
trigger oppStageTrigger on Opportunities(before insert,before update)
   List<Product_Forecast_c> PFList=new List<Product_Forecast_c>();
   //Defines a Product_Forecast_c list with no elements
   //Determine the distinct opportunities entries
   Set<ID> pbeIds=new Set<ID>();
   for(OpportunityLineItem oli:Trigger.new)
    //Get the specific record of Opportunities
   Map<Id,Opportunities> opportunityMap=new Map<Id,Opportunities>
     //Return stage value
     [select stagename from Opportunities where id in :pbeIds]
   string oppName=[select name from opportunities where id in:pbeIds].name;
   //Get the records of product@forcast by opportunities's name   
   for(Product_forecast_c PFC:[select spansion_part_c from product_forecast_c where opportunity_c=:oppName])
   //string[] partnum=[select spansion_part_c from product_forecast_c where opportunity_c=:oppName];
   for(OpportunityLineItem oli:Trigger.new)
     string stagevalue=opportunities.get(oli.OpportunitiesId).stageName;
   for(integer i=0;i<PFList.size();i++)
       if(stagevalue=='Reference Design Win'||stagevalue=='Design Win'||stagevalue=='Closed PO/Production')
        integer PFID=[select product_forecast_cid from product_forecast_c where opportunity_c=:oppName].product_forecast_cid;
               for(OpportunityLineItem oli:Trigger.new)
                oli.addError('Spansion Part Number is required on all Product & Forecast items
                       when setting the Stage to this value.  Please enter Spansion Part Number
                       by clicking Edit next to the item(s) in the Product & Forecast section.');
           else if(PFID==null)
               for(OpportunityLineItem oli:Trigger.new)
                oli.addError('A Product & Forecast item (with Spansion Part Number) is required w
                       hen setting the Stage to this value.  Please create a Product & Forecast
                        entry by clicking the "New" button in that section.');
             case 0:
              // oli.spansion_part_no_1_c is the first spansion_part_# which is needed to show
             case 1:
              // oli.spansion_part_no_2_c is the first spansion_part_# which is needed to show
             case 0:
              // oli.spansion_part_no_1_c is the first spansion_part_# which is needed to show
             case 1:
              // oli.spansion_part_no_2_c is the first spansion_part_# which is needed to show
trigger oppStageTrigger on Opportunity(before update)
integer j=0;
Map<Integer,String> m=new Map<Integer,String>();
Set<String> pbeIds=new Set<String>(); 
for(Opportunity oli:Trigger.old) pbeIds.add(oli.Name);
String oppName=[select name from Opportunity where Name in:pbeIds].name;

integer PFID=[select count() from Product_Forecast__c where Opportunity__r.name=:oppName];
 //Set<ID> pbeIds=new Set<ID>();

//for(Opportunity oli:Trigger.old)

// pbeIds.add(oli.id);

//String oppName=[select name from Opportunity where id in:pbeIds].name;Opportunity名称可以重复,故改用id来获取唯一的记录

String oppName=Trigger.old[0].name;用这条语句可以很快地获取name,而不必去再次查询了(系统出错时才发现这便捷的方法,当初学习真失败!!)。
if(PFID==0) { if(Trigger.new[0].StageName=='Reference Design Win'||Trigger.new[0].StageName=='Design Win'||Trigger.new[0].StageName=='Closed PO/Production') { Trigger.new[0].addError('A Product & Forecast item (with Spansion Part Number) is required w hen setting the Stage to this value. Please create a Product & Forecast entry by clicking the "New" button in that section.'); } } try { for(Product_Forecast__c PFC:[select Spansion_part__c from Product_Forecast__c where opportunity__r.name=:oppName]) { m.put(j,PFC.Spansion_part__c); j++; } } catch(QueryException e) { system.debug(e); } for(integer i=0;i<m.size();i++) { if(Trigger.new[0].StageName=='Reference Design Win'||Trigger.new[0].StageName=='Design Win'||Trigger.new[0].StageName=='Closed PO/Production') { if(m.get(i)==null) { Trigger.new[0].addError('Spansion Part Number is required on all Product & Forecast items when setting the Stage to this value. Please enter Spansion Part Number by clicking Edit next to the item(s) in the Product & Forecast section.'); } else { if(i==0) { for(Opportunity oli:Trigger.new) { //spansion_part_no_1_c is the first spansion_part_# which is needed to show oli.spansion_part_no_1__c=m.get(0); break; } } else if(i==1) { for(Opportunity oli:Trigger.new) { //spansion_part_no_2_c is the first spansion_part_# which is needed to show oli.spansion_part_no_2__c=m.get(1); break; } } } } else { if(i==0) { for(Opportunity oli:Trigger.new) { //spansion_part_no_1_c is the first spansion_part_# which is needed to show oli.spansion_part_no_1__c=m.get(0); break; } } else if(i==1) { for(Opportunity oli:Trigger.new) { //spansion_part_no_2_c is the first spansion_part_# which is needed to show oli.spansion_part_no_2__c=m.get(1); break; } } } } } } }

posted @ 2008-02-20 10:00  Salesforce  阅读(464)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报