双截龙出招表; Double Dragon (Neo Geo) Move List; 双截龙攻略


游戏介绍:Double Dragon (Neo Geo)




                                D O U B L E
                                D R A G O N
                      FAQ version 2.1, 2nd August 1995
                      Copyright (c) 1995, Mark O'Neill
             This Document may be freely copied or distributed,
          provided proper credit is given to it's author (myself).

Version history:    v1.0 - Initial version.
                           All (Known) moves for characters covered.
                           Bosses move details not done as yet.

                    v2.0 - Info. on (known) Bosses' moves now detailed.
                           More details on game features.
                           Some characters moves corrected/updated.

                    v2.1 - Minor updates/corrections throughout.
                           Still no code to play as bosses (if it exists).


               Game Details
                    General Move Info
                    Basic Movement
                    Colour Selection
                    Home Version Details
                         Intro Sequence
                         Character Size
                         Alternate Character Selection Screen Faces

               Charge Indicator

               Character Details
                    Billy Lee
                    Jimmy Lee
                    Cheng Fu
                    Bosses:   Duke (sub-boss)
                              Kugo Shuko (boss)



          I  thought  I would write this FAQ as I don't think there  is  one
          currently  around,  and I think there should be for  such  a  cool
          game!   Double Dragon is a (new [1995]) Neo Geo Beat 'em up  game,
          available  in the arcades and on the home systems.   I myself  own
          the  Neo  Geo  CD version,  therefore all moves  shown  have  been
          discovered/confirmed by me.


          There are so many things that players can do in this game with the
          characters,  as well as the over-the-top special moves!   The game
          features  screen zooming to many levels (like  Samurai  Showdown),
          but if both characters keep moving further apart,  they can become
          VERY  far apart.   Also,  (when far apart) characters can  have  2
          Fireballs on the screen at once (do the first, then immediately do
          the second one).   Backgrounds are also 'interactive',  in the way
          that  characters  can be thrown/hit into objects or parts  of  the
          backgrounds.    A  good  example  is  when  playing  against  Duke
          (sub-boss).   Hitting him can sometimes send him into the  picture
          of Shuko (boss), knocking it off the wall!

          Usual beat 'em up round winning rules apply.   All moves shown are
          for characters facing to the right.


               A - weak attack
               B - medium attack
               C - strong attack
               D - super strong attack

          There  are  no  defined  kicks or punches in  this  game  for  the
          buttons,  the  characters punch or kick when a button  is  pressed
          depending upon the situation they are in.


              UB    U    UF   
                O   O   O     
                 \  |  /      
            B  O--     --O  F 
                 /  |  \      
                O   O   O     
              DB    D    DF   

          Holds & Throws -

               Holds or Throws can be done with  O--  or  --O  + B,  C or  D
               button.  More details are shown in each characters section.

               Characters  can  also  Air Throw,  using  the  above  method. 
               Again, more details are shown in each characters section.

               NOTE  -   Cheng Fu and Eddie CANNOT Air Throw.   Nor can  the
                         bosses, Duke and Shuko.

                                                      O       O       O
          Double Jump    - Jump, whilst in the air;    \  or  |  or  /

          In the Air     - Air Defense;      O--  whilst being attacked

          On the Ground  - Back Dash;        O-- O--

                           Forward Dash;     --O --O

                           Downed Offensive;  |  + any button
                                                   Do this after you have
                                                   knocked down your
                                                   opponent.  Your character
                                                   will jump leaving a trail
                                                   of shadows and attack the
                                                   downed opponent.


          4  colours  can be selected,  using either of the A,  B,  C  or  D
          buttons  when selecting a character.   The A button is the  normal
          colour.  B, C or D buttons are the alternative colours.  The START
          button can also be used, which has the same result as pressing the
          A button.

          The CPU colour can also be selected in this way when selecting the
          CPU opponent manually (home version).


          As  usual,  each stage has its own music (some are pretty  good!). 
          However,  if  using Billy or Jimmy Lee,  when they  perform  their
          'Dragon Transformation'  move,  the music will change to their own
          special music for the remainder of that round,  whichever stage is
          currently being played on or whichever character fighting against.


NOTE  -   This section only applies to the Home versions of the game
          (cartridge and CD formats).

Intro Sequence;

          There  seems  to  be  a different intro on  the  CD  Home  system. 
          Usually,  the  arcade version shows the different  characters  and
          their Special/Charge moves.   The CD version only shows Billy  and
          Jimmy Lee fighting, showing their Special/Charge moves.

