Allegro DRC错误代码
代码 | 相关对象 | 说明 |
单一字符代码 |
L | Line | 走线 |
P | Pin | 元件脚 |
V | Via | 贯穿孔 |
K | Keep in/out | 允许区域/禁止区域 |
C | Component | 元件层级 |
E | Electrical Constraint | 电气约束 |
J | T-Junction | 呈现T形的走线 |
I | Island Form | 被Pin或Via围成的负片孤铜 |
错误代码前置码说明 |
W | Wire | 与走线相关的错误 |
D | Design | 与整个电路板相关的错误 |
M | Soldemask | 与防焊层相关的错误 |
错误代码后置码说明 |
S | Shape/Stub | 与走线层的Shape或分支相关的错误 |
N | Not Allowed | 与不允许的设置相关的错误 |
W | Width | 与宽度相关的错误 |
双字符错误代码 |
BB | Bondpad to Bondpad | Bondpad之间的错误 |
BL | Bondpad to Line | Bondpad与Line之间的错误 |
BS | Bondpad to Shape | Bondpad与Shape 之间的错误 |
CC | Package to Package | Package之间的 Spacing 错误 |
| Symbol Soldermask to Symbol | Soldermask零件防焊层之间的Spacing 错误 |
DF | Differential Pair Length Tolerance | 差分对走线的长度误差过长 |
| Differential Pair Primary Max Separation | 差分对走线的主要距离太大 |
| Differential Pair Secondary Max Separation | 差分对走线的次要距离太大 |
| Differential Pair Secondary Max Length | 差分对走线的次要距离长度过长 |
DI | Design Constraint Negative Plane Island | 负片孤铜的错误 |
ED | Propagation-Delay | 走线的长度错误 |
| Relative-Propagation-Delay | 走线的等长错误 |
EL | Max Exposed Length | 走线在外层(TOP&BOTTOM)的长度过长 |
EP | Max Net Parallelism Length-Distance Pair | 已超过Net之间的平行长度 |
ES | Max Stub Length | 走线的分支过长 |
ET | Electrical Topology | 走线连接方式的错误 |
EV | Max Via Count | 已超过走线使用的VIA的最大数目 |
EX | Max Crosstalk | 已超过Crosstalk值 |
| Max Peak Crosstalk | 已超过Peak Crosstalk值 |
HH | Hold to Hold Spacing | 钻孔之间的距离太近 |
HW | Diagonal Wire to Hold Spacing | 斜线与钻孔之间的距离太近 |
| Hold to Orthogonal Wire Spacing | 钻孔与垂直/水平线之间的距离太近 |
IM | Impedance Constraint | 走线的阻抗值错误 |
JN | T Junction Not Allowed | 走线呈T形的错误 |
KB | Route Keepin to Bondpad | Bondpad在Keepin之外 |
| Route keepout to Bondpad | Bondpad在keepout之内 |
| Via Keepout to Bondpad | Bondpad在Via Keepout之内 |
KC | Package to Place Keepin Spacing | 元件在Place Keepin之外 |
| Package to Place Keepout Spacing | 元件在Place Keepout之内 |
KL | Line to Route Keepin Spacing | 走线在Route Keepin之外 |
| Line to Route Keepout Spacing | 走线在Route Keepout之内 |
KS | Shape to Route Keepin Spacing | Shape在Route Keepin之外 |
| Shape to Route Keepout Spacing | Shape在Route Keepout之内 |
KV | BBVia to Route Keepin Spacing | BBVia在Route Keepin之外 |
| BBVia to Route Keepout Spacing | BBVia在Route Keepout之内 |
| BBVia to Via Keepout Spacing | BBVia在Via Keepout之内 |
| Test Via to Route Keepin Spacing | Test Via在Route Keepin之外 |
| Test Via to Route Keepout Spacing | Test Via在Route Keepout之内 |
| Test Via to Via Keepout Spacing | Test Via在Via Keepout之内 |
| Through Via to Route Keepin Spacing | Through Via在Route Keepin之外 |
| Through Via to Route Keepout Spacing | Through Via在Route Keepout之内 |
| Through Via to Via Keepout Spacing | Through Via在Via Keepout之内 |
LB | Min Self Crossing Loopback Length | 无 |
LL | Line to Line Spacing | 走线之间太近 |
LS | Line to Shape Spacing | 走线与Shape 太近 |
LW | Min Line Width | 走线的宽度太细 |
| Min Neck Width | 走线变细的宽度太细 |
MA | Soldermask Alignment Error Pad | Soldermask Tolerance太小 |
MC | Pin/Via Soldermask to Symbol Soldermask | Pad与Symbol Soldermask之间的错误 |
MM | Pin/Via Soldermask to Pin/Via Soldermask | Pad Soldermask之间的错误 |
PB | Pin to Bondpad | Pin与Bondpad之间的错误 |
PL | Line to SMD Pin Spacing | 走线与SMD元件脚太近 |
