

  *Engineering culture

  *Fail fast

  *20% time

  *Project mobility(项目流动性)


  *Quality ≠ Test

  1)Quality must be owned by engineering

  2)Test must be part of engineering

  *Testing won't get done unless it is unavoidable


测试人员的职责是:hiring, promotion, reviews



  1)Feature developers

  2)code reviews, TDD, unit tests, acceptance tests(验收测试)

  3)own quality for every piece of code they touch


  1)Test infrastructure developers

  2)code reviews, test frameworks, automation


  1)Test scenario developers

  2)risk analysis, end-to-end test scripts, quality management




  *Minimum useful product

  1)Don't build a large product, start small and grow it

  2)Release the moment you have something useful


  1)Make gathering feedback part of the process


  3)Fail fast, correct as you go


  1)Canary (daily build)

  2)Developer (weekly build)

  3)Test (best weekly build) --> Dogfood

  4)Beta (latest, most stable test channel build) --> Release

测试的类型:Small tests、Medium tests、Large tests、Enormous tests

  *Level 1
  •Set up test coverage bundles
  •Set up a continuous build
  •Classify your tests as Small, Medium, and Large
  •Identify nondeterministic tests
•Create a smoke test suite
Level 2
•No releases with red tests
•Require smoke test suite to pass before a submit
•Incremental coverage by all tests >= 50%
•Incremental coverage by small tests >= 10%
•At least one feature tested by an integration test
Level 3
•Require tests for all nontrivial changes
•Incremental coverage by small tests >= 50%
•New significant features are tested by integration tests
Level 4
•Automate running of smoke tests before submitting new code
•Smoke tests should take less than 30 minutes to run
•No nondeterministic tests
•Total test coverage should be at least 40%
•Test coverage from small tests alone should be at least 25%
•All significant features are tested by integration tests
Level 5
•Add a test for each non-trivial bug fix
•Actively use available analysis tools
•Total test coverage should be at least 60%
•Test coverage from small tests alone should be at least 40%


posted @ 2013-01-10 19:56  宇月--测试开发梦想家  阅读(188)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报