spring: datasource: driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver url: jdbc:mysql:// username: root password: "123456" server: port: 1087
package com.example.study_bbs_java.controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import com.example.study_bbs_java.entity.Countinfo; import com.example.study_bbs_java.entity.Userinfo; import com.example.study_bbs_java.entity.Postinfo; import com.example.study_bbs_java.entity.Replyinfo; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.springframework.jdbc.support.GeneratedKeyHolder; import org.springframework.jdbc.support.KeyHolder; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; @RestController @ResponseBody public class IndexController { @Autowired JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; int pagesize = 20; String secretKey = "saacac3423@21212"; @RequestMapping(value ="/") public String index(HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); return "此站接口使用java实现,<a href='api.html' target='_blank'>接口列表</a>"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/user/register") public HashMap register(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); String username = params.get("username") != null ? params.get("username").toString() : ""; String password = params.get("password") != null ? params.get("password").toString() : ""; String nickname = params.get("nickname") != null ? params.get("nickname").toString() : ""; String passwordMd5 = getMD5(password); Userinfo userinfo1 = new Userinfo(); try { String sql1 = "select id,username,nickname,addTime,sessionId from user where username='" + username + "'"; userinfo1 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql1, new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Userinfo.class)); } catch (Exception e) { // } HashMap res = new HashMap(); if(userinfo1.getId() > 0){ res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", "用户名已经存在"); } else{ String sql2 = "insert into user(username, password, nickname) value('"+username+"', '"+passwordMd5+"', '"+nickname+"')"; jdbcTemplate.execute(sql2); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", userinfo1); } return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/user/login") public HashMap login(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); String username = params.get("username") != null ? params.get("username").toString() : ""; String password = params.get("password") != null ? params.get("password").toString() : ""; String passwordMd5 = getMD5(password); String sql1 = "select id,username,nickname,addTime,sessionId from user where username='"+username+"' and password='"+passwordMd5+"'"; Userinfo userinfo1 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql1,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Userinfo.class)); HashMap res = new HashMap(); if(userinfo1.getId() > 0) { String sessionId = getMD5(secretKey + userinfo1.getId() + userinfo1.getAddTime()); String sql2 = "update user set sessionId='" + sessionId + "' where id=" + userinfo1.getId(); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql2); userinfo1.setSessionId(sessionId); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", userinfo1); } else{ res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", "用户名或者密码错误"); } return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/user/logout") public HashMap logout(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); String sessionId = params.get("sessionId") != null ? params.get("sessionId").toString() : ""; Userinfo userinfo1 = getloginuserinfo(sessionId); String sql1 = "update user set sessionId='' where sessionId='"+sessionId+"'"; jdbcTemplate.execute(sql1); userinfo1.setSessionId(""); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", userinfo1); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/user/getuserinfo") public HashMap getuserinfo(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); String sessionId = params.get("sessionId") != null ? params.get("sessionId").toString() : ""; String sql1 = "select id,username,nickname,addTime,sessionId from user where sessionId='"+sessionId+"'"; Userinfo userinfo1 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql1,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Userinfo.class)); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", userinfo1); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/post/list") public HashMap postlist(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); String keyword = params.get("keyword") != null ? params.get("keyword").toString() : ""; Integer page = params.get("page") != null ? Integer.parseInt(params.get("page").toString()) : 1; Integer start = (page - 1) * pagesize; String addsql = " isDel=0 "; if(!keyword.equals("")){ addsql = addsql + " and title='%"+keyword+"%'"; } String sql1 = "select count(1) as count from content where "+addsql; Countinfo postcount = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql1,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Countinfo.class)); String sql2 = "select id,title,userId,userNickename,replyNum,updateTime from content where "+addsql+" order by updateTime desc limit "+start+","+pagesize; List<Map<String, Object>> postlist = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql2); if(postlist.size() > 