Character Size;

          The  game can be paused by pressing the SELECT button at any  time
          during a round.  Whilst the game is paused, pressing A, B,  C or D
          can  change  your  characters  size!   In  2  player  game,   both
          characters can do this.  If playing the CPU,  pressing the buttons
          on the unused pad will alter the CPU's character size.

          Sizes are;     Button    Size

                           A  -    Large - default
                           B  -    Quite small
                           C  -    Small
                           D  -    VERY small (tiny)

          Pressing the SELECT button will un-pause the game and let you play
          the game with your characters at the chosen size.

          When 'shrunk'  all moves are also shrunk!   The only things  which
          are remain normal size are projectiles.  Also,  when Very Small or
          Small  (C or D button used),  the characters hit reach is as  they
          would  be  for their normal size, so even if the  characters  look
          apart (not touching), throws, specials etc.  still connect.   This
          all takes some getting used to, but is GREAT FUN!

Alternate Character Selection Screen Faces;

          I   did   this  by accident once.  I was  playing  around  in  the
          options screen,  changing settings.  I then started a game and the
          Character  Selection Screen's characters faces had all changed  to
          the  SNK  baby/cartoon versions.   I have never managed to  do  it
          again, but will try to find out how it is done.


          Each  character's  Energy Bar is overlaid with another  bar  which
          fills  up BLUE,  and is the Charge Level of your character.   This
          goes  up  everytime  you execute a move which  connects  with  the
          opponent (blocked or not).  Throws also increase the Charge level. 
          When the Blue bar meets your current Energy level, the word CHARGE
          replaces your character' name, and it will flash.   At this point,
          extra  moves  are  available for your  character  (see  individual
          character details).   Once used,  the Charge level will return  to

          The  lower  your character's energy is, the quicker it is  to  get
          your Charge Indicator flashing (when you attack the opponent).

          To  use  the  Charge  Moves,  the  moves  available  are   usually 
          performed the same as the normal special moves but using 2 buttons
          instead  of  one  button (see each character's  Charge  Moves  for
          details).  On the Home Neo Geo CD system, I find using the B and D
          buttons together work well.


All moves shown are for characters facing to the right.

When  (close) is specified next to a move,  the move must be  executed  when
next/close to an opponent.

'Charge' moves can only be executed when the character's CHARGE indicator is

The statistics for each player are:-    POW - Power level
                                        SPD - Speed level
                                        DEF - Defensive level

                                        All out of 5;  1 is lowest
                                                       5 is highest

Specific character details now follow.

###############################  BILLY LEE  ################################

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  Los Angeles                     POW:  3
Height         -  5' 9"                           SPD:  4
Weight         -  154 lbs                         DEF:  2
Fighting Style -  Sousetsuken
Interests      -  Video Games, Cars

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          B, C or D  - Shoulder Toss

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------

          B, C or D  - Shoulder Toss

---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Flaming Fist (So Syu Ga):     | \  -O   + button  
                                        O  O                

          Dragon Punch (Re Kku Ha):     -O | \    + button  
                                           O  O             

          Spinning Kick (Ryu Bi Sen):   |  / O-   + button
                                        O O             (can also do
                                                         in the air)

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Super Flaming Dragon Fist:    | \  -O   + 2 buttons
                                        O  O

     2).  Dragon Transformation:        ABCD  (all buttons together)

               After this move, Billy becomes 'Super-powered', and will glow
               all over.  During this state (which lasts for the remainder
               of the round) the following moves can be done (extensions of
               normal Special Moves) ;

               Fireball:                | \  -O   + button  
                                        O  O                

               Flaming Dragon Punch:    -O | \    + button  (with Dragon!)
                                           O  O             

               Flaming Dragon Kick:     |  / O-  + button   
                                        O O                 

               Double Dragon:           O-  / | \  -O  + button
                                           O  O  O

          NOTE: Billy cannot do the 'Super Flaming Dragon Fist' move after
                a Dragon Transformation.


