new empty bucket
    public abstract T newEmptyBucket(long timeMillis);

     * Reset given bucket to provided start time and reset the value.
     * @param startTime  the start time of the bucket in milliseconds
     * @param windowWrap current bucket
     * @return new clean bucket at given start time
    protected abstract WindowWrap<T> resetWindowTo(WindowWrap<T> windowWrap, long startTime);

    private int calculateTimeIdx(/*@Valid*/ long timeMillis) {
        long timeId = timeMillis / windowLengthInMs;
        // Calculate current index so we can map the timestamp to the leap array.
        return (int)(timeId % array.length());

    protected long calculateWindowStart(/*@Valid*/ long timeMillis) {
        return timeMillis - timeMillis % windowLengthInMs;

     * Get bucket item at provided timestamp.
     * @param timeMillis a valid timestamp in milliseconds
     * @return current bucket item at provided timestamp if the time is valid; null if time is invalid
    public WindowWrap<T> currentWindow(long timeMillis) {
        if (timeMillis < 0) {
            return null;

        int idx = calculateTimeIdx(timeMillis);
        // Calculate current bucket start time.
        long windowStart = calculateWindowStart(timeMillis);

         * Get bucket item at given time from the array.
         * (1) Bucket is absent, then just create a new bucket and CAS update to circular array.
         * (2) Bucket is up-to-date, then just return the bucket.
         * (3) Bucket is deprecated, then reset current bucket.
        while (true) {
            WindowWrap<T> old = array.get(idx);
            if (old == null) {
                 *     B0       B1      B2    NULL      B4
                 * ||_______|_______|_______|_______|_______||___
                 * 200     400     600     800     1000    1200  timestamp
                 *                             ^
                 *                          time=888
                 *            bucket is empty, so create new and update
                 * If the old bucket is absent, then we create a new bucket at {@code windowStart},
                 * then try to update circular array via a CAS operation. Only one thread can
                 * succeed to update, while other threads yield its time slice.
                WindowWrap<T> window = new WindowWrap<T>(windowLengthInMs, windowStart, newEmptyBucket(timeMillis));
                if (array.compareAndSet(idx, null, window)) {
                    // Successfully updated, return the created bucket.
                    return window;
                } else {
                    // Contention failed, the thread will yield its time slice to wait for bucket available.
            } else if (windowStart == old.windowStart()) {
                 *     B0       B1      B2     B3      B4
                 * ||_______|_______|_______|_______|_______||___
                 * 200     400     600     800     1000    1200  timestamp
                 *                             ^
                 *                          time=888
                 *            startTime of Bucket 3: 800, so it's up-to-date
                 * If current {@code windowStart} is equal to the start timestamp of old bucket,
                 * that means the time is within the bucket, so directly return the bucket.
                return old;
            } else if (windowStart > old.windowStart()) {
                 *   (old)
                 *             B0       B1      B2    NULL      B4
                 * |_______||_______|_______|_______|_______|_______||___
                 * ...    1200     1400    1600    1800    2000    2200  timestamp
                 *                              ^
                 *                           time=1676
                 *          startTime of Bucket 2: 400, deprecated, should be reset
                 * If the start timestamp of old bucket is behind provided time, that means
                 * the bucket is deprecated. We have to reset the bucket to current {@code windowStart}.
                 * Note that the reset and clean-up operations are hard to be atomic,
                 * so we need a update lock to guarantee the correctness of bucket update.
                 * The update lock is conditional (tiny scope) and will take effect only when
                 * bucket is deprecated, so in most cases it won't lead to performance loss.
                if (updateLock.tryLock()) {
                    try {
                        // Successfully get the update lock, now we reset the bucket.
                        return resetWindowTo(old, windowStart);
                    } finally {
                } else {
                    // Contention failed, the thread will yield its time slice to wait for bucket available.
            } else if (windowStart < old.windowStart()) {
                // Should not go through here, as the provided time is already behind.
                return new WindowWrap<T>(windowLengthInMs, windowStart, newEmptyBucket(timeMillis));
  1. 限流计数与规则


  • 单机:本地LoadingCache等支持过期时间的表

  • 分布式:redis

    • 参见:Better Rate Limiting With Redis Sorted Sets,利用ZSET来避免竞态条件下,系统性能被锁瓶颈影响。(简单来说就是把单变量的get -> add 1 的操作变成 add时间戳,通过count时间戳的数量来确认是否限流)


