
工作以后发现excel很强大,用好excel已经成功工作中很重要的一部分内容,最近写了一些宏, 整理如下:


Sub GenSCTemplateFile()
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim WS_Config As Worksheet
    Set WS_Config = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Config")
    Dim turbineModelSheetName As String
    turbineModelSheetName = WS_Config.Cells(2, 2).Value
    Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(turbineModelSheetName)

    Dim Model_Name As String
    Model_Name = WS_Config.Cells(1, 2).Value
    Dim fn As Integer
    Dim fname As String
    fname = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "SC_Template_" + WS.Name + ".sql"
    fn = FreeFile
    Open fname For Output Shared As #fn
    Print #fn, Spc(0); "delete from sc_template where wtg_model_id = -1;"
    Print #fn, Spc(0); "delete from sc_template where wtg_model_id = (select wtg_model_id from wtg_model_para where wtg_model_name = '" + Model_Name + "');"
    Call GenSCTemplate(WS, fn)
    Print #fn, Spc(0); "update sc_template set wtg_model_id = (select wtg_model_id from wtg_model_para where wtg_model_name = '" + Model_Name + "') where wtg_model_id=-1;"
    Call GenWarnLevel(WS_Config, fn)
    Close #fn
    MsgBox "Finish: " + fname
End Sub

Sub GenWarnLevel(ByRef sheet As Worksheet, ByRef fileNo As Integer)
    Dim finalRow As Long
    finalRow = sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count '求行数
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To finalRow
        If IsEmpty(sheet.Cells(i, 4)) Then Exit For
        Dim alarm_level As Integer
        If (sheet.Cells(i, 4) = "F") Then
            alarm_level = 3
        ElseIf (sheet.Cells(i, 4) = "A") Then
            alarm_level = 2
            alarm_level = 1
        End If
        Dim strSql As String
        strSql = "update sc_template set alarm_level = (select warntype_id from warn_type_define where WARNTYPE_ID = " + CStr(sheet.Cells(i, 5)) + ") where alarm_level = " + _
            CStr(alarm_level) + ";"
        Print #fileNo, Spc(0); strSql
    Next '与for组成完整循环
        strSql = "delete from sc_template where wtg_model_id = -1;"
        Print #fileNo, Spc(0); strSql
        strSql = "commit;"
        Print #fileNo, Spc(0); strSql
        strSql = "exit;"
        Print #fileNo, Spc(0); strSql
End Sub

Sub GenSCTemplate(ByRef sheet As Worksheet, ByRef fileNo As Integer)
    Dim finalRow As Long
    finalRow = sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count '求行数
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 2 To finalRow '从第二行开始,第一行是标题
        If IsEmpty(sheet.Cells(i, 1)) Then Exit For
        Dim sc_id As Long
        If (Left(sheet.Cells(i, 1), 3) = "SC_") Then '对于SC_GW05_0001,取值为1
            sc_id = Val(Right(sheet.Cells(i, 1), 4))
           ' MsgBox (sc_id)
            sc_id = number(sheet.Cells(i, 1)) '求单元格字符串中的数值,比如SC01_01_02结果应该是10102,SC0001取值为1
        End If
        Dim desc_eng As String
        desc_eng = Replace(sheet.Cells(i, 2), "'", "''") '考虑到应为所写使用'这个符号

        Dim ss_group_id As Long 'ss_id
        ss_group_id = number(sheet.Cells(i, 6))
        Dim en_level_id As Long '远景sc level
        en_level_id = number(sheet.Cells(i, 5))
        Dim alarm_level As Integer
        If (sheet.Cells(i, 7) = "F") Then
            alarm_level = 3
        ElseIf (sheet.Cells(i, 7) = "A") Then
            alarm_level = 2
            alarm_level = 1
        End If
        Dim strSql As String
          strSql = "insert into sc_template(wtg_model_id, sc_id, sc_name, desc_eng, desc_chn, ss_group_id, alarm_flag, alarm_level, trouble_flag, system_id, EQUIPMENT_ID, reason_id, RESPONSIBILITY_ID, EN_LEVEL, EN_BRAKELEVEL) values (" + _
            "-1," + _
            CStr(sc_id) + "," + _
            "'" + sheet.Cells(i, 1) + "'," + _
            "'" + desc_eng + "'," + _
            "'" + sheet.Cells(i, 3) + "'," + _
            CStr(ss_group_id) + "," + _
            "1," + _
            CStr(alarm_level) + "," + _
            CStr(sheet.Cells(i, 16)) + "," + _
            CStr(sheet.Cells(i, 9)) + "," + _
            CStr(sheet.Cells(i, 11)) + "," + _
            CStr(sheet.Cells(i, 13)) + "," + _
            CStr(sheet.Cells(i, 15)) + "," + _
            CStr(en_level_id) + "," + _
            CStr(sheet.Cells(i, 4)) + ");"
        Print #fileNo, Spc(0); strSql
End Sub

Function number(LY As Range)
For i = 1 To Len(LY)
If Asc(Mid(LY, i, 1)) >= 48 And Asc(Mid(LY, i, 1)) <= 57 Then s = s & Mid(LY, i, 1)
number = s
End Function




Sub 位置编码()