###############################  JIMMY LEE  ################################

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  Los Angeles                     POW:  4
Height         -  5' 9"                           SPD:  3
Weight         -  161 lbs                         DEF:  3
Fighting Style -  Sousetsuken
Interests      -  Training

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          B/C/D     - Shoulder Toss

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------

          B/C/D     - Shoulder Toss

---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Flaming Fist (So Syu Ga):     | \  -O   + button  
                                        O  O                

          Dragon Punch (Re Kku Ha):     -O | \    + button  
                                           O  O             

          Spinning Kick (Ryu Bi Sen):   |  / O-   + button
                                        O O             (can also do
                                                         in the air)

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Multi Hit Dragon Punch:       -O | \    + 2 buttons
                                           O  O

     2).  Dragon Transformation:        ABCD  (all buttons together)

               After this move, Jimmy becomes 'Super-powered', and will glow
               all over.  During this state (which lasts for the remainder
               of the round) the following moves can be done (extensions of
               normal Special Moves) ;

               Fireball:                | \  -O   + button  
                                        O  O                

               Flaming Dragon Punch:    -O | \    + button  (with Dragon!)
                                           O  O             

               Flaming Dragon Kick:     |  / O-   + button  
                                        O O                 

               Double Dragon:           O-  / | \  -O  + button
                                           O  O  O

          NOTE: Jimmy cannot do the 'Multi Hit Dragon Punch' move after
                a Dragon Transformation.


################################  MARIAN  ##################################

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  Los Angeles                     POW:  1
Height         -  5' 5"                           SPD:  5
Size           -  B31 W21 H34                     DEF:  1
Fighting Style -  Street Fighting
Interests      -  Window Shopping, Figure Skating

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          B/C       - Bulldog
          D         - 4 hit punch/knee lift combo

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------

          B/C       - Bulldog

---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Accele Breaker:          Hold  | ,   O  + button  
                                         O     |            

          Moon Drive:              Hold  O- , -O  + button  

          Throw 'n' Slam:          -O \  |  / O-  + button (close)    
                                       O O O                          

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Super Accele Breaker:    Hold  | ,   O  + 2 buttons    
                                         O     |                 

     2).  Super Moon Drive:        Hold  O- , -O  + 2 buttons    


#################################  ABOBO  ##################################

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  New York                        POW:  5
Height         -  7' 2"                           SPD:  1
Weight         -  336 lbs                         DEF:  5
Fighting Style -  Street Fighting
Interests      -  Body Building, Fighting

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          B    - Throw
          C    - Gut Punch
          D    - Face Slam

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------

          D    - Face Slam

---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Hammer Punch:            -O \  |   + button  
                                       O O             

          Hyper Bomb:              | \  -O   + button  (close)   
                                   O  O                          

          Giant Swing:             -O \  |  / O-  + button  (close)   
                                       O O O                          

                            or     O-  / | \  -O  + button  (close)   
                                      O  O  O                         

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Triple Hammer Punch:     -O \  |   + 2 buttons    
                                       O O                  

     2).  Grow 'n' Throw:          -O \  |  / O-  + 2 buttons (close) 
                                       O O O                          

                            or     O-  / | \  -O  + 2 buttons (close) 
                                      O  O  O                         


################################  BURNOV  ##################################

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  Detroit                         POW:  5
Height         -  6' 3"                           SPD:  1
Weight         -  495 lbs                         DEF:  4
Fighting Style -  Wrestling
Interests      -  Guitar, Cooking

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          B    - Knee Drop
          C    - Suplex
          D    - Power Bomb

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------

          D    - Power Bomb

---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Nitro Slime:             | \  -O   + button  
                                   O  O                

          Cannon Ball:             Hold  O- , -O  + button  

          Double Throw + Splash:   -O \  |  / O-  + button (close)    
                                       O O O                          
                                                       (If B button used,
                                                        Double Throw only)

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Super Nitro Slime:       | \ -O    + 2 buttons    
                                   O  O                     

     2).  Super Cannon Ball:       Hold  O- , -O  + 2 buttons    


#################################  EDDIE  ##################################

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  Venezuala                       POW:  4
Height         -  6' 5"                           SPD:  2
Weight         -  209 lbs                         DEF:  3
Fighting Style -  Kick Boxing
Interests      -  Training, Improving Himself

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          B    - Knee Lift
          C    - 3 Punch Combo
          D    - 4 Punch Combo

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------


---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Leg Slash:               Hold  O- , -O  + button  

          Sky Leg Slash:           Hold  | ,   O  + button  
                                         O     |            

          Dragon Knee:             -O | \    + button       
                                      O  O                  

---= C    harge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Rising Flames:           Hold  | ,   O  + 2 buttons    
                                         O     |                 

     2).  Super Dragon Knee Combo: -O | \    + 2 buttons    
                                      O  O                  


#################################  AMON  ###################################

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  probably Japan                  POW:  2
Height         -  approx. 5' 11"                  SPD:  4
Weight         -  approx. 154 lbs                 DEF:  2
Fighting Style -  Ryuganinpoh
Interests      -  Disguises ?

