pjd-fstest The test suite checks POSIX compliance - 测试文件系统posix 接口兼容性



fstest是一套简化版的文件系统POSIX兼容性测试套件,它可以工作在FreeBSD, Solaris, Linux上用于测试UFS, ZFS, ext3, XFS and the NTFS-3G等文件系统。fstest目前有3601个回归测试用例,测试的系统调用覆盖chmod, chown, link, mkdir, mkfifo, open, rename, rmdir, symlink, truncate, unlink。


  • 解压压缩包 有两个版本 建议使用 08 稳定版;
  • 参照软件说明文档;
  • 具体步骤如下:
    # cd fstest
    # vi tests/conf
    Change 'fs' to file system type you want to test. These can be:
    UFS, ZFS, ext3, ntfs-3g and xfs.
    # vi Makefile
    You may need to manually tweak few things by editing CFLAGS lines
    at the top of the file.
    # make
    It will compile fstest utility which is used by regression tests.
    # cd /path/to/file/system/you/want/to/test/
    The test must be run as root user.
    # prove -r /path/to/fstest/



prove 为测试命令; 位于 perl-Test-Harness 工具包中; fedora/centos 用户可以使用 yum/dnf 安装;


posted @ 2019-08-08 11:42  "Michael_Xu"  阅读(3072)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报