  • 拒绝

  • 放入消息队列,后续消费

  1. Sentinal源码分析


  • 资源

  • 规则 -> FlowRule.class

  • 流控、降级、热点、授权


    // 业务侧的起点,会初始化出调用链,并且Context类的资源是保存在ThreadLocal中的,
    // 也就是再一次调用中复用的同一个 Context,因此可以通过Context的来自动构建Node树
    // ProcessorSlot的调用链,顺序依照
    public static final int ORDER_NODE_SELECTOR_SLOT = -10000;
    public static final int ORDER_CLUSTER_BUILDER_SLOT = -9000;
    public static final int ORDER_LOG_SLOT = -8000;
    public static final int ORDER_STATISTIC_SLOT = -7000;
    public static final int ORDER_AUTHORITY_SLOT = -6000;
    public static final int ORDER_SYSTEM_SLOT = -5000;
    public static final int ORDER_FLOW_SLOT = -2000;
    public static final int ORDER_DEFAULT_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_SLOT = -1500;
    // 会尝试初始化这次调用的Node类,Node类用于统计请求指标
    public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, Object obj, int count, boolean prioritized, Object... args)
        throws Throwable {
         * It's interesting that we use context name rather resource name as the map key.
         * Remember that same resource({@link ResourceWrapper#equals(Object)}) will share
         * the same {@link ProcessorSlotChain} globally, no matter in which context. So if
         * code goes into {@link #entry(Context, ResourceWrapper, DefaultNode, int, Object...)},
         * the resource name must be same but context name may not.
         * If we use {@link com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.SphU#entry(String resource)} to
         * enter same resource in different context, using context name as map key can
         * distinguish the same resource. In this case, multiple {@link DefaultNode}s will be created
         * of the same resource name, for every distinct context (different context name) each.
         * Consider another question. One resource may have multiple {@link DefaultNode},
         * so what is the fastest way to get total statistics of the same resource?
         * The answer is all {@link DefaultNode}s with same resource name share one
         * {@link ClusterNode}. See {@link ClusterBuilderSlot} for detail.
        DefaultNode node = map.get(context.getName());
        if (node == null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                node = map.get(context.getName());
                if (node == null) {
                    node = new DefaultNode(resourceWrapper, null);
                    // DefaultNode具有统计功能
                    HashMap<String, DefaultNode> cacheMap = new HashMap<String, DefaultNode>(map.size());
                    cacheMap.put(context.getName(), node);
                    map = cacheMap;
                    // Build invocation tree
                    // 最上层的调用发起处在此处将会添加到entranceNode的child字段中,
                    // 非最上层的调用发起处则会添加到curNode的child字段中
                    ((DefaultNode) context.getLastNode()).addChild(node);
        fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);
    // 而后会通过这个slow进行统计, 这也就是为什么最先执行NodeSelectorSlot,然后再是StatisticSlot
    // 最后再是一些业务规则
    public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count,
                      boolean prioritized, Object... args) throws Throwable {
        try {
            // Do some checking.
            fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);
            // Request passed, add thread count and pass count.
            if (context.getCurEntry().getOriginNode() != null) {
                // Add count for origin node.
            if (resourceWrapper.getEntryType() == EntryType.IN) {
                // Add count for global inbound entry node for global statistics.
            // Handle pass event with registered entry callback handlers.
            for (ProcessorSlotEntryCallback<DefaultNode> handler : StatisticSlotCallbackRegistry.getEntryCallbacks()) {
                handler.onPass(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, args);
        } catch (PriorityWaitException ex) {
            if (context.getCurEntry().getOriginNode() != null) {
                // Add count for origin node.
            if (resourceWrapper.getEntryType() == EntryType.IN) {
                // Add count for global inbound entry node for global statistics.
            // Handle pass event with registered entry callback handlers.
            for (ProcessorSlotEntryCallback<DefaultNode> handler : StatisticSlotCallbackRegistry.getEntryCallbacks()) {
                handler.onPass(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, args);
        } catch (BlockException e) {
            // Blocked, set block exception to current entry.
            // Add block count.
            if (context.getCurEntry().getOriginNode() != null) {
            if (resourceWrapper.getEntryType() == EntryType.IN) {
                // Add count for global inbound entry node for global statistics.
            // Handle block event with registered entry callback handlers.
            for (ProcessorSlotEntryCallback<DefaultNode> handler : StatisticSlotCallbackRegistry.getEntryCallbacks()) {
                handler.onBlocked(e, context, resourceWrapper, node, count, args);
            throw e;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // Unexpected internal error, set error to current entry.
            throw e;


public interface ProcessorSlot<T> {

     * Entrance of this slot.
     * @param context         current {@link Context}
     * @param resourceWrapper current resource
     * @param param           generics parameter, usually is a {@link com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.node.Node}
     * @param count           tokens needed
     * @param prioritized     whether the entry is prioritized
     * @param args            parameters of the original call
     * @throws Throwable blocked exception or unexpected error
    void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, T param, int count, boolean prioritized,
               Object... args) throws Throwable;

