trace (转)
Catching Transient CPU Spikes Using SQL Trace
If there was one thing I wish everyone who works with SQL Server would learn, it would have to be to use server-side SQL Traces instead of the client application SQL Server Profiler. Is Profiler really that bad? On a live production system, yes it is. Let me attach Profiler to any system, and I can bring it to a crawl in a matter of milliseconds.
In fact, I do a demo of this very thing in my presentation on using SQL Profiler/Trace Effectively. SQL Trace can be a very effective tool if used properly. My favorite use of this tool is dynamically triggering it to run in response to some event. To demonstrate this, I'm going to share a procedure I wrote to capture a SQL Trace when CPU utlization spikes above a certain threshold.
The Setup
A couple of years ago, we had a transient issue where CPU utlization would spike from an average of 30-40% to 95-100%. The spike was generally short lived and would disappear in 5 to 10 minutes. To further complicate things, the spikes showed no specific patterns of when they would occur, but the frequency was usually no more than once or twice per week.
We suspected that it was a code issue, but we did not want to leave a trace running full time to capture it. I wrote a procedure to check CPU utilization every 5 minutes. If the CPU spiked above the defined threshold, it would start a custom SQL trace running and capture the top 25 queries currently running by CPU time to a table.
The Procedure
The procedure is commented well and explains what it is doing, so I won't go on about it. And yes, this is production proven safe!!
Use master;
If Exists (Select 1 from information_schema.routines
Where routine_name = 'dba_RunCPUUtilizationTrace'
And routine_schema = 'dbo')
Drop procedure dbo.dba_RunCPUUtilizationTrace
Set ANSI_Nulls On
Set Quoted_Identifier On
Create procedure dbo.dba_RunCPUUtilizationTrace
@Threshold int = 75 -- % of CPU utilization to use as a toggle point for turning the trace on and off
Declare @TraceID int,
@StartDate nvarchar(35),
@maxfilesize bigint,
@on bit,
@options int,
@Path nvarchar(200),
@TraceFile nvarchar(245),
@TraceFileBaseName nvarchar(25),
@TraceRunning bit,
@CPU_Busy int,
@Idle int,
@CPUPercent decimal(5, 2)
Set NoCount On
Set @on = 1
Set @options = 2
Set @StartDate = Convert(nvarchar, getdate(), 112) + Replace(Convert(nvarchar, getdate(), 108), ':', '')
Set @maxfilesize = 5
Set @TraceRunning = 0
Set @TraceFileBaseName = 'CPUSpikeTrace'
-- Get current CPU counts
Select @CPU_Busy = @@CPU_BUSY,
@Idle = @@IDLE
-- Delay for 1 second
WaitFor Delay '000:00:01'
-- Get current CPU counts and calculate % CPU utilization over the last 1 second
Set @CPUPercent = Cast(Round((@@CPU_BUSY - @CPU_Busy)/((@@IDLE - @Idle + @@CPU_BUSY - @CPU_Busy) * 1.0) * 100, 2) As decimal(5, 2))
-- If CPU > Threshold, wait 1 minute and retest.
-- This is to avoid tracing for a momentary spike.