| Line to Test Pin Spacing | 走线与Test元件脚太近 |
| Line to Through Pin Spacing | 走线与Through元件脚太近 |
PP | SMD Pin to SMD Pin Spacing | SMD元件脚与SMD元件脚太近 |
| SMD Pin to Test Pin Spacing | SMD元件脚与Test元件脚太近 |
| Test Pin to Test Pin Spacing | Test元件脚与Test元件脚太近 |
| Test Pin to Through Pin Spacing | Test元件脚与Through元件脚太近 |
| Through Pin to SMD Pin Spacing | Through元件脚与SMD元件脚太近 |
| Through Pin to Through Pin Spacing | Through元件脚与Through元件脚太近 |
PS | Shape to SMD Pin Spacing | Shape与SMD元件脚太近 |
| Shape to Test Pin Spacing | Shape与Test元件脚太近 |
| Through Pin to Shape Spacing | Through元件脚与Shape太近 |
PV | BBVia to SMD Pin Spacing | BBVia与SMD元件脚太近 |
| BBVia to Test Pin Spacing | BBVia与Test元件脚太近 |
| BBVia to Through Pin Spacing | BBVia 与Through元件脚太近 |
| SMD Pin to Test Via Spacing | SMD Pin与Test Via太近 |
| SMD Pin to Through Via Spacing | SMD Pin与Through Via太近 |
| Test Pin to Test Via Spacing | Test Pin与Test Via太近 |
| Test Pin to Through Via Spacing | Test Pin与Through Via太近 |
| Test Via to Through Pin Spacing | Test Via与Through Pin太近 |
| Through Pin to Through Via Spacing | Through Pin与Through Via太近 |
RC | Package to Hard Room | 元件在其他的Room之内 |
RE | Min Length Route End Segment at 135Degree | 无 |
| Min Length Route End Segment at 45/90Degree | 无 |
SB | 135Degree Turn to Adjacent Crossing Distance | 无 |
| 90Degree Turn to Adjacent Crossing Distance | 无 |
SL | Min Length Wire Segment | 无 |
| Min Length Single Segment Wire | 无 |
SN | Allow on Etch Subclass | 允许在走线层上 |
SO | Segment Orientaion | 无 |
BB | Bondpad to Bondpad | Bondpad之间的错误 |
SS | Shape to Shape | Shape之间的错误 |
TA | Max Turn Angle | 无 |
VB | Via to Bondpad | Via 与Bondpad之间的错误 |
VG | Max BB Via Stagger Distance | 同一段线的BB Via之间的距离太长 |
| Min BB Via Gap | BB Via之间太近 |
| Min BB Via Stagger Distance | 同一段线的BB Via之间的距离太近 |
| Pad/Pad Direct Connect | Pad 在另一个Pad 之上 |
VL | BB Via to Line Spacing | BB Via与走线太近 |
| Line to Through Via Spacing | 走线与Through Via太近 |
| Line to Test Via Spacing | 走线与Test Via太近 |
VS | BB Via to Shape Spacing | BB Via与Shape太近 |
| Shape to Test Via Spacing | Shape 与Test Via太近 |
| Shape to Through Via Spacing | Shape与Through Via太近 |
VV | BB Via to BB Via Spacing | BB Via之间太近 |
| BB Via to Test Via Spacing | BB Via与Test Via太近 |
| BB Via to Through Via Spacing | BB Via与Through Via太近 |
| Test Via to Test Via Spacing | Test Via之间太近 |
| Test Via to Through Via Spacing | Test Via与Through Via太近 |
| Through Via to Through Via Spacing | Through Via之间太近 |
WA | Min Bonding Wire Length | Bonding Wire 长度太短 |
WE | Min End Segment Length | 无 |
| Min Length Wire End Segment at 135Degree | 无 |
| Min Length Wire End Segment at 45/90Degree | 无 |
WI | Max Bonding Wire Length | Bonding Wire 长度太长 |
WW | Diagonal Wire to Diagonal Wire Spacing | 斜线之间太近 |
| Diagonal Wire to Orthogonal Wire Spacing | 斜线与垂直/水平线之间的距离太近 |
| Orthogonal Wire to Orthogonal Wire Spacing | 垂直/水平线之间的距离太近 |
WX | Max Number of Crossing | 无 |
| Min Distance between Crossing | 无 |
XB | 135 Degree Turn to Adjacent Crossing Distance | 无 |
| 90 Degree Turn to Adjacent Crossing Distance | 无 |
XD | Externally Determined Violation | 无 |
XS | Crossing to Adjacent Segment Distances | 无 |