     * Means finish of {@link #entry(Context, ResourceWrapper, Object, int, boolean, Object...)}.
     * @param context         current {@link Context}
     * @param resourceWrapper current resource
     * @param obj             relevant object (e.g. Node)
     * @param count           tokens needed
     * @param prioritized     whether the entry is prioritized
     * @param args            parameters of the original call
     * @throws Throwable blocked exception or unexpected error
    void fireEntry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, Object obj, int count, boolean prioritized,
                   Object... args) throws Throwable;

     * Exit of this slot.
     * @param context         current {@link Context}
     * @param resourceWrapper current resource
     * @param count           tokens needed
     * @param args            parameters of the original call
    void exit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args);

     * Means finish of {@link #exit(Context, ResourceWrapper, int, Object...)}.
     * @param context         current {@link Context}
     * @param resourceWrapper current resource
     * @param count           tokens needed
     * @param args            parameters of the original call
    void fireExit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args);

// 责任链的处理顺序 授权规则 -> 系统规则 -> 热点规则 ->  流量控制规则 -> 降级规则 
 * Order of default processor slots
public static final int ORDER_NODE_SELECTOR_SLOT = -10000;
public static final int ORDER_CLUSTER_BUILDER_SLOT = -9000;
public static final int ORDER_LOG_SLOT = -8000;
public static final int ORDER_STATISTIC_SLOT = -7000;
public static final int ORDER_AUTHORITY_SLOT = -6000;
public static final int ORDER_SYSTEM_SLOT = -5000;
public static final int ORDER_FLOW_SLOT = -2000;
public static final int ORDER_DEFAULT_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_SLOT = -1500;
public static final int ORDER_DEGRADE_SLOT = -1000;


@Spi(order = Constants.ORDER_FLOW_SLOT)
public class FlowSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode> {

    private final FlowRuleChecker checker;

    public FlowSlot() {
        this(new FlowRuleChecker());

     * Package-private for test.
     * @param checker flow rule checker
     * @since 1.6.1
    FlowSlot(FlowRuleChecker checker) {
        AssertUtil.notNull(checker, "flow checker should not be null");
        this.checker = checker;

    public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count,
                      boolean prioritized, Object... args) throws Throwable {
        checkFlow(resourceWrapper, context, node, count, prioritized);

        fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);

    void checkFlow(ResourceWrapper resource, Context context, DefaultNode node, int count, boolean prioritized)
        throws BlockException {
        checker.checkFlow(ruleProvider, resource, context, node, count, prioritized);

    public void exit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args) {
        fireExit(context, resourceWrapper, count, args);

    private final Function<String, Collection<FlowRule>> ruleProvider = new Function<String, Collection<FlowRule>>() {
        public Collection<FlowRule> apply(String resource) {
            return FlowRuleManager.getFlowRules(resource);


// FlowRuleChecker.class

public boolean canPassCheck(/*@NonNull*/ FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node, int acquireCount,
                                                boolean prioritized) {
    String limitApp = rule.getLimitApp();
    if (limitApp == null) {
        return true;

    if (rule.isClusterMode()) {
        return passClusterCheck(rule, context, node, acquireCount, prioritized);

    return passLocalCheck(rule, context, node, acquireCount, prioritized);



  • 滑动窗口可以更方便的列出一些统计信息,从而进行额外的限流功能的扩展

  • 令牌桶算法还需要维护token的注入速度,并且只能for限流使用。而在其他场景,还是需要滑动窗口相关的数据结构来统计一些系统指标

// 依赖defaultNode中统计出的qps数,本质是滑动窗口统计的结果
public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized) {
    int curCount = avgUsedTokens(node);
    if (curCount + acquireCount > count) {
        if (prioritized && grade == RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_QPS) {
            long currentTime;
            long waitInMs;
            currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
            waitInMs = node.tryOccupyNext(currentTime, acquireCount, count);
            if (waitInMs < OccupyTimeoutProperty.getOccupyTimeout()) {
                node.addWaitingRequest(currentTime + waitInMs, acquireCount);

