Sub Initialize
 Print <html>
 Print <head>
 Print <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=gb2312'>
 Print <title>
 Print 数据库搜索结果
 Print </title>
 Print <style type=text/css>
 Print <!-- a{font-size:9pt;text-decoration:none;color:#000000} --></style>
 Print </head>
 Print <body text='#000000' bgcolor='#f7f7f7'>
 Print <form name='sear'>
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim doc As NotesDocument
 Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
 Dim ser As String
 Dim dbstr As String
 Dim searchstr As String
 Dim MatchDoc As NotesDocument
 Set db = session.currentdatabase
 Set doc = session.DocumentContext
 If doc.hasItem(Query) Then
  If doc.Query(0) = Then
   Goto EmptyQuery
   searchstr = doc.Query(0)
  End If
  searchstr = Strleft(Strright(Strright((doc.Query_String_Decoded(0)),&),=),&) End If
 On Error Goto BadQuery
 Messagebox The searching string is: & searchstr
 '################################################## ##############################################
 'If Not(db.IsFTindexed) Then
 Call db.UpdateFTIndex(False)
 'End If
 '######################################################### #######################################
 Set collection = db.ftsearch(searchstr,0,32,16384)
 On Error Goto 0
 Messagebox Documents found: + Str$(collection.count)
 '##################################### ###########################################################
 '用表格方式显示搜索结果(开始) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
&n bsp;Print <center><table border='1' width='800' bordercolor='#E1E1E1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' valign='MIDDLE'>
 Print <tr><td width='100' bgcolor='#E1E1E1'><b>
 Print <font size='3'>搜索数据库 </font></b></td><td bgcolor='#E1E1E1'><font size='3'><b>
 Print db.title
 Print </b></td></tr></table>
 Print <br>
 Print <table border='1' width='800' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='#E1E1E1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' valign='MIDDLE'>
 Print <tr>
 Print <td width='800' align='center' bgcolor='#E1E1E1' colspan='4'>
 Print <p align='left'><b><font size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp; 共搜索到 & Str$(collection.count) & 个文档。 </font></b></td>
 Print </tr>
 Print <center>
 Print <tr>
 Print <td width='40' align='center' bgcolor='#EFEFEF'> </td>
 Print <td width='600' align='center' bgcolor='#EFEFEF'><b><font size=2>标    题 </font></b></td>
 Print <td width='200' align='center' bgcolor='#EFEFEF'><b><font size=2>作     者</font></b></td>
 Print <td width='300' align='center' bgc olor='#EFEFEF'><b><font size=2>创建时间 </font></b></td>
 Print </tr>
& nbsp;'取得文档并打印出来
 Dim Item As NotesItem
 Dim i As Integer
 Dim startPosition As Integer
 Dim endPosition As Integer
 Dim tempstr As String
 ResultPerPage = 10
 If doc.Query_String_Decoded(0) = Then
  startPosition = 1
  '计算 startPosition的值
  tempstr = Strright(Strright((doc.Query_String_Decoded(0)),=),=)
  startPo sition = Int(tempstr)
 End If
 endPosition = startPosition + ResultPerPage - 1
 Messagebox 开始行数: & startPosition
 Messagebox 结束行数: & endPosition
 dbstr = db.filename
 ser = Strright(Strleft(db.server,/),=)
 If endPosition > collection.count Then
  endPosition = collection.count
 End If
 For i = startPosition To endPosition
  Set MatchDoc = collection.getnthdocument(i)
  Set item = MatchDoc.GetFirstItem(CarType)
  If(item Is Nothing) Then
   Set item = MatchDoc.GetFirstItem(CarType)
  End If
  If Not(item Is Nothing) Then
   Print <tr>
   Print <td align='center' width='40' bgcolor='F7F7F7'><img src='left.gif'></td>