    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim WS_Config As Worksheet '定义配置信息页
    Set WS_Config = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Config")
    Dim executelSheetName As String '定义需要执行宏的sheet名称
    executelSheetName = WS_Config.Cells(3, 2).Value
    Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(executelSheetName)

    Dim finalRow As Long
    finalRow = WS.UsedRange.Rows.Count '求行数
    Dim a, b
    a = WS_Config.Cells(1, 2).Value
    b = WS_Config.Cells(2, 2).Value
    If ((a * b + 1) <> finalRow) Then
        MsgBox "台账记录数量不对,应为:风机台数*子设备数量"
    ElseIf (WS.Sort.SortFields.Count <> 2) Then '位置编码需要进行双重条件排序:设备描述+风机,其实这样判断也不严谨,但是多一重判断也是好的。
        MsgBox "排序规则不对,请自定义排序规则:设备描述+风机"
        Dim j As Long '定义行标
        Dim L As Long '定义风机台数
        L = WS_Config.Cells(1, 2).Value
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 2 To finalRow '从第二行开始,第一行是标题
            j = i + L - 1
            WS.Range(Cells(i, 3), Cells(i, 4)).Select '选中C2:D2
            Selection.AutoFill Destination:=WS.Range(Cells(i, 3), Cells(j, 4)) '序列化
            WS.Range(Cells(i, 3), Cells(j, 4)).Select
            i = j
    End If

End Sub

Sub 设备编码()

    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim WS_Config As Worksheet '定义配置信息页
    Set WS_Config = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Config")
    Dim executelSheetName As String '定义需要执行宏的sheet名称
    executelSheetName = WS_Config.Cells(3, 2).Value
    Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(executelSheetName)

    Dim arr, d, i
    Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") '定义字典类
    arr = WS.Range("j1").CurrentRegion '定义数组类,要求的就是这一列当中的个数
    For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
        d(arr(i, 10)) = d(arr(i, 10)) + 1 '相当于是一个hashmap,保存key-value,为后面做准备。
     Dim bb
      bb = d(arr(2, 10))  '获取行数

    Dim finalRow As Long
    finalRow = WS.UsedRange.Rows.Count '求行数
    Dim a, b
    a = WS_Config.Cells(1, 2).Value
    b = WS_Config.Cells(2, 2).Value
    If ((a * b + 1) <> finalRow) Then
        MsgBox "台账记录数量不对,应为:风机台数*子设备数量"
    ElseIf (WS.Sort.SortFields.Count <> 3) Then '位置编码需要进行双重条件排序:系统层+风机+设备编码,其实这样判断也不严谨,但是多一重判断也是好的。
        MsgBox "排序规则不对,请自定义排序规则:系统层+风机+设备编码"
        Dim j As Long '
        Dim L As Long '用户获取序列化的行数
        Dim cRange As String
        For i = 2 To finalRow '从第二行开始,第一行是标题
            L = d(arr(i, 10)) '获取第j列系统层的个数
            j = i + L - 1
            cRange = "E" & Trim(Str(i)) & ":E" & Trim(Str(j)) '组装序列化区域,必须通过这样的方法。
            WS.Cells(i, 5).Select '如果只有一个单元格,在使用Cells.select,如果是多个单元格,则使用Range(Cells(),Cells()).这一行非常重要
            Selection.AutoFill Destination:=WS.Range(cRange), Type:=xlFillDefault
            i = j
    End If

End Sub

Sub 自动按800行分裂()

    Dim WS_Config As Worksheet '定义配置信息页
    Set WS_Config = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Config")
    Dim executelSheetName As String '定义需要执行宏的sheet名称
    executelSheetName = WS_Config.Cells(5, 2).Value
    Dim sheet As Worksheet
    Set sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(executelSheetName)

    Dim finalRow As Long
    finalRow = sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count '求行数
    Dim sheetcount As Integer '定义要生成的sheet的数量
    Dim rowcount As Integer
    rowcount = WS_Config.Cells(6, 2).Value '定义每一个sheet当中有多少行
    If (rowcount > 800) Then
        MsgBox "最大记录数不得超过800"
        sheetcount = Int(finalRow / rowcount) + 1 'vba中整除使用的是四舍五入,所以这里要取整再加一。
        Dim i As Long
        Dim s '起始坐标
        Dim e '结束坐标
        s = 2 '起始从第二行开始
        e = s + rowcount - 1
        Dim WS As Worksheet '定义新增的sheet
        For i = 1 To sheetcount
            Set WS = Worksheets.Add
            WS.Name = i '新建一个sheet,以编号命名
            sheet.Select '选中源数据sheet
            sheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 7)).Select '选中第一行台头
            Selection.Copy '拷贝
            WS.Select '选中目标sheet
            Cells(1, 1).Select '选中第一个单元格
            WS.Paste '粘贴
            sheet.Select '选中源数据sheet
            sheet.Range(Cells(s, 1), Cells(e, 7)).Select '选中790行数据
            Selection.Copy '拷贝
            WS.Select '选中目标sheet
            Cells(2, 1).Select '选中第一个单元格
            WS.Paste '粘贴
            s = e + 1
            e = s + rowcount - 1
    End If

End Sub






posted @ 2013-07-31 14:30  xwdreamer  阅读(3273)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报