System.out.println("Welcome to 徐小波’s blog.");|





from imp import reload
import os
from distutils.util import strtobool
BASE_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# 指定应用
wsgi_app ='app:app'

# 是否让进入后台运行, docker内肯定设置False, 因为必须有一直前台运行的进程
daemon = False

reload = False

# 设置进程文件目录
# pidfile = '/var/run/'
pidfile = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, '')
# 设置访问日志输出文件地址, -表示输出到标准输出
accesslog = '-'
# 禁用将访问日志转发到syslog
disable_redirect_access_to_syslog = True
# 日志访问格式
access_log_format = '%(h)s %(l)s %(t)s %(p)s "%(r)s" %(U)s %(s)s %(l)s %(b)s %(l)s %(L)s'
# 设置错误日志访问地址, -表示输出到标准错误
errorlog = '-'
# 设置日志记录水平
loglevel = 'info'
# 是否重定向标准输出和标准错误到errorlog去, 默认是False
# capture_output = False
# 处理日志的日志类,下面是default的值
# logger_class = 'gunicorn.glogging.Logger'
# 配置logger的设置, 是不是这里可以设置日志旋转
# logconfig = None
# 通过字典配置logger,优先级高于logconfig
# logconfig_dict = {}
# 系统日志syslog地址
# syslog_addr = 'udp://localhost:514'
# 是否启动将gunicorn日志发送到syslog,默认False
# syslog = False

# statsd是一款数据采集程序, StatsD系统包括三部分:客户端(client)、服务器(server)和后端(backend)
# 如果设置了,就是把一些数据上送上去, 后面好分析
# statsd_host = None
# 也是关于statsd的设置
# dogstatsd_tags = ''
# 发出statsd度量时使用的前缀
# statsd_prefix = ''

#################server socket############
# 监听内网端口
bind = ''
# 最大等待连接的客户端数量
backlog = 2048

#################worker processes############
# worker数量. 实际就是进程数量
if os.environ.get('ENV', 'local') == 'local':
    workers = int(os.environ.get('WORKERS', 2))
    workers = int(os.environ.get('WORKERS', 8))
# 工作模式协程
# worker_class = 'sync'
worker_class = 'gevent'
# 设置线程数量,这个参数只在worker类型是Gthread时有效
# 如果使用了sync类型worker,又设置threads大于1,则会使用gthread替代sync
# threads = 1
# 最大并发客户端数量, 这个设置仅影响Eventlet and Gevent worker类型
worker_connections = 10000
# 一个worker在处理一定数量的request后可以让他自动重启, 这是一种帮助限制内存泄漏损害的简单方法. 默认是0, 禁用这个功能
# max_requests = 0
# 这是为了错开worker重启以避免所有worker同时重启,导致服务不可用
max_requests_jitter = 2
# gunicorn 给子进程的执行时间,如果超过这个限制就会被父进程kill掉,然后重启一个新的。 
# 比如处理一个请求30秒内worker不能进行返回结果,gunicorn就认定这个request超时,终止worker继续执行,向客户端返回出错的信息,
# 用于避免系统出现异常时,所有worker都被占住,无法处理更多的正常request,导致整个系统无法访问
# 所以可以检查一下为什么这个request会耗那么久的时间(超过30秒),如果是正常的话,可以适当调高gunicorn的超时限制或者使用异步的worker,
# 如果是系统处理速度遇到瓶颈,那可能要从数据库,缓存,算法等各个方面来提升速度。
timeout = 200 #这个参数只对woker是sync方式起作用
# 优雅关闭,指接收到重启信号, 工作进程不是立马被杀死重启,而是等待一定时间处理可能正在处理的任务,然后才重启
# graceful_timeout = 150
keepalive = 60

#################server Hooks############
# def on_starting(server):
#     '''
#     这个是主进程启动时会被调用
#     '''
#     pass

# def on_reload(server):
#     '''
#     Called to recycle workers during a reload via SIGHUP.
#     '''
#     pass

# def when_ready(sever):
#     '''
#     当gunicorn准备就绪, 坐等请求过来时调用
#     '''
#     pass

# def pre_fork(sever, worker):
#     '''
#     创建子进程之前调用, 有几个子进程就应该被调用几次
#     '''
#     pass

# def post_fork(sever, worker):
#     '''
#     子进程创建成功了被调用,有几个成功就被调用几次
#     '''
#     pass

# def post_worker_init(worker):
#     '''
#     worker进程初始化完成application
#     '''
#     pass

# def worker_int(worker):
#     '''
#     接收到SIGINT or SIGQUIT信号时,工作进程退出调用
#     '''
#     pass

# def worker_abort(worker):
#     '''
#     接收到SIGABRT信号时被调用,通常发生timeout时,处理请求耗费时间超过了设置的timeout值,
#     这里应该主动上报错误,定位为什么处理那么长时间
#     '''
#     pass

# def pre_exec(server):
#     '''
#     一个新的master进程forked时调用
#     '''
#     pass

# def pre_request(worker, req):
#     '''
#     在worker开始处理请求前调用
#     '''
#     pass

# def post_request(worker, req, environ, resp):
#     '''
#     处理完成请求时调用
#     '''
#     pass

# def child_exit(sever, worker):
#     '''
#     Called just after a worker has been exited, in the master process.
#     '''
#     pass