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          B    - Toss
          C    - Cross 'n' Throw
          D    - Slam 'n' Strike

-         --= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------

          C    - Slam
          D    - Slam 'n' Strike

---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Shuriken Spray:          Jump, O- / |   + button  
          (Yo So Ken)                      O  O             

                                             (The button used depends
                                              upon how many Shurikens are
                                              sent out.  A - 3 shurikens
                                                         B - 4 shurikens
                                                         C - 5 shurikens
                                                         D - 6 shurikens

          Ninja Bomb:              Hold  | ,   O  + button  
          (Rekka Bakuenheki)             O     |            

                                             (The button used depends
                                              upon how many blasts are
                                              sent out.  A - 1 explosion
                                                         B - 2 explosions
                                                         C - 3 explosions
                                                         D - 4 explosions

          Ninja Strike:            Hold  O- , -O  + button  
          (Shi Ho Ken)
                                   (Pressing any button during this move
                                    will cause Amon to attack the opponent
                                    from the other side [teleport])

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Super Ninja Bomb:        Hold  | ,   O  + 2 buttons    
                                         O     |                 

     2).  Super Teleport:          O-  / |   + 2 buttons         
          Explosion                   O  O                       
                                                  (Can also do
                                                   in the air)

################################  CHENG FU  ################################

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  Hong Kong                       POW:  3
Height         -  5' 9"                           SPD:  3
Weight         -  167 lbs                         DEF:  3
Fighting Style -  Suihassenken
Interests      -  Sake

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          B/C/D     - Sake Spit

          This causes opponent to be 'dazed' for a short while.
          Follow up with;

               B    - 2 Punch Combo
               C    - Kick/Punch Combo
               D    - Punch/Kick Combo

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------


---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Dragon Kick:             -O | \    + button       
          (Ko Ryu Kyaku)              O  O                  

          Multi Punches:           | \  -O   + button       
          (Suiko Retsudu)          O  O                     

          Rising Kick:             |  / O-   + button       
          (Hi Syo Kyaku)           O O                      

          Anti-Special Throw:      ?
                                   (I saw the CPU do this move on me.
                                    It grabbed me out of a Spinning Kick
                                    when I was Billy, and seemed to do a
                                    different sort of throw/attack follow
                                    up move).

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Super Dragon Kick:       -O | \    + 2 buttons    
                                      O  O                  

     2).  Shadow Multi Punches:    | \  -O   + 2 buttons    
                                   O  O                     


#################################  DULTON  #################################

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  Italy                           POW:  4
Height         -  6' 2"                           SPD:  2
Weight         -  213 lbs                         DEF:  5
Fighting Style -  Street Fighting
Interests      -  Arm Wrestling

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          B    - 2 Punch Combo, Backfist
          C    - 3 Punch Combo, Uppercut
          D    - Slam + Ground Attack

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------

          D    - Slam + Ground Attack

---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Dalton Blaster:          | \  -O   + button  
                                   O  O                
                                             (The button used depends
                                              upon how many Blasts are
                                              sent out.  A - one blast
                                                         B - two blasts
                                                         C - three blasts
                                                         D - four blasts)

          Dalton Power Combo:      Button (repeatedly)

          Dash 'n' Grab Combo:     Hold  O- , -O  + button  

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Super Dalton Blaster:    | \  -O   + 2 buttons    
                                   O  O                     

     2).  Super Flaming Combo:     2 Buttons (repeatedly)


################################  REBECCA  #################################

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  Holland                         POW:  3
Height         -  5' 8"                           SPD:  3
Size           -  B35 W24 H36                     DEF:  1
Fighting Style -  Tonfa
Interests      -  Tea Ceremony, Japanese Dance

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          B/C       - Leg Toss
          D         - Trip 'n' Elbow

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------

          B/C       - Leg Toss

---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Dragon Punch:            -O | \    + button       
          (Hi Cyo Zen)                O  O                  

          Flaming Shot:            | \  -O   + button       
          (Ko Jin Ken)             O  O                     

          Aerial Flaming Shot:     Jump, O- / |   + button  
          (Ko Jin Ken)                     O  O             

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Super Dragon Punch:           -O | \    + 2 buttons    
                                           O  O                  

     2).  Super Flaming Shot:           | \ -O    + 2 buttons    
                                        O  O                     

     3).  Super Aerial Flaming Shot:    Jump, O- / |   + 2 buttons    
                                                O  O                  

          NOTE: With both 2) and 3) Charge Moves, the Projectile can hit
                ON THE WAY BACK, useful if it missed the first time!)