                // PriorityWaitException indicates that the request will pass after waiting for {@link @waitInMs}.
                throw new PriorityWaitException(waitInMs);
        return false;
    return true;
    public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized) {
        // 1. 获取前一个统计周期的 QPS
        long previousQps = (long) node.previousPassQps();
        // 同步令牌,基于之前的 QPS 更新当前存储的令牌数

        long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
        long restToken = storedTokens.get();  // 获取当前存储的令牌数

        long costTime = 0;  // 计算本次请求需要的时间
        long expectedTime = 0;  // 预期执行时间

        // 2. 令牌数超过警戒值,说明系统处于预热阶段
        if (restToken >= warningToken) {
            // 计算超出警戒值的令牌数
            long aboveToken = restToken - warningToken;
            // 根据斜率计算预热期间的 QPS
            // warmingQps 会随着 restToken 的减少而增加
            double warmingQps = Math.nextUp(1.0 / (aboveToken * slope + 1.0 / count));
            // 计算按照预热 QPS 处理请求需要的时间
            costTime = Math.round(1.0 * (acquireCount) / warmingQps * 1000);
        } else {
            // 3. 令牌数低于警戒值,按照目标 QPS 处理
            costTime = Math.round(1.0 * (acquireCount) / count * 1000);
        // 4. 计算预期完成时间
        expectedTime = costTime + latestPassedTime.get();

        // 5. 如果预期完成时间小于当前时间,说明可以立即处理
        if (expectedTime <= currentTime) {
            return true;
        } else {
            // 6. 需要等待的情况
            long waitTime = costTime + latestPassedTime.get() - currentTime;
            // 等待时间超过最大超时时间,直接拒绝
            if (waitTime > timeoutInMs) {
                return false;
            } else {
                // 7. 更新最新通过时间并等待
                long oldTime = latestPassedTime.addAndGet(costTime);
                try {
                    waitTime = oldTime - TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (waitTime > timeoutInMs) {
                        return false;
                    if (waitTime > 0) {
                    return true;
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return false;


// com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slots.block.flow.param.ParamFlowSlot#checkFlow

void checkFlow(ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args) throws BlockException {
    if (args == null) {
    if (!ParamFlowRuleManager.hasRules(resourceWrapper.getName())) {
    List<ParamFlowRule> rules = ParamFlowRuleManager.getRulesOfResource(resourceWrapper.getName());

    for (ParamFlowRule rule : rules) {
        applyRealParamIdx(rule, args.length);

        // Initialize the parameter metrics.
        ParameterMetricStorage.initParamMetricsFor(resourceWrapper, rule);

        if (!ParamFlowChecker.passCheck(resourceWrapper, rule, count, args)) {
            String triggeredParam = "";
            if (args.length > rule.getParamIdx()) {
                Object value = args[rule.getParamIdx()];
                // Assign actual value with the result of paramFlowKey method
                if (value instanceof ParamFlowArgument) {
                    value = ((ParamFlowArgument) value).paramFlowKey();
                triggeredParam = String.valueOf(value);
            throw new ParamFlowException(resourceWrapper.getName(), triggeredParam, rule);

private static boolean passClusterCheck(FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node, int acquireCount,
                                        boolean prioritized) {
    try {
        TokenService clusterService = pickClusterService();
        if (clusterService == null) {
            return fallbackToLocalOrPass(rule, context, node, acquireCount, prioritized);
        long flowId = rule.getClusterConfig().getFlowId();
        TokenResult result = clusterService.requestToken(flowId, acquireCount, prioritized);
        return applyTokenResult(result, rule, context, node, acquireCount, prioritized);
        // If client is absent, then fallback to local mode.
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        RecordLog.warn("[FlowRuleChecker] Request cluster token unexpected failed", ex);
    // Fallback to local flow control when token client or server for this rule is not available.
    // If fallback is not enabled, then directly pass.
    return fallbackToLocalOrPass(rule, context, node, acquireCount, prioritized);

// 本地模式则直接使用SDK中的类进行校验,核心逻辑在Rater字段上,rater是一系列实现了com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.slots.block.flow.TrafficShapingController
// 接口的类
private static boolean passLocalCheck(FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node, int acquireCount,
                                      boolean prioritized) {
    Node selectedNode = selectNodeByRequesterAndStrategy(rule, context, node);
    if (selectedNode == null) {
        return true;

    return rule.getRater().canPass(selectedNode, acquireCount, prioritized);