# def worker_exit(server, worker):
#     '''
#     工作进程退出时调用
#     '''
#     pass

# def nworkers_changed(server, new_value, old_value):
#     '''
#     workers的数量发生改变时被调用
#     '''
#     pass

# def on_exit(server):
#     '''
#     gunicorn退出时调用
#     '''
#     pass


gunicorn -h
usage: gunicorn [OPTIONS] [APP_MODULE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        The Gunicorn config file. [None]
  -b ADDRESS, --bind ADDRESS
                        The socket to bind. [['']]
  --backlog INT         The maximum number of pending connections. [2048]
  -w INT, --workers INT
                        The number of worker processes for handling requests.
  -k STRING, --worker-class STRING
                        The type of workers to use. [sync]
  --threads INT         The number of worker threads for handling requests.
  --worker-connections INT
                        The maximum number of simultaneous clients. [1000]
  --max-requests INT    The maximum number of requests a worker will process
                        before restarting. [0]
  --max-requests-jitter INT
                        The maximum jitter to add to the *max_requests*
                        setting. [0]
  -t INT, --timeout INT
                        Workers silent for more than this many seconds are
                        killed and restarted. [30]
  --graceful-timeout INT
                        Timeout for graceful workers restart. [30]
  --keep-alive INT      The number of seconds to wait for requests on a Keep-
                        Alive connection. [2]
  --limit-request-line INT
                        The maximum size of HTTP request line in bytes. [4094]
  --limit-request-fields INT
                        Limit the number of HTTP headers fields in a request.
  --limit-request-field_size INT
                        Limit the allowed size of an HTTP request header
                        field. [8190]
  --reload              Restart workers when code changes. [False]
  --reload-engine STRING
                        The implementation that should be used to power
                        :ref:`reload`. [auto]
  --reload-extra-file FILES
                        Extends :ref:`reload` option to also watch and reload
                        on additional files [[]]
  --spew                Install a trace function that spews every line
                        executed by the server. [False]
  --check-config        Check the configuration. [False]
  --preload             Load application code before the worker processes are
                        forked. [False]
  --no-sendfile         Disables the use of ``sendfile()``. [None]
  --reuse-port          Set the ``SO_REUSEPORT`` flag on the listening socket.
  --chdir CHDIR         Chdir to specified directory before apps loading.
  -D, --daemon          Daemonize the Gunicorn process. [False]
  -e ENV, --env ENV     Set environment variable (key=value). [[]]
  -p FILE, --pid FILE   A filename to use for the PID file. [None]
  --worker-tmp-dir DIR  A directory to use for the worker heartbeat temporary
                        file. [None]
  -u USER, --user USER  Switch worker processes to run as this user. [0]
  -g GROUP, --group GROUP
                        Switch worker process to run as this group. [0]
  -m INT, --umask INT   A bit mask for the file mode on files written by
                        Gunicorn. [0]
  --initgroups          If true, set the worker process's group access list
                        with all of the [False]
  --forwarded-allow-ips STRING
                        Front-end's IPs from which allowed to handle set
                        secure headers. []
  --access-logfile FILE
                        The Access log file to write to. [None]
                        Disable redirect access logs to syslog. [False]
  --access-logformat STRING
                        The access log format. [%(h)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s
                        "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"]
  --error-logfile FILE, --log-file FILE
                        The Error log file to write to. [-]
  --log-level LEVEL     The granularity of Error log outputs. [info]
  --capture-output      Redirect stdout/stderr to specified file in
                        :ref:`errorlog`. [False]
  --logger-class STRING
                        The logger you want to use to log events in Gunicorn.
  --log-config FILE     The log config file to use. [None]
  --log-config-dict LOGCONFIG_DICT
                        The log config dictionary to use, using the standard
                        Python [{}]
  --log-syslog-to SYSLOG_ADDR
                        Address to send syslog messages. [udp://localhost:514]
  --log-syslog          Send *Gunicorn* logs to syslog. [False]
  --log-syslog-prefix SYSLOG_PREFIX
                        Makes Gunicorn use the parameter as program-name in
                        the syslog entries. [None]
  --log-syslog-facility SYSLOG_FACILITY
                        Syslog facility name [user]
  -R, --enable-stdio-inheritance
                        Enable stdio inheritance. [False]
  --statsd-host STATSD_ADDR
                        ``host:port`` of the statsd server to log to. [None]
  --statsd-prefix STATSD_PREFIX
                        Prefix to use when emitting statsd metrics (a trailing
                        ``.`` is added, []
  -n STRING, --name STRING
                        A base to use with setproctitle for process naming.
  --pythonpath STRING   A comma-separated list of directories to add to the
                        Python path. [None]
  --paste STRING, --paster STRING
                        Load a PasteDeploy config file. The argument may
                        contain a ``#`` [None]
  --proxy-protocol      Enable detect PROXY protocol (PROXY mode). [False]
  --proxy-allow-from PROXY_ALLOW_IPS
                        Front-end's IPs from which allowed accept proxy
                        requests (comma separate). []
  --keyfile FILE        SSL key file [None]
  --certfile FILE       SSL certificate file [None]
  --ssl-version SSL_VERSION
                        SSL version to use (see stdlib ssl module's) [2]
  --cert-reqs CERT_REQS
                        Whether client certificate is required (see stdlib ssl
                        module's) [0]
  --ca-certs FILE       CA certificates file [None]
                        Suppress ragged EOFs (see stdlib ssl module's) [True]
                        Whether to perform SSL handshake on socket connect
                        (see stdlib ssl module's) [False]
  --ciphers CIPHERS     Ciphers to use (see stdlib ssl module's) [TLSv1]
  --paste-global CONF   Set a PasteDeploy global config variable in
                        ``key=value`` form. [[]]





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