0){ for(int i = 0; i < postlist.size(); i++){ Map<String, Object> item = postlist.get(i); String updateTime = DateTimeFormatter((Date)item.get("updateTime")); item.put("updateTime", updateTime); postlist.set(i, item); } } long totalpage = Math.round(Math.ceil(postcount.getCount() / (double)pagesize)); HashMap res1 = new HashMap(); res1.put("totalpage", totalpage); res1.put("data", postlist); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", res1); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/post/detail") public HashMap postdetail(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); Integer id = params.get("id") != null ? Integer.parseInt(params.get("id").toString()) : 0; String sql1 = "select id,title,content,userId,userNickename,replyNum,updateTime from content where isDel=0 and id="+id; Postinfo postinfo1 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql1,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Postinfo.class)); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", postinfo1); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/post/add") public HashMap postadd(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); final String title = params.get("title") != null ? params.get("title").toString() : ""; final String content = params.get("content") != null ? params.get("content").toString() : ""; String sessionId = params.get("sessionId") != null ? params.get("sessionId").toString() : ""; final Userinfo userinfo1 = getloginuserinfo(sessionId); if(userinfo1.getId() <= 0){ HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", "请先登录"); return res; } final String sql1 = "insert into content(title, content, userId, userNickename) value(?, ?, ?, ?)"; KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); int count = jdbcTemplate.update(new PreparedStatementCreator() { @Override public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement pstmt=conn.prepareStatement(sql1, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); pstmt.setString(1, title); pstmt.setString(2, content); pstmt.setInt(3, userinfo1.getId()); pstmt.setString(4, userinfo1.getNickname()); return pstmt; } },keyHolder); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", keyHolder.getKey().longValue()); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/post/edit") public HashMap postedit(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); Integer id = params.get("id") != null ? Integer.parseInt(params.get("id").toString()) : 0; String title = params.get("title") != null ? params.get("title").toString() : ""; String content = params.get("content") != null ? params.get("content").toString() : ""; String sessionId = params.get("sessionId") != null ? params.get("sessionId").toString() : ""; Userinfo userinfo1 = getloginuserinfo(sessionId); if(userinfo1.getId() <= 0){ HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", "请先登录"); return res; } String sql1 = "update content set title='"+title+"',content='"+content+"',userId="+userinfo1.getId()+",userNickename='"+userinfo1.getNickname()+"' where id="+id+" and userId="+userinfo1.getId(); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql1); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", ""); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/post/delete") public HashMap postdelete(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); Integer id = params.get("id") != null ? Integer.parseInt(params.get("id").toString()) : 0; String sessionId = params.get("sessionId") != null ? params.get("sessionId").toString() : ""; Userinfo userinfo1 = getloginuserinfo(sessionId); if(userinfo1.getId() <= 0){ HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", "请先登录"); return res; } String sql1 = "update content set isDel=1 where id="+id+" and userId="+userinfo1.getId(); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql1); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", ""); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/reply/list") public HashMap replylist(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); Integer contentId = params.get("contentId") != null ? Integer.parseInt(params.get("contentId").toString()) : 0; Integer page = params.get("page") != null ? Integer.parseInt(params.get("page").toString()) : 1; Integer start = (page - 1) * pagesize; String addsql = " isDel=0 and contentId="+contentId+" "; String sql1 = "select count(1) as count from reply where "+addsql; Countinfo replycount = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql1,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Countinfo.class)); String sql2 = "select id,content,replyUserId,replyUserNickename,addTime from reply where "+addsql+" order by id asc limit "+start+","+pagesize; List<Map<String, Object>> replylist = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql2); if(replylist.size() > 0){ for(int i = 0; i < replylist.size(); i++){ Map<String, Object> item = replylist.get(i); String addTime = DateTimeFormatter((Date)item.get("addTime")); item.put("addTime", addTime); replylist.set(i, item); } } long totalpage = Math.round(Math.ceil(replycount.getCount() / (double)pagesize)); HashMap res1 = new