   Print <td width='600' bgcolor='#F7F7F7'><font size='2'>
   Print <a href=http:// &ser & / & dbstr & /$all/ & MatchDoc.UniversalID & ?OpenDocument>
   Print item.Text
   Print </a></font></td>
  End If
  Print <td align='center' width='200' bgcolor='#F7F7F7'><font size='2'>
  Forall aAuthor In MatchDoc.Authors
   Print Strright(Strleft(aAuthor,/),=)
   Goto OneUser    'Goal is to display the origin Author: the first one
  End Forall
  Print </font></td>
  createDate = MatchDoc.Created
  Print <td align='center' width='300' bgcolor='#F7F7F7'><font size='2'>
  Print createDate
  Print </font></td>
  Print </tr>
 '////// ///////////////////////////////////
 Dim totaldocs,totalpages As Integer
 Dim loopk As Integer
 Dim ytm As Integer
 totaldocs = collection.count
 If ((totaldocs Mod ResultPerPage) = 0) Then
  totalpages = Cint(totaldocs/ResultPerPage)
  totalpages = Cint(totaldocsResultPerPage) + 1
 End If
 Print <tr><td align='center' bgcolor='#E1E1E1' colspan='4'><font size='2'>
 Print 分页:共有( & totalpages & )页
 '############################################ ###################################
 For loopk = 1 To totalpages
  ytm = (loopk-1)*ResultPerPage+1
  Print <a href='http:// & ser & / & dbstr & /NewSearchAgent?OpenAgent&searchstring= & searchstr & &start= & ytm & '>
  Print 第 & loopk & 页</a>
 Print <tr><td align='center' bgcolor='#F7F7F7' colspan='4'><font size='2'>
 Print 【
 Print <a href='SearchForm?openform'>继续搜索</a>      '这里需要修改成当前库的定制搜索表单名称
 Print 】</tr>
 Print </center></table>
 Print </form></body>
 Print </html>
 Exit Sub
 Print <br><br><br>
 Print <center><table border=1 width=400 bordercolor='#E1E1E1' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 valign=MIDDLE>
 Print <tr><td bgcolor='#E1E1E1'><font size='3'><b>&nbsp&nbsp错误 </b></font></td></tr>
 Print <tr><td align='center' bgcolor='#EFEFEF'><font size='3'><b>搜索字符串不能为空。 </b></font></td>
 Print <tr><td align='center' bgcolor='#F7F7F7'><font size='2'>
 Print 【
 Print <a href='javascript:history.back()'>
 Print 返回</a>
 Print 】
 Print </font></td></tr></table></center>
 Resu me Out
 Print <br><br>
 Print <center><table border=1 width=400 bordercolor='#E1E1E1' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 valign=MIDDLE>
 Print <tr><td bgcolor='#E1E1E1'><font size='3'><b>&nbsp&nbsp错误 </b></font></td></tr>
 Print <tr><td bgcolor='#EFEFEF'><font size='3'><b>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp输入了非法字符串: </b></font></td>
 Print <tr><td bgcolor='#07BFF8'><font size='3'>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp
 Pri nt doc.Query(0)
 Print </font></td></tr>
 Print <tr><td align='center' bgcolor='#F7F7F7'><font size='2'>
 Print 【
 Print <a href='SearchForm?openform'>继续 </a>      '这里需要修改成当前库的定制搜索表单名称
 Print 】 &nbsp
 Print 【
 Print <a href='javascript:history.back()'>
 Print 返回 </a>
 Print 】
 Print </font></td></tr></table></center> 
&nbs p;Resume Out
 Print </form></body></html>
End Sub


在域里选择default value的值,里面写Query_String_Decoded



If doc.Query_String_Decoded(0) = Then
  startPosition = 1
  '计算 startPosition的值
  tempstr = Strright(Strright((doc.Query_String_Decoded(0)),=),=)
  startPo sition = Int(tempstr)
 End If
 endPosition = startPosition + ResultPerPage - 1


Print <a href='http:// & ser & / & dbstr & /NewSearchAgent?OpenAgent&searchstring= & searchstr & &start= & ytm & '>


Query_String_Decoded是个CGI变量,怎么取呢?只要用当前文档就行了:dim doc as NotesDocument dim s as New NotesSession set doc = s.DocumentContext dim str as string str = doc.Query_String_Decoded(0) messagebox(str)试一下就知道了,至于后面的问题,SearchString是参数啊,上面的东东就是取他们的,试一下?!