@Spi(order = Constants.ORDER_SYSTEM_SLOT)
public class SystemSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode> {

    public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count,
                      boolean prioritized, Object... args) throws Throwable {
        SystemRuleManager.checkSystem(resourceWrapper, count);
        fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);

    public void exit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args) {
        fireExit(context, resourceWrapper, count, args);


// SystemRuleManager.checkSystem 中的一部端核心逻辑
public static void checkSystem(ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count) throws BlockException {
    if (resourceWrapper == null) {
    // Ensure the checking switch is on.
    if (!checkSystemStatus.get()) {

    // for inbound traffic only
    if (resourceWrapper.getEntryType() != EntryType.IN) {

    // total qps
    double currentQps = Constants.ENTRY_NODE.passQps();
    if (currentQps + count > qps) {
        throw new SystemBlockException(resourceWrapper.getName(), "qps");

    // total thread
    int currentThread = Constants.ENTRY_NODE.curThreadNum();
    if (currentThread > maxThread) {
        throw new SystemBlockException(resourceWrapper.getName(), "thread");

    double rt = Constants.ENTRY_NODE.avgRt();
    if (rt > maxRt) {
        throw new SystemBlockException(resourceWrapper.getName(), "rt");

    // load. BBR algorithm.
    if (highestSystemLoadIsSet && getCurrentSystemAvgLoad() > highestSystemLoad) {
        if (!checkBbr(currentThread)) {
            throw new SystemBlockException(resourceWrapper.getName(), "load");

    // cpu usage
    if (highestCpuUsageIsSet && getCurrentCpuUsage() > highestCpuUsage) {
        throw new SystemBlockException(resourceWrapper.getName(), "cpu");


// 逻辑也非常简单,直接获取具体的auth规则去校验即可
@Spi(order = Constants.ORDER_AUTHORITY_SLOT)
public class AuthoritySlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode> {

    public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count, boolean prioritized, Object... args)
        throws Throwable {
        checkBlackWhiteAuthority(resourceWrapper, context);
        fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);

    public void exit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args) {
        fireExit(context, resourceWrapper, count, args);

    void checkBlackWhiteAuthority(ResourceWrapper resource, Context context) throws AuthorityException {

        List<AuthorityRule> rules = AuthorityRuleManager.getRules(resource.getName());
        if (rules == null) {

        for (AuthorityRule rule : rules) {
            if (!AuthorityRuleChecker.passCheck(rule, context)) {
                throw new AuthorityException(context.getOrigin(), rule);

和熔断降级相关的职责,围绕状态机OPEN, HALF_OPEN和CLOSE展开

public class DefaultCircuitBreakerSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode> {

    public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count,
                      boolean prioritized, Object... args) throws Throwable {
        performChecking(context, resourceWrapper);

        fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);

    private void performChecking(Context context, ResourceWrapper r) throws BlockException {
        // If user has set a degrade rule for the resource, the default rule will not be activated
        if (DegradeRuleManager.hasConfig(r.getName())) {

        List<CircuitBreaker> circuitBreakers = DefaultCircuitBreakerRuleManager.getDefaultCircuitBreakers(r.getName());

        if (circuitBreakers == null || circuitBreakers.isEmpty()) {

        for (CircuitBreaker cb : circuitBreakers) {
            if (!cb.tryPass(context)) {
                throw new DegradeException(cb.getRule().getLimitApp(), cb.getRule());

    public void exit(Context context, ResourceWrapper r, int count, Object... args) {
        Entry curEntry = context.getCurEntry();
        if (curEntry.getBlockError() != null) {
            fireExit(context, r, count, args);

        if (DegradeRuleManager.hasConfig(r.getName())) {
            fireExit(context, r, count, args);

        List<CircuitBreaker> circuitBreakers = DefaultCircuitBreakerRuleManager.getDefaultCircuitBreakers(r.getName());

        if (circuitBreakers == null || circuitBreakers.isEmpty()) {
            fireExit(context, r, count, args);

        if (curEntry.getBlockError() == null) {
            // passed request
            for (CircuitBreaker circuitBreaker : circuitBreakers) {

        fireExit(context, r, count, args);

// OPEN 代表启用熔断, HALF_OPEN时如果抛出异常则重新回到OPEN,否则变为CLOSE,CLOSE代表不启用熔断规则


  1. 搞定系统设计:面试敲开大厂的门

  2. Sentinal源码

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