The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.




apache 做代理 报如下错误:The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. 


The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /.
Reason: Error reading from remote server


For circumstances where mod_proxy is sending requests to an origin server that doesn't properly implement keepalives or HTTP/1.1, there are two environment variables that can force the request to use HTTP/1.0 with no keepalive. These are set via the SetEnv directive.
These are the force-proxy -request-1.0 and proxy -nokeepalive notes.

以下是force-proxy -request-1.0和proxy -nokeepalive的例子:

编辑 httpd.conf增加这两行:

SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0.1
SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1

之后重启下 apache 服务

posted @ 2014-09-18 17:18  xxchao  阅读(4986)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报