HashMap(); res1.put("totalpage", totalpage); res1.put("data", replylist); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", res1); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/reply/detail") public HashMap replydetail(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); Integer id = params.get("id") != null ? Integer.parseInt(params.get("id").toString()) : 0; String sql1 = "select id,content,replyUserId,replyUserNickename,addTime from reply where isDel=0 and id="+id; Replyinfo replyinfo1 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql1,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Replyinfo.class)); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", replyinfo1); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/reply/add") public HashMap replyadd(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); final Integer contentId = params.get("contentId") != null ? Integer.parseInt(params.get("contentId").toString()) : 0; final String content = params.get("content") != null ? params.get("content").toString() : ""; String sessionId = params.get("sessionId") != null ? params.get("sessionId").toString() : ""; final Userinfo userinfo1 = getloginuserinfo(sessionId); if(userinfo1.getId() <= 0){ HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", "请先登录"); return res; } String sql2 = "update content set replyNum=replyNum+1 where id="+contentId; jdbcTemplate.execute(sql2); final String sql1 = "insert into reply(contentId, content, replyUserId, replyUserNickename) value(?, ?, ?, ?)"; KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); int count = jdbcTemplate.update(new PreparedStatementCreator() { @Override public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement pstmt=conn.prepareStatement(sql1, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); pstmt.setInt(1, contentId); pstmt.setString(2, content); pstmt.setInt(3, userinfo1.getId()); pstmt.setString(4, userinfo1.getNickname()); return pstmt; } },keyHolder); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", keyHolder.getKey().longValue()); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/reply/edit") public HashMap replyedit(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); Integer id = params.get("id") != null ? Integer.parseInt(params.get("id").toString()) : 0; String content = params.get("content") != null ? params.get("content").toString() : ""; String sessionId = params.get("sessionId") != null ? params.get("sessionId").toString() : ""; Userinfo userinfo1 = getloginuserinfo(sessionId); if(userinfo1.getId() <= 0){ HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", "请先登录"); return res; } String sql1 = "update reply set content='"+content+"',replyUserId="+userinfo1.getId()+",replyUserNickename='"+userinfo1.getNickname()+"' where id="+id+" and replyUserId="+userinfo1.getId(); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql1); HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", ""); return res; } @RequestMapping(value = "/reply/delete") public HashMap replydelete(@RequestParam Map<String,Object> params, HttpServletResponse response){ response.setHeader("Server", "java-springboot"); Integer id = params.get("id") != null ? Integer.parseInt(params.get("id").toString()) : 0; String sessionId = params.get("sessionId") != null ? params.get("sessionId").toString() : ""; Userinfo userinfo1 = getloginuserinfo(sessionId); if(userinfo1.getId() <= 0){ HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", "请先登录"); return res; } Replyinfo replyinfo1 = new Replyinfo(); try { String sql0 = "select id,content,replyUserId,replyUserNickename,addTime,contentId from reply where isDel=0 and id=" + id; replyinfo1 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql0, new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Replyinfo.class)); } catch (Exception e){ // } if(replyinfo1.getId() > 0) { String sql2 = "update content set replyNum=replyNum-1 where id=" + replyinfo1.getContentId(); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql2); String sql1 = "update reply set isDel=1 where id=" + id + " and replyUserId=" + userinfo1.getId(); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql1); } HashMap res = new HashMap(); res.put("code", 0); res.put("msg", ""); res.put("data", ""); return res; } private String DateTimeFormatter(Date currentDate){ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String formattedDate = sdf.format(currentDate); return formattedDate; } private Userinfo getloginuserinfo(String sessionId){ Userinfo userinfo1 = new Userinfo(); try{ String sql1 = "select id,username,nickname,addTime,sessionId from user where sessionId='"+sessionId+"'"; userinfo1 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql1,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Userinfo.class)); } catch(Exception e){ // } return userinfo1; } private String getMD5(String plainText) { String md5 = new String(); try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.update(plainText.getBytes()); byte b[] = md.digest(); int i; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); for (int offset = 0; offset < b.length; offset++) { i = b[offset]; if (i < 0) i += 256; if (i < 16) buf.append("0"); buf.append(Integer.toHexString(i)); } md5 = buf.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return md5; } }

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