#################################  DUKE  ###################################
                            * NOT SELECTABLE *  (?)

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  San Francisco                   POW:  4
Height         -  6' 4"                           SPD:  5
Weight         -  189 lbs                         DEF:  4
Fighting Style -  Moukohisouken
Interests      -  Origami

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          - Catch 'n' Punch

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------

          * none *

---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Combo Punches       - Duke produces a combo of punches.

          Air Punches         - Leaps in the air, catches you between his
                                knees,  and then punches your head with
                                both hands continuously.
                                Can also catch you if you are in the air.

          Flaming Dragon Fist - Similar to Billy Lee's Charge Move (but
                                smaller is size).

          Flash Knee Kick     - Similar to Eddie's Dragon Knee Kick.

          Diving Knee Kick    - Dives from the air, Flash Knee Kick style.
                                He looks like he is 'riding' a Pheonix.

          Flash Wheel Kick    - Similar to Marian's Moon Drive, but he
                                travels forward doing 1-2 somersaults.  Can
                                also do in the air.

          Sliding Foot Kick   - Foot Slide, his foot is a-flame.

          Teleport Punch      - Teleports in a big flash, and punches you
                                as he comes out of it, usually behind you.

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Super Flaming Multi Hit Dragon Knee:   'Rides' a Pheonix Flame,
                                                 rising-Dragon Punch Style
                                                 and hitting many times.

     2).  Super Diving Flaming Dragon Knee:      Bigger version of his
                                                 Diving Knee Kick move.

     3).  Super Flaming Fist:                    Very Similar to Billy Lee's
                                                 Super Flaming Dragon Fist
                                                 Charge move.
##############################  KUGO SHUKO  ################################
                            * NOT SELECTABLE *  (?)

When playing him,  he doesn't do much in the way of Special Moves until  you
beat him 1 round.

---= Character data =--------------------------------------------------

Birthplace     -  Los Angeles                     POW:  4
Height         -  6' 1"                           SPD:  4
Weight         -  189 lbs                         DEF:  4
Fighting Style -  Kobujutsu and Ninpoh
Interests      -  Chess, Shougi

---= Holds/Throws =----------------------------------------------------

          - Throw 'n Burn / Uppercut
          - Catch 'n' Punch
          - Big Toss

---= Air Throws =------------------------------------------------------


---= Special Moves =---------------------------------------------------

          Air Teleport Foot Stomp  - Teleports and stomps on your head

          Air Teleport Foot Stomp  - Teleports and stomps on your head,
          and Burn                   then sets you a-flame.

          Spinning Flash Kick      - Looks similar to Jimmy Lee's Spinning

          Fireballs                - They are BIG, and will aim for you.

          Ground Fireball          - A big dome of fire that hugs the ground
                                     as it travels towards you.

          Lightning Column         - Similar to Amon's Super Ninja Bomb.

          Throw & Lightning Column - Throw you, then do the Lightning Column

---= Charge Moves =----------------------------------------------------

     1).  Shadow Attack       - Turns invisible, and he 'becomes' his
                                shadow, then proceeds to beat the crap out
                                of you!

     2).  Shadow Teleport     - Like the Air Teleport Foot Stomp, but worse!

     3).  Super Shadow Attack - With Lightning Columns!



Author of this FAQ (ME!)...............................Mark O'Neill (*FLEA*)

Special Thanx (& Honorary Mention).....................Gary Clinton (SMILER)
                                             For playing the game with me
                                             & finding some moves (albeit it
                                             by accident!)

SNK Corp. and Technos Japan Corp.......................Such a cool game!

Any additional information, suggestions, (friendly) critism etc. would be
gratefully accepted.  I can be E-Mailed at:-

          CompuServe:    100125,2055    attn: Mark O'Neill

          InterNet:      100125,2055@compuserve.com

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          Video Games Forum                  (Go VIDGAM)
          Video Game Publishers Forum A+B    (Go VIDPUB)



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