-- Suggested by Sajesh Gopalakrishnan
If @CPUPercent >= @Threshold
-- Delay for 1 minute
WaitFor Delay '000:01:00'
-- Get new current CPU counts
Select @CPU_Busy = @@CPU_BUSY,
@Idle = @@IDLE
-- Delay for 1 second
WaitFor Delay '000:00:01'
-- Get new current CPU counts and calculate % CPU utilization over the last 1 second
Set @CPUPercent = Cast(Round((@@CPU_BUSY - @CPU_Busy)/((@@IDLE - @Idle + @@CPU_BUSY - @CPU_Busy) * 1.0) * 100, 2) As decimal(5, 2))
-- Get file path of system trace file to use as target path for custom trace
Select @Path = Cast(value as nvarchar(255))
From fn_trace_getinfo(1) -- 1 = default trace
Where property = 2 -- 2 = value is path\name of trace file
-- Remove name of trace file from @Path
Set @Path = Reverse(Right(Reverse(@Path), Len(@Path) - CharIndex('\', Reverse(@Path))))
If Right(@Path, 1) <> '\'
Set @Path = @Path + '\'
-- Check to see if custom trace already exists
Select @TraceID = traceid
From fn_trace_getinfo(null) -- null = all current traces
Where property = 2 -- 2 = value is path\name of trace file
And Cast(value as nvarchar(245)) Like @Path + @TraceFileBaseName + '%'
-- Check to see if custom trace is running (if exists)
If @TraceID Is Not Null
If Exists (Select 1 From fn_trace_getinfo(null) -- null = all current traces
Where property = 5 -- 5 = status of trace
And Cast(value as int) = 1 -- 1 = trace is active
And traceid = @TraceID)
Set @TraceRunning = 1
-- Close trace and delete trace definition
Exec sys.sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 2
-- If CPU below threshold and trace is running, stop the trace
If @CPUPercent < @Threshold And @TraceRunning = 1
Exec sys.sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 0 -- Turn trace off
Exec sys.sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 2 -- Close trace and delete trace definition
-- If CPU >= threshold and trace is not running, start the trace
If @CPUPercent >= @Threshold And @TraceRunning = 0
Set @TraceID = Null
Set @TraceFile = @Path + @TraceFileBaseName + @StartDate
-- Create trace definition
Exec sys.sp_trace_create @traceid = @TraceID OUTPUT,
@options = @options, -- rollover files
@tracefile = @TraceFile,
@maxfilesize = @maxfilesize
-- Set the trace events
-- These events were generated by SQL Profiler
-- syntax: Exec sys.sp_trace_setevent @traceid, @eventid, @columnid, @on
-- @eventid = 10 = RPC:Completed
-- @columnid = 1 = TextData
-- @columnid = 12 = SPID
-- @columnid = 13 = Duration
-- @columnid = 14 = StartTime
-- @columnid = 15 = EndTime
-- @columnid = 16 = Reads
-- @columnid = 17 = Writes
-- @columnid = 18 = CPU
-- @columnid = 34 = ObjectName
Exec sys.sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 10, 15, @on
Exec sys.sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 10, 16, @on
Exec sys.sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 10, 1, @on
Exec sys.sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 10, 17, @on
Exec sys.sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 10, 18, @on
Exec sys.sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 10, 34, @on
Exec sys.sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 10, 12, @on
Exec sys.sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 10, 13, @on
Exec sys.sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 10, 14, @on
-- Set the trace filters
-- Don't capture sp_reset_connection
Exec sys.sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 1, 0, 7, N'Exec sp_reset_connection'
-- Set the trace status to start
Exec sys.sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 1
If object_id('dbo.TopQueriesByCPU') Is Null
Create Table dbo.TopQueriesByCPU (
TrackID int identity(1, 1) not null primary key,
TrackDate datetime not null default (getdate()),
iTrackDate As (convert(int,convert(varchar,TrackDate,(112)),(0))),
iTrackTime As (convert(int,replace(convert(varchar,TrackDate,(108)),':',''),(0))),
CPU_Time int not null,
DBName sysname null,
ObjectName sysname null,
QueryText nvarchar(max) null,
Reads int null,
LogicalReads int null,
Writes int null)
-- Capture Top 25 queries by CPU time
Insert Into dbo.TopQueriesByCPU (
, DBName = db_name(qs.database_id)
, ObjectName = object_name(qt.objectid, qs.database_id)
, QueryText = SUBSTRING(qt.text, qs.statement_start_offset/2,
(Case When qs.statement_end_offset = -1
Then len(convert(nvarchar(max), qt.text)) * 2
Else qs.statement_end_offset
End - qs.statement_start_offset)/2)
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests qs
Cross Apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as qt
ORDER BY CPU_Time Desc, qs.logical_reads Desc;
Set NoCount Off